You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

307 lines
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import { test } from '@playwright/test';
import { DashboardPage } from '../pages/Dashboard';
import setup from '../setup';
test.describe('LTAR create & update', () => {
let dashboard: DashboardPage;
let context: any;
// todo: Break the test into smaller tests
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
context = await setup({ page });
dashboard = new DashboardPage(page, context.project);
test('LTAR', async () => {
// close 'Team & Auth' tab
await dashboard.closeTab({ title: 'Team & Auth' });
await dashboard.treeView.createTable({ title: 'Sheet1' });
// subsequent table creation fails; hence delay
await dashboard.rootPage.waitForTimeout(1000);
await dashboard.treeView.createTable({ title: 'Sheet2' });
await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: 'Sheet1' });
await dashboard.grid.addNewRow({ index: 0, value: '1a' });
await dashboard.grid.addNewRow({ index: 1, value: '1b' });
await dashboard.grid.addNewRow({ index: 2, value: '1c' });
// Create LTAR-HM column
await dashboard.grid.column.create({
title: 'Link1-2hm',
type: 'LinkToAnotherRecord',
childTable: 'Sheet2',
relationType: 'Has Many',
await dashboard.grid.column.create({
title: 'Link1-2mm',
type: 'LinkToAnotherRecord',
childTable: 'Sheet2',
relationType: 'Many To many',
await dashboard.closeTab({ title: 'Sheet1' });
await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: 'Sheet2' });
await dashboard.grid.column.create({
title: 'Link2-1hm',
type: 'LinkToAnotherRecord',
childTable: 'Sheet1',
relationType: 'Has Many',
// Sheet2 now has all 3 column categories : HM, BT, MM
// Expanded form insert
await dashboard.grid.toolbar.clickAddNewRow();
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({
columnTitle: 'Title',
value: '2a',
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({
columnTitle: 'Sheet1',
value: '1a',
type: 'belongsTo',
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({
columnTitle: 'Sheet1 List',
value: '1a',
type: 'manyToMany',
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({
columnTitle: 'Link2-1hm',
value: '1a',
type: 'hasMany',
await dashboard.expandedForm.save();
// In cell insert
await dashboard.grid.addNewRow({ index: 1, value: '2b' });
await dashboard.grid.cell.inCellAdd({ index: 1, columnHeader: 'Sheet1' });
await dashboard.linkRecord.select('1b');
await dashboard.grid.cell.inCellAdd({
index: 1,
columnHeader: 'Sheet1 List',
await dashboard.linkRecord.select('1b');
await dashboard.grid.cell.inCellAdd({
index: 1,
columnHeader: 'Link2-1hm',
await dashboard.linkRecord.select('1b');
// Expand record insert
await dashboard.grid.addNewRow({ index: 2, value: '2c-temp' });
await dashboard.grid.openExpandedRow({ index: 2 });
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({
columnTitle: 'Sheet1',
value: '1c',
type: 'belongsTo',
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({
columnTitle: 'Sheet1 List',
value: '1c',
type: 'manyToMany',
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({
columnTitle: 'Link2-1hm',
value: '1c',
type: 'hasMany',
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({
columnTitle: 'Title',
value: '2c',
type: 'text',
await dashboard.expandedForm.save();
const expected = [
[['1a'], ['1b'], ['1c']],
[['1a'], ['1b'], ['1c']],
[['1a'], ['1b'], ['1c']],
const colHeaders = ['Sheet1', 'Sheet1 List', 'Link2-1hm'];
// verify LTAR cell values
for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < expected[i].length; j++) {
await dashboard.grid.cell.verifyVirtualCell({
index: j,
columnHeader: colHeaders[i],
count: 1,
value: expected[i][j],
await dashboard.closeTab({ title: 'Sheet2' });
await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: 'Sheet1' });
const expected2 = [
[['2a'], ['2b'], ['2c']],
[['2a'], ['2b'], ['2c']],
[['2a'], ['2b'], ['2c']],
const colHeaders2 = ['Link1-2hm', 'Link1-2mm', 'Sheet2'];
// verify LTAR cell values
for (let i = 0; i < expected2.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < expected2[i].length; j++) {
await dashboard.grid.cell.verifyVirtualCell({
index: j,
columnHeader: colHeaders2[i],
count: 1,
value: expected2[i][j],
// verify LTAR cell values
for (let i = 0; i < expected2.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < expected2[i].length; j++) {
await dashboard.grid.cell.unlinkVirtualCell({
index: j,
columnHeader: colHeaders2[i],
// delete columns
await dashboard.grid.column.delete({ title: 'Link1-2hm' });
await dashboard.grid.column.delete({ title: 'Link1-2mm' });
await dashboard.grid.column.delete({ title: 'Sheet2' });
// delete table
await dashboard.treeView.deleteTable({ title: 'Sheet1' });
await dashboard.treeView.deleteTable({ title: 'Sheet2' });
async function verifyRow(param: {
index: number;
value: {
Country: string;
formula?: string;
SLT?: string;
'City List': string[];
}) {
await dashboard.grid.cell.verify({
index: param.index,
columnHeader: 'Country',
value: param.value.Country,
if (param.value.formula) {
await dashboard.grid.cell.verify({
index: param.index,
columnHeader: 'formula',
value: param.value.formula,
await dashboard.grid.cell.verifyVirtualCell({
index: param.index,
columnHeader: 'City List',
count: param.value['City List'].length,
value: param.value['City List'],
if (param.value.SLT) {
await dashboard.grid.cell.verify({
index: param.index,
columnHeader: 'SLT',
value: param.value.SLT,
* Scope:
* - Verify LTAR and lookup cell after updating any non-virtual column
* - Verify the formula cell in which the updated cell is referring
* - Verify other non-virtual cells
* https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/issues/4220
test.skip('Existing LTAR table verification', async () => {
// close 'Team & Auth' tab
await dashboard.closeTab({ title: 'Team & Auth' });
// open table
await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: 'Country' });
await verifyRow({
index: 0,
value: {
Country: 'Afghanistan',
'City List': ['Kabul'],
await verifyRow({
index: 1,
value: {
Country: 'Algeria',
'City List': ['Batna', 'Bchar', 'Skikda'],
// create new columns
await dashboard.grid.column.create({
title: 'SLT',
type: 'SingleLineText',
await dashboard.grid.column.create({
title: 'formula',
type: 'Formula',
formula: "CONCAT({Country}, ' ', {SLT})",
// insert new content into a cell
await dashboard.grid.editRow({
index: 0,
columnHeader: 'SLT',
value: 'test',
await verifyRow({
index: 0,
value: {
Country: 'Afghanistan',
'City List': ['Kabul'],
SLT: 'test',
formula: 'Afghanistan test',
// edit record
await dashboard.grid.editRow({
index: 0,
columnHeader: 'Country',
value: 'Afghanistan2',
await verifyRow({
index: 0,
value: {
Country: 'Afghanistan2',
'City List': ['Kabul'],
SLT: 'test',
formula: 'Afghanistan2 test',
// Delete cell contents and verify
await dashboard.grid.cell.click({ index: 0, columnHeader: 'SLT' });
// trigger delete button key
await dashboard.rootPage.keyboard.press('Delete');
// Verify other non-virtual cells
await verifyRow({
index: 0,
value: {
Country: 'Afghanistan2',
'City List': ['Kabul'],
SLT: '',
formula: 'Afghanistan2',