mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
276 lines
7.4 KiB
276 lines
7.4 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { message } from 'ant-design-vue' |
import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2' |
import type { Select as AntSelect } from 'ant-design-vue' |
import type { SelectOptionType } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import { |
ActiveCellInj, |
ColumnInj, |
EditModeInj, |
IsKanbanInj, |
ReadonlyInj, |
computed, |
enumColor, |
extractSdkResponseErrorMsg, |
inject, |
ref, |
useEventListener, |
useRoles, |
useSelectedCellKeyupListener, |
watch, |
} from '#imports' |
interface Props { |
modelValue?: string | undefined |
rowIndex?: number |
disableOptionCreation?: boolean |
} |
const { modelValue, disableOptionCreation } = defineProps<Props>() |
const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue']) |
const column = inject(ColumnInj)! |
const readOnly = inject(ReadonlyInj)! |
const active = inject(ActiveCellInj, ref(false)) |
const editable = inject(EditModeInj, ref(false)) |
const aselect = ref<typeof AntSelect>() |
const isOpen = ref(false) |
const isKanban = inject(IsKanbanInj, ref(false)) |
const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false)) |
const { $api } = useNuxtApp() |
const searchVal = ref() |
const { getMeta } = useMetas() |
const { hasRole } = useRoles() |
const { isPg, isMysql } = useProject() |
// a variable to keep newly created option value |
// temporary until it's add the option to column meta |
const tempSelectedOptState = ref<string>() |
const options = computed<(SelectOptionType & { value: string })[]>(() => { |
if (column?.value.colOptions) { |
const opts = column.value.colOptions |
? // todo: fix colOptions type, options does not exist as a property |
(column.value.colOptions as any).options.filter((el: SelectOptionType) => el.title !== '') || [] |
: [] |
for (const op of opts.filter((el: any) => el.order === null)) { |
op.title = op.title.replace(/^'/, '').replace(/'$/, '') |
} |
return opts.map((o: any) => ({ ...o, value: o.title })) |
} |
return [] |
}) |
const isOptionMissing = computed(() => { |
return (options.value ?? []).every((op) => op.title !== searchVal.value) |
}) |
const hasEditRoles = computed(() => hasRole('owner', true) || hasRole('creator', true) || hasRole('editor', true)) |
const editAllowed = computed(() => hasEditRoles.value && (active.value || editable.value)) |
const vModel = computed({ |
get: () => tempSelectedOptState.value ?? modelValue, |
set: (val) => { |
if (isOptionMissing.value && val === searchVal.value) { |
tempSelectedOptState.value = val |
return addIfMissingAndSave().finally(() => { |
tempSelectedOptState.value = undefined |
}) |
} |
emit('update:modelValue', val || null) |
}, |
}) |
watch(isOpen, (n, _o) => { |
if (editAllowed.value) { |
if (!n) { |
aselect.value?.$el?.querySelector('input')?.blur() |
} else { |
aselect.value?.$el?.querySelector('input')?.focus() |
} |
} |
}) |
useSelectedCellKeyupListener(active, (e) => { |
switch (e.key) { |
case 'Escape': |
isOpen.value = false |
break |
case 'Enter': |
if (editAllowed.value && active.value && !isOpen.value) { |
isOpen.value = true |
} |
break |
default: |
if (!editAllowed.value) { |
e.preventDefault() |
break |
} |
// toggle only if char key pressed |
if (!(e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey) && e.key?.length === 1) { |
e.stopPropagation() |
isOpen.value = true |
} |
break |
} |
}) |
async function addIfMissingAndSave() { |
if (!searchVal.value || isPublic.value) return false |
const newOptValue = searchVal.value |
searchVal.value = '' |
if (newOptValue && !options.value.some((o) => o.title === newOptValue)) { |
try { |
options.value.push({ |
title: newOptValue, |
value: newOptValue, |
color: enumColor.light[(options.value.length + 1) % enumColor.light.length], |
}) |
column.value.colOptions = { options: options.value.map(({ value: _, ...rest }) => rest) } |
const updatedColMeta = { ...column.value } |
// todo: refactor and avoid repetition |
if (updatedColMeta.cdf) { |
// Postgres returns default value wrapped with single quotes & casted with type so we have to get value between single quotes to keep it unified for all databases |
if (isPg(column.value.base_id)) { |
updatedColMeta.cdf = updatedColMeta.cdf.substring( |
updatedColMeta.cdf.indexOf(`'`) + 1, |
updatedColMeta.cdf.lastIndexOf(`'`), |
) |
} |
// Mysql escapes single quotes with backslash so we keep quotes but others have to unescaped |
if (!isMysql(column.value.base_id)) { |
updatedColMeta.cdf = updatedColMeta.cdf.replace(/''/g, "'") |
} |
} |
await $api.dbTableColumn.update( |
(column.value as { fk_column_id?: string })?.fk_column_id || (column.value?.id as string), |
updatedColMeta, |
) |
vModel.value = newOptValue |
await getMeta(column.value.fk_model_id!, true) |
} catch (e: any) { |
console.log(e) |
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
} |
} |
const search = () => { |
searchVal.value = aselect.value?.$el?.querySelector('.ant-select-selection-search-input')?.value |
} |
const toggleMenu = (e: Event) => { |
// todo: refactor |
// check clicked element is clear icon |
if ( |
(e.target as HTMLElement)?.classList.contains('ant-select-clear') || |
(e.target as HTMLElement)?.closest('.ant-select-clear') |
) { |
vModel.value = '' |
return |
} |
isOpen.value = editAllowed.value && !isOpen.value |
} |
const handleClose = (e: MouseEvent) => { |
if (aselect.value && !aselect.value.$el.contains(e.target)) { |
isOpen.value = false |
} |
} |
useEventListener(document, 'click', handleClose) |
</script> |
<template> |
<a-select |
ref="aselect" |
v-model:value="vModel" |
class="w-full" |
:class="{ 'caret-transparent': !hasEditRoles }" |
:allow-clear="!column.rqd && editAllowed" |
:bordered="false" |
:open="isOpen" |
:disabled="readOnly" |
:show-arrow="hasEditRoles && !readOnly && (editable || (active && vModel === null))" |
:dropdown-class-name="`nc-dropdown-single-select-cell ${isOpen ? 'active' : ''}`" |
show-search |
@select="isOpen = false" |
@keydown.stop |
@search="search" |
@click="toggleMenu" |
> |
<a-select-option |
v-for="op of options" |
:key="op.title" |
:value="op.title" |
:data-testid="`select-option-${column.title}-${rowIndex}`" |
@click.stop |
> |
<a-tag class="rounded-tag" :color="op.color"> |
<span |
:style="{ |
'color': tinycolor.isReadable(op.color || '#ccc', '#fff', { level: 'AA', size: 'large' }) |
? '#fff' |
: tinycolor.mostReadable(op.color || '#ccc', ['#0b1d05', '#fff']).toHex8String(), |
'font-size': '13px', |
}" |
:class="{ 'text-sm': isKanban }" |
> |
{{ op.title }} |
</span> |
</a-tag> |
</a-select-option> |
<a-select-option |
v-if=" |
searchVal && |
isOptionMissing && |
!isPublic && |
!disableOptionCreation && |
(hasRole('owner', true) || hasRole('creator', true)) |
" |
:key="searchVal" |
:value="searchVal" |
> |
<div class="flex gap-2 text-gray-500 items-center h-full"> |
<MdiPlusThick class="min-w-4" /> |
<div class="text-xs whitespace-normal"> |
Create new option named <strong>{{ searchVal }}</strong> |
</div> |
</div> |
</a-select-option> |
</a-select> |
</template> |
<style scoped lang="scss"> |
.rounded-tag { |
@apply py-0 px-[12px] rounded-[12px]; |
} |
:deep(.ant-tag) { |
@apply "rounded-tag"; |
} |
:deep(.ant-select-clear) { |
opacity: 1; |
} |