You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

265 lines
6.1 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Pane, Splitpanes } from 'splitpanes'
import 'splitpanes/dist/splitpanes.css'
const router = useRouter()
const route = router.currentRoute
const { isLeftSidebarOpen, leftSidebarWidthPercent } = storeToRefs(useSidebarStore())
const wrapperRef = ref<HTMLDivElement>()
const sideBarSize = ref({
old: 17.5,
current: 17.5,
const contentSize = ref({
old: 82.5,
current: 82.5,
const isSidebarShort = ref(false)
const animationDuration = 300
const viewportWidth = ref(window.innerWidth)
const isMouseOverShowSidebarZone = ref(false)
const isAnimationEndAfterSidebarHide = ref(false)
const isStartHideSidebarAnimation = ref(false)
const sidebarWidth = computed(() => (sideBarSize.value.old * viewportWidth.value) / 100)
const currentSidebarSize = computed({
get: () => sideBarSize.value.current,
set: (val) => {
sideBarSize.value.current = val
sideBarSize.value.old = val
() => {
leftSidebarWidthPercent.value = currentSidebarSize.value
immediate: true,
const isSidebarHidden = ref(false)
watch(isLeftSidebarOpen, () => {
sideBarSize.value.current = sideBarSize.value.old
if (isLeftSidebarOpen.value) {
contentSize.value.current = contentSize.value.old
setTimeout(() => {
isSidebarShort.value = true
isSidebarHidden.value = false
}, 0)
setTimeout(() => {
isSidebarShort.value = false
}, animationDuration / 2)
} else {
sideBarSize.value.old = sideBarSize.value.current
contentSize.value.current = contentSize.value.old
contentSize.value.current = 100
isSidebarShort.value = true
isAnimationEndAfterSidebarHide.value = false
setTimeout(() => {
isSidebarHidden.value = true
sideBarSize.value.current = 0
isAnimationEndAfterSidebarHide.value = true
}, animationDuration * 1.75)
function handleMouseMove(e: MouseEvent) {
if (!wrapperRef.value) return
if (isLeftSidebarOpen.value && !isSidebarHidden.value && !isMouseOverShowSidebarZone.value) return
if (isLeftSidebarOpen.value) {
isSidebarHidden.value = false
isMouseOverShowSidebarZone.value = false
if (e.clientX < 4) {
isSidebarHidden.value = false
isMouseOverShowSidebarZone.value = true
} else if (e.clientX > sidebarWidth.value + 10 && !isSidebarHidden.value) {
isSidebarHidden.value = true
isMouseOverShowSidebarZone.value = false
isAnimationEndAfterSidebarHide.value = false
setTimeout(() => {
isAnimationEndAfterSidebarHide.value = true
}, animationDuration * 1.75)
function onWindowResize() {
viewportWidth.value = window.innerWidth
onMounted(() => {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove)
window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize)
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove)
window.removeEventListener('resize', onWindowResize)
() => !isLeftSidebarOpen.value && isSidebarShort.value,
(value) => {
if (value) {
setTimeout(() => {
isStartHideSidebarAnimation.value = true
}, animationDuration / 2)
} else {
isStartHideSidebarAnimation.value = false
watch(route, () => {
if (route.value.name === 'index-index') {
isLeftSidebarOpen.value = true
<script lang="ts">
export default {
name: 'DashboardLayout',
<slot v-if="!route.meta.hasSidebar" name="content" />
style="height: 100vh"
class="nc-sidebar-content-resizable-wrapper w-full"
'sidebar-short': isSidebarShort,
@resize="currentSidebarSize = $event[0].size"
<Pane min-size="15%" :size="currentSidebarSize" max-size="40%" class="nc-sidebar-splitpane relative !overflow-visible">
class="nc-sidebar-wrapper relative"
'open': isLeftSidebarOpen,
'close': !isLeftSidebarOpen,
'absolute': isMouseOverShowSidebarZone,
'sidebar-short': isSidebarShort,
'hide-sidebar': isStartHideSidebarAnimation && !isMouseOverShowSidebarZone,
width: isAnimationEndAfterSidebarHide && isSidebarHidden ? '0px' : `${sidebarWidth}px`,
overflow: isMouseOverShowSidebarZone ? 'visible' : undefined,
<slot name="sidebar" />
<Pane :size="contentSize.current">
<slot name="content" />
<style lang="scss">
.nc-sidebar-content-resizable-wrapper > {
.splitpanes__splitter {
width: 0 !important;
position: relative;
overflow: visible;
.splitpanes__splitter:before {
@apply bg-gray-200 w-0.25;
content: '';
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
height: 100%;
z-index: 40;
.splitpanes__splitter:hover:before {
@apply bg-scrollbar;
width: 3px !important;
left: -3px;
.splitpanes--dragging .splitpanes__splitter:before {
@apply bg-scrollbar;
width: 3px !important;
left: -3px;
.splitpanes--dragging .splitpanes__splitter {
@apply w-1 mr-0;
.sidebar-short > .splitpanes__splitter {
display: none !important;
background-color: transparent !important;
.splitpanes--dragging {
cursor: col-resize;
.nc-sidebar-wrapper {
@apply flex flex-col h-full justify-center !min-w-32;
.nc-sidebar-wrapper.close {
> * {
height: 80vh;
.nc-sidebar-wrapper.sidebar-short {
> * {
@apply z-10;
height: 80vh !important;
padding-bottom: 0.35rem;
.nc-sidebar-wrapper.open {
height: 100vh;
> * {
height: 100vh;
.nc-sidebar-wrapper > * {
height: calc(100% - var(--sidebar-top-height));
.nc-sidebar-wrapper > * {
width: 100%;
transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;
.nc-sidebar-wrapper.hide-sidebar > * {
position: absolute;
transform: translateX(-100%);
opacity: 0;
.nc-sidebar-wrapper.sidebar-short > * {
@apply !(rounded-r-lg border-1 border-gray-200 shadow-lg);