mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
250 lines
7.0 KiB
250 lines
7.0 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { LoadingOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue' |
import ManageUsers from './ManageUsers.vue' |
import { useViewsStore } from '~/store/views' |
const { isViewToolbar } = defineProps<{ |
isViewToolbar?: boolean |
}>() |
const { copy } = useCopy() |
const { dashboardUrl } = useDashboard() |
const projectStore = useProject() |
const { project } = storeToRefs(projectStore) |
const { navigateToProjectPage } = projectStore |
const { activeView } = storeToRefs(useViewsStore()) |
let view |
if (isViewToolbar) { |
try { |
const store = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow() |
view = store.view |
} catch (e) { |
console.error(e) |
} |
} |
const { formStatus, showShareModal, invitationUsersData, isInvitationLinkCopied } = storeToRefs(useShare()) |
const { resetData } = useShare() |
// const { inviteUser } = useManageUsers() |
// const expandedSharedType = ref<'none' | 'project' | 'view'>('view') |
const isOpeningManageAccess = ref(false) |
const inviteUrl = computed(() => |
invitationUsersData.value.invitationToken ? `${dashboardUrl.value}#/signup/${invitationUsersData.value.invitationToken}` : null, |
) |
const indicator = h(LoadingOutlined, { |
style: { |
fontSize: '24px', |
}, |
spin: true, |
}) |
/* |
const onShare = async () => { |
if (!invitationValid) return |
await inviteUser({ |
email: invitationUsersData.value.emails!, |
roles: invitationUsersData.value.role!, |
}) |
} |
*/ |
const copyInvitationLink = async () => { |
await copy(inviteUrl.value!) |
isInvitationLinkCopied.value = true |
} |
const openManageAccess = async () => { |
isOpeningManageAccess.value = true |
try { |
await navigateToProjectPage({ page: 'collaborator' }) |
showShareModal.value = false |
} catch (e) { |
console.error(e) |
message.error('Failed to open manage access') |
} finally { |
isOpeningManageAccess.value = false |
} |
} |
watch(showShareModal, (val) => { |
if (!val) { |
setTimeout(() => { |
resetData() |
}, 500) |
} |
}) |
</script> |
<template> |
<a-modal |
v-model:visible="showShareModal" |
class="!top-[55%]" |
:class="{ active: showShareModal }" |
wrap-class-name="nc-modal-share-collaborate" |
:closable="false" |
:mask-closable="formStatus === 'project-collaborateSaving' ? false : true" |
:ok-button-props="{ hidden: true } as any" |
:cancel-button-props="{ hidden: true } as any" |
:footer="null" |
:width="formStatus === 'manageCollaborators' ? '60rem' : '40rem'" |
> |
<div v-if="formStatus === 'project-collaborateSaving'" class="flex flex-row w-full px-5 justify-between items-center py-1"> |
<div class="flex text-base" :style="{ fontWeight: 500 }">Adding Members</div> |
<a-spin :indicator="indicator" /> |
</div> |
<template v-else-if="formStatus === 'project-collaborateSaved'"> |
<div class="flex flex-col py-1.5"> |
<div class="flex flex-row w-full px-5 justify-between items-center py-0.5"> |
<div class="flex text-base font-medium">Members added</div> |
<div class="flex"> |
<MdiCheck /> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="flex flex-row mx-3 mt-2.5 pt-3.5 border-t-1 border-gray-100 justify-end gap-x-2"> |
<a-button type="text" class="!border-1 !border-gray-200 !rounded-md" @click="showShareModal = false">Close </a-button> |
<a-button |
type="text" |
class="!border-1 !border-gray-200 !rounded-md" |
data-testid="docs-share-invitation-copy" |
:data-invite-link="inviteUrl" |
@click="copyInvitationLink" |
> |
<div v-if="isInvitationLinkCopied" class="flex flex-row items-center gap-x-1"> |
<MdiTick class="h-3.5" /> |
Copied invite link |
</div> |
<div v-else class="flex flex-row items-center gap-x-1"> |
<MdiContentCopy class="h-3.3" /> |
Copy invite link |
</div> |
</a-button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<div v-else-if="formStatus === 'manageCollaborators'"> |
<ManageUsers v-if="formStatus === 'manageCollaborators'" @close="formStatus = 'collaborate'" /> |
</div> |
<div v-else class="flex flex-col px-1"> |
<div class="flex flex-row justify-between items-center pb-1 mx-4 mt-3"> |
<div class="flex text-base font-medium">Share</div> |
</div> |
<div v-if="isViewToolbar" class="share-view"> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-x-2 px-4 pt-3 pb-3 select-none"> |
<component |
:is="viewIcons[view?.type]?.icon" |
class="nc-view-icon group-hover" |
:style="{ color: viewIcons[view?.type]?.color }" |
/> |
<div>Share View</div> |
<div |
class="max-w-79/100 ml-2 px-2 py-0.5 rounded-md bg-gray-100 capitalize text-ellipsis overflow-hidden" |
:style="{ wordBreak: 'keep-all', whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }" |
> |
{{ activeView.title }} |
</div> |
</div> |
<DlgShareAndCollaborateSharePage /> |
</div> |
<div class="share-base"> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-x-2 px-4 pt-3 pb-3 select-none"> |
<GeneralProjectIcon :type="project.type" class="nc-view-icon group-hover" /> |
<div>Share Base</div> |
<div |
class="max-w-79/100 ml-2 px-2 py-0.5 rounded-md bg-gray-100 capitalize text-ellipsis overflow-hidden" |
:style="{ wordBreak: 'keep-all', whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }" |
> |
{{ project.title }} |
</div> |
</div> |
<LazyDlgShareAndCollaborateShareBase /> |
</div> |
<div class="flex flex-row justify-end mx-3 mt-1 mb-2 pt-4 gap-x-2"> |
<NcButton type="secondary" data-testid="docs-cancel-btn" @click="showShareModal = false"> Close </NcButton> |
<NcButton |
data-testid="docs-share-manage-access" |
type="secondary" |
:loading="isOpeningManageAccess" |
@click="openManageAccess" |
>Manage project access</NcButton |
> |
<!-- <a-button |
v-if="formStatus === 'project-collaborate'" |
data-testid="docs-share-btn" |
class="!border-0 !rounded-md" |
type="primary" |
:disabled="!invitationValid" |
@click="onShare" |
> |
Share |
</a-button> --> |
</div> |
</div> |
</a-modal> |
</template> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.share-collapse-item { |
@apply !rounded-lg !mb-2 !mt-4 !border-0; |
} |
.ant-collapse { |
@apply !bg-white !border-0; |
} |
</style> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.nc-modal-share-collaborate { |
.ant-modal { |
top: 28vh !important; |
} |
.share-view, |
.share-base { |
@apply !border-1 border-gray-200 mx-3 rounded-lg mt-3 px-1 py-1; |
} |
.ant-collapse-item { |
@apply !border-1 border-gray-100; |
} |
.ant-collapse-content { |
@apply !border-t-0; |
} |
.ant-collapse-content-box { |
@apply !p-0; |
} |
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@apply !rounded-lg !px-1 !py-2; |
} |
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@apply !rounded-md !border-gray-200 !border-1; |
} |
.ant-form-item { |
@apply !my-0; |
} |
.ant-form-item-explain { |
@apply !ml-3; |
} |
.ant-select { |
@apply !p-0.5; |
} |
.ant-select-selector { |
@apply !bg-white; |
} |
} |