You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { Page, expect, Locator } from "@playwright/test";
type ResponseSelector = (json: any) => boolean;
export default abstract class BasePage {
readonly rootPage: Page;
abstract get(args: any): Locator;
constructor(rootPage: Page) {
this.rootPage = rootPage;
async toastWait({ message }: { message: string }) {
// todo: text of toaster shows old one in the test assertion
await this.rootPage
.locator(".ant-message .ant-message-notice-content", { hasText: message })
.then((text) => expect(text).toContain(message));
// await this.rootPage
// .locator(".ant-message .ant-message-notice-content", { hasText: message })
// .last()
// .waitFor({ state: "detached" });
async waitForResponseJson({
}: {
responseSelector: ResponseSelector;
}) {
await this.rootPage.waitForResponse(async (res) => {
try {
return responseSelector(await res.json());
} catch (e) {
return false;