You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { adjectives, animals, starWars, uniqueNamesGenerator } from 'unique-names-generator'
import { ClientType } from '~/lib/enums'
export interface ProjectCreateForm {
title: string
dataSource: {
client: ClientType
| {
host: string
database: string
user: string
password: string
port: number | string
ssl?: Record<string, string>
searchPath?: string[]
| {
client?: ClientType.SQLITE
database: string
connection?: {
filename?: string
useNullAsDefault?: boolean
inflection: {
inflectionColumn?: string
inflectionTable?: string
sslUse?: any
const defaultHost = 'localhost'
const testDataBaseNames = {
[ClientType.MYSQL]: null,
mysql: null,
[ClientType.PG]: 'postgres',
oracledb: 'xe',
[ClientType.MSSQL]: undefined,
[ClientType.SQLITE]: 'a.sqlite',
export const getTestDatabaseName = (db: { client: ClientType; connection?: { database?: string } }) => {
if (db.client === ClientType.PG) return db.connection?.database
return testDataBaseNames[db.client as keyof typeof testDataBaseNames]
export const clientTypes = [
text: 'MySql',
value: ClientType.MYSQL,
text: 'MSSQL',
value: ClientType.MSSQL,
text: 'PostgreSQL',
value: ClientType.PG,
text: 'SQLite',
value: ClientType.SQLITE,
const homeDir = ''
const sampleConnectionData: Record<ClientType | string, ProjectCreateForm['dataSource']['connection']> = {
[ClientType.PG]: {
host: defaultHost,
port: '5432',
user: 'postgres',
password: 'password',
database: '_test',
searchPath: ['public'],
ssl: {
ca: '',
key: '',
cert: '',
[ClientType.MYSQL]: {
host: defaultHost,
port: '3306',
user: 'root',
password: 'password',
database: '_test',
ssl: {
ca: '',
key: '',
cert: '',
[ClientType.VITESS]: {
host: defaultHost,
port: '15306',
user: 'root',
password: 'password',
database: '_test',
ssl: {
ca: '',
key: '',
cert: '',
[ClientType.MSSQL]: {
host: defaultHost,
port: 1433,
user: 'sa',
password: 'Password123.',
database: '_test',
searchPath: ['dbo'],
ssl: {
ca: '',
key: '',
cert: '',
[ClientType.SQLITE]: {
client: ClientType.SQLITE,
database: homeDir,
connection: {
filename: homeDir,
useNullAsDefault: true,
tidb: {
host: defaultHost,
port: '4000',
user: 'root',
password: '',
database: '_test',
ssl: {
ca: '',
key: '',
cert: '',
yugabyte: {
host: defaultHost,
port: '5432',
user: 'postgres',
password: '',
database: '_test',
ssl: {
ca: '',
key: '',
cert: '',
citusdb: {
host: defaultHost,
port: '5432',
user: 'postgres',
password: '',
database: '_test',
ssl: {
ca: '',
key: '',
cert: '',
cockroachdb: {
host: defaultHost,
port: '5432',
user: 'postgres',
password: '',
database: '_test',
ssl: {
ca: '',
key: '',
cert: '',
greenplum: {
host: defaultHost,
port: '5432',
user: 'postgres',
password: '',
database: '_test',
ssl: {
ca: '',
key: '',
cert: '',
oracledb: {
host: defaultHost,
port: '1521',
user: 'system',
password: 'Oracle18',
database: '_test',
ssl: {
ca: '',
key: '',
cert: '',
export const getDefaultConnectionConfig = (client: ClientType): ProjectCreateForm['dataSource'] => {
return {
connection: sampleConnectionData[client],
export const sslUsage = ['No', 'Preferred', 'Required', 'Required-CA', 'Required-IDENTITY']
export const generateUniqueName = () => {
return uniqueNamesGenerator({
dictionaries: [[starWars], [adjectives, animals]][Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)],
.replace(/[ -]/g, '_')