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Writing Tests Overview to testing 3250 Engineering Writing Tests

Unit Tests

  • All individual unit tests are independent of each other. We don't use any shared state between tests.
  • Test environment includes sakila sample database and any change to it by a test is reverted before running other tests.
  • While running unit tests, it tries to connect to mysql server running on localhost:3306 with username root and password password (which can be configured) and if not found, it will use sqlite as a fallback, hence no requirement of any sql server to run tests.


  • MySQL is preferred - however tests can fallback on SQLite too


cd packages/nocodb

npm install

# add a .env file
cp tests/unit/.env.sample tests/unit/.env

# open .env file
open tests/unit/.env

Configure the following variables

DB_HOST : host
DB_PORT : port
DB_USER : username
DB_PASSWORD : password

Run Tests

npm run test:unit

Folder Structure

The root folder for unit tests is packages/tests/unit

  • rest folder contains all the test suites for rest apis.
  • model folder contains all the test suites for models.
  • factory folder contains all the helper functions to create test data.
  • init folder contains helper functions to configure test environment.
  • index.test.ts is the root test suite file which imports all the test suites.
  • TestDbMngr.ts is a helper class to manage test databases (i.e. creating, dropping, etc.).

Factory Pattern

  • Use factories for create/update/delete data. No data should be directly create/updated/deleted in the test.
  • While writing a factory make sure that it can be used with as less parameters as possible and use default values for other parameters.
  • Use named parameters for factories.
    createUser({ email, password})
  • Use one file per factory.

Walk through of writing a Unit Test

We will create an Table test suite as an example.

Configure test

We will configure beforeEach which is called before each test is executed. We will use init function from nocodb/packages/tests/unit/init/index.ts, which is a helper function which configures the test environment(i.e resetting state, etc.).

init does the following things -

  • It initializes a Noco instance(reused in all tests).
  • Restores meta and sakila database to its initial state.
  • Creates the root user.
  • Returns context which has auth token for the created user, node server instance(app), and dbConfig.

We will use createProject and createProject factories to create a project and a table.

let context;

beforeEach(async function () {
  context = await init();

  project = await createProject(context);
  table = await createTable(context, project);

Test case

We will use it function to create a test case. We will use supertest to make a request to the server. We use expect(chai) to assert the response.

it('Get table list', async function () {
  const response = await request(context.app)
    .set('xc-auth', context.token)

We can also run individual test by using `.only` in `describe` or `it` function and the running the test command.
it.only('Get table list', async () => {

Integrating the New Test Suite

We create a new file table.test.ts in packages/nocodb/tests/unit/rest/tests directory.

import 'mocha';
import request from 'supertest';
import init from '../../init';
import { createTable, getAllTables } from '../../factory/table';
import { createProject } from '../../factory/project';
import { defaultColumns } from '../../factory/column';
import Model from '../../../../src/lib/models/Model';
import { expect } from 'chai';

function tableTest() {
  let context;
  let project;
  let table;

  beforeEach(async function () {
    context = await init();

    project = await createProject(context);
    table = await createTable(context, project);

  it('Get table list', async function () {
    const response = await request(context.app)
      .set('xc-auth', context.token)


export default function () {
  describe('Table', tableTests);

We can then import the Table test suite to Rest test suite in packages/nocodb/tests/unit/rest/index.test.ts file(Rest test suite is imported in the root test suite file which is packages/nocodb/tests/unit/index.test.ts).

Seeding Sample DB (Sakila)

function tableTest() {
  let context;
  let sakilaProject: Project;
  let customerTable: Model;

  beforeEach(async function () {
    context = await init();
    /******* Start : Seeding sample database **********/
    sakilaProject = await createSakilaProject(context);
    /******* End : Seeding sample database **********/
    customerTable = await getTable({project: sakilaProject, name: 'customer'})

  it('Get table data list', async function () {
    const response = await request(context.app)
      .set('xc-auth', context.token)


Cypress Tests

End-to-end (E2E) Tests

Cypress tests are divided into 4 suites

  • SQLite tests
  • Postgres tests
  • MySQL tests
  • Quick import tests

First 3 suites, each have 4 test category

  • Table operations (create, delete, rename, add column, delete column, rename column)
  • Views (Grid, Gallery, Form)
  • Roles (user profiles, access control & preview)
  • Miscellaneous (Import, i18n, etc)

SQLite Tests (XCDB Project)

# install dependencies(cypress)
npm install
# start MySQL database using docker compose
docker-compose -f ./scripts/cypress/docker-compose-cypress.yml up

# Run backend api using following command
npm run start:xcdb-api:cache
# Run frontend web UI using following command
npm run start:web

# wait until both 3000 and 8080 ports are available
# or run following command to run it with GUI
npm run cypress:open

# run one of 4 test scripts
# - Table operations : xcdb-restTableOps.js
# - Views : xcdb-restViews.js
# - Roles & access control : xcdb-restRoles.js
# - Miscellaneous : xcdb-restMisc.js

MySQL Tests (External DB Project)

# install dependencies(cypress)
npm install
# start MySQL database using docker compose
docker-compose -f ./scripts/cypress/docker-compose-cypress.yml up

# Run backend api using following command
npm run start:api:cache
# Run frontend web UI using following command
npm run start:web

# wait until both 3000 and 8080 ports are available
# or run following command to run it with GUI
npm run cypress:open

# run one of 4 test scripts
# - Table operations : restTableOps.js
# - Views : restViews.js
# - Roles & access control : restRoles.js
# - Miscellaneous : restMisc.js

Postgres Tests (External DB Project)

# install dependencies(cypress)
npm install
# start Postgres database using docker compose
docker-compose -f ./scripts/cypress/docker-compose-pg.yml up -d

# Run backend api using following command
npm run start:api:cache
# Run frontend web UI using following command
npm run start:web

# wait until both 3000 and 8080 ports are available
# or run following command to run it with GUI
npm run cypress:open

# run one of 4 test scripts
# - Table operations : pg-restTableOps.js
# - Views : pg-restViews.js
# - Roles & access control : pg-restRoles.js
# - Miscellaneous : pg-restMisc.js

Quick Import Tests (SQLite Project)

# install dependencies(cypress)
npm install
# start MySQL database using docker compose
docker-compose -f ./scripts/cypress/docker-compose-cypress.yml up

# copy existing xcdb (v0.91.7) database to ./packages/nocodb/
cp ./scripts/cypress/fixtures/quickTest/noco_0_91_7.db ./packages/nocodb/noco.db

# Run backend api using following command
npm run start:api:cache
# Run frontend web UI using following command
npm run start:web

# wait until both 3000 and 8080 ports are available
# or run following command to run it with GUI
npm run cypress:open

# run test script
# - quickTest.js

Quick import tests (Postgres)

# install dependencies(cypress)
npm install
# start PG database using docker compose
docker-compose -f ./scripts/cypress/docker-compose-pg.yml up -d

# copy existing xcdb (v0.91.7) database to ./packages/nocodb/
cp ./scripts/cypress/fixtures/quickTest/noco_0_91_7.db ./packages/nocodb/noco.db

# Run backend api using following command
npm run start:api:cache
# Run frontend web UI using following command
npm run start:web

# wait until both 3000 and 8080 ports are available
# or run following command to run it with GUI
npm run cypress:open

# run test script
# - quickTest.js

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