You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

212 lines
6.3 KiB

class="primary nc-btn-use-template"
<slot>Use template</slot>
import colors from '~/mixins/colors'
export default {
name: 'CreateProjectFromTemplateBtn',
mixins: [colors],
props: {
excelImport: Boolean,
loading: Boolean,
importToProject: Boolean,
templateData: [Array, Object],
importData: [Array, Object],
valid: {
default: true,
type: Boolean
validationErrorMsg: {
default: 'Please fill all the required values',
type: String
createGqlText: {
default: 'Create GQL Project',
type: String
createRestText: {
default: 'Create REST Project',
type: String
data() {
return {
projectCreation: false,
loaderMessagesIndex: 0,
loaderMessages: [
'Setting up new database configs',
'Inferring database schema',
'Generating APIs.',
'Generating APIs..',
'Generating APIs...',
'Generating APIs....',
'Please wait',
'Please wait.',
'Please wait..',
'Please wait...',
'Please wait..',
'Please wait.',
'Please wait',
'Please wait.',
'Please wait..',
'Please wait...',
'Please wait..',
'Please wait.',
'Please wait..',
'Please wait...'
methods: {
async useTemplate(projectType) {
if (!this.valid) {
return this.$toast.error(this.validationErrorMsg).goAway(3000)
// this.$emit('useTemplate', type)
this.projectCreation = true
let interv
try {
interv = setInterval(() => {
this.loaderMessagesIndex = this.loaderMessagesIndex < this.loaderMessages.length - 1 ? this.loaderMessagesIndex + 1 : 6
this.$store.commit('loader/MutMessage', this.loaderMessages[this.loaderMessagesIndex])
}, 1000)
let projectId, prefix
if (this.importToProject) {
this.$store.commit('loader/MutMessage', 'Importing excel template')
const res = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [{
// todo: extract based on active
dbAlias: 'db', // this.nodes.dbAlias,
env: '_noco'
}, 'xcModelsCreateFromTemplate', {
template: this.templateData
if (res && res.tables && res.tables.length) {
this.$toast.success(`Imported ${res.tables.length} tables successfully`).goAway(3000)
} else {
this.$toast.success('Template imported successfully').goAway(3000)
projectId = this.$route.params.project_id
prefix = this.$store.getters['project/GtrProjectPrefix']
} else {
const result = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [null, 'projectCreateByWebWithXCDB', {
title: this.templateData.title,
template: this.templateData,
excelImport: this.excelImport
projectId = result.id
prefix = result.prefix
await this.$store.dispatch('project/ActLoadProjectInfo')
if (this.importData) {
this.$store.commit('loader/MutMessage', 'Importing excel data to project')
await this.importDataToProject({ projectId, projectType, prefix })
this.$store.commit('loader/MutMessage', null)
this.projectReloading = false
if (!this.importToProject) {
await this.$router.push({
path: `/nc/${projectId}`,
query: {
new: 1
} catch (e) {
this.$store.commit('loader/MutMessage', null)
this.projectCreation = false
async importDataToProject({ projectId, projectType, prefix = '' }) {
// this.$store.commit('project/MutProjectId', projectId)
let total = 0
let progress = 0
/* await Promise.all(Object.entries(this.importData).map(v => (async([table, data]) => {
await this.$store.dispatch('meta/ActLoadMeta', {
tn: `${prefix}${table}`, project_id: projectId
// todo: get table name properly
const api = this.$ncApis.get({
table: `${prefix}${table}`,
type: projectType
total += data.length
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 500) {
this.$store.commit('loader/MutMessage', `Importing data : ${progress}/${total}`)
this.$store.commit('loader/MutProgress', Math.round(progress && 100 * progress / total))
const batchData = data.slice(i, i + 500)
await api.insertBulk(batchData)
progress += batchData.length
})(v))) */
await Promise.all(this.templateData.tables.map(v => (async(tableMeta) => {
const table = tableMeta.table_name
const data = this.importData[tableMeta.refTn]
await this.$store.dispatch('meta/ActLoadMeta', {
tn: `${prefix}${table}`, project_id: projectId
// todo: get table name properly
const api = this.$ncApis.get({
table: `${prefix}${table}`,
type: projectType
total += data.length
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 500) {
this.$store.commit('loader/MutMessage', `Importing data : ${progress}/${total}`)
this.$store.commit('loader/MutProgress', Math.round(progress && 100 * progress / total))
const batchData = this.remapColNames(data.slice(i, i + 500), tableMeta.columns)
await api.insertBulk(batchData)
progress += batchData.length
remapColNames(batchData, columns) {
return batchData.map(data => (columns || []).reduce((aggObj, col) => ({
[col.column_name]: data[col.refCn]
}), {})
<style scoped>