You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

238 lines
6.1 KiB

import { defineConfig } from 'windicss/helpers'
import formsPlugin from 'windicss/plugin/forms'
import typographyPlugin from 'windicss/plugin/typography'
import aspectRatioPlugin from 'windicss/plugin/aspect-ratio'
import lineClampPlugin from 'windicss/plugin/line-clamp'
import windiColors from 'windicss/colors'
// @ts-expect-error no types for plugin-scrollbar
import scrollbar from '@windicss/plugin-scrollbar'
// @ts-expect-error no types for plugin-animation
import animations from '@windicss/plugin-animations'
// @ts-expect-error no types for plugin-question-mark
import questionMark from '@windicss/plugin-question-mark'
import { theme as colors, themeColors, themeV2Colors } from './utils/colorsUtils'
const isEE = process.env.EE
export default defineConfig({
extract: {
include: [isEE ? '../**/*.{vue,html,jsx,tsx,css,scss}' : '**/*.{vue,html,jsx,tsx,css,scss}'],
exclude: ['node_modules', '.git'],
darkMode: 'class',
safelist: [
plugins: [
dark: true,
preflight: {
alias: {
'nuxt-link': 'a',
'nuxt-img': 'img',
shortcuts: {
'color-transition': 'transition-colors duration-100 ease-in',
'scrollbar-thin-primary': 'scrollbar scrollbar-thin scrollbar-thumb-rounded scrollbar-thumb-primary scrollbar-track-white',
'scrollbar-thin-dull': 'scrollbar scrollbar-thin scrollbar-thumb-rounded-md scrollbar-thumb-gray-100 scrollbar-track-white',
'scrollbar scrollbar-thin scrollbar-thumb-gray-200 hover:scrollbar-thumb-gray-300 scrollbar-track-transparent',
theme: {
fontFamily: {
sans: ['Vazirmatn', 'sans-serif'],
serif: ['Vazirmatn', 'serif'],
mono: ['Inter', 'mono'],
extend: {
screens: {
'xs': {
max: '480px',
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min: '480px',
'md': {
min: '820px',
'2xl': {
min: '1780px',
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tiny: ['11px', '14px'],
small: ['13px', '16px'],
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thin: 150,
extraLight: 250,
light: 350,
normal: 450,
default: 500,
medium: 550,
bold: 650,
black: 750,
textColor: {
primary: 'rgba(var(--color-primary), var(--tw-text-opacity))',
accent: 'rgba(var(--color-accent), var(--tw-text-opacity))',
borderColor: {
primary: 'rgba(51, 102, 255, 1)',
accent: 'rgba(var(--color-accent), var(--tw-border-opacity))',
backgroundColor: {
primary: 'rgba(var(--color-primary), var(--tw-bg-opacity))',
accent: 'rgba(var(--color-accent), var(--tw-bg-opacity))',
ringColor: {
primary: 'rgba(var(--color-primary), var(--tw-ring-opacity))',
accent: 'rgba(var(--color-accent), var(--tw-ring-opacity))',
boxShadow: {
selected: '0px 0px 0px 2px var(--ant-primary-color-outline)',
colors: {
brand: {
50: '#EBF0FF',
100: '#D6E0FF',
200: '#ADC2FF',
300: '#85A3FF',
400: '#5C85FF',
500: '#3366FF',
600: '#2952CC',
700: '#1F3D99',
800: '#142966',
900: '#0A1433',
gray: {
10: '#FCFCFC',
50: '#F9F9FA',
100: '#F4F4F5',
200: '#E7E7E9',
300: '#D5D5D9',
400: '#9AA2AF',
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600: '#4A5268',
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800: '#1F293A',
900: '#101015',
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50: '#FFF2F1',
100: '#FFDBD9',
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600: '#E8463C',
700: '#CB3F36',
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900: '#7D2721',
pink: {
50: '#FFEEFB',
100: '#FED8F4',
200: '#FEB0E8',
300: '#FD89DD',
400: '#FD61D1',
500: '#FC3AC6',
600: '#CA2E9E',
700: '#972377',
800: '#65174F',
900: '#320C28',
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50: '#FFF5EF',
100: '#FEE6D6',
200: '#FDCDAD',
300: '#FCB483',
400: '#FB9B5A',
500: '#FA8231',
600: '#E1752C',
700: '#C86827',
800: '#964E1D',
900: '#4B270F',
purple: {
50: '#F3ECFA',
100: '#E5D4F5',
200: '#CBA8EB',
300: '#B17DE1',
400: '#9751D7',
500: '#7D26CD',
600: '#641EA4',
700: '#4B177B',
800: '#320F52',
900: '#190829',
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50: '#EDF9FF',
100: '#D7F2FF',
200: '#AFE5FF',
300: '#86D9FF',
400: '#5ECCFF',
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700: '#207399',
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900: '#0B2633',
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50: '#fffbf2',
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700: '#977223',
800: '#654c17',
900: '#32260c',
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50: '#FFF0F7',
100: '#FFCFE6',
200: '#FFABD2',
300: '#EC7DB1',
400: '#D45892',
500: '#B33771',
600: '#9D255D',
700: '#801044',
800: '#690735',
900: '#42001F',
primary: 'rgba(var(--color-primary), var(--tw-bg-opacity))',
accent: 'rgba(var(--color-accent), var(--tw-bg-opacity))',
dark: colors.dark,
light: colors.light,