mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
223 lines
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223 lines
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<script setup lang="ts"> |
import type { ComponentPublicInstance } from '@vue/runtime-core' |
import type { Form as AntForm, SelectProps } from 'ant-design-vue' |
import { capitalize } from '@vue/runtime-core' |
import type { FormType, GalleryType, GridType, KanbanType, TableType, ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import { UITypes, ViewTypes } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import { |
computed, |
generateUniqueTitle, |
message, |
nextTick, |
onBeforeMount, |
reactive, |
ref, |
unref, |
useApi, |
useI18n, |
useVModel, |
watch, |
} from '#imports' |
interface Props { |
modelValue: boolean |
type: ViewTypes |
title?: string |
selectedViewId?: string |
groupingFieldColumnId?: string |
views: ViewType[] |
meta: TableType |
} |
interface Emits { |
(event: 'update:modelValue', value: boolean): void |
(event: 'created', value: GridType | KanbanType | GalleryType | FormType): void |
} |
interface Form { |
title: string |
type: ViewTypes |
copy_from_id: string | null |
// for kanban view only |
fk_grp_col_id: string | null |
} |
const { views = [], meta, selectedViewId, groupingFieldColumnId, ...props } = defineProps<Props>() |
const emits = defineEmits<Emits>() |
const inputEl = $ref<ComponentPublicInstance>() |
const formValidator = $ref<typeof AntForm>() |
const vModel = useVModel(props, 'modelValue', emits) |
const { t } = useI18n() |
const { isLoading: loading, api } = useApi() |
const form = reactive<Form>({ |
title: props.title || '', |
type: props.type, |
copy_from_id: null, |
fk_grp_col_id: null, |
}) |
const singleSelectFieldOptions = ref<SelectProps['options']>([]) |
const viewNameRules = [ |
// name is required |
{ required: true, message: `${t('labels.viewName')} ${t('general.required')}` }, |
// name is unique |
{ |
validator: (_: unknown, v: string) => |
new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
views.every((v1) => ((v1 as GridType | KanbanType | GalleryType).alias || v1.title) !== v) |
? resolve(true) |
: reject(new Error(`View name should be unique`)) |
}), |
message: 'View name should be unique', |
}, |
] |
const groupingFieldColumnRules = [ |
// name is required |
{ required: true, message: `${t('general.groupingField')} ${t('general.required')}` }, |
] |
const typeAlias = computed( |
() => |
({ |
[ViewTypes.GRID]: 'grid', |
[ViewTypes.GALLERY]: 'gallery', |
[ViewTypes.FORM]: 'form', |
[ViewTypes.KANBAN]: 'kanban', |
}[props.type]), |
) |
onBeforeMount(init) |
watch( |
() => props.type, |
(newType) => { |
form.type = newType |
}, |
) |
function init() { |
form.title = generateUniqueTitle(capitalize(ViewTypes[props.type].toLowerCase()), views, 'title') |
if (selectedViewId) { |
form.copy_from_id = selectedViewId |
} |
// preset the grouping field column |
if (props.type === ViewTypes.KANBAN) { |
singleSelectFieldOptions.value = meta |
.columns!.filter((el) => el.uidt === UITypes.SingleSelect) |
.map((field) => { |
return { |
value: field.id, |
label: field.title, |
} |
}) |
if (groupingFieldColumnId) { |
// take from the one from copy view |
form.fk_grp_col_id = groupingFieldColumnId |
} else { |
// take the first option |
form.fk_grp_col_id = singleSelectFieldOptions.value?.[0]?.value as string |
} |
} |
nextTick(() => { |
const el = inputEl?.$el as HTMLInputElement |
if (el) { |
el.focus() |
el.select() |
} |
}) |
} |
async function onSubmit() { |
const isValid = await formValidator?.validateFields() |
if (isValid && form.type) { |
const _meta = unref(meta) |
if (!_meta || !_meta.id) return |
try { |
let data: GridType | KanbanType | GalleryType | FormType | null = null |
switch (form.type) { |
case ViewTypes.GRID: |
data = await api.dbView.gridCreate(_meta.id, form) |
break |
case ViewTypes.GALLERY: |
data = await api.dbView.galleryCreate(_meta.id, form) |
break |
case ViewTypes.FORM: |
data = await api.dbView.formCreate(_meta.id, form) |
break |
case ViewTypes.KANBAN: |
data = await api.dbView.kanbanCreate(_meta.id, form) |
} |
if (data) { |
// View created successfully |
message.success(t('msg.toast.createView')) |
emits('created', data) |
} |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(e.message) |
} |
vModel.value = false |
} |
} |
</script> |
<template> |
<a-modal |
v-model:visible="vModel" |
class="!top-[35%]" |
:class="{ active: vModel }" |
:confirm-loading="loading" |
wrap-class-name="nc-modal-view-create" |
> |
<template #title> |
{{ $t(`general.${selectedViewId ? 'duplicate' : 'create'}`) }} <span class="capitalize">{{ typeAlias }}</span> |
{{ $t('objects.view') }} |
</template> |
<a-form ref="formValidator" layout="vertical" :model="form"> |
<a-form-item :label="$t('labels.viewName')" name="title" :rules="viewNameRules"> |
<a-input ref="inputEl" v-model:value="form.title" autofocus @keydown.enter="onSubmit" /> |
</a-form-item> |
<a-form-item |
v-if="form.type === ViewTypes.KANBAN" |
:label="$t('general.groupingField')" |
name="fk_grp_col_id" |
:rules="groupingFieldColumnRules" |
> |
<a-select |
v-model:value="form.fk_grp_col_id" |
class="w-full nc-kanban-grouping-field-select" |
:options="singleSelectFieldOptions" |
:disabled="groupingFieldColumnId" |
placeholder="Select a Grouping Field" |
not-found-content="No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first." |
/> |
</a-form-item> |
</a-form> |
<template #footer> |
<a-button key="back" @click="vModel = false">{{ $t('general.cancel') }}</a-button> |
<a-button key="submit" type="primary" :loading="loading" @click="onSubmit">{{ $t('general.submit') }}</a-button> |
</template> |
</a-modal> |