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336 lines
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336 lines
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import type { ComputedRef, Ref } from 'vue' |
import type { Api, ColumnType, KanbanType, SelectOptionType, SelectOptionsType, TableType, ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n' |
import { message } from 'ant-design-vue' |
import type { Row } from '~/composables/useViewData' |
import { deepCompare, enumColor } from '~/utils' |
import { useNuxtApp } from '#app' |
type GroupingFieldColOptionsType = SelectOptionType & { collapsed: boolean } |
export function useKanbanViewData( |
meta: Ref<TableType | undefined> | ComputedRef<TableType | undefined>, |
viewMeta: Ref<ViewType | undefined> | ComputedRef<(ViewType & { id: string }) | undefined>, |
) { |
if (!meta) { |
throw new Error('Table meta is not available') |
} |
const { t } = useI18n() |
const { api } = useApi() |
const { project } = useProject() |
const { $api } = useNuxtApp() |
const { sorts, nestedFilters } = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow() |
const { isUIAllowed } = useUIPermission() |
const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false)) |
// kanban view meta data |
const kanbanMetaData = useState<KanbanType>('KanbanMetaData', () => ({})) |
// grouping field column options - e.g. title, fk_column_id, color etc |
const groupingFieldColOptions = useState<GroupingFieldColOptionsType[]>('KanbanGroupingFieldColOptions', () => []) |
// formattedData structure |
// { |
// [val1] : [ |
// {row: {...}, oldRow: {...}, rowMeta: {...}}, |
// {row: {...}, oldRow: {...}, rowMeta: {...}}, |
// ... |
// ], |
// [val2] : [ |
// {row: {...}, oldRow: {...}, rowMeta: {...}}, |
// {row: {...}, oldRow: {...}, rowMeta: {...}}, |
// ... |
// ], |
// } |
const formattedData = useState<Record<string, Row[]>>('KanbanFormattedData', () => ({})) |
// countByStack structure |
// { |
// "Uncategorized": 0, |
// [val1]: 10, |
// [val2]: 20 |
// } |
const countByStack = useState<Record<string, number>>('KanbanCountByStack', () => ({})) |
// grouping field title |
const groupingField = useState<string>('KanbanGroupingField', () => '') |
// grouping field column |
const groupingFieldColumn = useState<ColumnType | undefined>('KanbanGroupingFieldColumn') |
// stack meta in object format |
const stackMetaObj = useState<Record<string, GroupingFieldColOptionsType[]>>('KanbanStackMetaObj', () => ({})) |
const formatData = (list: Record<string, any>[]) => |
list.map((row) => ({ |
row: { ...row }, |
oldRow: { ...row }, |
rowMeta: {}, |
})) |
async function loadKanbanData() { |
if ((!project?.value?.id || !meta.value?.id || !viewMeta?.value?.id) && !isPublic.value) return |
// reset formattedData & countByStack to avoid storing previous data after changing grouping field |
formattedData.value = {} |
countByStack.value = {} |
await Promise.all( |
groupingFieldColOptions.value.map(async (option: GroupingFieldColOptionsType) => { |
const where = |
option.title === 'Uncategorized' ? `(${groupingField.value},is,null)` : `(${groupingField.value},eq,${option.title})` |
const response = await api.dbViewRow.list('noco', project.value.id!, meta.value!.id!, viewMeta.value!.id!, { |
where, |
}) |
formattedData.value[option.title!] = formatData(response.list) |
countByStack.value[option.title!] = response.pageInfo.totalRows || 0 |
}), |
) |
} |
async function loadMoreKanbanData(stackTitle: string, params: Parameters<Api<any>['dbViewRow']['list']>[4] = {}) { |
if ((!project?.value?.id || !meta.value?.id || !viewMeta.value?.id) && !isPublic.value) return |
let where = `(${groupingField.value},eq,${stackTitle})` |
if (stackTitle === 'Uncategorized') { |
where = `(${groupingField.value},is,null)` |
} |
const response = await api.dbViewRow.list('noco', project.value.id!, meta.value!.id!, viewMeta.value!.id!, { |
...params, |
...(isUIAllowed('sortSync') ? {} : { sortArrJson: JSON.stringify(sorts.value) }), |
...(isUIAllowed('filterSync') ? {} : { filterArrJson: JSON.stringify(nestedFilters.value) }), |
where, |
}) |
formattedData.value[stackTitle] = [...formattedData.value[stackTitle], ...formatData(response.list)] |
} |
async function loadKanbanMeta() { |
if (!viewMeta?.value?.id || !meta?.value?.columns) return |
kanbanMetaData.value = await $api.dbView.kanbanRead(viewMeta.value.id) |
// set groupingField |
groupingFieldColumn.value = meta.value.columns.filter((f: ColumnType) => f.id === kanbanMetaData.value.grp_column_id)[0] || {} |
groupingField.value = groupingFieldColumn.value.title! |
const { grp_column_id, stack_meta } = kanbanMetaData.value |
stackMetaObj.value = stack_meta ? JSON.parse(stack_meta as string) : {} |
if (stackMetaObj.value && grp_column_id && stackMetaObj.value[grp_column_id]) { |
// keep the existing order (index of the array) but update the values done outside kanban |
let isChanged = false |
for (const option of (groupingFieldColumn.value.colOptions as SelectOptionsType).options) { |
const idx = stackMetaObj.value[grp_column_id].findIndex((ele) => ele.id === option.id) |
if (idx !== -1) { |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars |
const { collapsed, ...rest } = stackMetaObj.value[grp_column_id][idx] |
if (!deepCompare(rest, option)) { |
// update the option in stackMetaObj |
stackMetaObj.value[grp_column_id][idx] = { |
...stackMetaObj.value[grp_column_id][idx], |
...option, |
} |
isChanged = true |
} |
} else { |
// new option found - add to stackMetaObj |
stackMetaObj.value[grp_column_id].push({ |
...option, |
collapsed: false, |
}) |
formattedData.value[option.title!] = [] |
countByStack.value[option.title!] = 0 |
isChanged = true |
} |
} |
// handle deleted options |
const columnOptionIds = (groupingFieldColumn.value?.colOptions as SelectOptionsType)?.options.map(({ id }) => id) |
stackMetaObj.value[grp_column_id] |
.filter(({ id }) => id !== 'uncategorized' && !columnOptionIds.includes(id)) |
.forEach(({ id }) => { |
const idx = stackMetaObj.value[grp_column_id].map((ele: Record<string, any>) => ele.id).indexOf(id) |
if (idx !== -1) { |
deleteStack(stackMetaObj.value[grp_column_id][idx].title!) |
stackMetaObj.value[grp_column_id].splice(idx, 1) |
} |
}) |
groupingFieldColOptions.value = stackMetaObj.value[grp_column_id] |
if (isChanged) { |
await updateKanbanStackMeta() |
} |
} else { |
// build stack meta |
groupingFieldColOptions.value = [ |
...((groupingFieldColumn.value?.colOptions as SelectOptionsType & { collapsed: boolean })?.options ?? []), |
// enrich uncategorized stack |
{ id: 'uncategorized', title: 'Uncategorized', order: 0, color: enumColor.light[2] }, |
] |
// sort by initial order |
.sort((a, b) => a.order! - b.order!) |
// enrich `collapsed` |
.map((ele) => ({ |
...ele, |
collapsed: false, |
})) |
await updateKanbanStackMeta() |
} |
} |
async function updateKanbanStackMeta() { |
const { grp_column_id } = kanbanMetaData.value |
if (grp_column_id) { |
stackMetaObj.value[grp_column_id] = groupingFieldColOptions.value |
await updateKanbanMeta({ |
stack_meta: stackMetaObj.value, |
}) |
} |
} |
async function updateKanbanMeta(updateObj: Partial<KanbanType>) { |
if (!viewMeta?.value?.id) return |
await $api.dbView.kanbanUpdate(viewMeta.value.id, { |
...kanbanMetaData.value, |
...updateObj, |
}) |
} |
async function insertRow(row: Record<string, any>, rowIndex = formattedData.value.uncatgorized?.length) { |
try { |
const insertObj = meta?.value?.columns?.reduce((o: any, col) => { |
if (!col.ai && row?.[col.title as string] !== null) { |
o[col.title as string] = row?.[col.title as string] |
} |
return o |
}, {}) |
const insertedData = await $api.dbViewRow.create( |
project?.value.id as string, |
meta.value?.id as string, |
viewMeta?.value?.id as string, |
insertObj, |
) |
formattedData.value.uncatgorized?.splice(rowIndex ?? 0, 1, { |
row: insertedData, |
rowMeta: {}, |
oldRow: { ...insertedData }, |
}) |
return insertedData |
} catch (error: any) { |
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(error)) |
} |
} |
async function updateRowProperty(toUpdate: Row, property: string) { |
try { |
const id = extractPkFromRow(toUpdate.row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) |
const updatedRowData = await $api.dbViewRow.update( |
project?.value.id as string, |
meta.value?.id as string, |
viewMeta?.value?.id as string, |
id, |
{ |
[property]: toUpdate.row[property], |
}, |
// todo: |
// { |
// query: { ignoreWebhook: !saved } |
// } |
) |
// audit |
$api.utils |
.auditRowUpdate(id, { |
fk_model_id: meta.value?.id as string, |
column_name: property, |
row_id: id, |
value: getHTMLEncodedText(toUpdate.row[property]), |
prev_value: getHTMLEncodedText(toUpdate.oldRow[property]), |
}) |
.then(() => {}) |
/** update row data(to sync formula and other related columns) */ |
Object.assign(toUpdate.row, updatedRowData) |
Object.assign(toUpdate.oldRow, updatedRowData) |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(`${t('msg.error.rowUpdateFailed')} ${await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)}`) |
} |
} |
async function updateOrSaveRow(row: Row) { |
if (row.rowMeta.new) { |
await insertRow(row.row, formattedData.value[row.row.title].indexOf(row)) |
} else { |
await updateRowProperty(row, groupingField.value) |
} |
} |
async function deleteStack(stackTitle: string) { |
try { |
// set groupingField to null for all records under the target stack |
await api.dbTableRow.bulkUpdateAll( |
'noco', |
project.value.id!, |
meta.value?.id as string, |
{ |
[groupingField.value]: null, |
}, |
{ |
where: `(${groupingField.value},eq,${stackTitle})`, |
}, |
) |
// update to groupingField value to null |
formattedData.value[stackTitle] = formattedData.value[stackTitle].map((o) => ({ |
...o, |
row: { |
...o.row, |
[groupingField.value]: null, |
}, |
oldRow: { |
...o.oldRow, |
[groupingField.value]: null, |
}, |
})) |
// merge the 'deleted' stack to Uncategorized stack |
formattedData.value.Uncategorized = [...formattedData.value.Uncategorized, ...formattedData.value[stackTitle]] |
countByStack.value.Uncategorized += countByStack.value[stackTitle] |
// clear the 'deleted' stack |
formattedData.value[stackTitle] = [] |
countByStack.value[stackTitle] = 0 |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
} |
function addEmptyRow(addAfter = formattedData.value.Uncategorized?.length) { |
formattedData.value.Uncategorized.splice(addAfter, 0, { |
row: {}, |
oldRow: {}, |
rowMeta: { new: true }, |
}) |
return formattedData.value.Uncategorized[addAfter] |
} |
return { |
loadKanbanData, |
loadMoreKanbanData, |
loadKanbanMeta, |
updateKanbanMeta, |
kanbanMetaData, |
formattedData, |
countByStack, |
groupingField, |
groupingFieldColOptions, |
groupingFieldColumn, |
updateOrSaveRow, |
addEmptyRow, |
deleteStack, |
updateKanbanStackMeta, |
} |