You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { test } from '@playwright/test';
import { DashboardPage } from '../pages/Dashboard';
import { ToolbarPage } from '../pages/Dashboard/common/Toolbar';
import setup from '../setup';
test.describe('Map View', () => {
let dashboard: DashboardPage, toolbar: ToolbarPage;
let context: any;
const latitudeInFullDecimalLength = '50.4501000';
const longitudeInFullDecimalLength = '30.5234000';
const latitudeInShortDecimalLength = '50.4501';
const longitudeInShortDecimalLength = '30.5234';
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
context = await setup({ page });
dashboard = new DashboardPage(page, context.project);
toolbar = dashboard.map.toolbar;
await dashboard.viewSidebar.changeBetaFeatureToggleValue();
// close 'Team & Auth' tab
await dashboard.closeTab({ title: 'Team & Auth' });
await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: 'Actor' });
const grid = dashboard.grid;
await grid.column.create({
title: 'Actors Birthplace',
type: 'GeoData',
await grid.column.verify({ title: 'Actors Birthplace', isVisible: true });
await grid.cell.geoData.openSetLocation({
index: 0,
columnHeader: 'Actors Birthplace',
await grid.cell.geoData.enterLatLong({
lat: latitudeInShortDecimalLength,
long: longitudeInShortDecimalLength,
await grid.cell.geoData.clickSave();
await grid.cell.verifyGeoDataCell({
index: 0,
columnHeader: 'Actors Birthplace',
lat: latitudeInFullDecimalLength,
long: longitudeInFullDecimalLength,
test('shows the marker and opens the expanded form view when clicking on it', async () => {
await dashboard.viewSidebar.createMapView({
title: 'Map 1',
// Zoom out
await dashboard.map.zoomOut(8);
await dashboard.map.verifyMarkerCount(1);
await dashboard.map.clickAddRowButton();
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({
columnTitle: 'FirstName',
value: 'Mario',
type: 'text',
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({
columnTitle: 'LastName',
value: 'Ali',
type: 'text',
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({
columnTitle: 'Actors Birthplace',
value: '12, 34',
type: 'geodata',
await dashboard.expandedForm.save();
await dashboard.map.verifyMarkerCount(2);
await dashboard.map.clickMarker('12', '34');
await dashboard.expandedForm.clickDeleteRow();
await dashboard.map.verifyMarkerCount(1);