mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
461 lines
11 KiB
461 lines
11 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import StarterKit from '@tiptap/starter-kit' |
import TaskList from '@tiptap/extension-task-list' |
import { EditorContent, useEditor } from '@tiptap/vue-3' |
import TurndownService from 'turndown' |
import { marked } from 'marked' |
import { generateJSON } from '@tiptap/html' |
import Underline from '@tiptap/extension-underline' |
import Placeholder from '@tiptap/extension-placeholder' |
import { TaskItem } from '@/helpers/dbTiptapExtensions/task-item' |
import { Link } from '@/helpers/dbTiptapExtensions/links' |
import { IsExpandedFormOpenInj, IsFormInj, ReadonlyInj, RowHeightInj } from '#imports' |
const props = defineProps<{ |
value?: string | null |
readOnly?: boolean |
syncValueChange?: boolean |
showMenu?: boolean |
fullMode?: boolean |
isFormField?: boolean |
autofocus?: boolean |
placeholder?: string |
renderAsText?: boolean |
}>() |
const emits = defineEmits(['update:value']) |
const isExpandedFormOpen = inject(IsExpandedFormOpenInj, ref(false))! |
const rowHeight = inject(RowHeightInj, ref(1 as const)) |
const readOnlyCell = inject(ReadonlyInj, ref(false)) |
const isForm = inject(IsFormInj, ref(false)) |
const isFocused = ref(false) |
const turndownService = new TurndownService({}) |
turndownService.addRule('lineBreak', { |
filter: (node) => { |
return node.nodeName === 'BR' |
}, |
replacement: () => { |
return '<br />' |
}, |
}) |
turndownService.addRule('taskList', { |
filter: (node) => { |
return node.nodeName === 'LI' && !!node.getAttribute('data-checked') |
}, |
replacement: (content, node: any) => { |
// Remove the first \n\n and last \n\n |
const processContent = content.replace(/^\n\n/, '').replace(/\n\n$/, '') |
const isChecked = node.getAttribute('data-checked') === 'true' |
return `[${isChecked ? 'x' : ' '}] ${processContent}\n\n` |
}, |
}) |
turndownService.addRule('strikethrough', { |
filter: ['s'], |
replacement: (content) => { |
return `~${content}~` |
}, |
}) |
turndownService.keep(['u', 'del']) |
const checkListItem = { |
name: 'checkListItem', |
level: 'block', |
tokenizer(src: string) { |
src = src.split('\n\n')[0] |
const isMatched = src.startsWith('[ ]') || src.startsWith('[x]') || src.startsWith('[X]') |
if (isMatched) { |
const isNotChecked = src.startsWith('[ ]') |
let text = src.slice(3) |
if (text[0] === ' ') text = text.slice(1) |
const token = { |
// Token to generate |
type: 'checkListItem', |
raw: src, |
text, |
tokens: [], |
checked: !isNotChecked, |
} |
;(this as any).lexer.inline(token.text, token.tokens) // Queue this data to be processed for inline tokens |
return token |
} |
return false |
}, |
renderer(token: any) { |
return `<ul data-type="taskList"><li data-checked="${ |
token.checked ? 'true' : 'false' |
}" data-type="taskItem"><label><input type="checkbox" ${ |
token.checked ? 'checked="checked"' : '' |
}><span></span></label><div>${(this as any).parser.parseInline(token.tokens)}</div></li></ul>` // parseInline to turn child tokens into HTML |
}, |
} |
marked.use({ extensions: [checkListItem] }) |
const editorDom = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null) |
const vModel = useVModel(props, 'value', emits, { defaultValue: '' }) |
const tiptapExtensions = [ |
StarterKit.configure({ |
heading: props.isFormField ? false : undefined, |
}), |
TaskList, |
TaskItem.configure({ |
nested: true, |
}), |
Underline, |
Link, |
Placeholder.configure({ |
emptyEditorClass: 'is-editor-empty', |
placeholder: props.placeholder, |
}), |
] |
const editor = useEditor({ |
extensions: tiptapExtensions, |
onUpdate: ({ editor }) => { |
const markdown = turndownService |
.turndown(editor.getHTML().replaceAll(/<p><\/p>/g, '<br />')) |
.replaceAll(/\n\n<br \/>\n\n/g, '<br>\n\n') |
vModel.value = props.isFormField && markdown === '<br />' ? '' : markdown |
}, |
editable: !props.readOnly, |
autofocus: props.autofocus, |
onFocus: () => { |
isFocused.value = true |
}, |
onBlur: (e) => { |
if (!(e?.event?.relatedTarget as HTMLElement)?.closest('.bubble-menu, .nc-textarea-rich-editor')) { |
isFocused.value = false |
} |
}, |
}) |
const setEditorContent = (contentMd: any, focusEndOfDoc?: boolean) => { |
if (!editor.value) return |
const selection = editor.value.view.state.selection |
const contentHtml = contentMd ? marked.parse(contentMd) : '<p></p>' |
const content = generateJSON(contentHtml, tiptapExtensions) |
editor.value.chain().setContent(content).setTextSelection(selection.to).run() |
setTimeout(() => { |
if (focusEndOfDoc) { |
const docSize = editor.value!.state.doc.nodeSize |
editor.value |
?.chain() |
.setTextSelection(docSize - 1) |
.run() |
} |
;(editor.value!.state as any).history$.prevRanges = null |
;(editor.value!.state as any).history$.done.eventCount = 0 |
}, 100) |
} |
if (props.syncValueChange) { |
watch([vModel, editor], () => { |
setEditorContent(vModel.value) |
}) |
} |
if (props.isFormField) { |
watch([props, editor], () => { |
if (props.readOnly) { |
editor.value?.setEditable(false) |
} else { |
editor.value?.setEditable(true) |
} |
}) |
} |
watch(editorDom, () => { |
if (!editorDom.value) return |
setEditorContent(vModel.value, true) |
if (props.isFormField) return |
// Focus editor after editor is mounted |
setTimeout(() => { |
editor.value?.chain().focus().run() |
}, 50) |
}) |
useEventListener( |
editorDom, |
'focusout', |
(e: FocusEvent) => { |
if (!(e?.relatedTarget as HTMLElement)?.closest('.bubble-menu, .nc-textarea-rich-editor')) { |
isFocused.value = false |
} |
}, |
true, |
) |
</script> |
<template> |
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class="h-full focus:outline-none" |
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'flex flex-col flex-grow nc-rich-text-full': fullMode, |
'nc-rich-text-embed flex flex-col pl-1 w-full': !fullMode, |
'readonly': readOnly, |
'nc-form-rich-text-field !p-0': isFormField, |
}" |
:tabindex="readOnlyCell || isFormField ? -1 : 0" |
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<div v-if="renderAsText" class="truncate"> |
<span v-if="editor"> {{ editor?.getText() ?? '' }}</span> |
</div> |
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<div |
v-if="showMenu && !readOnly && !isFormField" |
class="absolute top-0 right-0.5 xs:hidden" |
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}" |
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class="flex flex-col nc-textarea-rich-editor w-full" |
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'mt-2.5 flex-grow': fullMode, |
'nc-scrollbar-md': !fullMode || (!fullMode && isExpandedFormOpen), |
'flex-grow': isExpandedFormOpen, |
[`!overflow-hidden children:line-clamp-${rowHeight}`]: |
!fullMode && readOnly && rowHeight && !isExpandedFormOpen && !isForm, |
}" |
/> |
<div v-if="isFormField && !readOnly"> |
<div |
class="overflow-hidden" |
:class="isFocused ? 'max-h-[50px]' : 'max-h-0'" |
:style="{ |
transition: 'max-height 0.2s ease-in-out', |
}" |
> |
<CellRichTextSelectedBubbleMenu v-if="editor" :editor="editor" embed-mode is-form-field /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
</div> |
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.nc-text-rich-scroll:hover { |
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.nc-rich-text-embed { |
.ProseMirror { |
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&:not(.nc-form-rich-text-field) { |
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min-height: 8rem; |
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&.nc-form-rich-text-field { |
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&.readonly { |
ul[data-type='taskList'] li input[type='checkbox'] { |
background-color: #d5d5d9 !important; |
&:not(:checked) { |
@apply !border-gray-400; |
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&:focus { |
box-shadow: none !important; |
background-color: #d5d5d9 !important; |
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&.readonly { |
.nc-textarea-rich-editor { |
.ProseMirror { |
resize: none; |
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min-height: 215px; |
max-height: min(797px, calc(100vh - 170px)); |
min-width: 256px; |
max-width: min(1256px, 100vw - 126px); |
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&.readonly { |
.ProseMirror { |
@apply bg-gray-50; |
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.nc-textarea-rich-editor { |
.tiptap p.is-editor-empty:first-child::before { |
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content: attr(data-placeholder); |
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height: 0; |
pointer-events: none; |
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.ProseMirror { |
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ul, |
ol { |
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ul[data-type='taskList'] { |
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li { |
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input { |
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// Unchecked |
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