mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
452 lines
16 KiB
452 lines
16 KiB
import { |
isTestSuiteActive, |
roles, |
} from "../../support/page_objects/projectConstants"; |
import { loginPage, projectsPage } from "../../support/page_objects/navigation"; |
import { mainPage } from "../../support/page_objects/mainPage"; |
// normal fields |
let records = { |
Name: "Movie-1", |
Notes: "Good", |
Status: "Todo", |
Tags: "Jan", |
Phone: "123123123", |
Email: "a@b.com", |
URL: "www.a.com", |
Number: "1", |
Value: "$1.00", |
Percent: "0.01", |
}; |
// links/ computed fields |
let records2 = { |
Duration: "00:01", |
Done: true, |
Date: "2022-05-31", |
Rating: "1", |
Actor: ["Actor1", "Actor2"], |
"Status (from Actor)": ["Todo", "In progress"], |
RollUp: "128", |
Computation: "4.04", |
Producer: ["P1", "P2"] |
}; |
let tn = [ "Film", "Actor", "Producer", ] |
let cn = [ "Name", "Notes", "Status", "Tags", "Done", "Date", "Phone", |
"Email", "URL", "Number", "Percent", "Duration", "Rating", |
"Actor", "Status (from Actor)", "RollUp", "Computation", "Producer" ] |
function openWebhook(index) { |
cy.get('.nc-actions-menu-btn').should('exist').click(); |
cy.getActiveMenu(".nc-dropdown-actions-menu").find('.ant-dropdown-menu-title-content').contains('Webhooks').click() |
cy.get(".nc-hook").eq(index).click(); |
} |
// to be invoked after open |
function verifyWebhook(config) { |
cy.get(".nc-text-field-hook-title").then(($element) => { |
expect($element[0].value).to.have.string(config.title) |
}) |
cy.get(".nc-text-field-hook-event") |
.find('.ant-select-selection-item') |
.contains(config.event) |
.should('exist') |
cy.get(".nc-select-hook-notification-type") |
.find('.ant-select-selection-item') |
.contains(config.notification) |
.should('exist') |
cy.get('.nc-select-hook-url-method') |
.find('.ant-select-selection-item') |
.contains(config.type) |
.should('exist') |
cy.get(".nc-text-field-hook-url-path") |
.then(($element) => { |
expect($element[0].value).to.have.string(config.url) |
}) |
cy.get(".nc-icon-hook-navigate-left").click({force:true}) |
} |
export const genTest = (apiType, dbType, testMode) => { |
if (!isTestSuiteActive(apiType, dbType)) return; |
describe(`Quick Tests`, () => { |
let cellIdx = 1; |
let columnCount = cn.length |
if(testMode === 'AT_IMPORT') { |
cellIdx = 3; |
columnCount -= 3; |
} |
before(() => { |
cy.restoreLocalStorage(); |
if( testMode === 'CY_QUICK') { |
// cy.task("copyFile") |
loginPage.signIn(roles.owner.credentials); |
projectsPage.openProject("sample"); |
// kludge: wait for page load to finish |
cy.wait(2000); |
// close team & auth tab |
cy.get('button.ant-tabs-tab-remove').should('exist').click(); |
cy.wait(1000); |
cy.saveLocalStorage(); |
} |
}); |
beforeEach(() => { |
cy.restoreLocalStorage(); |
}) |
// afterEach(() => { |
// cy.saveLocalStorage(); |
// }) |
after(() => { |
cy.restoreLocalStorage(); |
// sign out |
cy.signOut(); |
}); |
it("Verify Schema", () => { |
cy.openTableTab("Film", 3) |
// verify if all tables exist |
for(let i=0; i<tn.length; i++) { |
cy.get(`.nc-project-tree-tbl-${tn[i]}`).should('exist') |
} |
// for Film table, verify columns |
for(let i=0; i<columnCount; i++) { |
cy.get(`th[data-title="${cn[i]}"]`).should("exist"); |
} |
}); |
it("Verify Data types", () => { |
cy.openTableTab("Film", 3); |
// normal cells |
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(records)) { |
mainPage.getCell(key, cellIdx).contains(value).should("exist"); |
} |
// checkbox |
mainPage |
.getCell("Done", cellIdx) |
.find(".nc-cell-hover-show") |
.should(records2.Done ? "not.exist" : "exist"); |
// date |
// duration |
mainPage.getCell("Duration", cellIdx).contains(records2.Duration).should("exist"); |
// rating |
mainPage |
.getCell("Rating", cellIdx) |
.find(".ant-rate-star-full") |
.should("have.length", records2.Rating); |
// verifying only one instance as its different for PG & SQLite |
// for PG: its Actor1, Actor1 |
// for SQLite: its Actor1, Actor2 |
// LinkToAnotherRecord |
mainPage.getCell("Actor", cellIdx).scrollIntoView(); |
cy.get(`:nth-child(${cellIdx}) > [data-title="Actor"]`) |
.find('.chip') |
.eq(0) |
.contains(records2.Actor[0]) |
.should("exist"); |
// lookup |
mainPage.getCell("Status (from Actor)", cellIdx).scrollIntoView(); |
cy.get(`:nth-child(${cellIdx}) > [data-title="Status (from Actor)"]`) |
.find('.nc-cell') |
.eq(0) |
.contains(records2["Status (from Actor)"][0]) |
.should("exist"); |
// rollup |
if( testMode === 'CY_QUICK') { |
mainPage.getCell("RollUp", cellIdx).scrollIntoView(); |
mainPage.getCell("RollUp", cellIdx).contains(records2.RollUp).should("exist"); |
// formula |
mainPage.getCell("Computation", cellIdx).scrollIntoView(); |
mainPage.getCell("Computation", cellIdx).contains(records2.Computation).should("exist"); |
// ltar hm relation |
mainPage.getCell("Producer", cellIdx).scrollIntoView(); |
mainPage.getCell("Producer", cellIdx).find('.chip').eq(0).contains(records2.Producer[0]).should('exist') |
mainPage.getCell("Producer", cellIdx).find('.chip').eq(1).contains(records2.Producer[1]).should('exist') |
} |
cy.closeTableTab("Film"); |
}); |
it("Verify Views & Shared base", () => { |
cy.openTableTab("Film", 3); |
mainPage.toggleRightSidebar(); |
cy.get('.nc-form-view-item:visible') |
.should('exist') |
.eq(0) |
.click({ force: true }) |
// Header & description should exist |
// cy.get(".nc-form") |
// .find('[placeholder="Form Title"]') |
// .contains("FormTitle") |
// .should("exist"); |
// cy.get(".nc-form") |
// .find('[placeholder="Add form description"]') |
// .contains("FormDescription") |
// .should("exist"); |
cy.get(".nc-form").should("exist"); |
cy.get(".nc-form") |
.find('[placeholder="Form Title"]') |
.should("exist").then(($el) => { |
cy.log($el) |
expect($el.val()).to.equal("FormTitle"); |
}) |
cy.get(".nc-form") |
.find('[placeholder="Add form description"]') |
.should("exist").then(($el) => { |
cy.log($el) |
expect($el.val()).to.equal("FormDescription"); |
}) |
// modified column name & help text |
cy.get(".nc-editable").eq(0) |
.find('.name') |
.contains("DisplayName") |
.should('exist') |
cy.get(".nc-editable").eq(0) |
.find('.text-gray-500') |
.contains('HelpText') |
.should('exist') |
cy.get(".nc-editable").eq(1) |
.find('.name') |
.contains("Email") |
.should('exist') |
// add message |
cy.get("textarea.nc-form-after-submit-msg").then(($element) => { |
expect($element[0].value).to.have.string("Thank you for submitting the form!") |
}) |
// cy.get(".nc-form > .mx-auto") |
// .find("textarea").then(($element) => { |
// expect($element[0].value).to.have.string("Thank you for submitting the form!") |
// }) |
cy.get("button.nc-form-checkbox-submit-another-form.ant-switch-checked").should('exist') |
cy.get("button.nc-form-checkbox-show-blank-form.ant-switch-checked").should('exist') |
cy.get("button.nc-form-checkbox-send-email.ant-switch-checked").should('not.exist') |
// // submit another form button |
// cy.get(".nc-form > .mx-auto") |
// .find('[type="checkbox"]') |
// .eq(0) |
// .should('be.checked') |
// // "New form after 5 seconds" button |
// cy.get(".nc-form > .mx-auto") |
// .find('[type="checkbox"]') |
// .eq(1) |
// .should('be.checked') |
// // email me |
// cy.get(".nc-form > .mx-auto") |
// .find('[type="checkbox"]') |
// .eq(2) |
// .should('not.be.checked') |
cy.closeTableTab("Film"); |
}); |
it("Verify Webhooks", () => { |
if( testMode === 'CY_QUICK') { |
cy.openTableTab("Actor", 25); |
openWebhook(0) |
verifyWebhook({ |
title: "Webhook-1", |
event: "After Insert", |
notification: "URL", |
type: "POST", |
url: "http://localhost:9090/hook", |
condition: false |
}) |
cy.get("body").type("{esc}"); |
openWebhook(1) |
verifyWebhook({ |
title: "Webhook-2", |
event: "After Update", |
notification: "URL", |
type: "POST", |
url: "http://localhost:9090/hook", |
condition: false |
}) |
cy.get("body").type("{esc}"); |
openWebhook(2) |
verifyWebhook({ |
title: "Webhook-3", |
event: "After Delete", |
notification: "URL", |
type: "POST", |
url: "http://localhost:9090/hook", |
condition: false |
}) |
cy.get("body").type("{esc}"); |
cy.closeTableTab("Actor"); |
} |
}); |
it("Pagination", () => { |
cy.openTableTab("Actor", 25); |
cy.get(".nc-pagination").should("exist"); |
// verify > pagination option |
mainPage.getPagination(">").click(); |
mainPage |
.getPagination(2) |
.should("have.class", "ant-pagination-item-active"); |
// verify < pagination option |
mainPage.getPagination("<").click(); |
mainPage |
.getPagination(1) |
.should("have.class", "ant-pagination-item-active"); |
cy.closeTableTab("Actor"); |
}); |
it("Verify Fields, Filter & Sort", () => { |
cy.openTableTab("Actor", 25); |
mainPage.toggleRightSidebar(); |
cy.get(".nc-grid-view-item").eq(1).click() |
cy.wait(3000) |
cy.get(".nc-grid-header").find(`th[data-title="Name"]`).should("be.visible"); |
cy.get(".nc-grid-header").find(`th[data-title="Notes"]`).should("be.visible"); |
cy.get(".nc-grid-header").find(`th[data-title="Attachments"]`).should("not.exist"); |
cy.get(".nc-grid-header").find(`th[data-title="Status"]`).should("be.visible"); |
cy.get(".nc-grid-header").find(`th[data-title="Film"]`).should("be.visible"); |
cy.wait(2000); |
cy.get(".nc-fields-menu-btn").click() |
cy.getActiveMenu(".nc-dropdown-fields-menu").find(`[type="checkbox"]`).eq(0).should('be.checked') |
cy.getActiveMenu(".nc-dropdown-fields-menu").find(`[type="checkbox"]`).eq(1).should('be.checked') |
cy.getActiveMenu(".nc-dropdown-fields-menu").find(`[type="checkbox"]`).eq(2).should('not.be.checked') |
cy.getActiveMenu(".nc-dropdown-fields-menu").find(`[type="checkbox"]`).eq(3).should('be.checked') |
cy.getActiveMenu(".nc-dropdown-fields-menu").find(`[type="checkbox"]`).eq(4).should('be.checked') |
cy.get(".nc-fields-menu-btn").click(); |
cy.get(".nc-sort-menu-btn").click(); |
cy.get(".nc-sort-field-select").eq(0) |
.contains('Name') |
.should("exist"); |
cy.get(".nc-sort-dir-select").eq(0) |
.contains('A → Z') |
.should("exist"); |
cy.get(".nc-sort-menu-btn").click(); |
cy.get(".nc-filter-menu-btn").click(); |
cy.get(".nc-filter-field-select").eq(0) |
.contains('Name') |
.should("exist"); |
cy.get(".nc-filter-operation-select").eq(0) |
.contains('is like') |
.should("exist"); |
cy.get(".nc-filter-field-select").eq(1) |
.contains('Name') |
.should("exist"); |
cy.get(".nc-filter-operation-select").eq(1) |
.contains('is like') |
.should("exist"); |
cy.get(".nc-filter-menu-btn").click(); |
cy.closeTableTab("Actor"); |
}); |
it("Views, bt relation", () => { |
if( testMode === 'CY_QUICK') { |
cy.openTableTab("Producer", 3) |
mainPage.toggleRightSidebar(); |
cy.get('.nc-grid-view-item').should('have.length', 4) |
cy.get('.nc-form-view-item').should('have.length', 4) |
cy.get('.nc-gallery-view-item').should('have.length', 3) |
// LinkToAnotherRecord hm relation |
mainPage.getCell("FilmRead", 1).scrollIntoView(); |
cy.get('[data-title="FilmRead"] > .h-full > .nc-virtual-cell > .w-full > .chips > .chip > .name') |
// cy.get( |
// ':nth-child(1) > [data-col="FilmRead"] > .nc-virtual-cell > .v-lazy > .d-100 > .chips > :nth-child(1) > .v-chip__content > .name' |
// ) |
.contains('Movie-1') |
.should("exist"); |
cy.closeTableTab("Producer") |
} |
}) |
it.skip("Delete Project", () => { |
if( testMode === 'AT_IMPORT') { |
mainPage.toolBarTopLeft(mainPage.HOME).click({force:true}) |
cy.get(`.mdi-delete-outline`, { |
timeout: 10000, |
}) |
.should("exist") |
.last() |
.click(); |
cy.getActiveModal(".nc-modal-project-delete") |
.find("button") |
.contains("Submit") |
.should("exist") |
.click(); |
cy.toastWait("deleted successfully"); |
} |
}); |
}); |
}; |
// genTest("rest", "xcdb"); |
/** |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd |
* |
* @author Raju Udava <sivadstala@gmail.com> |
* |
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version |
* |
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as |
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the |
* License, or (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License |
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
* |