You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

213 lines
7.8 KiB

import { expect, test } from '@playwright/test';
import { DashboardPage } from '../pages/Dashboard';
import { SharedFormPage } from '../pages/SharedForm';
import setup from '../setup';
import { AccountPage } from '../pages/Account';
import { AccountLicensePage } from '../pages/Account/License';
test.describe('Attachment column', () => {
let dashboard: DashboardPage;
let accountLicensePage: AccountLicensePage, accountPage: AccountPage, context: any;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
context = await setup({ page });
dashboard = new DashboardPage(page, context.project);
accountPage = new AccountPage(page);
accountLicensePage = new AccountLicensePage(accountPage);
test('Create and verify attachment column, verify it in shared form,', async ({ page, context }) => {
// run tests slowly
await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: 'Country' });
await dashboard.grid.column.create({
title: 'testAttach',
type: 'Attachment',
for (let i = 12; i >= 8; i -= 2) {
const filepath = [`${process.cwd()}/fixtures/sampleFiles/${i / 2}.json`];
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.addFile({
index: i,
columnHeader: 'testAttach',
filePath: filepath,
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.verifyFile({
index: i,
columnHeader: 'testAttach',
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.addFile({
index: 14,
columnHeader: 'testAttach',
filePath: [`${process.cwd()}/fixtures/sampleFiles/sampleImage.jpeg`],
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.verifyFile({
index: 14,
columnHeader: 'testAttach',
await dashboard.viewSidebar.createFormView({
title: 'Form 1',
await dashboard.form.toolbar.clickShareView();
const sharedFormUrl = await dashboard.form.toolbar.shareView.getShareLink();
await dashboard.form.toolbar.shareView.close();
await dashboard.viewSidebar.openView({ title: 'Country' });
// Verify attachment in shared form
const newPage = await context.newPage();
await newPage.goto(sharedFormUrl);
const sharedForm = new SharedFormPage(newPage);
await sharedForm.cell.fillText({
index: 0,
columnHeader: 'Country',
text: 'test',
await sharedForm.cell.attachment.addFile({
columnHeader: 'testAttach',
filePath: [`${process.cwd()}/fixtures/sampleFiles/1.json`],
await sharedForm.submit();
await sharedForm.verifySuccessMessage();
await newPage.close();
// Verify attachment in csv
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.clickFields();
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.fields.click({ title: 'LastUpdate' });
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.clickActions();
// Headless mode observation- menu doesn't render in one go
// Download button appears before menu is fully rendered
await dashboard.rootPage.waitForTimeout(500);
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.actions.click('Download');
const csvFileData: string = await dashboard.downloadAndGetFile({
downloadUIAction: dashboard.grid.toolbar.actions.clickDownloadSubmenu('Download as CSV'),
const csvArray = csvFileData.split('\r\n');
const columns = csvArray[0];
const rows = csvArray.slice(1);
const cells = rows[10].split(',');
await expect(columns).toBe('Country,City List,testAttach');
await expect(cells[0]).toBe('Bahrain');
await expect(cells[1]).toBe('al-Manama');
await expect(cells[2].includes('5.json(http://localhost:8080/download/')).toBe(true);
test('Attachment enterprise features,', async ({ page, context }) => {
// configure enterprise key
await accountLicensePage.goto();
await accountLicensePage.saveLicenseKey('1234567890');
await dashboard.goto();
await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: 'Country' });
await dashboard.grid.column.create({
title: 'testAttach',
type: 'Attachment',
await dashboard.grid.column.attachmentColumnPageObject.advanceConfig({
columnTitle: 'testAttach',
fileCount: 2,
fileSize: 1,
// allow only image type
fileTypesExcludeList: ['Application', 'Video', 'Audio', 'Misc'],
// in-cell, add big file, should get rejected
const bigFile = [`${process.cwd()}/fixtures/sampleFiles/Image/6_bigSize.png`];
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.addFile({
index: 1,
columnHeader: 'testAttach',
filePath: bigFile,
// The size of ${file.name} exceeds the maximum file size ${attachmentMeta.maxAttachmentSize} MB.
await dashboard.verifyToast({ message: 'The size of 6_bigSize.png exceeds the maximum file size 1 MB.' });
// in-cell, add 2 files, should get accepted
const twoFileArray = [
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.addFile({
index: 1,
columnHeader: 'testAttach',
filePath: twoFileArray,
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.verifyFileCount({
index: 1,
columnHeader: 'testAttach',
count: 2,
// add another file, should get rejected
const oneFileArray = [`${process.cwd()}/fixtures/sampleFiles/Image/3.jpeg`];
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.addFile({
index: 1,
columnHeader: 'testAttach',
filePath: oneFileArray,
// wait for toast 'You can only upload at most 2 files to this cell'
await dashboard.verifyToast({ message: 'You can only upload at most 2 files to this cell' });
// try to upload 3 files in one go, should get rejected
const threeFileArray = [
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.addFile({
index: 2,
columnHeader: 'testAttach',
filePath: threeFileArray,
await dashboard.verifyToast({ message: 'You can only upload at most 2 files to this cell' });
// open expand modal, try to insert file type not supported
// message: ${file.name} has the mime type ${file.type} which is not allowed in this column.
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.addFile({
index: 3,
columnHeader: 'testAttach',
filePath: [`${process.cwd()}/fixtures/sampleFiles/1.json`],
await dashboard.verifyToast({
message: '1.json has the mime type application/json which is not allowed in this column.',
// Expand modal
// open expand modal, try to insert more files
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.expandModalOpen({
index: 1,
columnHeader: 'testAttach',
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.expandModalAddFile({
filePath: oneFileArray,
await dashboard.verifyToast({ message: 'You can only upload at most 2 files to this cell' });
// open expand modal, try to insert file type not supported
// message: ${file.name} has the mime type ${file.type} which is not allowed in this column.
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.expandModalAddFile({
filePath: [`${process.cwd()}/fixtures/sampleFiles/1.json`],
await dashboard.verifyToast({
message: '1.json has the mime type application/json which is not allowed in this column.',
// open expand modal, try to insert big file
// message: The size of ${file.name} exceeds the maximum file size ${attachmentMeta.maxAttachmentSize} MB.
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.expandModalAddFile({
filePath: bigFile,
await dashboard.verifyToast({ message: 'The size of 6_bigSize.png exceeds the maximum file size 1 MB.' });
await dashboard.grid.cell.attachment.expandModalClose();
// wait for timeout
// await dashboard.rootPage.waitForTimeout(20000);