You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

154 lines
4.7 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { FormType, GalleryType, GridType, KanbanType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { ViewTypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { inject, provide, ref, useTabs, useViews, watch } from '#imports'
import { ActiveViewInj, MetaInj, ViewListInj } from '~/context'
import { viewIcons } from '~/utils'
import MdiPlusIcon from '~icons/mdi/plus'
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref())
const activeView = inject(ActiveViewInj, ref())
const { addTab } = useTabs()
const { views } = useViews(meta)
provide(ViewListInj, views)
// todo decide based on route param
(nextViews) => {
if (nextViews.length) {
activeView.value = nextViews[0]
{ immediate: true },
const toggleDrawer = ref(false)
// todo: identify based on meta
const isView = ref(false)
const enableDummyFeat = ref(false)
let viewCreateType = $ref<ViewTypes>()
let viewCreateDlg = $ref(false)
const selected = ref<string[]>([])
watch(activeView, (nextActiveView) => {
const _nextActiveView = nextActiveView as GridType | FormType | KanbanType
if (_nextActiveView && _nextActiveView.id) {
selected.value = [_nextActiveView.id]
function openCreateViewDlg(type: ViewTypes) {
viewCreateDlg = true
viewCreateType = type
function onViewCreate(view: GridType | FormType | KanbanType | GalleryType) {
activeView.value = view
viewCreateDlg = false
// todo: fix view type, alias is missing for some reason?
function changeView(view: { id: string; alias?: string; title?: string; type: ViewTypes }) {
activeView.value = view
const tabProps = {
id: view.id,
title: (view.alias ?? view.title) || '',
type: ViewTypes[view.type],
<a-layout-sider class="views-navigation-drawer bg-white shadow" :width="toggleDrawer ? 0 : 250">
<div class="flex flex-col h-full">
<div class="flex-1">
<a-menu :selected-keys="selected">
<h3 class="pt-3 px-3 text-sm font-semibold">{{ $t('objects.views') }}</h3>
<a-menu-item v-for="view in views" :key="view.id" @click="changeView(view)">
<div v-t="['a:view:open', { view: view.type }]" class="flex items-center w-full gap-2">
<component :is="viewIcons[view.type].icon" :class="`text-${viewIcons[view.type].color}`" />
<div>{{ view.alias || view.title }}</div>
<a-divider class="my-4" />
<h3 class="px-3 text-sm font-semibold" @dblclick="enableDummyFeat = true">
{{ $t('activity.createView') }}
<a-menu-item key="grid" class="group" @click="openCreateViewDlg(ViewTypes.GRID)">
<a-tooltip placement="left">
<template #title>
{{ $t('msg.info.addView.grid') }}
<div class="flex items-center w-full gap-2">
<component :is="viewIcons[ViewTypes.GRID].icon" :class="`text-${viewIcons[ViewTypes.GRID].color}`" />
<div>{{ $t('objects.viewType.grid') }}</div>
<div class="flex-1" />
<MdiPlusIcon class="group-hover:text-primary" />
<a-menu-item key="gallery" class="group" @click="openCreateViewDlg(ViewTypes.GALLERY)">
<a-tooltip placement="left">
<template #title>
{{ $t('msg.info.addView.gallery') }}
<div class="flex items-center w-full gap-2">
<component :is="viewIcons[ViewTypes.GALLERY].icon" :class="`text-${viewIcons[ViewTypes.GALLERY].color}`" />
<div>{{ $t('objects.viewType.gallery') }}</div>
<div class="flex-1" />
<MdiPlusIcon class="group-hover:text-primary" />
<a-menu-item v-if="!isView" key="form" class="group" @click="openCreateViewDlg(ViewTypes.FORM)">
<a-tooltip placement="left">
<template #title>
{{ $t('msg.info.addView.form') }}
<div class="flex items-center w-full gap-2">
<component :is="viewIcons[ViewTypes.FORM].icon" :class="`text-${viewIcons[ViewTypes.FORM].color}`" />
<div>{{ $t('objects.viewType.form') }}</div>
<div class="flex-1" />
<MdiPlusIcon class="group-hover:text-primary" />
<DlgViewCreate v-if="views" v-model="viewCreateDlg" :type="viewCreateType" @created="onViewCreate" />