You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

167 lines
5.2 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { Form } from 'ant-design-vue'
import { computed, onMounted, ref, useProject, useTable, useTabs, useVModel, validateTableName } from '#imports'
import { TabType } from '~/composables'
interface Props {
modelValue: boolean
const props = defineProps<Props>()
const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue'])
const dialogShow = useVModel(props, 'modelValue', emit)
const isAdvanceOptVisible = ref(false)
const inputEl = ref<HTMLInputElement>()
const { addTab } = useTabs()
const { loadTables, isMysql, isMssql, isPg } = useProject()
const { table, createTable, generateUniqueTitle, tables, project } = useTable(async (table) => {
await loadTables()
id: table.id as string,
title: table.title,
type: TabType.TABLE,
dialogShow.value = false
const useForm = Form.useForm
const validateDuplicateAlias = (v: string) => (tables.value || []).every((t) => t.title !== (v || '')) || 'Duplicate table alias'
const validators = computed(() => {
return {
title: [
validator: (rule: any, value: any) => {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
let tableNameLengthLimit = 255
if (isMysql) {
tableNameLengthLimit = 64
} else if (isPg) {
tableNameLengthLimit = 63
} else if (isMssql) {
tableNameLengthLimit = 128
const projectPrefix = project?.value?.prefix || ''
if ((projectPrefix + value).length > tableNameLengthLimit) {
return reject(new Error(`Table name exceeds ${tableNameLengthLimit} characters`))
table_name: [validateTableName],
const { validateInfos } = useForm(table, validators)
const systemColumnsCheckboxInfo = SYSTEM_COLUMNS.map((c, index) => ({
value: c,
disabled: index === 0,
onMounted(() => {
<a-modal v-model:visible="dialogShow" width="max(30vw, 600px)" centered @keydown.esc="dialogShow = false" wrap-class-name="nc-modal-table-create">
<template #footer>
<a-button key="back" size="large" @click="dialogShow = false">{{ $t('general.cancel') }}</a-button>
<a-button key="submit" size="large" type="primary" @click="createTable()">{{ $t('general.submit') }}</a-button>
<div class="pl-10 pr-10 pt-5">
<a-form :model="table" name="create-new-table-form" @keydown.enter="createTable">
<!-- Create A New Table -->
<div class="prose-xl font-bold self-center my-4">{{ $t('activity.createTable') }}</div>
<!-- hint="Enter table name" -->
<!-- Table name -->
<div class="mb-2">{{ $t('labels.tableName') }}</div>
<a-form-item v-bind="validateInfos.title">
<div class="flex justify-end items-center">
<div class="pointer flex flex-row items-center gap-x-1" @click="isAdvanceOptVisible = !isAdvanceOptVisible">
{{ isAdvanceOptVisible ? $t('general.hideAll') : $t('general.showMore') }}
<MdiMinusCircleOutline v-if="isAdvanceOptVisible" class="text-gray-500" />
<MdiPlusCircleOutline v-else class="text-gray-500" />
<div class="nc-table-advanced-options" :class="{ active: isAdvanceOptVisible }">
<!-- hint="Table name as saved in database" -->
<div v-if="!project.prefix" class="mb-2">{{ $t('msg.info.tableNameInDb') }}</div>
<a-form-item v-if="!project.prefix" v-bind="validateInfos.table_name">
<a-input v-model:value="table.table_name" size="large" hide-details :placeholder="$t('msg.info.tableNameInDb')" />
<div class="mb-1">
<!-- Add Default Columns -->
{{ $t('msg.info.addDefaultColumns') }}
class="!flex flex-row justify-between w-full"
<template #label="{ value }">
<a-tooltip v-if="value === 'id'" placement="top" class="!flex">
<template #title>
<span>ID column is required, you can rename this later if required.</span>
<div v-else class="flex">
{{ value }}
<style scoped lang="scss">
.nc-table-advanced-options {
max-height: 0;
transition: 0.3s max-height;
overflow: hidden;
&.active {
max-height: 200px;