You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

43 lines
1.4 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ViewTypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { ActiveViewInj, inject } from '#imports'
const selectedView = inject(ActiveViewInj)
const { openedViewsTab } = storeToRefs(useViewsStore())
const { activeTable } = storeToRefs(useTablesStore())
class="flex flex-row font-medium items-center border-gray-50 mt-0.5"
'min-w-2/5 max-w-2/5': selectedView?.type !== ViewTypes.KANBAN,
'min-w-1/4 max-w-1/4': selectedView?.type === ViewTypes.KANBAN,
<LazyGeneralEmojiPicker :emoji="activeTable?.meta?.icon" readonly size="xsmall">
<template #default>
<MdiTable class="min-w-5 !text-gray-500" :class="{}" />
class="text-ellipsis overflow-hidden pl-1 text-gray-500 max-w-1/2"
:style="{ wordBreak: 'keep-all', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', display: 'inline' }"
{{ activeTable?.title }}
<div class="px-2 text-gray-500">/</div>
<LazyGeneralEmojiPicker :emoji="selectedView?.meta?.icon" readonly size="xsmall">
<template #default>
<GeneralViewIcon :meta="{ type: selectedView?.type }" class="min-w-4.5 text-lg flex" />
<span class="truncate pl-1.25 text-gray-700 max-w-28/100">
{{ selectedView?.title }}
<LazySmartsheetToolbarReload v-if="openedViewsTab === 'view'" />