You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

146 lines
4.5 KiB

// playwright-dev-page.ts
import { Locator, expect } from "@playwright/test";
import { DashboardPage } from "..";
import BasePage from "../../Base";
import { CellPageObject } from "./Cell";
import { ColumnPageObject } from "./Column";
import { ToolbarPage } from "./Toolbar";
export class GridPage extends BasePage {
readonly dashboard: DashboardPage;
readonly addNewTableButton: Locator;
readonly dashboardPage: DashboardPage;
readonly column: ColumnPageObject;
readonly cell: CellPageObject;
readonly toolbar: ToolbarPage;
constructor(dashboardPage: DashboardPage) {
this.dashboard = dashboardPage;
this.addNewTableButton = dashboardPage.get().locator(".nc-add-new-table");
this.column = new ColumnPageObject(this);
this.cell = new CellPageObject(this);
this.toolbar = new ToolbarPage(this);
get() {
return this.dashboard.get().locator('[pw-data="nc-grid-wrapper"]');
row(index: number) {
return this.get().locator(`tr[data-pw="grid-row-${index}"]`);
async rowCount() {
await this.get().locator(".nc-grid-row").count();
async verifyRowCount({ count }: { count: number }) {
return expect(await this.get().locator(".nc-grid-row").count()).toBe(count);
async addNewRow({
index = 0,
}: { index?: number; title?: string } = {}) {
const rowCount = await this.get().locator(".nc-grid-row").count();
await this.get().locator(".nc-grid-add-new-cell").click();
if (rowCount + 1 !== (await this.get().locator(".nc-grid-row").count())) {
await this.get().locator(".nc-grid-add-new-cell").click();
const cell = this.cell.get({ index, columnHeader: "Title" });
await this.cell.dblclick({
columnHeader: "Title",
await cell.locator("input").fill(title ?? `Row ${index}`);
await cell.locator("input").press("Enter");
async verifyRow({ index }: { index: number }) {
await this.get()
.waitFor({ state: "visible" });
await this.get().locator(`td[data-pw="cell-Title-${index}"]`).count()
async verifyRowDoesNotExist({ index }: { index: number }) {
await this.get()
.waitFor({ state: "hidden" });
return expect(
await this.get().locator(`td[data-pw="cell-Title-${index}"]`).count()
async deleteRow(index: number) {
await this.get().locator(`td[data-pw="cell-Title-${index}"]`).click({
button: "right",
// Click text=Delete Row
await this.rootPage.locator("text=Delete Row").click();
// todo: improve selector
await this.rootPage
.locator("span.ant-dropdown-menu-title-content > nc-project-menu-item")
.waitFor({ state: "hidden" });
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(300);
async addRowRightClickMenu(index: number) {
const rowCount = await this.get().locator(".nc-grid-row").count();
await this.get().locator(`td[data-pw="cell-Title-${index}"]`).click({
button: "right",
// Click text=Insert New Row
await this.rootPage.locator("text=Insert New Row").click();
expect(await this.get().locator(".nc-grid-row").count()).toBe(rowCount + 1);
async openExpandedRow({ index }: { index: number }) {
await this.row(index).locator(`td[pw-data="cell-id-${index}"]`).hover();
await this.row(index).locator(`div[pw-data="nc-expand-${index}"]`).click();
async selectAll() {
await this.get().locator('[pw-data="nc-check-all"]').hover();
await this.get()
async deleteAll() {
await this.selectAll();
await this.get()
button: "right",
await this.rootPage.locator("text=Delete Selected Rows").click();
async pagination({ page }: { page: string }) {
await this.get().locator(`.nc-pagination`).waitFor();
if (page === "<")
return this.get().locator(".nc-pagination > .ant-pagination-prev");
if (page === ">")
return this.get().locator(".nc-pagination > .ant-pagination-next");
return this.get().locator(
`.nc-pagination > .ant-pagination-item.ant-pagination-item-${page}`
async verifyActivePage({ page }: { page: string }) {
expect(await this.pagination({ page })).toHaveClass(