You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

131 lines
4.3 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { TreeProps } from 'ant-design-vue'
import type { CheckboxChangeEvent } from 'ant-design-vue/es/checkbox/interface'
import { fileMimeTypeList, fileMimeTypes } from './utils'
const props = defineProps<{
value: any
const emit = defineEmits(['update:value'])
const vModel = useVModel(props, 'value', emit)
const validators = {}
const { setAdditionalValidations, validateInfos } = useColumnCreateStoreOrThrow()
const { appInfo } = useGlobal()
const searchValue = ref<string>('')
// set default value
vModel.value.meta = {
...(appInfo.value.ee && {
// Maximum Number of Attachments per cell
maxNumberOfAttachments: Math.max(1, +appInfo.value.ncMaxAttachmentsAllowed || 50) || 50,
// Maximum File Size per file
maxAttachmentSize: Math.max(1, +appInfo.value.ncAttachmentFieldSize || 20) || 20,
// allow all mime types by default
supportedAttachmentMimeTypes: ['*'],
...(vModel.value.meta || {}),
const expandedKeys = ref<(string | number)[]>([])
const autoExpandParent = ref<boolean>(true)
const allowAllMimeTypeCheckbox = ref(true)
const getParentKey = (key: string | number, tree: TreeProps['treeData']): string | null => {
if (!tree) return null
let parentKey
for (let i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) {
const node = tree[i]
if (node.children) {
if (node.children.some((item) => item.key === key)) {
parentKey = node.key as string
} else if (getParentKey(key, node.children)) {
parentKey = getParentKey(key, node.children) as string
return parentKey as string
function allowAllMimeTypeCheckboxOnChange(evt: CheckboxChangeEvent) {
if (evt.target.checked) {
vModel.value.meta.supportedAttachmentMimeTypes = ['*']
} else {
vModel.value.meta.supportedAttachmentMimeTypes = ['application', 'audio', 'image', 'video', 'misc']
watch(searchValue, (value) => {
expandedKeys.value = fileMimeTypeList
?.map((item: Record<string, any>) => {
if (item.title.includes(value)) {
return getParentKey(item.key, fileMimeTypes)
return null
.filter((item: any, i: number, self: any[]) => item && self.indexOf(item) === i) as string[]
searchValue.value = value
autoExpandParent.value = true
<a-row class="my-2" :gutter="8">
<a-col :span="12">
<a-form-item v-bind="validateInfos['meta.maxNumberOfAttachments']" label="Max Number of Attachments">
<a-input-number v-model:value="vModel.meta.maxNumberOfAttachments" :min="1" class="!w-full nc-attachment-max-count" />
<a-col :span="12">
<a-form-item v-bind="validateInfos['meta.maxAttachmentSize']" label="Max Attachment Size (MB)">
<a-input-number v-model:value="vModel.meta.maxAttachmentSize" :min="1" class="!w-full nc-attachment-max-size" />
<a-col class="mt-4" :span="24">
<a-form-item v-bind="validateInfos['meta.supportedAttachmentMimeTypes']" class="!p-[10px] border-2">
Allow All Mime Types
<div v-if="!allowAllMimeTypeCheckbox" class="mt-[5px]">
<a-input-search v-model:value="searchValue" class="mt-[5px] mb-[15px]" placeholder="Search" />
class="!bg-gray-50 my-[10px]"
<template #title="{ title }">
<span v-if="title.indexOf(searchValue) > -1">
{{ title.substr(0, title.indexOf(searchValue)) }}
<span class="text-primary font-bold">{{ searchValue }}</span>
{{ title.substr(title.indexOf(searchValue) + searchValue.length) }}
<span v-else>{{ title }}</span>