mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1070 lines
35 KiB
1070 lines
35 KiB
<template> |
<v-container |
fluid |
class="text-center px-10 pt-10 nc-container" |
> |
<v-row> |
<v-col v-if="loaded" class="col-lg-6 offset-lg-3 col-12 col-md-12"> |
<v-row v-show="projects" class="justify-center"> |
<v-card |
row |
class="pa-4 elevation-20 text-center overflow-x-hidden flex-shrink-1" |
min-width="600" |
> |
<v-overlay v-if="projectStatusUpdating" /> |
<v-row justify="center"> |
<h1 class="text-center display-1 pa-2 nc-project-page-title"> |
<!-- My Projects --> |
<b>{{ $t("title.myProject") }}</b> |
<x-icon |
small |
color="primary grey" |
:tooltip="$t('activity.refreshProject')" |
@click="projectsRefresh" |
> |
mdi-refresh |
</x-icon> |
<!-- </x-btn>--> |
</h1> |
</v-row> |
<v-row class="pa-4"> |
<!-- Search Project --> |
<v-text-field |
ref="search1" |
v-model="search" |
v-ge="['home', 'project-search']" |
data-v-step="3" |
class="caption pt-0 mt-0 nc-project-page-search" |
:placeholder="$t('activity.searchProject')" |
single-line |
hide-details |
style="max-width: 200px" |
> |
<template #prepend-inner> |
<v-icon color="grey" class="mt-1" small> |
search |
</v-icon> |
</template> |
</v-text-field> |
<v-spacer /> |
<!-- Import NocoDB Project by uploading metadata zip file --> |
<!-- <x-btn--> |
<!-- vbind:tooltip="$t('msg.info.importText')"--> |
<!-- outlined--> |
<!-- color="grey"--> |
<!-- @click="--> |
<!-- $refs.importFile.click();--> |
<!-- project_id = null;--> |
<!-- "--> |
<!-- >--> |
<!-- <v-icon>mdi-import</v-icon>--> |
<!-- </x-btn>--> |
<template v-if="connectToExternalDB"> |
<v-menu offset-y bottom open-on-hover> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<div> |
<x-btn |
v-if="_isUIAllowed('projectCreate')" |
v-ge="['home', 'project-new']" |
data-v-step="1" |
outlined |
color="primary" |
class="nc-new-project-menu" |
v-on="on" |
> |
<!-- New Project --> |
{{ $t("title.newProj") }} |
<v-icon class="mr-1" small> |
mdi-menu-down |
</v-icon> |
</x-btn> |
</div> |
</template> |
<v-list dense> |
<v-list-item |
class="create-xc-db-project nc-create-xc-db-project" |
@click="onCreateProject('xcdb')" |
> |
<v-list-item-icon class="mr-2"> |
<v-icon small> |
mdi-plus |
</v-icon> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<v-list-item-title> |
<!-- Create --> |
<span class="caption font-weight-regular">{{ |
$t("general.create") |
}}</span> |
</v-list-item-title> |
<v-spacer /> |
<v-tooltip right> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<v-icon x-small color="grey" class="ml-4" v-on="on"> |
mdi-information-outline |
</v-icon> |
</template> |
<!-- Create a new project --> |
<span class="caption">{{ $t("tooltip.xcDB") }}</span> |
</v-tooltip> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-divider /> |
<v-list-item |
title |
class="pt-2 create-external-db-project nc-create-external-db-project" |
@click="onCreateProject()" |
> |
<v-list-item-icon class="mr-2"> |
<v-icon small class=""> |
mdi-power-plug-outline |
</v-icon> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<v-list-item-title> |
<!-- Create By Connecting <br>To An External Database --> |
<span |
class="caption font-weight-regular" |
v-html="$t('activity.createProjectExtended.extDB')" |
/> |
</v-list-item-title> |
<v-spacer /> |
<v-tooltip right> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<v-icon x-small color="grey" class="ml-4" v-on="on"> |
mdi-information-outline |
</v-icon> |
</template> |
<!-- Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite --> |
<span class="caption">{{ $t("tooltip.extDB") }}</span> |
</v-tooltip> |
</v-list-item> |
</v-list> |
</v-menu> |
</template> |
<x-btn |
v-else-if="_isUIAllowed('projectCreate', true)" |
v-ge="['home', 'project-new']" |
outlined |
data-v-step="1" |
color="primary" |
@click="onCreateProject('xcdb')" |
> |
<!-- New Project --> |
{{ $t("title.newProj") }} |
</x-btn> |
</v-row> |
<v-row> |
<v-data-table |
v-if="!loadingProjects && projects && projects.length" |
fixed-header |
hide-default-header |
:height="500" |
dense |
:headers="headers" |
:items="projects" |
:search="search" |
:footer-props="{ |
'items-per-page-options': [20, -1], |
'items-per-page-text': $t('msg.info.footerInfo') |
}" |
class="pa-4 text-left mx-auto" |
style="cursor: pointer; max-width: 100%" |
> |
<template #item="props"> |
<tr |
class="project-row" |
:class="[ |
`nc-${props.item.projectType}-project-row`, |
{ |
'nc-meta-project-row': props.item.prefix, |
}, |
]" |
@click="projectRouteHandler(props.item, projects.length)" |
> |
<td data-v-step="2"> |
<div class="d-flex align-center"> |
<v-progress-circular |
v-if="props.item.loading" |
class="mr-2" |
size="15" |
indeterminate |
/> |
<template v-else> |
<v-icon x-small class="mr-2" color="green"> |
mdi-moon-full |
</v-icon> |
<!-- Accessible via GraphQL APIs / Accessible via REST APIs --> |
</template> |
<div |
class="d-inline-block title font-weight-regular" |
style=" |
min-width: 0; |
max-width: 390px; |
white-space: nowrap; |
text-overflow: ellipsis; |
overflow: hidden; |
" |
> |
{{ props.item.title }} |
</div> |
</div> |
</td> |
<td |
style="width: 150px; min-width: 150px; max-width: 150px" |
> |
<x-icon |
:tooltip="$t('activity.deleteProject')" |
class="pointer mr-2" |
icon.class="delete-icon" |
small |
color="red grey" |
@click.stop="deleteProject(props.item)" |
> |
mdi-delete-outline |
</x-icon> |
<div |
v-if=" |
props.item.allowed && |
_isUIAllowed('projectActions', true) && |
props.item.is_creator |
" |
:class="{ |
'action-icons': !( |
projectStatusUpdating && |
props.item.id === statusUpdatingProjectId |
), |
}" |
> |
<!-- Stop Project --> |
<x-icon |
v-if="props.item.status === 'started'" |
:tooltip="$t('activity.stopProject')" |
class="pointer mr-2" |
color="orange grey" |
@click.stop="stopProject(props.item)" |
> |
mdi-stop-circle-outline |
</x-icon> |
<!-- Start Project --> |
<x-icon |
v-else-if="props.item.status === 'stopped'" |
:tooltip="$t('activity.startProject')" |
class="pointer mr-2" |
color="green grey" |
@click.stop="startProject(props.item)" |
> |
mdi-play-circle-outline |
</x-icon> |
<x-icon |
v-if=" |
projectStatusUpdating && |
props.item.id === statusUpdatingProjectId |
" |
class="mr-1" |
> |
mdi-loading mdi-spin |
</x-icon> |
<!-- Restart Project --> |
<x-icon |
:tooltip="$t('activity.restartProject')" |
class="pointer mr-2" |
color="primary grey" |
@click.stop="restartProject(props.item)" |
> |
mdi-restart |
</x-icon> |
<!-- Delete Project --> |
<x-icon |
:tooltip="$t('activity.deleteProject')" |
class="pointer mr-2" |
color="red grey" |
@click.stop="deleteProject(props.item)" |
> |
mdi-delete-circle-outline |
</x-icon> |
<v-menu offset-y> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<x-icon color="grey" v-on="on"> |
mdi-dots-vertical |
</x-icon> |
</template> |
<v-list dense> |
<v-list-item |
dense |
@click=" |
$refs.importFile.click(); |
project_id = props.item.id; |
" |
> |
<v-list-item-icon class="mr-1"> |
<v-icon small> |
mdi-import |
</v-icon> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<v-list-item-title> |
<!-- Import Metadata --> |
<span class="caption font-weight-regular">{{ |
$t("activity.importMetadata") |
}}</span> |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-list-item |
dense |
@click="exportMetaZip(props.item.id)" |
> |
<v-list-item-icon class="mr-1"> |
<v-icon small> |
mdi-export |
</v-icon> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<v-list-item-title> |
<!-- Export Metadata --> |
<span class="caption font-weight-regular">{{ |
$t("activity.exportMetadata") |
}}</span> |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-list-item |
dense |
@click="resetMeta(props.item.id)" |
> |
<v-list-item-icon class="mr-1"> |
<v-icon small> |
mdi-delete-variant |
</v-icon> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<v-list-item-title> |
<!-- Clear Metadata --> |
<span class="caption font-weight-regular">{{ |
$t("activity.clearMetadata") |
}}</span> |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
</v-list> |
</v-menu> |
</div> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</template> |
<!-- Your search for "{{ search }}" found no results. --> |
<template #no-results> |
<v-alert :value="true" color="error" icon="warning"> |
{{ $t("msg.error.searchProject", { search }) }} |
</v-alert> |
</template> |
</v-data-table> |
<v-col |
v-else-if="!loadingProjects" |
style="height: 500px" |
class="d-flex align-center justify-center" |
> |
<v-alert |
border="left" |
dense |
text |
:value="true" |
outlined |
color="success" |
icon="mdi-information-outline" |
> |
<!-- Get started by creating a new project --> |
{{ $t("msg.info.projectEmptyMessage") }} |
</v-alert> |
</v-col> |
</v-row> |
</v-card> |
</v-row> |
<v-row v-cloak v-show="!projects.length && false"> |
<!-- <howItWorks class="text-left"></howItWorks>--> |
<v-col cols="" class="d-flex justify-center"> |
<v-card |
height="500px" |
width="500px" |
class="elevation-20 pt-4 mt-4 d-flex flex-column" |
> |
<p |
class="display-1 flex-grow-1 pt-5 d-flex align-center justify-center" |
> |
<!-- Create By Connecting <br>To An External Database --> |
<span v-html="$t('activity.createProjectExtended.extDB')" /> |
</p> |
<v-card-actions class="justify-center pb-10"> |
<x-btn |
tooltip="Create New Project" |
btn.class=" ma-4 primary" |
color="primary" |
large |
@click="onCreateProject" |
> |
<v-icon color="white" class="blink_me"> |
mdi-lightbulb-on |
</v-icon> |
<!-- New Project --> |
{{ $t("title.newProj") }} |
</x-btn> |
</v-card-actions> |
</v-card> |
</v-col> |
</v-row> |
</v-col> |
<v-col |
v-if="loaded" |
class="col-sm-12 col-lg-3 d-sm-none d-md-flex justify-center justify-lg-end align-start" |
> |
<sponsor-mini /> |
</v-col> |
</v-row> |
<div v-if="projects && projects.length" class="d-flex justify-end"> |
<v-list |
class="flex-shrink-1 text-left elevation-4 rounded-xl community-card mr-10" |
width="300" |
:class="{ active: showCommunity }" |
dense |
> |
<v-list-item |
dense |
href="https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb" |
target="_blank" |
> |
<v-list-item-icon> |
<v-icon class="ml-2 mt-n2"> |
mdi-github |
</v-icon> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<v-list-item-title> |
<!-- Star --> |
{{ $t("labels.community.starUs1") }} |
<v-icon small> |
mdi-star-outline |
</v-icon> |
<!-- us on Github --> |
{{ $t("labels.community.starUs2") }} |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-divider v-if="!_isZh" /> |
<v-list-item |
v-if="!_isZh" |
dense |
target="_blank" |
href="https://calendly.com/nocodb-meeting" |
> |
<v-list-item-icon> |
<v-icon class="ml-2" :color="textColors[3]"> |
mdi-calendar-month |
</v-icon> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<!-- Book a Free DEMO --> |
<v-list-item-title> |
{{ $t("labels.community.bookDemo") }} |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-divider /> |
<v-list-item dense href="https://discord.gg/5RgZmkW" target="_blank"> |
<v-list-item-icon> |
<v-icon class="ml-2" :color="textColors[0]"> |
mdi-discord |
</v-icon> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<!-- Get your questions answered --> |
<v-list-item-title> |
{{ $t("labels.community.getAnswered") }} |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-divider /> |
<v-list-item |
v-if="!_isZh" |
dense |
href="https://twitter.com/NocoDB" |
target="_blank" |
> |
<v-list-item-icon> |
<v-icon class="ml-2" :color="textColors[1]"> |
mdi-twitter |
</v-icon> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<!-- Follow NocoDB --> |
<v-list-item-title> |
{{ $t("labels.community.followNocodb") }} |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
<template v-else> |
<v-list-item |
dense |
class="" |
@click="$refs.wechat.$el.firstElementChild.click()" |
> |
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<share-icons |
ref="wechat" |
class="small mr-n2" |
url="https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb" |
:social-medias="['wechat']" |
/> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<v-list-item-title> Please share it in Wechat </v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-divider /> |
<v-list-item |
dense |
class="" |
@click="$refs.weibo.$el.firstElementChild.click()" |
> |
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ref="weibo" |
class="small mr-n2" |
url="https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb" |
:social-medias="['weibo']" |
/> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<v-list-item-title> Please share it in Weibo </v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-divider /> |
<v-list-item dense target="_blank"> |
<v-list-item-icon> |
<img class="ml-2" src="vue.svg" width="25"> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<!-- Follow NocoDB --> |
<v-list-item-title> |
Built with Vue JS |
<!-- {{--> |
<!-- $t('labels.community.followNocodb')--> |
<!-- }}--> |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
</template> |
<v-divider /> |
<v-list-item |
v-t="['e:hiring']" |
dense |
target="_blank" |
href="http://careers.nocodb.com" |
> |
<v-list-item-icon> |
<span class="ml-2" style="font-size:20px">🚀</span> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<v-list-item-title> |
We are Hiring!!! |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
</v-list> |
</div> |
<input |
v-show="false" |
ref="importFile" |
type="file" |
accept=".zip" |
@change="importMetaZip" |
> |
<dlg-label-submit-cancel |
v-if="dialogShow" |
type="primary" |
:actions-mtd="confirmAction" |
:dialog-show="dialogShow" |
:heading="confirmMessage" |
/> |
<templates-modal v-model="templatesModal" hide-label create-project /> |
</v-container> |
</template> |
<script> |
import dlgLabelSubmitCancel from '../../components/utils/DlgLabelSubmitCancel.vue' |
import ShareIcons from '../../components/ShareIcons' |
import SponsorMini from '~/components/SponsorMini' |
import colors from '~/mixins/colors' |
import TemplatesModal from '~/components/templates/TemplatesModal' |
export default { |
components: { |
TemplatesModal, |
ShareIcons, |
SponsorMini, |
dlgLabelSubmitCancel |
// howItWorks, |
}, |
mixins: [colors], |
$_veeValidate: { |
validator: 'new' |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
templatesModal: false, |
overlayVisible: true, |
showCommunity: false, |
project_id: null, |
loading: null, |
dialogShow: false, |
confirmAction: null, |
confirmMessage: '', |
createProjectDialog: false, |
projectStatusUpdating: false, |
statusUpdatingProjectId: null, |
screenSize: null, |
trialAlert: true, |
dialog1: true, |
steps: [ |
{ |
target: '[data-v-step="1"]', |
content: 'Click here to create new Project.', |
params: { |
placement: 'top' |
} |
}, |
{ |
target: '[data-v-step="2"]', |
content: 'Click here to open existing project.' |
}, |
{ |
target: '[data-v-step="3"]', |
content: 'Click here to filter projects.' |
}, |
{ |
target: '[data-v-step="4"]', |
content: 'Click here to open project folder.' |
}, |
{ |
target: '[data-v-step="5"]', |
content: 'Click here to edit project.' |
}, |
{ |
target: '[data-v-step="6"]', |
content: 'Click here to delete project.' |
} |
], |
loaded: false, |
dialog: { |
show: false, |
title: 'Confirm Deleting project', |
heading: '', |
// mtdOk: this.projectRemove, |
type: 'error' |
}, |
loadingProjects: true, |
newProjectDialog: false, |
name: '', |
type: 'MySQL', |
userSelectedDir: false, |
dialogTitle: 'New', |
databases: { |
Oracle: 'oracledb', |
Postgres: 'pg', |
MySQL: 'mysql', |
MSSQL: 'mssql', |
Sqlite: 'sqlite' |
}, |
headers: [ |
{ |
text: 'Title', |
value: 'title', |
class: 'caption' |
}, |
{ |
text: '', |
value: 'name', |
sortable: false, |
class: 'caption' |
} |
], |
projects: [], |
search: '', |
deleteBtnClicked: false |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
connectToExternalDB() { |
return ( |
this.$store.state.project && |
this.$store.state.project.appInfo && |
this.$store.state.project.appInfo.connectToExternalDB |
) |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
name() { |
if (!this.userSelectedDir) { |
this.folder = `${this.baseFolder}/${this.name}` |
} |
} |
}, |
async created() { |
this.$store.commit('settings/MutToggleGaEnabled', true) |
this.$store.commit('settings/MutToggleTelemetryEnabled', true) |
await this.$store.dispatch('users/ActGetUserDetails') |
}, |
async mounted() { |
setTimeout(() => (this.showCommunity = true), 2000) |
await this.projectsLoad() |
}, |
methods: { |
async stopProject(project) { |
this.dialogShow = true |
this.confirmMessage = 'Do you want to stop the project?' |
this.confirmAction = async(act) => { |
if (act === 'hideDialog') { |
this.dialogShow = false |
} else { |
this.$set(project, 'status', 'stopping') |
const projectId = project.id |
this.statusUpdatingProjectId = projectId |
this.projectStatusUpdating = true |
try { |
await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [ |
{ project_id: projectId }, |
'projectStop' |
]) |
this.$toast |
.success(`Project '${project.title}' stopped successfully`) |
.goAway(3000) |
} catch (e) { |
this.$toast |
.error(`Project '${project.title}' stopping failed`) |
.goAway(3000) |
} |
await this.projectsLoad() |
this.projectStatusUpdating = false |
this.dialogShow = false |
} |
} |
}, |
async startProject(project) { |
this.dialogShow = true |
this.confirmMessage = 'Do you want to start the project?' |
this.confirmAction = async(act) => { |
if (act === 'hideDialog') { |
this.dialogShow = false |
} else { |
this.$set(project, 'status', 'starting') |
const projectId = project.id |
this.statusUpdatingProjectId = projectId |
this.projectStatusUpdating = true |
try { |
await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [ |
{ project_id: projectId }, |
'projectStart' |
]) |
this.$toast |
.success(`Project '${project.title}' started successfully`) |
.goAway(3000) |
} catch (e) { |
this.$toast |
.error(`Project '${project.title}' starting failed`) |
.goAway(3000) |
} |
await this.projectsLoad() |
this.projectStatusUpdating = false |
this.dialogShow = false |
} |
} |
}, |
async restartProject(project) { |
this.dialogShow = true |
this.confirmMessage = 'Do you want to restart the project?' |
this.confirmAction = async(act) => { |
if (act === 'hideDialog') { |
this.dialogShow = false |
} else { |
this.$set(project, 'status', 'restarting') |
const projectId = project.id |
this.statusUpdatingProjectId = projectId |
this.projectStatusUpdating = true |
try { |
await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [ |
{ project_id: projectId }, |
'projectRestart' |
]) |
this.$toast |
.success(`Project '${project.title}' restarted successfully`) |
.goAway(3000) |
} catch (e) { |
this.$toast |
.error(`Project '${project.title}' restarting failed`) |
.goAway(3000) |
} |
await this.projectsLoad() |
this.projectStatusUpdating = false |
this.dialogShow = false |
} |
} |
}, |
async deleteProject(project) { |
this.dialogShow = true |
this.confirmMessage = 'Do you want to delete the project?' |
this.$e('c:project:delete') |
this.confirmAction = async(act) => { |
if (act === 'hideDialog') { |
this.dialogShow = false |
} else { |
this.$set(project, 'status', 'deleting') |
const projectId = project.id |
this.statusUpdatingProjectId = projectId |
this.projectStatusUpdating = true |
try { |
await this.$api.project.delete(projectId) |
this.$toast |
.success(`Project '${project.title}' deleted successfully`) |
.goAway(3000) |
} catch (e) { |
this.$toast |
.error(`Project '${project.title}' deleting failed`) |
.goAway(3000) |
} |
await this.projectsLoad() |
this.projectStatusUpdating = false |
this.dialogShow = false |
this.$e('a:project:delete') |
} |
} |
}, |
onCreateProject(xcdb) { |
if (xcdb === 'xcdb') { |
this.$router.push('/project/xcdb') |
this.$e('c:project:create:xcdb') |
} else { |
this.$router.push('/project/0') |
this.$e('c:project:create:extdb') |
} |
}, |
onCreateProjectFromTemplate() { |
this.templatesModal = true |
this.$e('c:project:create:template') |
}, |
async importProjectFromJSON() {}, |
onTourCompletion() { |
// this.$store.commit('settings/MutShowTour', {page: 'home'}) |
}, |
getDir(filePath) { |
// return path.dirname(filePath); |
}, |
async projectsRefresh() { |
await this.projectsLoad() |
this.$e('a:project:refresh') |
}, |
async projectsLoad() { |
try { |
this.loadingProjects = true |
this.projects = (await this.$api.project.list({})).list |
// todo: multiplex |
const user = this.$store.state.users.user |
if ( |
!(this.projects && this.projects.length) && |
user && |
user.roles && |
user.roles.owner |
) { |
if ( |
this.$store.state.project.appInfo && |
this.$store.state.project.appInfo.oneClick |
) { |
// |
} |
} |
this.loadingProjects = false |
} catch (error) { |
console.log('Project fetch err', error) |
} |
this.loaded = true |
}, |
async projectRouteHandler(project, count) { |
if (!this.deleteBtnClicked) { |
await this.$router.push({ |
path: `/nc/${project.id}` |
}) |
} |
this.$e('a:project:open', { count }) |
}, |
async projectEdit(project) { |
this.$router.push({ |
path: `project/0?edit=true&projectId=${project.id}` |
}) |
}, |
async projectOpenFolder(project) {}, |
async exportMetaZip(projectId) { |
this.dialogShow = true |
this.confirmMessage = 'Do you want to export metadata from meta tables?' |
this.confirmAction = async(act) => { |
if (act === 'hideDialog') { |
this.dialogShow = false |
} else { |
this.loading = 'export-zip' |
let data |
try { |
data = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [ |
{ |
// dbAlias: 'db', |
project_id: projectId, |
env: '_noco' |
}, |
'xcMetaTablesExportDbToZip', |
null, |
null, |
{ |
responseType: 'blob' |
} |
]) |
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL( |
new Blob([data], { type: 'application/zip' }) |
) |
const link = document.createElement('a') |
link.href = url |
link.setAttribute('download', 'meta.zip') // or any other extension |
document.body.appendChild(link) |
link.click() |
this.$toast |
.success(`${this.$t('msg.toast.exportMetadata')}`) |
.goAway(3000) |
} catch (e) { |
console.log(e) |
this.$toast.error(e.message).goAway(3000) |
} |
this.dialogShow = false |
this.loading = null |
} |
} |
}, |
async resetMeta(projectId) { |
this.dialogShow = true |
this.confirmMessage = 'Do you want to clear metadata from meta tables?' |
this.confirmAction = async(act) => { |
if (act === 'hideDialog') { |
this.dialogShow = false |
} else { |
this.loading = 'reset-metadata' |
try { |
await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [ |
{ |
// dbAlias: 'db', |
env: '_noco', |
project_id: projectId |
}, |
'xcMetaTablesReset' |
]) |
// this.$toast.success('Metadata cleared successfully').goAway(3000) |
this.$toast |
.success(`${this.$t('msg.toast.clearMetadata')}`) |
.goAway(3000) |
} catch (e) { |
console.log(e) |
this.$toast.error(e.message).goAway(3000) |
} |
this.dialogShow = false |
this.loading = null |
} |
} |
}, |
async importMetaZip() { |
const projectId = this.project_id |
if ( |
this.$refs.importFile && |
this.$refs.importFile.files && |
this.$refs.importFile.files[0] |
) { |
const zipFile = this.$refs.importFile.files[0] |
this.loading = 'import-zip' |
try { |
this.$refs.importFile.value = '' |
await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActUploadOld', [ |
{ |
// dbAlias: 'db', |
project_id: projectId, |
env: '_noco' |
}, |
'xcMetaTablesImportZipToLocalFsAndDb', |
{}, |
zipFile |
]) |
// this.$toast.success('Successfully imported metadata').goAway(3000) |
this.$toast |
.success(`${this.$t('msg.toast.importMetadata')}`) |
.goAway(3000) |
await this.projectsLoad() |
} catch (e) { |
console.log(e) |
this.$toast.error(e.message).goAway(3000) |
} |
this.dialogShow = false |
this.loading = null |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style scoped> |
.action-icons { |
opacity: 0; |
transition: 0.2s opacity; |
} |
tr:hover .action-icons { |
opacity: 1; |
} |
@media screen and (max-width: 1240px) { |
.community-card { |
display: none; |
} |
} |
.community-card { |
position: absolute; |
right: -300px; |
bottom: 60px; |
opacity: 0; |
transition: 2s right, 2s opacity; |
} |
.community-card.active { |
right: 0px; |
opacity: 1; |
} |
.nc-container { |
position: relative; |
} |
/deep/ .project-row .delete-icon { |
opacity: 0; |
transition: 0.2s opacity; |
} |
/deep/ .project-row:hover .delete-icon { |
opacity: 1; |
} |
</style> |
<!-- |
/** |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd |
* |
* @author Naveen MR <oof1lab@gmail.com> |
* @author Pranav C Balan <pranavxc@gmail.com> |
* @author Wing-Kam Wong <wingkwong.code@gmail.com> |
* |
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version |
* |
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as |
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the |
* License, or (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License |
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
* |
*/ |