You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

118 lines
3.5 KiB

// playwright-dev-page.ts
import { Page, expect, Locator } from "@playwright/test";
import BasePage from "../../Base";
export class SurveyFormPage extends BasePage {
readonly formHeading: Locator;
readonly formSubHeading: Locator;
readonly submitButton: Locator;
readonly nextButton: Locator;
readonly nextSlideButton: Locator;
readonly prevSlideButton: Locator;
readonly darkModeButton: Locator;
readonly formFooter: Locator;
constructor(rootPage: Page) {
this.formHeading = this.get().locator(
this.formSubHeading = this.get().locator(
this.submitButton = this.get().locator(
this.nextButton = this.get().locator(
this.nextSlideButton = this.get().locator(
this.prevSlideButton = this.get().locator(
this.darkModeButton = this.get().locator('[data-pw="nc-form-dark-mode"]');
this.formFooter = this.get().locator('[data-pw="nc-survey-form__footer"]');
get() {
return this.rootPage.locator("html >> .nc-form-view");
async validate({
}: {
heading: string;
subHeading: string;
fieldLabel: string;
footer: string;
}) {
await expect(this.get()).toBeVisible();
await expect(this.formHeading).toHaveText(heading);
await expect(this.formSubHeading).toHaveText(subHeading);
await expect(this.formFooter).toHaveText(footer);
await expect(
// parse footer text ("1 / 3") to identify if last slide
let isLastSlide = false;
const footerText = await this.formFooter.innerText();
const slideNumber = footerText.split(" / ")[0];
const totalSlides = footerText.split(" / ")[1];
if (slideNumber === totalSlides) {
isLastSlide = true;
if (isLastSlide) {
await expect(this.submitButton).toBeVisible();
} else {
await expect(this.nextButton).toBeVisible();
async fill(param: { fieldLabel: string; type?: string; value?: string }) {
await this.get()
if (param.type === "SingleLineText") {
await this.get()
`[data-pw="nc-survey-form__input-${param.fieldLabel}"] >> input`
// press enter key
await this.get()
`[data-pw="nc-survey-form__input-${param.fieldLabel}"] >> input`
} else if (param.type === "DateTime") {
const modal = await this.rootPage.locator(".nc-picker-datetime");
await expect(modal).toBeVisible();
await modal.locator(".ant-picker-now-btn").click();
await modal.locator(".ant-picker-ok").click();
await this.nextButton.click();
async validateSuccessMessage(param: {
message: string;
showAnotherForm?: boolean;
}) {
await expect(
if (param.showAnotherForm) {
await expect(
this.get().locator(`button:has-text("Submit Another Form")`)