You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

173 lines
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import rfdc from 'rfdc'
import type { UsersSortType } from '~/lib'
import { useGlobal } from '#imports'
import { extractRolesObj, ProjectRoles, OrgUserRoles, WorkspaceUserRoles } from 'nocodb-sdk'
* Hook for managing user sorts and sort configurations.
* @returns An object containing reactive values and functions related to user sorts.
export function useUserSorts(roleType: 'Workspace' | 'Org' | 'Project') {
const clone = rfdc()
const { user } = useGlobal()
const sorts = ref<UsersSortType[]>([])
// Key for storing user sort configurations in local storage
const userSortConfigKey = 'userSortConfig'
// Default user ID if no user found (fallback)
const defaultUserId = 'default'
* Computed property that returns a record of sort directions based on the current sort configurations.
* @type {ComputedRef<Record<string, UsersSortType['direction']>>}
const sortDirection: ComputedRef<Record<string, UsersSortType['direction']>> = computed(() => {
return sorts.value.reduce((acc, curr) => {
acc = { ...acc, [curr.field]: curr.direction }
return acc
}, {} as Record<string, UsersSortType['direction']>)
* Loads user sort configurations from local storage based on the current user ID.
function loadSorts(): void {
try {
// Retrieve sort configuration from local storage
const storedConfig = localStorage.getItem(userSortConfigKey)
const sortConfig = storedConfig ? JSON.parse(storedConfig) : {}
sorts.value = sortConfig
// Load user-specific sort configurations or default configurations
sorts.value = user.value?.id ? sortConfig[user.value.id] || [] : sortConfig[defaultUserId] || []
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error while retrieving sort configuration from local storage:', error)
// Set sorts to an empty array in case of an error
sorts.value = []
* Saves or updates a user sort configuration and updates local storage.
* @param {UsersSortType} newSortConfig - The new sort configuration to save or update.
function saveOrUpdate(newSortConfig: UsersSortType): void {
try {
const fieldIndex = sorts.value.findIndex((sort) => sort.field === newSortConfig.field)
if (newSortConfig.direction) {
if (fieldIndex !== -1) {
// Update the direction if the field exists
sorts.value = [
.map((sort) => {
if (sort.field === newSortConfig.field) {
sort.direction = newSortConfig.direction
return sort
.filter((sort) => sort.field === newSortConfig.field), // For now it is only single level of sorting so remove another sort field
} else {
// Add a new sort configuration
sorts.value = [newSortConfig]
} else {
if (fieldIndex !== -1) {
// Remove the sort configuration if the field exists and direction is not present
sorts.value = [...clone(sorts.value).filter((sort) => sort.field !== newSortConfig.field)]
// Update local storage with the new sort configurations
const storedConfig = localStorage.getItem(userSortConfigKey)
const sortConfig = storedConfig ? JSON.parse(storedConfig) : {}
if (user.value?.id) {
// Save or delete user-specific sort configurations
if (sorts.value.length) {
sortConfig[user.value.id] = sorts.value
} else {
delete sortConfig[user.value.id]
} else {
// Save or delete default user sort configurations
sortConfig[defaultUserId] = sorts.value
localStorage.setItem(userSortConfigKey, JSON.stringify(sortConfig))
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error while retrieving sort configuration from local storage:', error)
* Sorts and returns a deep copy of an array of objects based on the provided sort configurations.
* @param data - The array of objects to be sorted.
* @param sortsConfig - The array of sort configurations.
* @returns A new array containing sorted objects.
* @template T - The type of objects in the input array.
function handleGetSortsData<T extends Record<string, any>>(data: T[], sortsConfig: UsersSortType[] = sorts.value): T[] {
let userRoleOrder: string[] = []
if (roleType === 'Workspace') {
userRoleOrder = Object.values(WorkspaceUserRoles)
} else if (roleType === 'Org') {
userRoleOrder = Object.values(OrgUserRoles)
} else if (roleType === 'Project') {
userRoleOrder = Object.values(ProjectRoles)
data = clone(data)
// let superUserIndex = data.findIndex((user) => user?.roles?.includes('super'))
// let superUser = superUserIndex !== -1 ? data.splice(superUserIndex, 1) : null
// console.log('super', superUser)
const sortedData = data.sort((a, b) => {
let sortCondition = 0
for (const { field, direction } of sortsConfig) {
if (!a[field]) continue
if (field === 'roles') {
for (const role of userRoleOrder) {
const indexA = a?.roles?.split(',')?.indexOf(role) ?? -1
const indexB = b?.roles?.split(',')?.indexOf(role) ?? -1
// if (indexA === -1) {
// sortCondition = sortCondition || direction === 'asc' ? 1 : -1 // Role A is missing, so it should come last
// break
// }
// if (indexB === -1) {
// sortCondition = sortCondition || direction === 'asc' ? -1 : 1 // Role B is missing, so it should come last
// break
// }
if (direction === 'asc') {
sortCondition = sortCondition || indexA - indexB
} else if (direction === 'desc') {
sortCondition = sortCondition || indexB - indexA
} else {
if (direction === 'asc') {
sortCondition = sortCondition || a[field]?.localeCompare(b[field])
} else if (direction === 'desc') {
sortCondition = sortCondition || b[field]?.localeCompare(a[field])
return sortCondition
return sortedData
return { sorts, sortDirection, loadSorts, saveOrUpdate, handleGetSortsData }