mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
258 lines
8.5 KiB
258 lines
8.5 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { OrderedProjectRoles, RoleColors, RoleLabels } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import type { ProjectRoles, WorkspaceUserType } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import InfiniteLoading from 'v3-infinite-loading' |
import { storeToRefs, stringToColour, timeAgo, useGlobal } from '#imports' |
const { user } = useGlobal() |
const projectsStore = useProjects() |
const { getProjectUsers, createProjectUser, updateProjectUser } = projectsStore |
const { activeProjectId } = storeToRefs(projectsStore) |
const collaborators = ref<WorkspaceUserType[]>([]) |
const totalCollaborators = ref(0) |
const userSearchText = ref('') |
const currentPage = ref(0) |
const isLoading = ref(false) |
const isSearching = ref(false) |
const loadCollaborators = async () => { |
try { |
currentPage.value += 1 |
const { users, totalRows } = await getProjectUsers({ |
projectId: activeProjectId.value!, |
page: currentPage.value, |
...(!userSearchText.value ? {} : ({ searchText: userSearchText.value } as any)), |
limit: 20, |
}) |
totalCollaborators.value = totalRows |
collaborators.value = [ |
...collaborators.value, |
...users.map((user: any) => ({ |
...user, |
projectRoles: user.roles, |
// TODO: Remove this hack and make the values consistent with the backend |
roles: user.roles ?? (RoleLabels[user.workspace_roles as string] as string)?.toLowerCase(), |
})), |
] |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
} |
const loadListData = async ($state: any) => { |
const prevUsersCount = collaborators.value?.length || 0 |
if (collaborators.value?.length === totalCollaborators.value) { |
$state.complete() |
return |
} |
$state.loading() |
// const oldPagesCount = currentPage.value || 0 |
await loadCollaborators() |
if (prevUsersCount === collaborators.value?.length) { |
$state.complete() |
return |
} |
$state.loaded() |
} |
onMounted(async () => { |
isLoading.value = true |
try { |
await loadCollaborators() |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} finally { |
isLoading.value = false |
} |
}) |
const updateCollaborator = async (collab, roles) => { |
try { |
if (collab.projectRoles) { |
await updateProjectUser(activeProjectId.value!, collab) |
} else { |
await createProjectUser(activeProjectId.value!, collab) |
collab.projectRoles = roles |
} |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
} |
watchDebounced( |
userSearchText, |
async () => { |
isSearching.value = true |
currentPage.value = 0 |
totalCollaborators.value = 0 |
collaborators.value = [] |
try { |
await loadCollaborators() |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} finally { |
isSearching.value = false |
} |
}, |
{ |
debounce: 300, |
maxWait: 600, |
}, |
) |
const modal = ref(true) |
const reloadCollabs = async () => { |
currentPage.value = 0 |
collaborators.value = [] |
await loadCollaborators() |
} |
const userProjectRole = computed<(typeof ProjectRoles)[keyof typeof ProjectRoles]>(() => { |
const projectUser = collaborators.value?.find((collab) => collab.id === user.value?.id) |
return projectUser?.projectRoles |
}) |
const accessibleRoles = computed<(typeof ProjectRoles)[keyof typeof ProjectRoles][]>(() => { |
const currentRoleIndex = OrderedProjectRoles.findIndex((role) => role === userProjectRole.value) |
if (currentRoleIndex === -1) return [] |
return OrderedProjectRoles.slice(currentRoleIndex + 1) |
}) |
</script> |
<template> |
<div class="nc-collaborator-table-container mt-4 nc-access-settings-view"> |
<ProjectInviteProjectCollabSection @invited="reloadCollabs" /> |
<div v-if="isLoading" class="nc-collaborators-list items-center justify-center"> |
<GeneralLoader size="xlarge" /> |
</div> |
<template v-else> |
<div class="w-full flex flex-row justify-between items-baseline mt-6.5 mb-2 pr-0.25 ml-2"> |
<a-input v-model:value="userSearchText" class="!max-w-90 !rounded-md" placeholder="Search collaborators"> |
<template #prefix> |
<PhMagnifyingGlassBold class="!h-3.5 text-gray-500" /> |
</template> |
</a-input> |
</div> |
<div v-if="isSearching" class="nc-collaborators-list items-center justify-center"> |
<GeneralLoader size="xlarge" /> |
</div> |
<div |
v-else-if="!collaborators?.length" |
class="nc-collaborators-list w-full h-full flex flex-col items-center justify-center mt-36" |
> |
<Empty description="No collaborators found" /> |
</div> |
<div v-else class="nc-collaborators-list nc-scrollbar-md"> |
<div class="nc-collaborators-list-header"> |
<div class="flex w-1/5">Users</div> |
<div class="flex w-1/5">Date Joined</div> |
<div class="flex w-1/5">Access</div> |
<div class="flex w-1/5"></div> |
<div class="flex w-1/5"></div> |
</div> |
<div class="flex flex-col nc-scrollbar-md"> |
<div v-for="(collab, i) of collaborators" :key="i" class="relative w-full nc-collaborators nc-collaborators-list-row"> |
<div class="!py-0 w-1/5 email"> |
<div class="flex items-center gap-2"> |
<span class="color-band" :style="{ backgroundColor: stringToColour(collab.email) }">{{ |
collab?.email?.slice(0, 2) |
}}</span> |
<!-- <GeneralTruncateText> --> |
{{ collab.email }} |
<!-- </GeneralTruncateText> --> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="text-gray-500 text-xs w-1/5 created-at"> |
{{ timeAgo(collab.created_at) }} |
</div> |
<div class="w-1/5 roles"> |
<div class="nc-collaborator-role-select"> |
<NcSelect |
v-model:value="collab.roles" |
class="w-35 !rounded px-1" |
:virtual="true" |
:placeholder="$t('labels.noAccess')" |
:disabled="collab.id === user?.id || !accessibleRoles.includes(collab.roles)" |
@change="(value) => updateCollaborator(collab, value)" |
> |
<template #suffixIcon> |
<MdiChevronDown /> |
</template> |
<a-select-option v-if="collab.id === user?.id" :value="userProjectRole"> |
<NcBadge :color="RoleColors[userProjectRole]"> |
<p class="badge-text">{{ RoleLabels[userProjectRole] }}</p> |
</NcBadge> |
</a-select-option> |
<a-select-option v-if="!accessibleRoles.includes(collab.roles)" :value="collab.roles"> |
<NcBadge :color="RoleColors[collab.roles]"> |
<p class="badge-text">{{ RoleLabels[collab.roles] }}</p> |
</NcBadge> |
</a-select-option> |
<template v-for="role of accessibleRoles" :key="`role-option-${role}`"> |
<a-select-option :value="role"> |
<NcBadge :color="RoleColors[role]"> |
<p class="badge-text">{{ RoleLabels[role] }}</p> |
</NcBadge> |
</a-select-option> |
</template> |
</NcSelect> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="w-1/5"></div> |
<div class="w-1/5"></div> |
</div> |
<InfiniteLoading v-bind="$attrs" @infinite="loadListData"> |
<template #spinner> |
<div class="flex flex-row w-full justify-center mt-2"> |
<GeneralLoader /> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template #complete> |
<span></span> |
</template> |
</InfiniteLoading> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
</div> |
</template> |
<style scoped lang="scss"> |
.badge-text { |
@apply text-[14px] pt-1 text-center; |
} |
.nc-collaborators-list { |
@apply border-gray-100 mt-1 flex flex-col w-full; |
// todo: replace/remove 120px with proper value while updating invite ui |
height: calc(100vh - calc(var(--topbar-height) + 9rem + 120px)); |
} |
.nc-collaborators-list-header { |
@apply flex flex-row justify-between items-center min-h-13 border-b-1 border-gray-100 pl-4 text-gray-500; |
} |
.nc-collaborators-list-row { |
@apply flex flex-row justify-between items-center min-h-16 border-b-1 border-gray-100 pl-4; |
} |
.color-band { |
@apply w-6 h-6 left-0 top-[10px] rounded-full flex justify-center uppercase text-white font-weight-bold text-xs items-center; |
} |
:deep(.nc-collaborator-role-select .ant-select-selector) { |
@apply !rounded; |
} |