You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

80 lines
3.3 KiB

export default {
name: 'LockMenu',
props: ['value'],
data: () => ({}),
methods: {
changeLockType(type) {
this.$e('a:grid:lockmenu', { lockType: type })
if (type === 'personal') {
return this.$toast.info('Coming soon').goAway(3000)
this.$emit('input', type)
this.$toast.success(`Successfully Switched to ${type} view`).goAway(3000)
<v-menu offset-y max-width="350">
<template #activator="{ on }">
<v-icon v-if="value === 'locked'" small class="mx-1 nc-view-lock-menu" v-on="on"> mdi-lock-outline </v-icon>
<v-icon v-else-if="value === 'personal'" small class="mx-1 nc-view-lock-menu" v-on="on"> mdi-account </v-icon>
<v-icon v-else small class="mx-1 nc-view-lock-menu" v-on="on"> mdi-account-group-outline </v-icon>
<v-list maxc-width="350">
<v-list-item two-line class="pb-4" @click="changeLockType('collaborative')">
<v-list-item-icon class="mr-1 align-self-center">
<v-icon v-if="!value || value === 'collaborative'" small> mdi-check-bold </v-icon>
<v-list-item-content class="pb-1">
<v-icon small class="mt-n1" color="primary"> mdi-account-group </v-icon>
Collaborative view
<v-list-item-subtitle class="pt-2 pl- font-weight-light" style="white-space: normal">
Collaborators with edit permissions or higher can change the view configuration.
<v-list-item two-line class="pb-4" @click="changeLockType('locked')">
<v-list-item-icon class="mr-1 align-self-center">
<v-icon v-if="value === 'locked'" small> mdi-check-bold </v-icon>
<v-list-item-content class="pb-1">
<v-icon small class="mt-n1" color="primary"> mdi-lock </v-icon>
Locked View
<v-list-item-subtitle class="pt-2 pl- font-weight-light" style="white-space: normal">
No one can edit the view configuration until it is unlocked.
<span class="caption mt-3"><v-icon class="mr-1 mt-n1" x-small color="#fcb401"> mdi-star</v-icon>Locked view.</span>
<v-list-item three-line @click="changeLockType('personal')">
<v-list-item-icon class="mr-1 align-self-center">
<v-icon v-if="value === 'personal'" small> mdi-check-bold </v-icon>
<v-icon small class="mt-n1" color="primary"> mdi-account </v-icon>
Personal view
<v-list-item-subtitle class="pt-2 pl- font-weight-light" style="white-space: normal">
Only you can edit the view configuration. Other collaborators’ personal views are hidden by default.
<span class="caption mt-3"><v-icon class="mr-1 mt-n1" x-small color="#fcb401"> mdi-star</v-icon>Coming soon.</span>
<style scoped></style>