You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

339 lines
12 KiB

import { parse } from 'papaparse'
import type { UploadFile } from 'ant-design-vue'
import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { getDateFormat, validateDateWithUnknownFormat } from '../../utils/dateTimeUtils'
import {
} from './parserHelpers'
export default class CSVTemplateAdapter {
config: Record<string, any>
source: UploadFile[] | string
detectedColumnTypes: Record<number, Record<string, number>>
distinctValues: Record<number, Set<string>>
headers: Record<number, string[]>
tables: Record<number, any>
project: {
tables: Record<string, any>[]
data: Record<string, any> = {}
columnValues: Record<number, []>
private progressCallback?: (msg: string) => void
constructor(source: UploadFile[] | string, parserConfig = {}, progressCallback?: (msg: string) => void) {
this.config = parserConfig
this.source = source
this.project = {
tables: [],
this.detectedColumnTypes = {}
this.distinctValues = {}
this.headers = {}
this.columnValues = {}
this.tables = {}
this.progressCallback = progressCallback
async init() {}
initTemplate(tableIdx: number, tn: string, columnNames: string[]) {
const columnNameRowExist = +columnNames.every((v: any) => v === null || typeof v === 'string')
const columnNamePrefixRef: Record<string, any> = { id: 0 }
const tableObj: Record<string, any> = {
table_name: tn,
ref_table_name: tn,
columns: [],
this.headers[tableIdx] = []
this.tables[tableIdx] = []
for (const [columnIdx, columnName] of columnNames.entries()) {
let cn: string = ((columnNameRowExist && columnName.toString().trim()) || `field_${columnIdx + 1}`)
.replace(/[` ~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/g, '_')
while (cn in columnNamePrefixRef) {
cn = `${cn}${++columnNamePrefixRef[cn]}`
columnNamePrefixRef[cn] = 0
this.detectedColumnTypes[columnIdx] = {}
this.distinctValues[columnIdx] = new Set<string>()
this.columnValues[columnIdx] = []
column_name: cn,
ref_column_name: cn,
meta: {},
uidt: UITypes.SingleLineText,
key: columnIdx,
this.tables[tableIdx] = tableObj
detectInitialUidt(v: string) {
if (!isNaN(Number(v)) && !isNaN(parseFloat(v))) return UITypes.Number
if (validateDateWithUnknownFormat(v)) return UITypes.DateTime
if (['true', 'True', 'false', 'False', '1', '0', 'T', 'F', 'Y', 'N'].includes(v)) return UITypes.Checkbox
return UITypes.SingleLineText
detectColumnType(tableIdx: number, data: []) {
for (let columnIdx = 0; columnIdx < data.length; columnIdx++) {
// skip null data
if (!data[columnIdx]) continue
const colData: any = [data[columnIdx]]
const colProps = { uidt: this.detectInitialUidt(data[columnIdx]) }
// TODO(import): centralise
if (isMultiLineTextType(colData)) {
colProps.uidt = UITypes.LongText
} else if (colProps.uidt === UITypes.SingleLineText) {
if (isEmailType(colData)) {
colProps.uidt = UITypes.Email
if (isUrlType(colData)) {
colProps.uidt = UITypes.URL
} else {
const checkboxType = isCheckboxType(colData)
if (checkboxType.length === 1) {
colProps.uidt = UITypes.Checkbox
} else {
if (data[columnIdx] && columnIdx < this.config.maxRowsToParse) {
colProps.uidt = UITypes.SingleSelect
} else if (colProps.uidt === UITypes.Number) {
if (isDecimalType(colData)) {
colProps.uidt = UITypes.Decimal
} else if (colProps.uidt === UITypes.DateTime) {
if (data[columnIdx] && columnIdx < this.config.maxRowsToParse) {
if (!(colProps.uidt in this.detectedColumnTypes[columnIdx])) {
this.detectedColumnTypes[columnIdx] = {
[colProps.uidt]: 0,
this.detectedColumnTypes[columnIdx][colProps.uidt] += 1
if (data[columnIdx]) {
getPossibleUidt(columnIdx: number) {
const detectedColTypes = this.detectedColumnTypes[columnIdx]
const len = Object.keys(detectedColTypes).length
// all records are null
if (len === 0) {
return UITypes.SingleLineText
// handle numeric case
if (len === 2 && UITypes.Number in detectedColTypes && UITypes.Decimal in detectedColTypes) {
return UITypes.Decimal
// if there are multiple detected column types
// then return either LongText or SingleLineText
if (len > 1) {
if (UITypes.LongText in detectedColTypes) {
return UITypes.LongText
return UITypes.SingleLineText
// otherwise, all records have the same column type
return Object.keys(detectedColTypes)[0]
updateTemplate(tableIdx: number) {
for (let columnIdx = 0; columnIdx < this.headers[tableIdx].length; columnIdx++) {
const uidt = this.getPossibleUidt(columnIdx)
if (this.columnValues[columnIdx].length > 0) {
if (uidt === UITypes.DateTime) {
const dateFormat: Record<string, number> = {}
if (
this.columnValues[columnIdx].slice(1, this.config.maxRowsToParse).every((v: any) => {
const isDate = v.split(' ').length === 1
if (isDate) {
dateFormat[getDateFormat(v)] = (dateFormat[getDateFormat(v)] || 0) + 1
return isDate
) {
this.tables[tableIdx].columns[columnIdx].uidt = UITypes.Date
// take the date format with the max occurrence
const objKeys = Object.keys(dateFormat)
this.tables[tableIdx].columns[columnIdx].meta.date_format = objKeys.length
? objKeys.reduce((x, y) => (dateFormat[x] > dateFormat[y] ? x : y))
} else {
// Datetime
this.tables[tableIdx].columns[columnIdx].uidt = uidt
} else if (uidt === UITypes.SingleSelect || uidt === UITypes.MultiSelect) {
// assume it is a SingleLineText first
this.tables[tableIdx].columns[columnIdx].uidt = UITypes.SingleLineText
// override with UITypes.SingleSelect or UITypes.MultiSelect if applicable
Object.assign(this.tables[tableIdx].columns[columnIdx], extractMultiOrSingleSelectProps(this.columnValues[columnIdx]))
} else {
this.tables[tableIdx].columns[columnIdx].uidt = uidt
delete this.columnValues[columnIdx]
} else {
this.tables[tableIdx].columns[columnIdx].uidt = uidt
async _parseTableData(tableIdx: number, source: UploadFile | string, tn: string) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const that = this
let steppers = 0
if (that.config.shouldImportData) {
that.progress(`Processing ${tn} data`)
steppers = 0
const parseSource = (this.config.importFromURL ? (source as string) : (source as UploadFile).originFileObj)!
parse(parseSource, {
download: that.config.importFromURL,
// worker: true,
skipEmptyLines: 'greedy',
step(row) {
steppers += 1
if (row && steppers >= +that.config.firstRowAsHeaders + 1) {
const rowData: Record<string, any> = {}
for (let columnIdx = 0; columnIdx < that.headers[tableIdx].length; columnIdx++) {
const column = that.tables[tableIdx].columns[columnIdx]
const data = (row.data as [])[columnIdx] === '' ? null : (row.data as [])[columnIdx]
if (column.uidt === UITypes.Checkbox) {
rowData[column.column_name] = getCheckboxValue(data)
rowData[column.column_name] = data
} else if (column.uidt === UITypes.SingleSelect || column.uidt === UITypes.MultiSelect) {
rowData[column.column_name] = (data || '').toString().trim() || null
} else {
// TODO(import): do parsing if necessary based on type
rowData[column.column_name] = data
if (steppers % 1000 === 0) {
that.progress(`Processed ${steppers} rows of ${tn}`)
complete() {
that.progress(`Processed ${tn} data`)
error(e: Error) {
} else {
async _parseTableMeta(tableIdx: number, source: UploadFile | string) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const that = this
let steppers = 0
const tn = ((this.config.importFromURL ? (source as string).split('/').pop() : (source as UploadFile).name) as string)
.replace(/[` ~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/g, '_')
this.data[tn] = []
const parseSource = (this.config.importFromURL ? (source as string) : (source as UploadFile).originFileObj)!
parse(parseSource, {
download: that.config.importFromURL,
skipEmptyLines: 'greedy',
step(row) {
steppers += 1
if (row) {
if (steppers === 1) {
if (that.config.firstRowAsHeaders) {
// row.data is header
that.initTemplate(tableIdx, tn, row.data as [])
} else {
// use dummy column names as header
[...Array((row.data as []).length)].map((_, i) => `field_${i + 1}`),
if (that.config.autoSelectFieldTypes) {
// row.data is data
that.detectColumnType(tableIdx, row.data as [])
} else {
if (that.config.autoSelectFieldTypes) {
// row.data is data
that.detectColumnType(tableIdx, row.data as [])
async complete() {
that.progress(`Processed ${tn} metadata`)
await that._parseTableData(tableIdx, source, tn)
error(e: Error) {
async parse() {
if (this.config.importFromURL) {
await this._parseTableMeta(0, this.source as string)
} else {
await Promise.all(
(this.source as UploadFile[]).map((file: UploadFile, tableIdx: number) =>
(async (f, idx) => {
this.progress(`Parsing ${f.name}`)
await this._parseTableMeta(idx, f)
})(file, tableIdx),
getColumns() {
return this.project.tables.map((t: Record<string, any>) => t.columns)
getData() {
return this.data
getTemplate() {
return this.project
progress(msg: string) {