mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
321 lines
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321 lines
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import { expect, Locator, Page } from '@playwright/test'; |
import BasePage from '../Base'; |
import { GridPage } from './Grid'; |
import { FormPage } from './Form'; |
import { ExpandedFormPage } from './ExpandedForm'; |
import { BulkUpdatePage } from './BulkUpdate'; |
import { ChildList } from './Grid/Column/LTAR/ChildList'; |
import { LinkRecord } from './Grid/Column/LTAR/LinkRecord'; |
import { TreeViewPage } from './TreeView'; |
import { SettingsPage } from './Settings'; |
import { ViewSidebarPage } from './ViewSidebar'; |
import { LeftSidebarPage } from './common/LeftSidebar'; |
import { ProjectViewPage } from './ProjectView'; |
import { GalleryPage } from './Gallery'; |
import { KanbanPage } from './Kanban'; |
import { MapPage } from './Map'; |
import { ImportAirtablePage } from './Import/Airtable'; |
import { ImportTemplatePage } from './Import/ImportTemplate'; |
import { WebhookFormPage } from './WebhookForm'; |
import { FindRowByScanOverlay } from './FindRowByScanOverlay'; |
import { SidebarPage } from './Sidebar'; |
import { DocsPageGroup } from './Docs'; |
import { ShareProjectButtonPage } from './ShareProjectButton'; |
import { ProjectTypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'; |
import { WorkspacePage } from '../WorkspacePage'; |
import { DetailsPage } from './Details'; |
import { WorkspaceSettingsObject } from './WorkspaceSettings'; |
import { CmdJ } from './Command/CmdJPage'; |
import { CmdK } from './Command/CmdKPage'; |
import { CmdL } from './Command/CmdLPage'; |
import { CalendarPage } from './Calendar'; |
export class DashboardPage extends BasePage { |
readonly base: any; |
readonly tablesSideBar: Locator; |
readonly workspaceMenuLink: Locator; |
readonly tabBar: Locator; |
readonly treeView: TreeViewPage; |
readonly grid: GridPage; |
readonly gallery: GalleryPage; |
readonly calendar: CalendarPage; |
readonly form: FormPage; |
readonly kanban: KanbanPage; |
readonly map: MapPage; |
readonly expandedForm: ExpandedFormPage; |
readonly bulkUpdateForm: BulkUpdatePage; |
readonly webhookForm: WebhookFormPage; |
readonly findRowByScanOverlay: FindRowByScanOverlay; |
readonly childList: ChildList; |
readonly linkRecord: LinkRecord; |
readonly settings: SettingsPage; |
readonly viewSidebar: ViewSidebarPage; |
readonly leftSidebar: LeftSidebarPage; |
readonly baseView: ProjectViewPage; |
readonly importAirtable: ImportAirtablePage; |
readonly importTemplate = new ImportTemplatePage(this); |
readonly docs: DocsPageGroup; |
readonly sidebar: SidebarPage; |
readonly shareProjectButton: ShareProjectButtonPage; |
readonly details: DetailsPage; |
readonly workspaceSettings: WorkspaceSettingsObject; |
readonly cmdJ: CmdJ; |
readonly cmdK: CmdK; |
readonly cmdL: CmdL; |
constructor(rootPage: Page, base: any) { |
super(rootPage); |
this.base = base; |
this.tablesSideBar = rootPage.locator('.nc-treeview-container'); |
this.workspaceMenuLink = rootPage.getByTestId('nc-base-menu'); |
this.tabBar = rootPage.locator('.nc-tab-bar'); |
this.treeView = new TreeViewPage(this, base); |
this.grid = new GridPage(this); |
this.gallery = new GalleryPage(this); |
this.calendar = new CalendarPage(this); |
this.form = new FormPage(this); |
this.kanban = new KanbanPage(this); |
this.map = new MapPage(this); |
this.expandedForm = new ExpandedFormPage(this); |
this.bulkUpdateForm = new BulkUpdatePage(this); |
this.webhookForm = new WebhookFormPage(this); |
this.findRowByScanOverlay = new FindRowByScanOverlay(this); |
this.childList = new ChildList(this); |
this.linkRecord = new LinkRecord(this); |
this.settings = new SettingsPage(this); |
this.viewSidebar = new ViewSidebarPage(this); |
this.leftSidebar = new LeftSidebarPage(this); |
this.baseView = new ProjectViewPage(this); |
this.importAirtable = new ImportAirtablePage(this); |
this.sidebar = new SidebarPage(this); |
this.docs = new DocsPageGroup(this); |
this.shareProjectButton = new ShareProjectButtonPage(this); |
this.details = new DetailsPage(this); |
this.workspaceSettings = new WorkspaceSettingsObject(this); |
this.cmdJ = new CmdJ(this); |
this.cmdK = new CmdK(this); |
this.cmdL = new CmdL(this); |
} |
get() { |
return this.rootPage.locator('html'); |
} |
async goto() { |
await this.rootPage.goto(`/#/${this.base.fk_workspace_id}/${this.base.id}`); |
} |
getProjectMenuLink({ title }: { title: string }) { |
return this.rootPage.locator(`div.nc-base-menu-item:has-text("${title}")`); |
} |
async clickOnBaseMenuLink() { |
const baseMenuLocator = this.rootPage.locator(`.base-title-node:has-text("${this.base.title}")`).first(); |
await baseMenuLocator.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); |
await baseMenuLocator.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); |
await baseMenuLocator.hover(); |
await baseMenuLocator.locator('[data-testid="nc-sidebar-context-menu"]').first().click(); |
} |
async verifyTeamAndSettingsLinkIsVisible() { |
await this.clickOnBaseMenuLink(); |
const teamAndSettingsLink = this.getProjectMenuLink({ title: ' Team & Settings' }); |
await expect(teamAndSettingsLink).toBeVisible(); |
await this.clickOnBaseMenuLink(); |
} |
async verifyTeamAndSettingsLinkIsNotVisible() { |
await this.clickOnBaseMenuLink(); |
const teamAndSettingsLink = this.getProjectMenuLink({ title: ' Team & Settings' }); |
await expect(teamAndSettingsLink).not.toBeVisible(); |
await this.clickOnBaseMenuLink(); |
} |
async gotoSettings() { |
await this.clickOnBaseMenuLink(); |
await this.rootPage.locator('.ant-dropdown').locator(`.nc-menu-item:has-text("Settings")`).click(); |
} |
async gotoProjectSubMenu({ title }: { title: string }) { |
await this.clickOnBaseMenuLink(); |
await this.rootPage.locator(`div.nc-base-menu-item:has-text("${title}")`).click(); |
} |
async verifyInTabBar({ title }: { title: string }) { |
await this.tabBar.textContent().then(text => expect(text).toContain(title)); |
} |
async closeTab({ title }: { title: string }) {} |
async clickHome() { |
await this.leftSidebar.clickHome(); |
// wait for workspace page to render |
const workspacePage = new WorkspacePage(this.rootPage); |
await workspacePage.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); |
} |
async verifyOpenedTab({ title, mode = 'standard', emoji }: { title: string; mode?: string; emoji?: string }) { |
await this.tabBar.locator(`.ant-tabs-tab-active:has-text("${title}")`).isVisible(); |
if (emoji) { |
await expect( |
this.tabBar.locator(`.ant-tabs-tab-active:has-text("${title}")`).getByTestId(`nc-tab-icon-emojione:${emoji}`) |
).toBeVisible(); |
} |
} |
async verifyTabIsNotOpened({ title }: { title: string }) { |
await expect(this.tabBar.locator(`.ant-tabs-tab:has-text("${title}")`)).not.toBeVisible(); |
} |
// Hence will wait till contents are visible |
async waitForTabRender({ |
title, |
mode = 'standard', |
type = ProjectTypes.DATABASE, |
}: { |
title: string; |
mode?: string; |
type?: ProjectTypes; |
}) {} |
// When a tab is opened, it is not always immediately visible. |
async toggleMobileMode() { |
await this.clickOnBaseMenuLink(); |
const projMenu = this.rootPage.locator('.nc-dropdown-base-menu'); |
await projMenu.locator('[data-menu-id="mobile-mode"]:visible').click(); |
await this.clickOnBaseMenuLink(); |
} |
async signOut() { |
await this.sidebar.userMenu.click(); |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(1000); |
await this.rootPage.getByTestId('nc-sidebar-user-logout').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); |
await this.sidebar.userMenu.clickLogout(); |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(1000); |
await this.rootPage.locator('[data-testid="nc-form-signin"]:visible').waitFor(); |
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 150)); |
} |
async validateProjectMenu(param: { role: string; mode?: string }) { |
await this.rootPage.locator('[data-testid="nc-base-menu"]').click(); |
const pMenu = this.rootPage.locator(`.nc-dropdown-base-menu:visible`); |
// menu items |
let menuItems = { |
creator: [ |
'Copy Base Info', |
'Swagger: REST APIs', |
'Copy Auth Token', |
'Team & Settings', |
'Themes', |
'Preview as', |
'Language', |
'Account', |
], |
editor: ['Copy Base Info', 'Swagger: REST APIs', 'Copy Auth Token', 'Language', 'Account'], |
commenter: ['Copy Base Info', 'Copy Auth Token', 'Language', 'Account'], |
viewer: ['Copy Base Info', 'Copy Auth Token', 'Language', 'Account'], |
}; |
if (param?.mode === 'shareBase') { |
menuItems = { |
creator: [], |
commenter: [], |
editor: ['Language'], |
viewer: ['Language'], |
}; |
} |
// common items |
for (const item of menuItems[param.role]) { |
await expect(pMenu).toContainText(item); |
} |
await this.rootPage.locator('[data-testid="nc-base-menu"]').click(); |
} |
// Wait for the loader i.e the loader than appears when rows are being fetched, saved etc on the top right of dashboard |
async waitForLoaderToDisappear() { |
await this.rootPage.locator('[data-testid="nc-loading"]').waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); |
} |
async closeAllTabs() { |
const tab = this.tabBar.locator(`.ant-tabs-tab`); |
const tabCount = await tab.count(); |
for (let i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) { |
await tab.nth(i).locator('button.ant-tabs-tab-remove').click(); |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(200); |
} |
} |
/* async closeAllTabs() { |
await this.tabBar.locator(`.ant-tabs-tab`).waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); |
const tab = await this.tabBar.locator(`.ant-tabs-tab`); |
const tabCount = await tab.count(); |
for (let i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) { |
await tab.nth(i).locator('button.ant-tabs-tab-remove').click(); |
await tab.nth(i).waitFor({ state: 'detached' }); |
} |
}*/ |
async validateWorkspaceMenu(param: { role: string; mode?: string }) { |
await this.grid.workspaceMenu.toggle(); |
await this.grid.workspaceMenu.get().waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); |
const pMenu = this.grid.workspaceMenu.get(); |
// menu items |
let menuItems = { |
creator: ['Collaborators', 'Settings', 'Copy Auth Token', 'Themes', 'Preview as', 'Language', 'Account'], |
editor: ['Collaborators', 'Settings', 'Copy Auth Token', 'Language', 'Account'], |
commenter: ['Collaborators', 'Settings', 'Copy Auth Token', 'Language', 'Account'], |
viewer: ['Collaborators', 'Settings', 'Copy Auth Token', 'Language', 'Account'], |
}; |
if (param?.mode === 'shareBase') { |
menuItems = { |
creator: [], |
commenter: [], |
editor: ['Language'], |
viewer: ['Language'], |
}; |
} |
// common items |
for (const item of menuItems[param.role]) { |
await expect(pMenu).toContainText(item); |
} |
// menuItems.creator is a super set. validate if the corresponding items missing in editor, commenter, viewer are not present |
for (const item of menuItems.creator) { |
if (!menuItems[param.role].includes(item)) { |
await expect(pMenu).not.toContainText(item); |
} |
} |
await this.grid.workspaceMenu.toggle(); |
} |
private async _waitForDocsTabRender({ title, mode }: { title: string; mode: string }) { |
await this.tabBar.locator(`.ant-tabs-tab-active:has-text("${title}")`).waitFor(); |
// wait active tab animation to finish |
await expect |
.poll(async () => { |
return await this.tabBar.getByTestId(`nc-root-tabs-${title}`).evaluate(el => { |
return window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('color'); |
}); |
}) |
.toBe('rgb(67, 81, 232)'); |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(500); |
} |