You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

200 lines
6.0 KiB

import type { Ref } from 'vue'
import {
type ColumnType,
type FormulaType,
type TableType,
type ViewType,
} from 'nocodb-sdk'
const [useProvideViewAggregate, useViewAggregate] = useInjectionState(
view: Ref<ViewType | undefined>,
meta: Ref<TableType | undefined> | ComputedRef<TableType | undefined>,
where?: ComputedRef<string | undefined>,
) => {
const { $api: api } = useNuxtApp()
const fields = inject(FieldsInj, ref([]))
const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false))
const { gridViewCols, updateGridViewColumn } = useViewColumnsOrThrow()
const { nestedFilters } = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow()
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles()
const { fetchAggregatedData } = useSharedView()
const aggregations = ref({}) as Ref<Record<string, any>>
const reloadAggregate = inject(ReloadAggregateHookInj)
const visibleFieldsComputed = computed(() => {
const field = fields.value.map((field, index) => ({ field, index })).filter((f) => f.index !== 0)
return field.map((f) => {
const gridField = gridViewCols.value[f.field.id!]
if (!gridField) {
return { field: null, index: f.index }
return {
value: aggregations.value[f.field.title!] ?? null,
field: gridField,
column: f.field,
index: f.index,
width: `${Number((gridField.width ?? '').replace('px', ''))}px` || '180px',
const displayFieldComputed = computed(() => {
if (!fields.value?.length || !gridViewCols.value)
return {
field: null,
width: '180px',
return {
value: aggregations.value[fields.value[0].title] ?? null,
column: fields.value[0],
field: gridViewCols.value[fields.value[0].id!],
width: `${Number((gridViewCols.value[fields.value[0]!.id!].width ?? '').replace('px', '')) + 64}px` || '244px',
const getAggregations = (column: ColumnType) => {
if (column.uidt === UITypes.Formula && (column.colOptions as any)?.parsed_tree?.dataType) {
return getAvailableAggregations(column.uidt!, (column.colOptions as any).parsed_tree)
return getAvailableAggregations(column.uidt!)
const loadViewAggregate = async (
fields?: Array<{
field: string
type: string
) => {
// Wait for meta to be defined https://vueuse.org/shared/until/
await until(() => !!meta.value)
timeout: 10000,
.then(async () => {
if (!view.value?.type || view.value?.type !== ViewTypes.GRID) return
try {
const data = !isPublic.value
? await api.dbDataTableAggregate.dbDataTableAggregate(meta.value.id, {
viewId: view.value.id,
where: where?.value,
...(isUIAllowed('filterSync') ? {} : { filterArrJson: JSON.stringify(nestedFilters.value) }),
...(fields ? { aggregation: fields } : {}),
: await fetchAggregatedData({
where: where?.value,
filtersArr: nestedFilters.value,
...(fields ? { aggregation: fields } : {}),
Object.assign(aggregations.value, data)
} catch (error) {
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsgv2(error as any))
const updateAggregate = async (fieldId: string, agg: string) => {
await reloadAggregate?.trigger({
fields: [
title: fields.value.find((f) => f.id === fieldId)?.title ?? '',
aggregation: agg,
await updateGridViewColumn(fieldId, { aggregation: agg })
const aggregateFormulaFields = computed(() => {
return fields.value
.filter((field) => {
if (!field?.id || !field?.title) return false
if (
!isFormula(field) ||
!gridViewCols.value[field.id] ||
!gridViewCols.value[field.id]?.aggregation ||
gridViewCols.value[field.id]?.aggregation === CommonAggregations.None ||
!(field.colOptions as FormulaType)?.formula_raw
) {
return false
return true
.map((field) => {
return {
id: field.id,
aggregation: gridViewCols.value[field.id!]?.aggregation ?? CommonAggregations.None,
formula_raw: (field.colOptions as FormulaType)?.formula_raw ?? '',
reloadAggregate?.on(async (_fields) => {
if (!_fields || !_fields?.fields.length) {
await loadViewAggregate()
if (_fields?.fields) {
const fieldAggregateMapping = _fields.fields.reduce((acc, field) => {
const f = fields.value.find((f) => f.title === field.title)
if (!f?.id) return acc
acc[f.id] = field.aggregation ?? gridViewCols.value[f.id].aggregation ?? CommonAggregations.None
for (const formulaField of aggregateFormulaFields.value) {
if (!acc[formulaField.id!] && formulaField.formula_raw.includes(field.title)) {
acc[formulaField.id!] = formulaField.aggregation
return acc
}, {} as Record<string, string>)
await loadViewAggregate(
Object.entries(fieldAggregateMapping).map(([field, type]) => ({
return {
export { useProvideViewAggregate }
export function useViewAggregateOrThrow() {
const viewAggregate = useViewAggregate()
if (viewAggregate == null) throw new Error('Please call `useProvideViewAggregate` on the appropriate parent component')
return viewAggregate