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import { SqlUiFactory } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { OracleUi, ProjectType, TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { MaybeRef } from '@vueuse/core'
import { useNuxtApp, useRoute, useState } from '#app'
import { USER_PROJECT_ROLES } from '~/lib'
export function useProject(projectId?: MaybeRef<string>) {
const projectRoles = useState<Record<string, boolean>>(USER_PROJECT_ROLES, () => ({}))
const { $api } = useNuxtApp()
let _projectId = $ref('')
const project = useState<ProjectType>('project')
const tables = useState<TableType[]>('tables', () => [] as TableType[])
const route = useRoute()
const { includeM2M } = useGlobal()
// todo: refactor path param name and variable name
const projectType = $computed(() => route.params.projectType as string)
async function loadProjectRoles() {
projectRoles.value = {}
if (project.value.id) {
const user = await $api.auth.me({ project_id: project.value.id })
projectRoles.value = user.roles
async function loadTables() {
if (project.value.id) {
const tablesResponse = await $api.dbTable.list(project.value.id, {
// FIXME: type
includeM2M: includeM2M.value || '',
if (tablesResponse.list) tables.value = tablesResponse.list
async function loadProject() {
if (unref(projectId)) {
_projectId = unref(projectId)!
} else if (projectType === 'base') {
const baseData = await $api.public.sharedBaseGet(route.params.projectId as string)
_projectId = baseData.project_id!
} else {
_projectId = route.params.projectId as string
project.value = await $api.project.read(_projectId!)
await loadProjectRoles()
await loadTables()
const projectBaseType = $computed(() => project.value?.bases?.[0]?.type || '')
const isMysql = computed(() => ['mysql', 'mysql2'].includes(projectBaseType))
const isPg = computed(() => projectBaseType === 'pg')
const sqlUi = computed(
() => SqlUiFactory.create({ client: projectBaseType }) as Exclude<ReturnType<typeof SqlUiFactory['create']>, typeof OracleUi>,
const isSharedBase = computed(() => projectType === 'base')
return { project, tables, loadProjectRoles, loadProject, loadTables, isMysql, isPg, sqlUi, isSharedBase }