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31 lines
818 B

.nc-dashboard-layouts-propspanel-value-input {
@apply flex-grow py-1 px-3 border-grey-light border border-solid rounded-lg text-sm w-full my-2;
.nc-dashboard-layouts-propspanel-description-input {
@apply flex-grow py-1 px-3 !border-gray-200 border border-solid rounded-lg text-sm w-full my-2;
.nc-dashboard-layouts-propspanel-selectable-config-section {
@apply bg-gray-100 rouwded-lg p-2;
h3 {
@apply text-black;
h4 {
@apply text-gray-500
.nc-dashboard-layouts-propspanel-collapse {
background-color: transparent;
.nc-dashboard-layouts-propspanel-collapse-panel {
@apply border-1 border-grey-light rounded-lg my-2 min-w-full;
.ant-collapse-header {
@apply font-semibold;
@apply !text-sm !2xl:text-base;
h3 {
@apply text-gray-500;