mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
811 lines
26 KiB
811 lines
26 KiB
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import type { Ref } from 'vue' |
import type { ListItem as AntListItem } from 'ant-design-vue' |
import jsep from 'jsep' |
import type { ColumnType, FormulaType } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import { UITypes, jsepCurlyHook, substituteColumnIdWithAliasInFormula } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import { |
MetaInj, |
NcAutocompleteTree, |
formulaList, |
formulaTypes, |
formulas, |
getUIDTIcon, |
getWordUntilCaret, |
iconMap, |
insertAtCursor, |
onMounted, |
useColumnCreateStoreOrThrow, |
useDebounceFn, |
useVModel, |
validateDateWithUnknownFormat, |
} from '#imports' |
const props = defineProps<{ |
value: any |
}>() |
const emit = defineEmits(['update:value']) |
const uiTypesNotSupportedInFormulas = [UITypes.QrCode, UITypes.Barcode] |
const vModel = useVModel(props, 'value', emit) |
const { setAdditionalValidations, validateInfos, sqlUi, column } = useColumnCreateStoreOrThrow() |
const { t } = useI18n() |
const { predictFunction: _predictFunction } = useNocoEe() |
enum JSEPNode { |
COMPOUND = 'Compound', |
IDENTIFIER = 'Identifier', |
MEMBER_EXP = 'MemberExpression', |
LITERAL = 'Literal', |
THIS_EXP = 'ThisExpression', |
CALL_EXP = 'CallExpression', |
UNARY_EXP = 'UnaryExpression', |
BINARY_EXP = 'BinaryExpression', |
ARRAY_EXP = 'ArrayExpression', |
} |
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref()) |
const supportedColumns = computed( |
() => meta?.value?.columns?.filter((col) => !uiTypesNotSupportedInFormulas.includes(col.uidt as UITypes)) || [], |
) |
const validators = { |
formula_raw: [ |
{ |
validator: (_: any, formula: any) => { |
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { |
if (!formula?.trim()) return reject(new Error('Required')) |
const res = parseAndValidateFormula(formula) |
if (res !== true) { |
return reject(new Error(res)) |
} |
resolve() |
}) |
}, |
}, |
], |
} |
const availableFunctions = formulaList |
const availableBinOps = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '>', '<', '==', '<=', '>=', '!='] |
const autocomplete = ref(false) |
const formulaRef = ref() |
const sugListRef = ref() |
const sugOptionsRef = ref<(typeof AntListItem)[]>([]) |
const wordToComplete = ref<string | undefined>('') |
const selected = ref(0) |
const sortOrder: Record<string, number> = { |
column: 0, |
function: 1, |
op: 2, |
} |
const suggestionsList = computed(() => { |
const unsupportedFnList = sqlUi.value.getUnsupportedFnList() |
return [ |
...availableFunctions |
.filter((fn: string) => !unsupportedFnList.includes(fn)) |
.map((fn: string) => ({ |
text: `${fn}()`, |
type: 'function', |
description: formulas[fn].description, |
syntax: formulas[fn].syntax, |
examples: formulas[fn].examples, |
})), |
...supportedColumns.value |
.filter((c) => { |
// skip system LTAR columns |
if (c.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord && c.system) return false |
// v1 logic? skip the current column |
if (!column) return true |
return column.value?.id !== c.id |
}) |
.map((c: any) => ({ |
text: c.title, |
type: 'column', |
icon: getUIDTIcon(c.uidt), |
uidt: c.uidt, |
})), |
...availableBinOps.map((op: string) => ({ |
text: op, |
type: 'op', |
})), |
] |
}) |
// set default suggestion list |
const suggestion: Ref<Record<string, any>[]> = ref(suggestionsList.value) |
const acTree = computed(() => { |
const ref = new NcAutocompleteTree() |
for (const sug of suggestionsList.value) { |
ref.add(sug) |
} |
return ref |
}) |
function parseAndValidateFormula(formula: string) { |
try { |
const parsedTree = jsep(formula) |
const metaErrors = validateAgainstMeta(parsedTree) |
if (metaErrors.size) { |
return [...metaErrors].join(', ') |
} |
return true |
} catch (e: any) { |
return e.message |
} |
} |
function validateAgainstMeta(parsedTree: any, errors = new Set(), typeErrors = new Set()) { |
if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.CALL_EXP) { |
const calleeName = parsedTree.callee.name.toUpperCase() |
// validate function name |
if (!availableFunctions.includes(calleeName)) { |
errors.add(t('msg.formula.functionNotAvailable', { function: calleeName })) |
} |
// validate arguments |
const validation = formulas[calleeName] && formulas[calleeName].validation |
if (validation && validation.args) { |
if (validation.args.rqd !== undefined && validation.args.rqd !== parsedTree.arguments.length) { |
errors.add(t('msg.formula.requiredArgumentsFormula', { requiredArguments: validation.args.rqd, calleeName })) |
} else if (validation.args.min !== undefined && validation.args.min > parsedTree.arguments.length) { |
errors.add(t('msg.formula.minRequiredArgumentsFormula', { minRequiredArguments: validation.args.min, calleeName })) |
} else if (validation.args.max !== undefined && validation.args.max < parsedTree.arguments.length) { |
errors.add(t('msg.formula.maxRequiredArgumentsFormula', { maxRequiredArguments: validation.args.max, calleeName })) |
} |
} |
parsedTree.arguments.map((arg: Record<string, any>) => validateAgainstMeta(arg, errors)) |
// validate data type |
if (parsedTree.callee.type === JSEPNode.IDENTIFIER) { |
const expectedType = formulas[calleeName.toUpperCase()].type |
if (expectedType === formulaTypes.NUMERIC) { |
if (calleeName === 'WEEKDAY') { |
// parsedTree.arguments[0] = date |
validateAgainstType( |
parsedTree.arguments[0], |
formulaTypes.DATE, |
(v: any) => { |
if (!validateDateWithUnknownFormat(v)) { |
typeErrors.add(t('msg.formula.firstParamWeekDayHaveDate')) |
} |
}, |
typeErrors, |
) |
// parsedTree.arguments[1] = startDayOfWeek (optional) |
validateAgainstType( |
parsedTree.arguments[1], |
formulaTypes.STRING, |
(v: any) => { |
if ( |
typeof v !== 'string' || |
!['sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday'].includes(v.toLowerCase()) |
) { |
typeErrors.add(t('msg.formula.secondParamWeekDayHaveDate')) |
} |
}, |
typeErrors, |
) |
} else { |
parsedTree.arguments.map((arg: Record<string, any>) => validateAgainstType(arg, expectedType, null, typeErrors)) |
} |
} else if (expectedType === formulaTypes.DATE) { |
if (calleeName === 'DATEADD') { |
// parsedTree.arguments[0] = date |
validateAgainstType( |
parsedTree.arguments[0], |
formulaTypes.DATE, |
(v: any) => { |
if (!validateDateWithUnknownFormat(v)) { |
typeErrors.add(t('msg.formula.firstParamDateAddHaveDate')) |
} |
}, |
typeErrors, |
) |
// parsedTree.arguments[1] = numeric |
validateAgainstType( |
parsedTree.arguments[1], |
formulaTypes.NUMERIC, |
(v: any) => { |
if (typeof v !== 'number') { |
typeErrors.add(t('msg.formula.secondParamDateAddHaveNumber')) |
} |
}, |
typeErrors, |
) |
// parsedTree.arguments[2] = ["day" | "week" | "month" | "year"] |
validateAgainstType( |
parsedTree.arguments[2], |
formulaTypes.STRING, |
(v: any) => { |
if (!['day', 'week', 'month', 'year'].includes(v)) { |
typeErrors.add(typeErrors.add(t('msg.formula.thirdParamDateAddHaveDate'))) |
} |
}, |
typeErrors, |
) |
} else if (calleeName === 'DATETIME_DIFF') { |
// parsedTree.arguments[0] = date |
validateAgainstType( |
parsedTree.arguments[0], |
formulaTypes.DATE, |
(v: any) => { |
if (!validateDateWithUnknownFormat(v)) { |
typeErrors.add(t('msg.formula.firstParamDateDiffHaveDate')) |
} |
}, |
typeErrors, |
) |
// parsedTree.arguments[1] = date |
validateAgainstType( |
parsedTree.arguments[1], |
formulaTypes.DATE, |
(v: any) => { |
if (!validateDateWithUnknownFormat(v)) { |
typeErrors.add(t('msg.formula.secondParamDateDiffHaveDate')) |
} |
}, |
typeErrors, |
) |
// parsedTree.arguments[2] = ["milliseconds" | "ms" | "seconds" | "s" | "minutes" | "m" | "hours" | "h" | "days" | "d" | "weeks" | "w" | "months" | "M" | "quarters" | "Q" | "years" | "y"] |
validateAgainstType( |
parsedTree.arguments[2], |
formulaTypes.STRING, |
(v: any) => { |
if ( |
![ |
'milliseconds', |
'ms', |
'seconds', |
's', |
'minutes', |
'm', |
'hours', |
'h', |
'days', |
'd', |
'weeks', |
'w', |
'months', |
'M', |
'quarters', |
'Q', |
'years', |
'y', |
].includes(v) |
) { |
typeErrors.add(t('msg.formula.thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate')) |
} |
}, |
typeErrors, |
) |
} |
} |
} |
errors = new Set([...errors, ...typeErrors]) |
} else if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.IDENTIFIER) { |
if (supportedColumns.value.filter((c) => !column || column.value?.id !== c.id).every((c) => c.title !== parsedTree.name)) { |
errors.add( |
t('msg.formula.columnNotAvailable', { |
columnName: parsedTree.name, |
}), |
) |
} |
// check circular reference |
// e.g. formula1 -> formula2 -> formula1 should return circular reference error |
// get all formula columns excluding itself |
const formulaPaths = supportedColumns.value |
.filter((c) => c.id !== column.value?.id && c.uidt === UITypes.Formula) |
.reduce((res: Record<string, any>[], c: Record<string, any>) => { |
// in `formula`, get all the (unique) target neighbours |
// i.e. all column id (e.g. cl_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) with formula type |
const neighbours = [ |
...new Set( |
(c.colOptions.formula.match(/cl_\w{14}/g) || []).filter( |
(colId: string) => |
supportedColumns.value.filter((col: ColumnType) => col.id === colId && col.uidt === UITypes.Formula).length, |
), |
), |
] |
if (neighbours.length > 0) { |
// e.g. formula column 1 -> [formula column 2, formula column3] |
res.push({ [c.id]: neighbours }) |
} |
return res |
}, []) |
// include target formula column (i.e. the one to be saved if applicable) |
const targetFormulaCol = supportedColumns.value.find( |
(c: ColumnType) => c.title === parsedTree.name && c.uidt === UITypes.Formula, |
) |
if (targetFormulaCol && column.value?.id) { |
formulaPaths.push({ |
[column.value?.id as string]: [targetFormulaCol.id], |
}) |
} |
const vertices = formulaPaths.length |
if (vertices > 0) { |
// perform kahn's algo for cycle detection |
const adj = new Map() |
const inDegrees = new Map() |
// init adjacency list & indegree |
for (const [_, v] of Object.entries(formulaPaths)) { |
const src = Object.keys(v)[0] |
const neighbours = v[src] |
inDegrees.set(src, inDegrees.get(src) || 0) |
for (const neighbour of neighbours) { |
adj.set(src, (adj.get(src) || new Set()).add(neighbour)) |
inDegrees.set(neighbour, (inDegrees.get(neighbour) || 0) + 1) |
} |
} |
const queue: string[] = [] |
// put all vertices with in-degree = 0 (i.e. no incoming edges) to queue |
inDegrees.forEach((inDegree, col) => { |
if (inDegree === 0) { |
// in-degree = 0 means we start traversing from this node |
queue.push(col) |
} |
}) |
// init count of visited vertices |
let visited = 0 |
// BFS |
while (queue.length !== 0) { |
// remove a vertex from the queue |
const src = queue.shift() |
// if this node has neighbours, increase visited by 1 |
const neighbours = adj.get(src) || new Set() |
if (neighbours.size > 0) { |
visited += 1 |
} |
// iterate each neighbouring nodes |
neighbours.forEach((neighbour: string) => { |
// decrease in-degree of its neighbours by 1 |
inDegrees.set(neighbour, inDegrees.get(neighbour) - 1) |
// if in-degree becomes 0 |
if (inDegrees.get(neighbour) === 0) { |
// then put the neighboring node to the queue |
queue.push(neighbour) |
} |
}) |
} |
// vertices not same as visited = cycle found |
if (vertices !== visited) { |
errors.add(t('msg.formula.cantSaveCircularReference')) |
} |
} |
} else if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.BINARY_EXP) { |
if (!availableBinOps.includes(parsedTree.operator)) { |
errors.add(t('msg.formula.operationNotAvailable', { operation: parsedTree.operator })) |
} |
validateAgainstMeta(parsedTree.left, errors) |
validateAgainstMeta(parsedTree.right, errors) |
} else if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.LITERAL || parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.UNARY_EXP) { |
// do nothing |
} else if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.COMPOUND) { |
if (parsedTree.body.length) { |
errors.add(t('msg.formula.cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid')) |
} |
} else { |
errors.add(t('msg.formula.cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid')) |
} |
return errors |
} |
function validateAgainstType(parsedTree: any, expectedType: string, func: any, typeErrors = new Set()) { |
if (parsedTree === false || typeof parsedTree === 'undefined') { |
return typeErrors |
} |
if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.LITERAL) { |
if (typeof func === 'function') { |
func(parsedTree.value) |
} else if (expectedType === formulaTypes.NUMERIC) { |
if (typeof parsedTree.value !== 'number') { |
typeErrors.add(t('msg.formula.numericTypeIsExpected')) |
} |
} else if (expectedType === formulaTypes.STRING) { |
if (typeof parsedTree.value !== 'string') { |
typeErrors.add(t('msg.formula.stringTypeIsExpected')) |
} |
} |
} else if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.IDENTIFIER) { |
const col = supportedColumns.value.find((c) => c.title === parsedTree.name) |
if (col === undefined) { |
return |
} |
if (col.uidt === UITypes.Formula) { |
const foundType = getRootDataType(jsep((col as any).formula_raw)) |
if (foundType === 'N/A') { |
typeErrors.add(t('msg.formula.notSupportedToReferenceColumn', { columnName: col.title })) |
} else if (expectedType !== foundType) { |
typeErrors.add( |
t('msg.formula.typeIsExpectedButFound', { |
type: expectedType, |
found: foundType, |
}), |
) |
} |
} else { |
switch (col.uidt) { |
// string |
case UITypes.SingleLineText: |
case UITypes.LongText: |
case UITypes.MultiSelect: |
case UITypes.SingleSelect: |
case UITypes.PhoneNumber: |
case UITypes.Email: |
case UITypes.URL: |
if (expectedType !== formulaTypes.STRING) { |
typeErrors.add( |
t('msg.formula.columnWithTypeFoundButExpected', { |
columnName: parsedTree.name, |
columnType: formulaTypes.STRING, |
expectedType, |
}), |
) |
} |
break |
// numeric |
case UITypes.Year: |
case UITypes.Number: |
case UITypes.Decimal: |
case UITypes.Rating: |
case UITypes.Count: |
case UITypes.AutoNumber: |
case UITypes.Currency: |
if (expectedType !== formulaTypes.NUMERIC) { |
typeErrors.add( |
t('msg.formula.columnWithTypeFoundButExpected', { |
columnName: parsedTree.name, |
columnType: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, |
expectedType, |
}), |
) |
} |
break |
// date |
case UITypes.Date: |
case UITypes.DateTime: |
case UITypes.CreateTime: |
case UITypes.LastModifiedTime: |
if (expectedType !== formulaTypes.DATE) { |
typeErrors.add( |
t('msg.formula.columnWithTypeFoundButExpected', { |
columnName: parsedTree.name, |
columnType: formulaTypes.DATE, |
expectedType, |
}), |
) |
} |
break |
// not supported |
case UITypes.ForeignKey: |
case UITypes.Attachment: |
case UITypes.ID: |
case UITypes.Time: |
case UITypes.Percent: |
case UITypes.Duration: |
case UITypes.Rollup: |
case UITypes.Lookup: |
case UITypes.Barcode: |
case UITypes.Button: |
case UITypes.Checkbox: |
case UITypes.Collaborator: |
case UITypes.QrCode: |
default: |
typeErrors.add(t('msg.formula.notSupportedToReferenceColumn', { columnName: parsedTree.name })) |
break |
} |
} |
} else if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.UNARY_EXP || parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.BINARY_EXP) { |
if (expectedType !== formulaTypes.NUMERIC) { |
// parsedTree.name won't be available here |
typeErrors.add( |
t('msg.formula.typeIsExpectedButFound', { |
type: formulaTypes.NUMERIC, |
found: expectedType, |
}), |
) |
} |
} else if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.CALL_EXP) { |
const calleeName = parsedTree.callee.name.toUpperCase() |
if (formulas[calleeName]?.type && expectedType !== formulas[calleeName].type) { |
typeErrors.add( |
t('msg.formula.typeIsExpectedButFound', { |
type: expectedType, |
found: formulas[calleeName].type, |
}), |
) |
} |
} |
return typeErrors |
} |
function getRootDataType(parsedTree: any): any { |
// given a parse tree, return the data type of it |
if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.CALL_EXP) { |
return formulas[parsedTree.callee.name.toUpperCase()].type |
} else if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.IDENTIFIER) { |
const col = supportedColumns.value.find((c) => c.title === parsedTree.name) as Record<string, any> |
if (col?.uidt === UITypes.Formula) { |
return getRootDataType(jsep(col?.formula_raw)) |
} else { |
switch (col?.uidt) { |
// string |
case UITypes.SingleLineText: |
case UITypes.LongText: |
case UITypes.MultiSelect: |
case UITypes.SingleSelect: |
case UITypes.PhoneNumber: |
case UITypes.Email: |
case UITypes.URL: |
return formulaTypes.STRING |
// numeric |
case UITypes.Year: |
case UITypes.Number: |
case UITypes.Decimal: |
case UITypes.Rating: |
case UITypes.Count: |
case UITypes.AutoNumber: |
return formulaTypes.NUMERIC |
// date |
case UITypes.Date: |
case UITypes.DateTime: |
case UITypes.CreateTime: |
case UITypes.LastModifiedTime: |
return formulaTypes.DATE |
// not supported |
case UITypes.ForeignKey: |
case UITypes.Attachment: |
case UITypes.ID: |
case UITypes.Time: |
case UITypes.Currency: |
case UITypes.Percent: |
case UITypes.Duration: |
case UITypes.Rollup: |
case UITypes.Lookup: |
case UITypes.Barcode: |
case UITypes.Button: |
case UITypes.Checkbox: |
case UITypes.Collaborator: |
case UITypes.QrCode: |
default: |
return 'N/A' |
} |
} |
} else if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.BINARY_EXP || parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.UNARY_EXP) { |
return formulaTypes.NUMERIC |
} else if (parsedTree.type === JSEPNode.LITERAL) { |
return typeof parsedTree.value |
} else { |
return 'N/A' |
} |
} |
function isCurlyBracketBalanced() { |
// count number of opening curly brackets and closing curly brackets |
const cntCurlyBrackets = (formulaRef.value.$el.value.match(/\{|}/g) || []).reduce( |
(acc: Record<number, number>, cur: number) => { |
acc[cur] = (acc[cur] || 0) + 1 |
return acc |
}, |
{}, |
) |
return (cntCurlyBrackets['{'] || 0) === (cntCurlyBrackets['}'] || 0) |
} |
function appendText(item: Record<string, any>) { |
const text = item.text |
const len = wordToComplete.value?.length || 0 |
if (item.type === 'function') { |
vModel.value.formula_raw = insertAtCursor(formulaRef.value.$el, text, len, 1) |
} else if (item.type === 'column') { |
vModel.value.formula_raw = insertAtCursor(formulaRef.value.$el, `{${text}}`, len + +!isCurlyBracketBalanced()) |
} else { |
vModel.value.formula_raw = insertAtCursor(formulaRef.value.$el, text, len) |
} |
autocomplete.value = false |
wordToComplete.value = '' |
if (item.type === 'function' || item.type === 'op') { |
// if function / operator is chosen, display columns only |
suggestion.value = suggestionsList.value.filter((f) => f.type === 'column') |
} else { |
// show all options if column is chosen |
suggestion.value = suggestionsList.value |
} |
} |
const handleInputDeb = useDebounceFn(function () { |
handleInput() |
}, 250) |
function handleInput() { |
selected.value = 0 |
suggestion.value = [] |
const query = getWordUntilCaret(formulaRef.value.$el) |
const parts = query.split(/\W+/) |
wordToComplete.value = parts.pop() || '' |
suggestion.value = acTree.value |
.complete(wordToComplete.value) |
?.sort((x: Record<string, any>, y: Record<string, any>) => sortOrder[x.type] - sortOrder[y.type]) |
if (!isCurlyBracketBalanced()) { |
suggestion.value = suggestion.value.filter((v) => v.type === 'column') |
} |
autocomplete.value = !!suggestion.value.length |
} |
function selectText() { |
if (suggestion.value && selected.value > -1 && selected.value < suggestion.value.length) { |
appendText(suggestion.value[selected.value]) |
} |
} |
function suggestionListUp() { |
if (suggestion.value) { |
selected.value = --selected.value > -1 ? selected.value : suggestion.value.length - 1 |
scrollToSelectedOption() |
} |
} |
function suggestionListDown() { |
if (suggestion.value) { |
selected.value = ++selected.value % suggestion.value.length |
scrollToSelectedOption() |
} |
} |
function scrollToSelectedOption() { |
nextTick(() => { |
if (sugOptionsRef.value[selected.value]) { |
try { |
sugListRef.value.$el.scrollTo({ |
top: sugOptionsRef.value[selected.value].$el.offsetTop, |
behavior: 'smooth', |
}) |
} catch (e) {} |
} |
}) |
} |
// set default value |
if ((column.value?.colOptions as any)?.formula_raw) { |
vModel.value.formula_raw = |
substituteColumnIdWithAliasInFormula( |
(column.value?.colOptions as FormulaType)?.formula, |
meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[], |
(column.value?.colOptions as any)?.formula_raw, |
) || '' |
} |
// set additional validations |
setAdditionalValidations({ |
...validators, |
}) |
onMounted(() => { |
jsep.plugins.register(jsepCurlyHook) |
}) |
// const predictFunction = async () => { |
// await _predictFunction(formState, meta, supportedColumns, suggestionsList, vModel) |
// } |
</script> |
<template> |
<div class="formula-wrapper"> |
<a-form-item v-bind="validateInfos.formula_raw" :label="$t('datatype.Formula')"> |
<!-- <GeneralIcon |
v-if="isEeUI" |
icon="magic" |
:class="{ 'nc-animation-pulse': loadMagic }" |
class="text-orange-400 cursor-pointer absolute right-1 top-1 z-10" |
@click="predictFunction()" |
/> --> |
<a-textarea |
ref="formulaRef" |
v-model:value="vModel.formula_raw" |
class="mb-2 nc-formula-input" |
@keydown.down.prevent="suggestionListDown" |
@keydown.up.prevent="suggestionListUp" |
@keydown.enter.prevent="selectText" |
@change="handleInputDeb" |
/> |
</a-form-item> |
<div class="text-gray-600 mt-2 mb-4 prose-sm"> |
{{ |
// As using {} in translation will be treated as placeholder, and this translation contain {} as part of th text |
$t('msg.formula.hintStart', { |
placeholder1: '{}', |
placeholder2: '{column_name}', |
}) |
}} |
<a |
class="prose-sm" |
href="https://docs.nocodb.com/setup-and-usages/formulas#available-formula-features" |
target="_blank" |
rel="noopener" |
> |
{{ $t('msg.formula.hintEnd') }} |
</a> |
</div> |
<div class="h-[250px] overflow-auto scrollbar-thin-primary"> |
<a-list ref="sugListRef" :data-source="suggestion" :locale="{ emptyText: $t('msg.formula.noSuggestedFormulaFound') }"> |
<template #renderItem="{ item, index }"> |
<a-list-item |
:ref=" |
(el) => { |
sugOptionsRef[index] = el |
} |
" |
class="cursor-pointer" |
@click.prevent.stop="appendText(item)" |
> |
<a-list-item-meta> |
<template #title> |
<div class="flex"> |
<a-col :span="6"> |
<span class="prose-sm text-gray-600">{{ item.text }}</span> |
</a-col> |
<a-col :span="18"> |
<div v-if="item.type === 'function'" class="text-xs text-gray-500"> |
{{ item.description }} <br /><br /> |
{{ $t('labels.syntax') }}: <br /> |
{{ item.syntax }} <br /><br /> |
{{ $t('labels.examples') }}: <br /> |
<div v-for="(example, idx) of item.examples" :key="idx"> |
<div>({{ idx + 1 }}): {{ example }}</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div v-if="item.type === 'column'" class="float-right mr-5 -mt-2"> |
<a-badge-ribbon :text="item.uidt" color="gray" /> |
</div> |
</a-col> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template #avatar> |
<component :is="iconMap.function" v-if="item.type === 'function'" class="text-lg" /> |
<component :is="iconMap.calculator" v-if="item.type === 'op'" class="text-lg" /> |
<component :is="item.icon" v-if="item.type === 'column'" class="text-lg" /> |
</template> |
</a-list-item-meta> |
</a-list-item> |
</template> |
</a-list> |
</div> |
</div> |