You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1328 lines
54 KiB

"dashboards": {
"create_new_dashboard_project": "Create New Interface",
"connect_data_sources": "Connect data sources",
"alert": "Alert",
"alert-message": "No databases have been connected. Connect database bases to build interfaces. Skip this step and add databases from the base home page later.",
"select_database_projects_that_you_want_to_link_to_this_dashboard_projects": "Select Database Bases that you want to link to this Interface.",
"create_interface": "Create interface",
"project_name": "Base Name",
"connect": "Connect",
"buttonActionTypes": {
"open_external_url": "Open external link",
"delete_record": "Delete record",
"update_record": "Update record",
"open_layout": "Open layout"
"widgets": {
"static_text": "Text",
"chart": "Chart",
"table": "Table",
"image": "Image",
"map": "Map",
"button": "Button",
"number": "Number",
"bar_chart": "Bar Chart",
"line_chart": "Line Chart",
"area_chart": "Area Chart",
"pie_chart": "Pie Chart",
"donut_chart": "Donut Chart",
"scatter_plot": "Scatter Plot",
"bubble_chart": "Bubble Chart",
"radar_chart": "Radar Chart",
"polar_area_chart": "Polar Area Chart",
"radial_bar_chart": "Radial Bar Chart",
"heatmap_chart": "Heatmap Chart",
"treemap_chart": "Treemap Chart",
"box_plot_chart": "Box Plot Chart",
"candlestick_chart": "Candlestick Chart"
"general": {
"quit": "Quit",
"home": "首頁",
"load": "載入",
"open": "開啟",
"close": "關閉",
"yes": "是",
"no": "否",
"ok": "確認",
"back": "Back",
"and": "和",
"or": "或",
"add": "新增",
"edit": "編輯",
"link": "Link",
"links": "Links",
"remove": "移除",
"import": "Import",
"logout": "Log Out",
"empty": "Empty",
"changeIcon": "Change Icon",
"save": "儲存",
"available": "Available",
"abort": "Abort",
"saving": "Saving",
"cancel": "取消",
"null": "Null",
"escape": "Escape",
"hex": "Hex",
"clear": "Clear",
"slack": "Slack",
"comment": "Comment",
"microsoftTeams": "Microsoft Teams",
"discord": "Discord",
"matterMost": "Mattermost",
"twilio": "Twilio",
"whatsappTwilio": "WhatsApp Twilio",
"submit": "提交",
"create": "建立",
"createEntity": "Create {entity}",
"creating": "Creating",
"creatingEntity": "Creating {entity}",
"details": "Details",
"skip": "Skip",
"duplicate": "複製",
"duplicating": "Duplicating",
"activate": "Activate",
"action": "Action",
"insert": "插入",
"delete": "刪除",
"deleteEntity": "Delete {entity}",
"bulkInsert": "Bulk Insert",
"bulkDelete": "Bulk Delete",
"bulkUpdate": "Bulk Update",
"deleting": "Deleting",
"update": "更新",
"rename": "重新命名",
"reload": "重新載入",
"reset": "重設",
"install": "安裝",
"show": "顯示",
"access": "Access",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"hide": "隱藏",
"deprecated": "Deprecated",
"showAll": "顯示所有",
"hideAll": "全部隱藏",
"notFound": "Not found",
"showMore": "顯示更多",
"showOptions": "顯示選項",
"hideOptions": "隱藏選項",
"showMenu": "顯示選單",
"hideMenu": "隱藏選單",
"addAll": "全部新增",
"removeAll": "全部移除",
"signUp": "註冊",
"signIn": "登入",
"signOut": "登出",
"required": "必填",
"enableScanner": "啟用掃描器來填充",
"preferred": "首選",
"mandatory": "強制的",
"loading": "載入中...",
"title": "標題",
"upload": "上傳",
"download": "下載",
"default": "預設",
"base": "Source",
"datasource": "Data Source",
"more": "更多",
"less": "較少",
"event": "事件",
"condition": "條件",
"after": "後",
"before": "前",
"search": "搜尋",
"searchIn": "Search In",
"notification": "通知",
"reference": "參考",
"function": "功能",
"confirm": "確認",
"generate": "生成",
"copy": "複製",
"are": "are",
"misc": "其他設定",
"lock": "鎖定",
"unlock": "解鎖",
"credentials": "憑證",
"help": "幫助",
"questions": "問題",
"reachOut": "在這裡聯絡我們",
"betaNote": "此功能目前是 Beta 測試版",
"moreInfo": "更多資訊能在這裡找到",
"logs": "日誌",
"groupingField": "分組欄位",
"insertAfter": "插入在後",
"insertBefore": "插入在前",
"hideField": "隱藏欄位",
"sortAsc": "升序排序",
"sortDesc": "降序排序",
"move": "Move",
"geoDataField": "地理資料欄位",
"type": "Type",
"name": "Name",
"changes": "Changes",
"new": "New",
"old": "Old",
"data": "Data",
"source": "Source",
"destination": "Destination",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"linked": "linked",
"finish": "Finish",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
"avg": "Avg",
"sum": "Sum",
"count": "Count",
"countDistinct": "Count Distinct",
"sumDistinct": "Sum Distinct",
"avgDistinct": "Avg Distinct",
"join": "Join",
"options": "Options",
"primaryValue": "Primary Value",
"useSurveyMode": "Use Survey Mode",
"shift": "Shift",
"enter": "Enter",
"seconds": "Seconds"
"objects": {
"workspace": "Workspace",
"workspaces": "Workspaces",
"project": "項目",
"projects": "項目",
"table": "表格",
"tables": "表格",
"field": "欄位",
"fields": "欄位",
"column": "列",
"columns": "列",
"page": "頁",
"pages": "頁",
"record": "記錄",
"records": "記錄",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"webhooks": "Webhook",
"view": "檢視",
"views": "所有檢視",
"sidebar": "Sidebar",
"viewType": {
"grid": "網格",
"gallery": "相簿",
"form": "表單",
"kanban": "看板",
"calendar": "日曆",
"map": "地圖"
"user": "使用者",
"users": "使用者",
"role": "角色",
"roles": "角色",
"developer": "Developer",
"roleType": {
"owner": "所有者",
"creator": "建立者",
"editor": "編輯者",
"commenter": "評論者",
"viewer": "檢視者",
"noaccess": "No Access",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
"orgLevelCreator": "組織層級建立者",
"orgLevelViewer": "組織層級檢視者"
"sqlVIew": "SQL 檢視",
"rowHeight": "Record Height",
"heightClass": {
"short": "Short",
"medium": "Medium",
"tall": "Tall",
"extra": "Extra"
"externalDb": "External Database"
"datatype": {
"ID": "ID",
"ForeignKey": "外键",
"SingleLineText": "單行文本",
"LongText": "長文本",
"Attachment": "附件",
"Checkbox": "核取方塊",
"MultiSelect": "多選",
"SingleSelect": "單選",
"Collaborator": "協作者",
"Date": "日期",
"Year": "年",
"Time": "時間",
"PhoneNumber": "電話號碼",
"Email": "電子郵件",
"URL": "網址",
"Number": "數字",
"Decimal": "十進制",
"Currency": "貨幣",
"Percent": "百分比",
"Duration": "期間",
"GeoData": "地理資料",
"Rating": "評分",
"Formula": "公式",
"Rollup": "匯總",
"Count": "計數",
"Lookup": "查閱",
"DateTime": "日期時間",
"CreateTime": "創建時間",
"LastModifiedTime": "最後修改時間",
"AutoNumber": "自動編號",
"Barcode": "條碼",
"Button": "按鈕",
"Password": "密碼",
"relationProperties": {
"noAction": "沒有任何行動",
"cascade": "級聯",
"restrict": "嚴格",
"setNull": "設置 null",
"setDefault": "設為預設"
"filterOperation": {
"isEqual": "等於",
"isNotEqual": "不等於",
"isLike": "包含",
"isNot like": "不包含",
"isEmpty": "內容為空",
"isNotEmpty": "内容不為空",
"isNull": "內容為 Null",
"isNotNull": "內容不為 Null"
"title": {
"docs": "Docs",
"forum": "Forum",
"parameter": "Parameter",
"headers": "Headers",
"parameterName": "Parameter Name",
"currencyLocale": "Currency Locale",
"currencyCode": "Currency Code",
"searchMembers": "Search Members",
"noMembersFound": "No members found",
"dateJoined": "Date Joined",
"tokenName": "Token name",
"inDesktop": "in Desktop",
"rowData": "Record data",
"creator": "Creator",
"qrCode": "QR Code",
"termsOfService": "Terms of Service",
"updateSelectedRows": "Update Selected Records",
"noFiltersAdded": "No filters added",
"editCards": "Edit Cards",
"noFieldsFound": "No fields found",
"displayValue": "Display Value",
"expand": "Expand",
"hideAll": "Hide all",
"hideSystemFields": "Hide system fields",
"removeFile": "Remove File",
"hasMany": "Has Many",
"manyToMany": "Many to Many",
"virtualRelation": "Virtual Relation",
"linkMore": "Link More",
"linkMoreRecords": "Link more records",
"downloadFile": "Download File",
"renameTable": "Rename Table",
"renamingTable": "Renaming Table",
"renamingWs": "Renaming Workspace",
"renameWs": "Rename Workspace",
"deleteWs": "Delete Workspace",
"deletingWs": "Deleting Workspace",
"copyAuthToken": "Copy Auth Token",
"copiedAuthToken": "Copied Auth Token",
"copyInviteToken": "Copy Invite Token",
"showSidebar": "Show Sidebar",
"hideSidebar": "Hide Sidebar",
"creatingTable": "Creating Table",
"erdView": "實體關係圖",
"newBase": "New Data Source",
"newProj": "建立新專案",
"createBase": "Create Base",
"myProject": "我的專案",
"formTitle": "表格標題",
"collaborative": "Collaborative",
"locked": "Locked",
"personal": "Personal",
"appStore": "應用程式商店",
"teamAndAuth": "團隊和認證",
"rolesUserMgmt": "角色和使用者管理",
"userMgmt": "使用者管理",
"apiTokens": "API Tokens",
"apiTokenMgmt": "API 權杖管理",
"rolesMgmt": "角色管理",
"projMeta": "專案中繼資料",
"metaMgmt": "中繼資料管理",
"metadata": "中繼資料",
"exportImportMeta": "匯出/匯入中繼資料",
"uiACL": "UI 存取控制",
"metaOperations": "中繼資料操作",
"audit": "稽核",
"auditLogs": "稽核記錄",
"sqlMigrations": "SQL 遷移",
"dbCredentials": "資料庫憑證",
"advancedParameters": "SSL 及進階參數",
"headCreateProject": "建立新專案|NocoDB",
"headLogin": "登入|NocoDB",
"resetPassword": "重設密碼",
"teamAndSettings": "團隊 & 設定",
"apiDocs": "API 說明文件",
"importFromAirtable": "從 Airtable 匯入",
"generateToken": "產生 Token",
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs及支援",
"helpCenter": "幫助中心",
"noLabels": "No Labels",
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger 文件",
"quickImportFrom": "快速匯入從",
"quickImport": "快速匯入",
"quickImportAirtable": "Quick Import - Airtable",
"quickImportCSV": "Quick Import - CSV",
"quickImportExcel": "Quick Import - Excel",
"quickImportJSON": "Quick Import - JSON",
"jsonEditor": "JSON Editor",
"comingSoon": "Coming Soon",
"advancedSettings": "進階設定",
"codeSnippet": "程式碼片段",
"keyboardShortcut": "鍵盤快捷鍵",
"generateRandomName": "生成隨機名稱",
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode",
"tokenManagement": "Token Management",
"addNewToken": "Add new token",
"accountSettings": "Account Settings",
"resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password",
"tokens": "Tokens",
"userManagement": "User Management",
"accountManagement": "Account management",
"licence": "Licence",
"allowAllMimeTypes": "Allow All Mime Types",
"defaultView": "Default View",
"relations": "Relations",
"switchLanguage": "Switch Language",
"renameFile": "Rename File",
"links": {
"noAction": "No Action",
"cascade": "Cascade",
"restrict": "Restrict",
"setNull": "Set NULL",
"setDefault": "Set Default"
"labels": {
"downloadData": "Download Data",
"noToken": "No Token",
"tokenLimit": "Only one token per user is allowed",
"duplicateAttachment": "File with name {filename} already attached",
"viewIdColon": "VIEW ID: {viewId}",
"toAddress": "To Address",
"subject": "Subject",
"body": "Body",
"commaSeparatedMobileNumber": "Comma separated Mobile #",
"headerName": "Header Name",
"icon": "Icon",
"max": "Max",
"idColon": "Id:",
"copiedRecordURL": "Copied Record URL",
"copyRecordURL": "Copy Record URL",
"duplicateRecord": "Duplicate record",
"binaryEncodingFormat": "Binary encoding format",
"syntax": "Syntax",
"examples": "Examples",
"durationInfo": "A duration of time in minutes or seconds (e.g. 1:23).",
"addHeader": "Add Header",
"enterDefaultUrlOptional": "Enter default URL (Optional)",
"negative": "Negative",
"discard": "Discard",
"default": "Default",
"defaultNumberPercent": "Default Number (%)",
"durationFormat": "Duration Format",
"dateFormat": "Date Format",
"timeFormat": "Time Format",
"singularLabel": "Singular Label",
"pluralLabel": "Plural Label",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"clickToMake": "Click to make",
"visibleForRole": "visible for role:",
"inUI": "in UI Dashboard",
"projectSettings": "Base Settings",
"clickToHide": "Click to hide",
"clickToDownload": "Click to download",
"forRole": "for role",
"clickToCopyViewID": "Click to copy View ID",
"viewMode": "View Mode",
"searchUsers": "Search Users",
"superAdmin": "Super Admin",
"allTables": "All Tables",
"members": "Members",
"dataSources": "Data Sources",
"connectDataSource": "Connect a Data Source",
"searchProjects": "Search Bases",
"createdBy": "創建人",
"viewingAttachmentsOf": "Viewing Attachments of",
"readOnly": "Readonly",
"dropHere": "Drop here",
"createdOn": "Created On",
"notifyVia": "通知方式",
"projName": "項目名",
"profile": "Profile",
"accountDetails": "Account Details",
"controlAppearance": "Control your Appearance.",
"accountEmailID": "Account Email ID",
"backToWorkspace": "Back to Workspace",
"untitledToken": "Untitled token",
"tableName": "表名稱",
"dashboardName": "Dashboard name",
"createView": "Create a View",
"creatingView": "Creating View",
"duplicateView": "Duplicate View",
"duplicateGridView": "Duplicate Grid View",
"createGridView": "Create Grid View",
"duplicateGalleryView": "Duplicate Gallery View",
"createGalleryView": "Create Gallery View",
"duplicateFormView": "Duplicate Form View",
"createFormView": "Create Form View",
"duplicateKanbanView": "Duplicate Kanban View",
"createKanbanView": "Create Kanban View",
"viewName": "檢視名稱",
"viewLink": "查看鏈接",
"columnName": "列名稱",
"columnToScanFor": "Column to scan",
"columnType": "列類型",
"roleName": "角色名稱",
"roleDescription": "角色描述",
"databaseType": "資料庫中的類型",
"lengthValue": "長度/值",
"dbType": "資料庫類型",
"sqliteFile": "SQLite 檔案",
"hostAddress": "主機位址",
"port": "連線埠號碼",
"username": "使用者名稱",
"password": "密碼",
"schemaName": "Schema 名稱",
"database": "資料庫",
"action": "行動",
"actions": "行動",
"operation": "操作",
"operationSub": "子操作",
"operationType": "操作類型",
"operationSubType": "操作子類型",
"description": "描述",
"authentication": "驗證",
"token": "權杖",
"where": "在哪裡",
"cache": "緩存",
"chat": "聊天",
"showOrHide": "Show or Hide",
"airtable": "Airtable",
"csv": "CSV",
"csvFile": "CSV File",
"json": "JSON",
"jsonFile": "JSON File",
"excel": "Excel",
"microsoftExcel": "Microsoft Excel",
"email": "電子郵件",
"storage": "貯存",
"uiAcl": "UI-ACL",
"models": "楷模",
"syncState": "同步狀態",
"created": "已建立",
"sqlOutput": "SQL 輸出",
"addOption": "新增選項",
"interfaceColor": "Interface Color",
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value",
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value",
"barcodeFormat": "條碼格式",
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "QR碼字元過多",
"barcodeValueTooLong": "條碼字元過多",
"currentLocation": "目前位置",
"lng": "經度",
"lat": "緯度",
"aggregateFunction": "匯總功能",
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "資料庫:不存在則建立",
"clientKey": "用戶端金鑰",
"clientCert": "用戶端憑證",
"serverCA": "伺服器 CA",
"requriedCa": "必填 - CA",
"requriedIdentity": "必填 - IDENTITY",
"inflection": {
"tableName": "修改 - 表名",
"columnName": "屈折 - 欄位名稱"
"community": {
"starUs1": "在 Github 上",
"starUs2": "幫我們按讚",
"bookDemo": "預訂免費 Demo",
"getAnswered": "解惑您的問題",
"joinDiscord": "加入 Discord",
"joinCommunity": "加入 NocoDB 社群",
"joinReddit": "加入 /r/NocoDB",
"followNocodb": "追蹤 NocoDB",
"communityTranslated": "(Community Translated)"
"twitter": "Twitter",
"docReference": "文件參考文獻",
"selectUserRole": "選擇使用者角色",
"childTable": "子表",
"childColumn": "子欄",
"childField": "Child field",
"linkToAnotherRecord": "連結到另一個紀錄",
"links": "Links",
"onUpdate": "更新時",
"onDelete": "刪除時",
"account": "帳號",
"language": "語言",
"primaryColor": "主色調",
"accentColor": "強調色",
"customTheme": "自訂主題",
"requestDataSource": "提供您需要的資料源?",
"apiKey": "API 金鑰",
"personalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
"sharedBaseUrl": "Shared Base URL",
"importData": "匯入資料",
"importSecondaryViews": "匯入次要檢視",
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns",
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns",
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns",
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns",
"importUsers": "Import Users (by email)",
"noData": "沒有資料",
"goToDashboard": "前往儀表板",
"importing": "匯入中",
"formatJson": "Format JSON",
"firstRowAsHeaders": "Use First Record as Headers",
"flattenNested": "展平嵌套",
"downloadAllowed": "允許下載",
"weAreHiring": "我們正在招聘中!",
"primaryKey": "主鍵",
"hasMany": "有很多的",
"belongsTo": "屬於",
"manyToMany": "有多對多關聯",
"extraConnectionParameters": "額外連線參數",
"commentsOnly": "僅評論",
"documentation": "說明文件",
"subscribeNewsletter": "訂閱我們的每週新聞",
"signUpWithProvider": "Sign up with {provider}",
"signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}",
"agreeToTos": "通過註冊,表示您同意遵守服務條款",
"welcomeToNc": "歡迎來到 NocoDB!",
"inviteOnlySignup": "只接受使用邀請連結進行註冊",
"nextRow": "Next Row",
"prevRow": "Previous Row",
"addRowGrid": "Manually add data in grid view",
"addRowForm": "Enter record data through a form",
"noAccess": "No access",
"restApis": "Rest APIs",
"apis": "APIs",
"includeData": "Include Data",
"includeView": "Include View",
"includeWebhook": "Include Webhook",
"zoomInToViewColumns": "Zoom in to view columns",
"embedInSite": "Embed this view in your site",
"titleRequired": "title is required.",
"sourceNameRequired": "Source name is required",
"changeWsName": "Change Workspace Name",
"pressEnter": "Press Enter",
"newFormLoaded": "New form will be loaded after"
"activity": {
"openInANewTab": "Open in a new tab",
"copyIFrameCode": "Copy IFrame code",
"onCondition": "On Condition",
"bulkDownload": "Bulk Download",
"attachFile": "Attach File",
"viewAttachment": "View Attachments",
"attachmentDrop": "Click or drop a file into cell",
"addFiles": "Add File(s)",
"hideInUI": "Hide in UI",
"addBase": "Add Base",
"addParameter": "Add Parameter",
"submitAnotherForm": "Submit Another Form",
"dragAndDropFieldsHereToAdd": "Drag and drop fields here to add",
"editSource": "Edit Data Source",
"enterText": "Enter text",
"okEditBase": "Ok & Edit Base",
"showInUI": "Show in UI",
"outOfSync": "Out of sync",
"newSource": "New Data Source",
"newWebhook": "New Webhook",
"enablePublicAccess": "Enable Public Access",
"doYouWantToSaveTheChanges": "Do you want to save the changes ?",
"editingAccess": "Editing access",
"enabledPublicViewing": "Enable public viewing",
"restrictAccessWithPassword": "Restrict access with password",
"manageProjectAccess": "Manage Base Access",
"allowDownload": "Allow Download",
"surveyMode": "Survey Mode",
"rtlOrientation": "RTL Orientation",
"useTheme": "Use Theme",
"copyLink": "Copy Link",
"copiedLink": "Link Copied",
"copyInviteLink": "Copy invite link",
"copiedInviteLink": "Copied invite link",
"copyUrl": "複製網址",
"moreColors": "More Colors",
"moveProject": "Move Base",
"createProject": "建立專案",
"importProject": "匯入專案",
"searchProject": "搜尋專案",
"editProject": "編輯專案",
"stopProject": "停止專案",
"startProject": "啟動專案",
"restartProject": "重啟專案",
"deleteProject": "刪除專案",
"refreshProject": "重新整理專案",
"saveProject": "儲存專案",
"saveAndQuit": "Save & Quit",
"deleteKanbanStack": "刪除此類別?",
"createProjectExtended": {
"extDB": "創建連接 <br>從外部資料庫",
"excel": "從 Excel 建立專案",
"template": "從模板建立專案"
"OkSaveProject": "確認並儲存專案",
"upgrade": {
"available": "升級可用",
"releaseNote": "發行說明",
"howTo": "如何升級?"
"translate": "幫助翻譯",
"account": {
"authToken": "複製驗證權杖",
"authTokenCopied": "Copied Auth Token",
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
"projInfo": "複製專案資訊",
"themes": "主題"
"sort": "種類",
"addSort": "新增排序選項",
"filter": "篩選",
"addFilter": "添加過濾器",
"share": "分享",
"groupBy": "Group By",
"addSubGroup": "Add subgroup",
"shareBase": {
"label": "Share base",
"disable": "停用共享資料庫",
"enable": "任何有連結的人",
"link": "共享資料庫連結"
"invite": "邀請",
"inviteMore": "邀請更多",
"inviteTeam": "邀請團隊",
"inviteUser": "邀請使用者",
"inviteToken": "邀請權杖",
"linkedRecords": "Linked Records",
"addNewLink": "Add New Link",
"newUser": "新使用者",
"editUser": "編輯使用者",
"deleteUser": "從專案中刪除使用者",
"resendInvite": "重新發送邀請電子郵件",
"copyInviteURL": "複製邀請連結",
"copyPasswordResetURL": "複製重設密碼連結",
"newRole": "新角色",
"reloadRoles": "重新載入角色",
"nextPage": "下一頁",
"prevPage": "上一頁",
"nextRecord": "下一筆紀錄",
"previousRecord": "上一筆紀錄",
"copyApiURL": "複製 API 網址",
"createTable": "Create New Table",
"createDashboard": "Create Dashboard",
"createWorkspace": "Create Workspace",
"refreshTable": "刷新表",
"renameTable": "重命名表",
"renameLayout": "Layout Rename",
"deleteTable": "刪除表",
"addField": "新增欄位到此表",
"setDisplay": "設置為顯示值",
"addRow": "新增行",
"saveRow": "儲存行",
"saveAndExit": "儲存並結束",
"saveAndStay": "儲存並停留",
"insertRow": "插入新行",
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row",
"deleteRow": "刪除行",
"deleteRows": "Delete records",
"predictColumns": "Predict Fields",
"predictFormulas": "Predict Formulas",
"deleteSelectedRow": "刪除所選行",
"importExcel": "匯入 Excel",
"importCSV": "匯入 CSV",
"downloadCSV": "下載為 CSV",
"downloadExcel": "下載為 XLSX",
"uploadCSV": "上傳 CSV",
"import": "匯入",
"importMetadata": "匯入中繼資料",
"exportMetadata": "匯出中繼資料",
"clearMetadata": "清除中繼資料",
"exportToFile": "匯出為檔案",
"changePwd": "更改密碼",
"createView": "建立檢視",
"shareView": "分享檢視",
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan",
"fillByCodeScan": "通過掃描填充",
"listSharedView": "共享檢視列表",
"ListView": "檢視清單",
"copyView": "複製檢視",
"renameView": "重新命名檢視",
"uploadData": "Upload Data",
"deleteView": "刪除檢視",
"createGrid": "創建網格檢視",
"createGallery": "創建相簿檢視",
"createCalendar": "創建日曆檢視",
"createKanban": "創建看板檢視",
"createForm": "創建表單檢視",
"showSystemFields": "顯示系統欄位",
"openTab": "開啟新分頁",
"iFrame": "複製嵌入式 HTML 程式碼",
"addWebhook": "新增 Webhook",
"enableWebhook": "啟用 Webhook",
"testWebhook": "測試 Webhook",
"copyWebhook": "複製 Webhook",
"deleteWebhook": "刪除 Webhook",
"newToken": "新增權杖",
"exportZip": "匯出 ZIP",
"importZip": "匯入 ZIP",
"metaSync": "立即同步",
"settings": "設定",
"previewAs": "預覽方式",
"resetReview": "重設預覽",
"testDbConn": "測試資料庫連線",
"removeDbFromEnv": "從環境移除資料庫",
"editConnJson": "編輯連線 JSON",
"sponsorUs": "贊助我們",
"sendEmail": "傳送電子郵件",
"addUserToProject": "Add user to project",
"getApiSnippet": "取得 API 程式碼片段",
"clearCell": "清除儲存格",
"addFilterGroup": "增加過濾組",
"linkRecord": "連結記錄",
"addNewRecord": "新增紀錄",
"newRecord": "New record",
"tableNameCreateNewRecord": "{tableName}: Create new record",
"gotSavedLinkedSuccessfully": "{tableName} '{recordTitle}' got saved & linked successfully",
"recordCreatedLinked": "Record Created & Linked",
"useConnectionUrl": "使用連接網址",
"toggleCommentsDraw": "切換評論抽屜",
"expandRecord": "展開紀錄",
"deleteRecord": "刪除紀錄",
"fullWidth": "Full width",
"exitFullWidth": "Exit full width",
"markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
"column": {
"delete": "Delete Field",
"addNumber": "Add Number Field",
"addSingleLineText": "Add SingleLineText Field",
"addLongText": "Add LongText Field",
"addOther": "Add Other Field"
"erd": {
"showColumns": "顯示欄位",
"showPkAndFk": "顯示主鍵與外鍵",
"showSqlViews": "顯示 SQL 檢視",
"showMMTables": "顯示多對多資料表",
"showJunctionTableNames": "顯示連接表名稱"
"kanban": {
"collapseStack": "摺疊此類別",
"deleteStack": "刪除此類別",
"stackedBy": "分類依據",
"chooseGroupingField": "選擇一個分組欄位",
"addOrEditStack": "新增/編輯類別"
"map": {
"mappedBy": "映射依據",
"chooseMappingField": "選擇一個映射欄位",
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google 地圖",
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM"
"toggleMobileMode": "切換到手機模式",
"startCommenting": "Start commenting!"
"tooltip": {
"reachedSourceLimit": "Limited to only one data source for the moment",
"saveChanges": "儲存更動",
"xcDB": "建立新專案",
"extDB": "支援 MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQL Server 和 SQLite",
"apiRest": "可透過 REST API 存取",
"apiGQL": "可透過 GraphQL API 存取",
"theme": {
"dark": "它確實有黑色(^⇧b)",
"light": "它是黑色嗎?(^⇧b)"
"addTable": "新增表",
"addDashboard": "Add new Dashboard",
"inviteMore": "邀請更多用戶",
"toggleNavDraw": "切換導航抽屜",
"reloadApiToken": "重新載入 API 權杖",
"generateNewApiToken": "產生新 API 權杖",
"addRole": "新增角色",
"reloadList": "重新加載列表",
"metaSync": "同步中繼資料",
"sqlMigration": "重新加載遷移",
"updateRestart": "更新並重新啟動",
"cancelReturn": "取消並返回",
"exportMetadata": "將所有中繼資料從中繼資料表匯出至中繼目錄。",
"importMetadata": "將所有中繼資料從中繼目錄匯入至中繼資料表。",
"clearMetadata": "清除中繼資料表中的所有中繼資料。",
"clientKey": "選擇 .key 檔案",
"clientCert": "選擇 .cert 檔案",
"clientCA": "選擇 CA 檔案"
"placeholder": {
"selectSlackChannels": "Select Slack channels",
"selectTeamsChannels": "Select Microsoft Teams channels",
"selectDiscordChannels": "Select Discord channels",
"selectMattermostChannels": "Select Mattermost channels",
"webhookTitle": "Webhook Title",
"barcodeColumn": "Select a field for the Barcode value",
"notFoundContent": "No valid field Type can be found.",
"selectBarcodeFormat": "Select a Barcode format",
"projName": "輸入專案名稱",
"selectGroupField": "Select a Grouping Field",
"selectGroupFieldNotFound": "No Single Select Field can be found. Please create one first.",
"selectGeoField": "Select a GeoData Field",
"selectGeoFieldNotFound": "No GeoData Field can be found. Please create one first.",
"password": {
"enter": "輸入密碼",
"current": "當前密碼",
"new": "新密碼",
"save": "儲存密碼",
"confirm": "確認新密碼"
"selectAColumnForTheQRCodeValue": "Select a field for the QR code value",
"allowNegativeNumbers": "Allow negative numbers",
"searchProjectTree": "搜索表",
"searchFields": "搜索欄位",
"searchColumn": "搜索{search}列",
"searchApps": "搜索應用程序",
"searchModels": "搜索模型",
"noItemsFound": "未找到任何項目",
"defaultValue": "預設值",
"filterByEmail": "通過電子郵件過濾",
"filterQuery": "過濾查詢",
"selectField": "選擇欄位",
"precision": "Precision",
"decimal1": "1.0",
"decimal2": "1.00",
"decimal3": "1.000",
"decimal4": "1.0000",
"decimal5": "1.00000",
"decimal6": "1.000000",
"decimal7": "1.0000000",
"decimal8": "1.00000000",
"value": "Value",
"key": "Key"
"msg": {
"clickToCopyFieldId": "Click to copy Field Id",
"enterPassword": "Enter password",
"bySigningUp": "By signing up, you agree to the",
"subscribeToOurWeeklyNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
"verifyingPassword": "Verifying Password",
"thisSharedViewIsProtected": "This shared view is protected",
"successfullySubmittedFormData": "Successfully submitted form data",
"formViewNotSupportedOnMobile": "Form view is not supported on mobile",
"newFormWillBeLoaded": "New form will be loaded after {seconds} seconds",
"optimizedQueryDisabled": "Optimized query is disabled",
"optimizedQueryEnabled": "Optimized query is enabled",
"lookupNonBtWarning": "Lookup field is not supported for non-Belongs to relation",
"invalidTime": "Invalid Time",
"linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet": "You don't have any supported links for Lookup",
"recordCouldNotBeFound": "Record could not be found",
"invalidPhoneNumber": "Invalid phone number",
"pageSizeChanged": "Page size changed",
"errorLoadingData": "Error loading data",
"webhookBodyMsg1": "Use context variable",
"webhookBodyMsg2": "body",
"webhookBodyMsg3": "to refer the record under consideration",
"formula": {
"hintStart": "Hint: Use {placeholder1} to reference fields, e.g: {placeholder2}. For more, please check out",
"hintEnd": "Formulas.",
"noSuggestedFormulaFound": "No suggested formula found",
"numericTypeIsExpected": "Numeric type is expected",
"stringTypeIsExpected": "String type is expected",
"operationNotAvailable": "{operation} operation not available",
"cantSaveFieldFormulaInvalid": "Can’t save field because formula is invalid",
"notSupportedToReferenceColumn": "Not supported to reference field {columnName}",
"typeIsExpectedButFound": "Type {type} is expected but found Type {found}",
"requiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} requires {requiredArguments} arguments",
"minRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required minimum {minRequiredArguments} arguments",
"maxRequiredArgumentsFormula": "{calleeName} required maximum {maxRequiredArguments} arguments",
"functionNotAvailable": "{function} function is not available",
"firstParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The first parameter of WEEKDAY() should have date value",
"secondParamWeekDayHaveDate": "The second parameter of WEEKDAY() should have the value either \"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\" or \"saturday\"",
"firstParamDateAddHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEADD() should have date value",
"secondParamDateAddHaveNumber": "The second parameter of DATEADD() should have numeric value",
"thirdParamDateAddHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATEADD() should have the value either \"day\", \"week\", \"month\" or \"year\"",
"firstParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The first parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
"secondParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The second parameter of DATEDIFF() should have date value",
"thirdParamDateDiffHaveDate": "The third parameter of DATETIME_DIFF() should have value either \"milliseconds\", \"ms\", \"seconds\", \"s\", \"minutes\", \"m\", \"hours\", \"h\", \"days\", \"d\", \"weeks\", \"w\", \"months\", \"M\", \"quarters\", \"Q\", \"years\", or \"y\"",
"columnNotAvailable": "Field {columnName} is not available",
"cantSaveCircularReference": "Can’t save field because it causes a circular reference",
"columnWithTypeFoundButExpected": "Field {columnName} with {columnType} type is found but {expectedType} type is expected",
"columnNotMatchedWithType": "{columnName} is not matched with {columnType}"
"selectOption": {
"cantBeNull": "Select options can't be null",
"multiSelectCantHaveCommas": "MultiSelect fields can't have commas(',')",
"cantHaveDuplicates": "Select options can't have duplicates",
"createNewOptionNamed": "Create new option named"
"plsEnterANumber": "Please enter a number",
"plsInputEmail": "Please input email",
"invalidDate": "Invalid date",
"invalidLocale": "Invalid locale",
"invalidCurrencyCode": "Invalid Currency Code",
"postgresHasItsOwnCurrencySettings": "PostgreSQL 'money' type has own currency settings",
"validColumnsForBarCode": "The valid Field Types for a Barcode Field are: Number, Single Line Text, Long Text, Phone Number, URL, Email, Decimal. Please create one first.",
"hm": {
"title": "Has Many Relation",
"tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
"tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
"mm": {
"title": "Many to Many Relation",
"tooltip_desc": "Multiple records from table ",
"tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with multiple records from table "
"bt": {
"title": "Belongs to Relation",
"tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
"tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a record from table "
"oo": {
"title": "One to One Relation",
"tooltip_desc": "A single record from table ",
"tooltip_desc2": " can be linked with a single record from table "
"noRecordsAreLinkedFromTable": "No records are linked from table",
"noRecordsLinked": "No records linked",
"recordsLinked": "records linked",
"acceptOnlyValid": "Accepts only",
"apiTokenCreate": "Create personal API tokens to use in automation or external apps.",
"selectFieldToSort": "Select Field to Sort",
"thereAreNoRecordsInTable": "There are no records in table",
"createWebhookMsg1": "Get started with web-hooks!",
"createWebhookMsg2": "Create web-hooks to power you automations,",
"createWebhookMsg3": "Get notified as soon as there are changes in your data",
"areYouSureUWantTo": "Are you sure you want to delete the following",
"areYouSureUWantToDeleteLabel": "Are you sure you want to {deleteLabel} the following",
"idColumnRequired": "ID field is required, you can rename this later if required.",
"length59Required": "The length exceeds the max 59 characters",
"noNewNotifications": "You have no new notifications",
"noRecordFound": "Record not found",
"rowDeleted": "Record deleted",
"saveChanges": "Do you want to save the changes?",
"tooLargeFieldEntity": "The field is too large to be converted to {entity}",
"roleRequired": "Role required",
"warning": {
"dbValid": "Please make sure database you are trying to connect is valid! This operation can cause schema loss!!",
"barcode": {
"renderError": "條碼錯誤 - 請檢查輸入和條碼類型之間的兼容性"
"nonEditableFields": {
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "警告:計算欄位 - 無法清除文字",
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "警告:無法直接更改 QR 欄位",
"barcodeFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: Barcode fields cannot be directly changed."
"duplicateProject": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the base?",
"duplicateTable": "Are you sure you want to duplicate the table?"
"info": {
"basesMigrated": "Bases are migrated. Please try again.",
"pasteNotSupported": "不支援在啟用的儲存格中執行貼上",
"roles": {
"orgCreator": "建立者可以建立專案與存取任何受邀請的專案",
"orgViewer": "檢視者不能建立專案但可以存取任何受邀請的專案"
"codeScanner": {
"loadingScanner": "正在載入掃描器...",
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.",
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.",
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column"
"map": {
"overLimit": "您已接近上限。",
"closeLimit": "您超過了上限。",
"limitNumber": "在地圖檢視中顯示的標記數量上限為 1000 條記錄。"
"footerInfo": "每頁行駛",
"upload": "選擇檔案以上傳",
"upload_sub": "或拖放檔案",
"excelSupport": "支持:.xls,.xlsx,.xlsm,.ods,.ots",
"excelURL": "輸入 Excel 檔案 URL",
"csvURL": "輸入 CSV 檔案 URL",
"footMsg": "要解析為推斷數據類型的行數",
"excelImport": "工作表可匯入",
"exportMetadata": "您想從中繼表匯出中繼資料嗎?",
"importMetadata": "您想從中繼表匯入中繼資料嗎?",
"clearMetadata": "你想清除中繼表的中繼資料嗎?",
"projectEmptyMessage": "從建立新專案開始",
"stopProject": "你想停止這個專案嗎?",
"startProject": "你想啟動這個專案嗎?",
"restartProject": "你想重新啟動專案嗎?",
"deleteProject": "你想刪除這個專案嗎?",
"shareBasePrivate": "產生公開分享的唯讀資料庫",
"shareBasePublic": "網路上的任何人都可以查看",
"userInviteNoSMTP": "看起來你還沒有配置郵件!請複制上面的邀請鏈接並將其發送給",
"dragDropHide": "拖放欄位到此處隱藏",
"formInput": "輸入表單輸入標籤",
"formHelpText": "新增一些說明文字",
"onlyCreator": "僅建立者可見",
"formDesc": "新增表單描述",
"beforeEnablePwd": "使用密碼限制存取權限",
"afterEnablePwd": "存取受密碼限制",
"privateLink": "此檢視通過私人連結共享",
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "具有私有連結的人只能看到此檢視中可見的儲存格",
"afterFormSubmitted": "表格提交後",
"apiOptions": "存取專案方式",
"submitAnotherForm": "顯示“提交另一個表格”按鈕",
"showBlankForm": "5 秒後顯示空白表格",
"emailForm": "發電子郵件給我",
"showSysFields": "顯示系統欄位",
"filterAutoApply": "自動申請",
"showMessage": "顯示此消息",
"viewNotShared": "當前檢視不共享!",
"showAllViews": "顯示此表的所有共享視圖",
"collabView": "擁有編輯權限或更高權限的協作者可以更改檢視配置。",
"lockedView": "在解鎖之前,沒有人可以編輯檢視配置。",
"personalView": "只有您可以編輯檢視配置。其他協作者的個人檢視預設情況下是隱藏的。",
"ownerDesc": "可以新增或移除建立者,以及完全編輯資料庫的結構和欄位。",
"creatorDesc": "可以完全編輯資料庫結構和值。",
"editorDesc": "可以編輯記錄但無法更改資料庫/欄位的結構。",
"commenterDesc": "可以查看和評論記錄,但無法編輯任何內容",
"viewerDesc": "可以查看記錄但無法編輯任何內容",
"addUser": "新增使用者",
"staticRoleInfo": "無法編輯系統定義的角色",
"exportZip": "將專案中繼資料匯出為 ZIP 檔案並下載。",
"importZip": "匯入專案中繼資料 ZIP 檔案並重新啟動。",
"importText": "透過上傳中繼資料 ZIP 檔案來匯入 NocoDB 專案",
"metaNoChange": "沒有確定更改",
"sqlMigration": "將自動創建架構遷移。創建一個表並刷新此頁面。",
"dbConnectionStatus": "環境驗證",
"dbConnected": "連線成功",
"notifications": {
"no_new": "沒有新通知",
"clear": "清除"
"sponsor": {
"header": "你可以幫助我們!",
"message": "我們是一支小型團隊,全職工作,使Nocodb開放來源。我們相信一個像Nocodb這樣的工具應該在互聯網上的每個問題求解器上自由提供。"
"loginMsg": "登入 NocoDB",
"passwordRecovery": {
"message_1": "請填入您註冊時使用的電子信箱地址。",
"message_2": "我們將傳給您一封電子郵件,其中包含重設密碼的連結。",
"success": "請確認您的電子郵件以重設密碼"
"signUp": {
"superAdmin": "您將是「超級管理員」",
"alreadyHaveAccount": "已經有帳號了?",
"workEmail": "輸入您的工作電子信箱地址",
"enterPassword": "輸入您的密碼",
"forgotPassword": "忘記密碼?",
"dontHaveAccount": "沒有帳號?"
"addView": {
"grid": "新增網格檢視",
"gallery": "新增相簿檢視",
"form": "新增表單檢視",
"kanban": "新增看板檢視",
"map": "新增地圖檢視",
"calendar": "新增日曆檢視"
"tablesMetadataInSync": "表中繼資料同步",
"addMultipleUsers": "您可以添加多個逗號(,)分隔的電子郵件",
"enterTableName": "輸入表名",
"enterLayoutName": "Enter Layout name",
"enterDashboardName": "Enter Dashboard name",
"defaultColumns": "Default fields",
"addDefaultColumns": "添加默認列",
"tableNameInDb": "資料庫中保存的表名",
"airtable": {
"credentials": "在哪裡找到這個?"
"import": {
"clickOrDrag": "點擊或拖動文件到此區域上傳"
"metaDataRecreated": "表中繼資料重建成功",
"invalidCredentials": "無效憑證",
"downloadingMoreFiles": "下載更多檔案",
"copiedToClipboard": "複製到剪貼簿",
"requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "必填欄位無法移動",
"updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "無主鍵的表不允許更新",
"autoIncFieldNotEditable": "自動遞增欄位不可編輯",
"editingPKnotSupported": "不支援編輯主鍵",
"deletedCache": "刪除快取成功",
"cacheEmpty": "快取是空的",
"exportedCache": "匯出快取成功",
"valueAlreadyInList": "此值已在列表中",
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update",
"tableDeleted": "刪除資料表成功",
"layoutDeleted": "Deleted layout successfully",
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "產生可公開分享的唯讀資料庫",
"deleteViewConfirmation": "是否確定要刪除此檢視?",
"deleteLayoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this Layout?",
"deleteTableConfirmation": "你想刪除此資料表",
"showM2mTables": "顯示多對多資料表",
"showM2mTablesDesc": "透過交叉表支援多對多關係,默認情況下此選項是隱藏的。啟用此選項以列出所有這樣的表,以及現有的表格。",
"showNullInCells": "在儲存格中顯示 NULL",
"showNullInCellsDesc": "在包含 NULL 值的儲存格中顯示 \"NULL\" 標籤,這有助於與包含空字串的儲存格區分開來。",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "在篩選器中顯示 NULL 和 EMPTY",
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "啟用 '額外' 過濾器來區分包含 NULL 和空字串的欄位。默認支持空白,將 NULL 和空字符串視為相同。",
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "刪除此類別也將從 `{groupingField}` 中刪除選項 `{stackToBeDeleted}`。記錄將移至未分類的類別。",
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure",
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.",
"noMoreRecords": "已無更多紀錄",
"tokenNameNotEmpty": "Token name should not be empty",
"tokenNameMaxLength": "Token name should not be more than 255 characters",
"dbNameRequired": "Database name is required",
"wsNameRequired": "Workspace name required",
"wsNameMinLength": "Workspace name must be at least 3 characters long",
"wsNameMaxLength": "Workspace name must be at most 50 characters long",
"wsDeleteDlg": "Delete this workspace and all it’s contents.",
"userConfirmation": "I understand that this action is irreversible",
"pageNotFound": "Page Not Found",
"makeLineBreak": "to make a line break",
"goToPrevious": "Go to previous",
"goToNext": "Go to next",
"thankYou": "Thank you!",
"submittedFormData": "You have successfully submitted the form data."
"error": {
"nameRequired": "Name Required",
"nameMinLength": "Name must be at least 2 characters long",
"nameMaxLength": "Name must be at most 60 characters long",
"viewNameRequired": "View name is required",
"nameMaxLength256": "Name must be at most 256 characters long",
"viewNameUnique": "View name should be unique",
"searchProject": "您的搜尋 {search} 找不到結果",
"invalidChar": "資料夾路徑有無效字元。",
"invalidDbCredentials": "資料庫憑證無效。",
"unableToConnectToDb": "無法連線至資料庫。請檢查您的資料庫是否已經上線。",
"invalidYear": "Invalid year",
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "使用者不存在,或者是無權建立結構。",
"dbConnectionStatus": "資料庫參數無效",
"dbConnectionFailed": "連線失敗:",
"nullFilterExists": "Null filter exists. Please remove them",
"signUpRules": {
"emailRequired": "Email is required",
"emailInvalid": "電子信箱地址格式錯誤",
"passwdRequired": "密碼為必填",
"passwdLength": "您的密碼應至少有 8 個字元",
"passwdMismatch": "密碼不匹配",
"completeRuleSet": "密碼必須含有至少 8 個字元,其中有一個大寫字母、一個數字和一個特殊字元",
"atLeast8Char": "至少 8 個字元",
"atLeastOneUppercase": "一個大寫字母",
"atLeastOneNumber": "一個數字",
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "一個特殊字元",
"allowedSpecialCharList": "允許特殊字元列表",
"invalidEmails": "Invalid emails",
"invalidEmail": "Invalid Email"
"invalidURL": "無效的連結",
"invalidEmail": "無效的電子郵件",
"internalError": "發生內部錯誤",
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "無法找到模板生成器!",
"fileUploadFailed": "上傳文件失敗",
"primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Failed to update primary column",
"formDescriptionTooLong": "表單描述資料過長",
"columnsRequired": "Following columns are required",
"selectAtleastOneColumn": "至少必須選擇一個欄位",
"columnDescriptionNotFound": "Cannot find the destination column for",
"duplicateMappingFound": "找到重複的映射,請移除其中一個映射",
"nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null 值違反不可為 Null 限制條件",
"sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "來源資料包含無效的數字",
"sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "來源資料包含無效的布林值",
"invalidForm": "無效的表單",
"formValidationFailed": "表單驗證失敗",
"youHaveBeenSignedOut": "您已登出",
"failedToLoadList": "加載清單失敗",
"failedToLoadChildrenList": "加載子清單失敗",
"deleteFailed": "刪除失敗",
"unlinkFailed": "解除連結失敗",
"rowUpdateFailed": "資料更新失敗",
"deleteRowFailed": "刪除資料失敗",
"setFormDataFailed": "設置表單資料失敗",
"formViewUpdateFailed": "更新表單視圖失敗",
"tableNameRequired": "資料表名稱必填",
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "名稱必須用 英文字母 或 _ 當開頭",
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "以下字元不允許",
"columnNameRequired": "欄位名稱必填",
"duplicateColumnName": "Duplicate field name",
"uiDataTypeRequired": "UI data type is required",
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters",
"projectNameExceeds50Characters": "專案名稱超過 50 個字元",
"projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "專案名稱不能有空白開頭",
"requiredField": "必填欄位",
"ipNotAllowed": "不允許的 IP",
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "不受支持的檔案類型",
"theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "受支持的檔案類型是 .csv",
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "受支持的檔案類型包括 .xls、.xlsx、.xlsm、.ods 和 .ots",
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "參數鍵不可為空",
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "不允許重複的參數鍵",
"fieldRequired": "{value} 不能為空",
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible",
"copyToClipboardError": "複製到剪貼簿失敗"
"toast": {
"exportMetadata": "專案中繼資料已成功匯出",
"importMetadata": "專案中繼資料已成功匯入",
"clearMetadata": "專案中繼資料已成功清除",
"stopProject": "專案成功停止",
"startProject": "專案成功啟動",
"restartProject": "專案成功重新啟動",
"deleteProject": "專案已成功刪除",
"authToken": "驗證權杖已複製到剪貼簿",
"projInfo": "已將專案資訊複製到剪貼簿",
"inviteUrlCopy": "已將邀請連結複製到剪貼簿",
"createView": "成功建立檢視",
"formEmailSMTP": "請啟用 App Store 中的 SMTP 外掛程式以啟用電子郵件通知",
"collabView": "成功轉換為協作視圖",
"lockedView": "成功轉換為鎖定視圖",
"futureRelease": "即將推出!"
"success": {
"licenseKeyUpdated": "License Key Updated",
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully",
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)",
"updatedUIACL": "更新表格的 UI 存取控制清單成功",
"pluginUninstalled": "外掛移除安裝成功",
"pluginSettingsSaved": "外掛設定儲存成功",
"pluginTested": "外掛設定測試成功",
"tableRenamed": "資料表重新命名成功",
"layoutRenamed": "Layout renamed successfully",
"viewDeleted": "檢視刪除成功",
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
"tableDataExported": "成功匯出所有表格資料",
"updated": "成功更新",
"sharedViewDeleted": "刪除共享視圖成功",
"userDeleted": "使用者已成功删除",
"viewRenamed": "檢視重新命名成功",
"tokenGenerated": "Token 產生成功",
"tokenDeleted": "Token 刪除成功",
"userAddedToProject": "專案增加使用者成功",
"userAdded": "新增使用者成功",
"userDeletedFromProject": "專案移除使用者成功",
"inviteEmailSent": "邀請郵件發送成功",
"inviteURLCopied": "邀請連結已複製到剪貼簿",
"commentCopied": "評論已複製到剪貼簿",
"passwordResetURLCopied": "密碼重置連結已複製到剪貼簿",
"shareableURLCopied": "已複製共享的資料庫 URL 到剪貼簿!",
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "已複製嵌入 HTML 代碼!",
"userDetailsUpdated": "成功更新使用者資料",
"tableDataImported": "成功匯入表格資料",
"webhookUpdated": "Webhook 詳情更新成功",
"webhookDeleted": "Hook 刪除成功",
"webhookTested": "Webhook 測試成功",
"columnUpdated": "欄位已更新",
"columnCreated": "欄位已建立",
"passwordChanged": "密碼已更新,請重新登入。",
"settingsSaved": "設定已成功儲存",
"roleUpdated": "角色已成功更新"