export default function (monaco) { return [ { insertText: 'ALTER ', label: 'ALTER', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Used to add, delete, modify columns, add and drop various constraints in an existing table.' }, { insertText: 'CREATE ', label: 'CREATE', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Create a new table in a database' }, { insertText: 'DROP ', label: 'DROP', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Drop an existing SQL database' }, { insertText: 'GRANT ', label: 'GRANT', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Define privileges and role authorizations' }, { insertText: 'REVOKE ', label: 'REVOKE', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Destroy privileges and role authorizations' }, { insertText: 'CLOSE ', label: 'CLOSE', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Close a cursor' }, { insertText: 'DECLARE ', label: 'DECLARE', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Define a cursor' }, { insertText: 'FETCH ', label: 'FETCH', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Position a cursor on a specified row of a table and retrieve values from that row' }, { insertText: 'FREE ', label: 'FREE', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Remove the association between a locator variable and the value that is represented by that locator' }, { insertText: 'HOLD ', label: 'HOLD', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Mark a locator variable as being holdable' }, { insertText: 'OPEN ', label: 'OPEN', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Open a cursor' }, { insertText: 'SELECT ', label: 'SELECT', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Retrieve values from a table' }, { insertText: 'DELETE ', label: 'DELETE', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Delete existing records in a table' }, { insertText: 'INSERT ', label: 'INSERT', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Insert new records in a table' }, { insertText: 'UPDATE ', label: 'UPDATE', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Modify the existing records in a table' }, { insertText: 'COMMIT ', label: 'COMMIT', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Terminate the current SQL-transaction with commit' }, { insertText: 'RELEASE ', label: 'RELEASE', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Destroy a savepoint' }, { insertText: 'ROLLBACK ', label: 'ROLLBACK', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Terminate the current SQL-transaction with rollback, or rollback all actions affecting SQL-data and/or schemas since the establishment of a savepoint' }, { insertText: 'SAVEPOINT ', label: 'SAVEPOINT', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Establish a savepoint' }, { insertText: 'SET ', label: 'SET', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Set something' }, { insertText: 'START ', label: 'START', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Start an SQL-transaction and set its characteristics' }, { insertText: 'CONNECT ', label: 'CONNECT', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Establish an SQL-session' }, { insertText: 'DISCONNECT ', label: 'DISCONNECT', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Terminate an SQL-session' }, { insertText: 'CALL ', label: 'CALL', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Invoke an SQL-invoked routine' }, { insertText: 'RETURN ', label: 'RETURN', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Return a value from a SQL function' }, { insertText: 'GET ', label: 'GET', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Get exception or completion condition information from the diagnostics area' }, { insertText: 'ALL ', label: 'ALL', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'TRUE if all of the subquery values meet the condition' }, { insertText: 'AND ', label: 'AND', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'TRUE if all the conditions separated by AND are TRUE' }, { insertText: 'ANY ', label: 'ANY', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'TRUE if any of the subquery values meet the condition' }, { insertText: 'BETWEEN ', label: 'BETWEEN', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'TRUE if the operand is within the range of comparisons' }, { insertText: 'EXISTS ', label: 'EXISTS', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'TRUE if the subquery returns one or more records' }, { insertText: 'IN ', label: 'IN', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'TRUE if the operand is equal to one of a list of expressions' }, { insertText: 'LIKE ', label: 'LIKE', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'TRUE if the operand matches a pattern' }, { insertText: 'NOT ', label: 'NOT', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'Displays a record if the condition(s) is NOT TRUE' }, { insertText: 'OR ', label: 'OR', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'TRUE if any of the conditions separated by OR is TRUE' }, { insertText: 'SOME ', label: 'SOME', kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Keyword, documentation: 'TRUE if any of the subquery values meet the condition' }, { label: 'ABS', insertText: 'ABS ' }, { label: 'ABSOLUTE', insertText: 'ABSOLUTE ' }, { label: 'ACTION', insertText: 'ACTION ' }, { label: 'ADA', insertText: 'ADA ' }, { label: 'ADD', insertText: 'ADD ' }, { label: 'ADMIN', insertText: 'ADMIN ' }, { label: 'AFTER', insertText: 'AFTER ' }, { label: 'AGGREGATE', insertText: 'AGGREGATE ' }, { label: 'ALIAS', insertText: 'ALIAS ' }, { label: 'ALL', insertText: 'ALL ' }, { label: 'ALLOCATE', insertText: 'ALLOCATE ' }, { label: 'ALTER', insertText: 'ALTER ' }, { label: 'ALTER DOMAIN', insertText: 'ALTER DOMAIN ' }, { label: 'ALTER ROUTINE', insertText: 'ALTER ROUTINE ' }, { label: 'ALTER TABLE', insertText: 'ALTER TABLE ' }, { label: 'ALTER TYPE', insertText: 'ALTER TYPE ' }, { label: 'AND', insertText: 'AND ' }, { label: 'ANY', insertText: 'ANY ' }, { label: 'ARE', insertText: 'ARE ' }, { label: 'ARRAY', insertText: 'ARRAY ' }, { label: 'AS', insertText: 'AS ' }, { label: 'ASC', insertText: 'ASC ' }, { label: 'ASENSITIVE', insertText: 'ASENSITIVE ' }, { label: 'ASSERTION', insertText: 'ASSERTION ' }, { label: 'ASSIGNMENT', insertText: 'ASSIGNMENT ' }, { label: 'ASYMMETRIC', insertText: 'ASYMMETRIC ' }, { label: 'AT', insertText: 'AT ' }, { label: 'ATOMIC', insertText: 'ATOMIC ' }, { label: 'AUTHORIZATION', insertText: 'AUTHORIZATION ' }, { label: 'AVG', insertText: 'AVG ' }, { label: 'BEFORE', insertText: 'BEFORE ' }, { label: 'BEGIN', insertText: 'BEGIN ' }, { label: 'BETWEEN', insertText: 'BETWEEN ' }, { label: 'BINARY', insertText: 'BINARY ' }, { label: 'BIT', insertText: 'BIT ' }, { label: 'BIT_LENGTH', insertText: 'BIT_LENGTH ' }, { label: 'BITVAR', insertText: 'BITVAR ' }, { label: 'BLOB', insertText: 'BLOB ' }, { label: 'BOOLEAN', insertText: 'BOOLEAN ' }, { label: 'BOTH', insertText: 'BOTH ' }, { label: 'BREADTH', insertText: 'BREADTH ' }, { label: 'BY', insertText: 'BY ' }, { label: 'C', insertText: 'C ' }, { label: 'CALL', insertText: 'CALL ' }, { label: 'CALLED', insertText: 'CALLED ' }, { label: 'CARDINALITY', insertText: 'CARDINALITY ' }, { label: 'CASCADE', insertText: 'CASCADE ' }, { label: 'CASCADED', insertText: 'CASCADED ' }, { label: 'CASE', insertText: 'CASE ' }, { label: 'CAST', insertText: 'CAST ' }, { label: 'CATALOG', insertText: 'CATALOG ' }, { label: 'CATALOG_NAME', insertText: 'CATALOG_NAME ' }, { label: 'CHAIN', insertText: 'CHAIN ' }, { label: 'CHAR', insertText: 'CHAR ' }, { label: 'CHAR_LENGTH', insertText: 'CHAR_LENGTH ' }, { label: 'CHARACTER', insertText: 'CHARACTER ' }, { label: 'CHARACTER_LENGTH', insertText: 'CHARACTER_LENGTH ' }, { label: 'CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG', insertText: 'CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG ' }, { label: 'CHARACTER_SET_NAME', insertText: 'CHARACTER_SET_NAME ' }, { label: 'CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA', insertText: 'CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA ' }, { label: 'CHECK', insertText: 'CHECK ' }, { label: 'CHECKED', insertText: 'CHECKED ' }, { label: 'CLASS', insertText: 'CLASS ' }, { label: 'CLASS_ORIGIN', insertText: 'CLASS_ORIGIN ' }, { label: 'CLOB', insertText: 'CLOB ' }, { label: 'CLOSE', insertText: 'CLOSE ' }, { label: 'COALESCE', insertText: 'COALESCE ' }, { label: 'COBOL', insertText: 'COBOL ' }, { label: 'COLLATE', insertText: 'COLLATE ' }, { label: 'COLLATION', insertText: 'COLLATION ' }, { label: 'COLLATION_CATALOG', insertText: 'COLLATION_CATALOG ' }, { label: 'COLLATION_NAME', insertText: 'COLLATION_NAME ' }, { label: 'COLLATION_SCHEMA', insertText: 'COLLATION_SCHEMA ' }, { label: 'COLUMN', insertText: 'COLUMN ' }, { label: 'cn', insertText: 'cn ' }, { label: 'COMMAND_FUNCTION', insertText: 'COMMAND_FUNCTION ' }, { label: 'COMMAND_FUNCTION_CODE', insertText: 'COMMAND_FUNCTION_CODE ' }, { label: 'COMMIT', insertText: 'COMMIT ' }, { label: 'COMMIT AND CHAIN', insertText: 'COMMIT AND CHAIN ' }, { label: 'COMMIT AND NO CHAIN', insertText: 'COMMIT AND NO CHAIN ' }, { label: 'COMMIT WORK', insertText: 'COMMIT WORK ' }, { label: 'COMMIT WORK AND CHAIN', insertText: 'COMMIT WORK AND CHAIN ' }, { label: 'COMMIT WORK AND NO CHAIN', insertText: 'COMMIT WORK AND NO CHAIN ' }, { label: 'COMMITTED', insertText: 'COMMITTED ' }, { label: 'COMPLETION', insertText: 'COMPLETION ' }, { label: 'CONDITION_NUMBER', insertText: 'CONDITION_NUMBER ' }, { label: 'CONNECT', insertText: 'CONNECT ' }, { label: 'CONNECT TO', insertText: 'CONNECT TO ' }, { label: 'CONNECT TO DEFAULT', insertText: 'CONNECT TO DEFAULT ' }, { label: 'CONNECTION', insertText: 'CONNECTION ' }, { label: 'CONNECTION_NAME', insertText: 'CONNECTION_NAME ' }, { label: 'CONSTRAINT', insertText: 'CONSTRAINT ' }, { label: 'CONSTRAINT_CATALOG', insertText: 'CONSTRAINT_CATALOG ' }, { label: 'CONSTRAINT_NAME', insertText: 'CONSTRAINT_NAME ' }, { label: 'CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA', insertText: 'CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA ' }, { label: 'CONSTRAINTS', insertText: 'CONSTRAINTS ' }, { label: 'CONSTRUCTOR', insertText: 'CONSTRUCTOR ' }, { label: 'CONTAINS', insertText: 'CONTAINS ' }, { label: 'CONTINUE', insertText: 'CONTINUE ' }, { label: 'CONVERT', insertText: 'CONVERT ' }, { label: 'CORRESPONDING', insertText: 'CORRESPONDING ' }, { label: 'COUNT', insertText: 'COUNT ' }, { label: 'CREATE', insertText: 'CREATE ' }, { label: 'CREATE ASSERTION', insertText: 'CREATE ASSERTION ' }, { label: 'CREATE CAST', insertText: 'CREATE CAST ' }, { label: 'CREATE CHARACTER SET', insertText: 'CREATE CHARACTER SET ' }, { label: 'CREATE COLLATION', insertText: 'CREATE COLLATION ' }, { label: 'CREATE DOMAIN', insertText: 'CREATE DOMAIN ' }, { label: 'CREATE FUNCTION', insertText: 'CREATE FUNCTION ' }, { label: 'CREATE METHOD', insertText: 'CREATE METHOD ' }, { label: 'CREATE ORDERING FOR', insertText: 'CREATE ORDERING FOR ' }, { label: 'CREATE RECURSIVE VIEW', insertText: 'CREATE RECURSIVE VIEW ' }, { label: 'CREATE ROLE', insertText: 'CREATE ROLE ' }, { label: 'CREATE ROUTINE', insertText: 'CREATE ROUTINE ' }, { label: 'CREATE SCHEMA', insertText: 'CREATE SCHEMA ' }, { label: 'CREATE TABLE', insertText: 'CREATE TABLE ' }, { label: 'CREATE TRANSFORM', insertText: 'CREATE TRANSFORM ' }, { label: 'CREATE TRANSLATION', insertText: 'CREATE TRANSLATION ' }, { label: 'CREATE TRIGGER', insertText: 'CREATE TRIGGER ' }, { label: 'CREATE TYPE', insertText: 'CREATE TYPE ' }, { label: 'CREATE VIEW', insertText: 'CREATE VIEW ' }, { label: 'CROSS', insertText: 'CROSS ' }, { label: 'CROSS JOIN', insertText: 'CROSS JOIN ' }, { label: 'CUBE', insertText: 'CUBE ' }, { label: 'CURRENT', insertText: 'CURRENT ' }, { label: 'CURRENT_DATE', insertText: 'CURRENT_DATE ' }, { label: 'CURRENT_PATH', insertText: 'CURRENT_PATH ' }, { label: 'CURRENT_ROLE', insertText: 'CURRENT_ROLE ' }, { label: 'CURRENT_TIME', insertText: 'CURRENT_TIME ' }, { label: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', insertText: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ' }, { label: 'CURRENT_USER', insertText: 'CURRENT_USER ' }, { label: 'CURSOR', insertText: 'CURSOR ' }, { label: 'CURSOR_NAME', insertText: 'CURSOR_NAME ' }, { label: 'CYCLE', insertText: 'CYCLE ' }, { label: 'DATA', insertText: 'DATA ' }, { label: 'DATE', insertText: 'DATE ' }, { label: 'DATETIME_INTERVAL_CODE', insertText: 'DATETIME_INTERVAL_CODE ' }, { label: 'DATETIME_INTERVAL_PRECISION', insertText: 'DATETIME_INTERVAL_PRECISION ' }, { label: 'DAY', insertText: 'DAY ' }, { label: 'DEALLOCATE', insertText: 'DEALLOCATE ' }, { label: 'DEC', insertText: 'DEC ' }, { label: 'DECIMAL', insertText: 'DECIMAL ' }, { label: 'DECLARE', insertText: 'DECLARE ' }, { label: 'DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE', insertText: 'DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE ' }, { label: 'DEFAULT', insertText: 'DEFAULT ' }, { label: 'DEFERRABLE', insertText: 'DEFERRABLE ' }, { label: 'DEFERRED', insertText: 'DEFERRED ' }, { label: 'DEFINED', insertText: 'DEFINED ' }, { label: 'DEFINER', insertText: 'DEFINER ' }, { label: 'DELETE', insertText: 'DELETE ' }, { label: 'DELETE FROM', insertText: 'DELETE FROM ' }, { label: 'DEPTH', insertText: 'DEPTH ' }, { label: 'DEREF', insertText: 'DEREF ' }, { label: 'DESC', insertText: 'DESC ' }, { label: 'DESCRIBE', insertText: 'DESCRIBE ' }, { label: 'DESCRIPTOR', insertText: 'DESCRIPTOR ' }, { label: 'DESTROY', insertText: 'DESTROY ' }, { label: 'DESTRUCTOR', insertText: 'DESTRUCTOR ' }, { label: 'DETERMINISTIC', insertText: 'DETERMINISTIC ' }, { label: 'DIAGNOSTICS', insertText: 'DIAGNOSTICS ' }, { label: 'DICTIONARY', insertText: 'DICTIONARY ' }, { label: 'DISCONNECT', insertText: 'DISCONNECT ' }, { label: 'DISCONNECT ALL', insertText: 'DISCONNECT ALL ' }, { label: 'DISCONNECT CURRENT', insertText: 'DISCONNECT CURRENT ' }, { label: 'DISPATCH', insertText: 'DISPATCH ' }, { label: 'DISTINCT', insertText: 'DISTINCT ' }, { label: 'DOMAIN', insertText: 'DOMAIN ' }, { label: 'DOUBLE', insertText: 'DOUBLE ' }, { label: 'DROP', insertText: 'DROP ' }, { label: 'DROP ASSERTION', insertText: 'DROP ASSERTION ' }, { label: 'DROP ATTRIBUTE', insertText: 'DROP ATTRIBUTE ' }, { label: 'DROP CAST', insertText: 'DROP CAST ' }, { label: 'DROP CHARACTER SET', insertText: 'DROP CHARACTER SET ' }, { label: 'DROP COLLATION', insertText: 'DROP COLLATION ' }, { label: 'DROP COLUMN', insertText: 'DROP COLUMN ' }, { label: 'DROP CONSTRAINT', insertText: 'DROP CONSTRAINT ' }, { label: 'DROP DEFAULT', insertText: 'DROP DEFAULT ' }, { label: 'DROP DOMAIN', insertText: 'DROP DOMAIN ' }, { label: 'DROP ORDERING FOR', insertText: 'DROP ORDERING FOR ' }, { label: 'DROP ROLE', insertText: 'DROP ROLE ' }, { label: 'DROP ROUTINE', insertText: 'DROP ROUTINE ' }, { label: 'DROP SCHEMA', insertText: 'DROP SCHEMA ' }, { label: 'DROP SCOPE', insertText: 'DROP SCOPE ' }, { label: 'DROP SPECIFIC ROUTINE', insertText: 'DROP SPECIFIC ROUTINE ' }, { label: 'DROP TABLE', insertText: 'DROP TABLE ' }, { label: 'DROP TRANSFORM', insertText: 'DROP TRANSFORM ' }, { label: 'DROP TRANSLATION', insertText: 'DROP TRANSLATION ' }, { label: 'DROP TRIGGER', insertText: 'DROP TRIGGER ' }, { label: 'DROP TYPE', insertText: 'DROP TYPE ' }, { label: 'DROP VIEW', insertText: 'DROP VIEW ' }, { label: 'DYNAMIC', insertText: 'DYNAMIC ' }, { label: 'DYNAMIC_FUNCTION', insertText: 'DYNAMIC_FUNCTION ' }, { label: 'DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_CODE', insertText: 'DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_CODE ' }, { label: 'EACH', insertText: 'EACH ' }, { label: 'ELSE', insertText: 'ELSE ' }, { label: 'END', insertText: 'END ' }, { label: 'END-EXEC', insertText: 'END-EXEC ' }, { label: 'EQUALS', insertText: 'EQUALS ' }, { label: 'ESCAPE', insertText: 'ESCAPE ' }, { label: 'EVERY', insertText: 'EVERY ' }, { label: 'EXCEPT', insertText: 'EXCEPT ' }, { label: 'EXCEPT ALL', insertText: 'EXCEPT ALL ' }, { label: 'EXCEPT DISTINCT', insertText: 'EXCEPT DISTINCT ' }, { label: 'EXCEPTION', insertText: 'EXCEPTION ' }, { label: 'EXEC', insertText: 'EXEC ' }, { label: 'EXECUTE', insertText: 'EXECUTE ' }, { label: 'EXISTING', insertText: 'EXISTING ' }, { label: 'EXISTS', insertText: 'EXISTS ' }, { label: 'EXTERNAL', insertText: 'EXTERNAL ' }, { label: 'EXTRACT', insertText: 'EXTRACT ' }, { label: 'FALSE', insertText: 'FALSE ' }, { label: 'FETCH', insertText: 'FETCH ' }, { label: 'FETCH ABSOLUTE FROM', insertText: 'FETCH ABSOLUTE FROM ' }, { label: 'FETCH FIRST FROM', insertText: 'FETCH FIRST FROM ' }, { label: 'FETCH LAST FROM', insertText: 'FETCH LAST FROM ' }, { label: 'FETCH NEXT FROM', insertText: 'FETCH NEXT FROM ' }, { label: 'FETCH PRIOR FROM', insertText: 'FETCH PRIOR FROM ' }, { label: 'FETCH RELATIVE FROM', insertText: 'FETCH RELATIVE FROM ' }, { label: 'FINAL', insertText: 'FINAL ' }, { label: 'FIRST', insertText: 'FIRST ' }, { label: 'FLOAT', insertText: 'FLOAT ' }, { label: 'FOR', insertText: 'FOR ' }, { label: 'FOREIGN', insertText: 'FOREIGN ' }, { label: 'FOREIGN KEY', insertText: 'FOREIGN KEY ' }, { label: 'FORTRAN', insertText: 'FORTRAN ' }, { label: 'FOUND', insertText: 'FOUND ' }, { label: 'FREE', insertText: 'FREE ' }, { label: 'FREE LOCATOR', insertText: 'FREE LOCATOR ' }, { label: 'FROM', insertText: 'FROM ' }, { label: 'FULL', insertText: 'FULL ' }, { label: 'FULL JOIN', insertText: 'FULL JOIN ' }, { label: 'FUNCTION', insertText: 'FUNCTION ' }, { label: 'GENERAL', insertText: 'GENERAL ' }, { label: 'GENERATED', insertText: 'GENERATED ' }, { label: 'GET', insertText: 'GET ' }, { label: 'GET DIAGNOSTICS', insertText: 'GET DIAGNOSTICS ' }, { label: 'GLOBAL', insertText: 'GLOBAL ' }, { label: 'GO', insertText: 'GO ' }, { label: 'GOTO', insertText: 'GOTO ' }, { label: 'GRANT', insertText: 'GRANT ' }, { label: 'GRANT EXECUTE ON', insertText: 'GRANT EXECUTE ON ' }, { label: 'GRANT OPTION ON', insertText: 'GRANT OPTION ON ' }, { label: 'GRANT REFERENCES', insertText: 'GRANT REFERENCES ' }, { label: 'GRANT REFERENCES ON', insertText: 'GRANT REFERENCES ON ' }, { label: 'GRANT SELECT ON', insertText: 'GRANT SELECT ON ' }, { label: 'GRANT UNDER ON', insertText: 'GRANT UNDER ON ' }, { label: 'GRANT USAGE ON', insertText: 'GRANT USAGE ON ' }, { label: 'GRANTED', insertText: 'GRANTED ' }, { label: 'GRANTED BY', insertText: 'GRANTED BY ' }, { label: 'GROUP', insertText: 'GROUP ' }, { label: 'GROUP BY', insertText: 'GROUP BY ' }, { label: 'GROUPING', insertText: 'GROUPING ' }, { label: 'HAVING', insertText: 'HAVING ' }, { label: 'HIERARCHY', insertText: 'HIERARCHY ' }, { label: 'HOLD', insertText: 'HOLD ' }, { label: 'HOLD LOCATOR', insertText: 'HOLD LOCATOR ' }, { label: 'HOST', insertText: 'HOST ' }, { label: 'HOUR', insertText: 'HOUR ' }, { label: 'IDENTITY', insertText: 'IDENTITY ' }, { label: 'IF', insertText: 'IF ' }, { label: 'IGNORE', insertText: 'IGNORE ' }, { label: 'IMMEDIATE', insertText: 'IMMEDIATE ' }, { label: 'IMPLEMENTATION', insertText: 'IMPLEMENTATION ' }, { label: 'IN', insertText: 'IN ' }, { label: 'INDICATOR', insertText: 'INDICATOR ' }, { label: 'INFIX', insertText: 'INFIX ' }, { label: 'INITIALIZE', insertText: 'INITIALIZE ' }, { label: 'INITIALLY', insertText: 'INITIALLY ' }, { label: 'INNER', insertText: 'INNER ' }, { label: 'INNER JOIN', insertText: 'INNER JOIN ' }, { label: 'INOUT', insertText: 'INOUT ' }, { label: 'INPUT', insertText: 'INPUT ' }, { label: 'INSENSITIVE', insertText: 'INSENSITIVE ' }, { label: 'INSERT', insertText: 'INSERT ' }, { label: 'INSERT INTO', insertText: 'INSERT INTO ' }, { label: 'INSTANCE', insertText: 'INSTANCE ' }, { label: 'INSTANTIABLE', insertText: 'INSTANTIABLE ' }, { label: 'INT', insertText: 'INT ' }, { label: 'INTEGER', insertText: 'INTEGER ' }, { label: 'INTERSECT', insertText: 'INTERSECT ' }, { label: 'INTERSECT ALL', insertText: 'INTERSECT ALL ' }, { label: 'INTERSECT DISTINCT', insertText: 'INTERSECT DISTINCT ' }, { label: 'INTERVAL', insertText: 'INTERVAL ' }, { label: 'INTO', insertText: 'INTO ' }, { label: 'INVOKER', insertText: 'INVOKER ' }, { label: 'IS', insertText: 'IS ' }, { label: 'IS DISTINCT FROM', insertText: 'IS DISTINCT FROM ' }, { label: 'IS NOT', insertText: 'IS NOT ' }, { label: 'IS NOT NULL', insertText: 'IS NOT NULL ' }, { label: 'IS NULL', insertText: 'IS NULL ' }, { label: 'IS OF', insertText: 'IS OF ' }, { label: 'ISOLATION', insertText: 'ISOLATION ' }, { label: 'ITERATE', insertText: 'ITERATE ' }, { label: 'JOIN', insertText: 'JOIN ' }, { label: 'KEY', insertText: 'KEY ' }, { label: 'KEY_MEMBER', insertText: 'KEY_MEMBER ' }, { label: 'KEY_TYPE', insertText: 'KEY_TYPE ' }, { label: 'LANGUAGE', insertText: 'LANGUAGE ' }, { label: 'LARGE', insertText: 'LARGE ' }, { label: 'LAST', insertText: 'LAST ' }, { label: 'LATERAL', insertText: 'LATERAL ' }, { label: 'LEADING', insertText: 'LEADING ' }, { label: 'LEFT', insertText: 'LEFT ' }, { label: 'LEFT JOIN', insertText: 'LEFT JOIN ' }, { label: 'LENGTH', insertText: 'LENGTH ' }, { label: 'LESS', insertText: 'LESS ' }, { label: 'LEVEL', insertText: 'LEVEL ' }, { label: 'LIKE', insertText: 'LIKE ' }, { label: 'LIMIT', insertText: 'LIMIT ' }, { label: 'LOCAL', insertText: 'LOCAL ' }, { label: 'LOCALTIME', insertText: 'LOCALTIME ' }, { label: 'LOCALTIMESTAMP', insertText: 'LOCALTIMESTAMP ' }, { label: 'LOCATOR', insertText: 'LOCATOR ' }, { label: 'LOWER', insertText: 'LOWER ' }, { label: 'MAP', insertText: 'MAP ' }, { label: 'MATCH', insertText: 'MATCH ' }, { label: 'MAX', insertText: 'MAX ' }, { label: 'MESSAGE_LENGTH', insertText: 'MESSAGE_LENGTH ' }, { label: 'MESSAGE_OCTET_LENGTH', insertText: 'MESSAGE_OCTET_LENGTH ' }, { label: 'MESSAGE_TEXT', insertText: 'MESSAGE_TEXT ' }, { label: 'METHOD', insertText: 'METHOD ' }, { label: 'MIN', insertText: 'MIN ' }, { label: 'MINUTE', insertText: 'MINUTE ' }, { label: 'MOD', insertText: 'MOD ' }, { label: 'MODIFIES', insertText: 'MODIFIES ' }, { label: 'MODIFY', insertText: 'MODIFY ' }, { label: 'MODULE', insertText: 'MODULE ' }, { label: 'MONTH', insertText: 'MONTH ' }, { label: 'MORE', insertText: 'MORE ' }, { label: 'MUMPS', insertText: 'MUMPS ' }, { label: 'NAME', insertText: 'NAME ' }, { label: 'NAMES', insertText: 'NAMES ' }, { label: 'NATIONAL', insertText: 'NATIONAL ' }, { label: 'NATURAL', insertText: 'NATURAL ' }, { label: 'NCHAR', insertText: 'NCHAR ' }, { label: 'NCLOB', insertText: 'NCLOB ' }, { label: 'NEW', insertText: 'NEW ' }, { label: 'NEXT', insertText: 'NEXT ' }, { label: 'NO', insertText: 'NO ' }, { label: 'NONE', insertText: 'NONE ' }, { label: 'NOT', insertText: 'NOT ' }, { label: 'NOT BETWEEN', insertText: 'NOT BETWEEN ' }, { label: 'NOT CHECKED', insertText: 'NOT CHECKED ' }, { label: 'NOT DEFERRABLE', insertText: 'NOT DEFERRABLE ' }, { label: 'NOT DETERMINISTIC', insertText: 'NOT DETERMINISTIC ' }, { label: 'NOT EXISTS', insertText: 'NOT EXISTS ' }, { label: 'NOT FINAL', insertText: 'NOT FINAL ' }, { label: 'NOT IN', insertText: 'NOT IN ' }, { label: 'NOT LIKE', insertText: 'NOT LIKE ' }, { label: 'NOT NULL', insertText: 'NOT NULL ' }, { label: 'NOT OF', insertText: 'NOT OF ' }, { label: 'NOT SIMILAR', insertText: 'NOT SIMILAR ' }, { label: 'NULL', insertText: 'NULL ' }, { label: 'NULLABLE', insertText: 'NULLABLE ' }, { label: 'NULLIF', insertText: 'NULLIF ' }, { label: 'NUMBER', insertText: 'NUMBER ' }, { label: 'NUMERIC', insertText: 'NUMERIC ' }, { label: 'OBJECT', insertText: 'OBJECT ' }, { label: 'OCTET_LENGTH', insertText: 'OCTET_LENGTH ' }, { label: 'OF', insertText: 'OF ' }, { label: 'OFF', insertText: 'OFF ' }, { label: 'OLD', insertText: 'OLD ' }, { label: 'ON', insertText: 'ON ' }, { label: 'ONLY', insertText: 'ONLY ' }, { label: 'OPEN', insertText: 'OPEN ' }, { label: 'OPERATION', insertText: 'OPERATION ' }, { label: 'OPTION', insertText: 'OPTION ' }, { label: 'OPTIONS', insertText: 'OPTIONS ' }, { label: 'OR', insertText: 'OR ' }, { label: 'ORDER', insertText: 'ORDER ' }, { label: 'ORDINALITY', insertText: 'ORDINALITY ' }, { label: 'OUT', insertText: 'OUT ' }, { label: 'OUTER', insertText: 'OUTER ' }, { label: 'OUTPUT', insertText: 'OUTPUT ' }, { label: 'OVERLAPS', insertText: 'OVERLAPS ' }, { label: 'OVERLAY', insertText: 'OVERLAY ' }, { label: 'OVERRIDING', insertText: 'OVERRIDING ' }, { label: 'PAD', insertText: 'PAD ' }, { label: 'PARAMETER', insertText: 'PARAMETER ' }, { label: 'PARAMETER_MODE', insertText: 'PARAMETER_MODE ' }, { label: 'PARAMETER_NAME', insertText: 'PARAMETER_NAME ' }, { label: 'PARAMETER_ORDINAL_POSITION', insertText: 'PARAMETER_ORDINAL_POSITION ' }, { label: 'PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_CATALOG', insertText: 'PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_CATALOG ' }, { label: 'PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_NAME', insertText: 'PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_NAME ' }, { label: 'PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_SCHEMA', insertText: 'PARAMETER_SPECIFIC_SCHEMA ' }, { label: 'PARAMETERS', insertText: 'PARAMETERS ' }, { label: 'PARTIAL', insertText: 'PARTIAL ' }, { label: 'PASCAL', insertText: 'PASCAL ' }, { label: 'PATH', insertText: 'PATH ' }, { label: 'PLI', insertText: 'PLI ' }, { label: 'POSITION', insertText: 'POSITION ' }, { label: 'POSTFIX', insertText: 'POSTFIX ' }, { label: 'PRECISION', insertText: 'PRECISION ' }, { label: 'PREFIX', insertText: 'PREFIX ' }, { label: 'PREORDER', insertText: 'PREORDER ' }, { label: 'PREPARE', insertText: 'PREPARE ' }, { label: 'PRESERVE', insertText: 'PRESERVE ' }, { label: 'PRIMARY', insertText: 'PRIMARY ' }, { label: 'PRIMARY KEY', insertText: 'PRIMARY KEY ' }, { label: 'PRIOR', insertText: 'PRIOR ' }, { label: 'PRIVILEGES', insertText: 'PRIVILEGES ' }, { label: 'PROCEDURE', insertText: 'PROCEDURE ' }, { label: 'PUBLIC', insertText: 'PUBLIC ' }, { label: 'READ', insertText: 'READ ' }, { label: 'READS', insertText: 'READS ' }, { label: 'REAL', insertText: 'REAL ' }, { label: 'RECURSIVE', insertText: 'RECURSIVE ' }, { label: 'REF', insertText: 'REF ' }, { label: 'REFERENCES', insertText: 'REFERENCES ' }, { label: 'REFERENCING', insertText: 'REFERENCING ' }, { label: 'RELATIVE', insertText: 'RELATIVE ' }, { label: 'RELEASE SAVEPOINT', insertText: 'RELEASE SAVEPOINT ' }, { label: 'REPEATABLE', insertText: 'REPEATABLE ' }, { label: 'RESTRICT', insertText: 'RESTRICT ' }, { label: 'RESULT', insertText: 'RESULT ' }, { label: 'RETURN', insertText: 'RETURN ' }, { label: 'RETURN NULL', insertText: 'RETURN NULL ' }, { label: 'RETURNED_LENGTH', insertText: 'RETURNED_LENGTH ' }, { label: 'RETURNED_OCTET_LENGTH', insertText: 'RETURNED_OCTET_LENGTH ' }, { label: 'RETURNED_SQLSTATE', insertText: 'RETURNED_SQLSTATE ' }, { label: 'RETURNS', insertText: 'RETURNS ' }, { label: 'REVOKE', insertText: 'REVOKE ' }, { label: 'REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON', insertText: 'REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON ' }, { label: 'REVOKE EXECUTE ON', insertText: 'REVOKE EXECUTE ON ' }, { label: 'REVOKE INSERT', insertText: 'REVOKE INSERT ' }, { label: 'REVOKE USAGE ON', insertText: 'REVOKE USAGE ON ' }, { label: 'RIGHT', insertText: 'RIGHT ' }, { label: 'RIGHT JOIN', insertText: 'RIGHT JOIN ' }, { label: 'ROLE', insertText: 'ROLE ' }, { label: 'ROLLBACK', insertText: 'ROLLBACK ' }, { label: 'ROLLBACK AND CHAIN', insertText: 'ROLLBACK AND CHAIN ' }, { label: 'ROLLBACK AND NO CHAIN', insertText: 'ROLLBACK AND NO CHAIN ' }, { label: 'ROLLBACK WORK', insertText: 'ROLLBACK WORK ' }, { label: 'ROLLBACK WORK AND CHAIN', insertText: 'ROLLBACK WORK AND CHAIN ' }, { label: 'ROLLBACK WORK AND NO CHAIN', insertText: 'ROLLBACK WORK AND NO CHAIN ' }, { label: 'ROLLUP', insertText: 'ROLLUP ' }, { label: 'ROUTINE', insertText: 'ROUTINE ' }, { label: 'ROUTINE_CATALOG', insertText: 'ROUTINE_CATALOG ' }, { label: 'ROUTINE_NAME', insertText: 'ROUTINE_NAME ' }, { label: 'ROUTINE_SCHEMA', insertText: 'ROUTINE_SCHEMA ' }, { label: 'ROW', insertText: 'ROW ' }, { label: 'ROW_COUNT', insertText: 'ROW_COUNT ' }, { label: 'ROWS', insertText: 'ROWS ' }, { label: 'SAVEPOINT', insertText: 'SAVEPOINT ' }, { label: 'SCALE', insertText: 'SCALE ' }, { label: 'SCHEMA', insertText: 'SCHEMA ' }, { label: 'SCHEMA_NAME', insertText: 'SCHEMA_NAME ' }, { label: 'SCOPE', insertText: 'SCOPE ' }, { label: 'SCROLL', insertText: 'SCROLL ' }, { label: 'SEARCH', insertText: 'SEARCH ' }, { label: 'SECOND', insertText: 'SECOND ' }, { label: 'SECTION', insertText: 'SECTION ' }, { label: 'SECURITY', insertText: 'SECURITY ' }, { label: 'SELECT', insertText: 'SELECT ' }, { label: 'SELECT *', insertText: 'SELECT * ' }, { label: 'SELECT * FROM', insertText: 'SELECT * FROM ' }, { label: 'SELECT ALL', insertText: 'SELECT ALL ' }, { label: 'SELECT DISTINCT', insertText: 'SELECT DISTINCT ' }, { label: 'SELF', insertText: 'SELF ' }, { label: 'SENSITIVE', insertText: 'SENSITIVE ' }, { label: 'SEQUENCE', insertText: 'SEQUENCE ' }, { label: 'SERIALIZABLE', insertText: 'SERIALIZABLE ' }, { label: 'SERVER_NAME', insertText: 'SERVER_NAME ' }, { label: 'SESSION', insertText: 'SESSION ' }, { label: 'SESSION_USER', insertText: 'SESSION_USER ' }, { label: 'SET', insertText: 'SET ' }, { label: 'SET CONNECTION', insertText: 'SET CONNECTION ' }, { label: 'SET CONNECTION DEFAULT', insertText: 'SET CONNECTION DEFAULT ' }, { label: 'SET CONSTRAINTS', insertText: 'SET CONSTRAINTS ' }, { label: 'SET DEFAULT', insertText: 'SET DEFAULT ' }, { label: 'SET LOCAL TRANSACTION', insertText: 'SET LOCAL TRANSACTION ' }, { label: 'SET NULL', insertText: 'SET NULL ' }, { label: 'SET ROLE', insertText: 'SET ROLE ' }, { label: 'SET ROW', insertText: 'SET ROW ' }, { label: 'SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION', insertText: 'SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION ' }, { label: 'SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS', insertText: 'SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS ' }, { label: 'SET TIME ZONE', insertText: 'SET TIME ZONE ' }, { label: 'SET TIME ZONE LOCAL', insertText: 'SET TIME ZONE LOCAL ' }, { label: 'SET TRANSACTION', insertText: 'SET TRANSACTION ' }, { label: 'SETS', insertText: 'SETS ' }, { label: 'SIMILAR', insertText: 'SIMILAR ' }, { label: 'SIMPLE', insertText: 'SIMPLE ' }, { label: 'SIZE', insertText: 'SIZE ' }, { label: 'SMALLINT', insertText: 'SMALLINT ' }, { label: 'SOME', insertText: 'SOME ' }, { label: 'SOURCE', insertText: 'SOURCE ' }, { label: 'SPACE', insertText: 'SPACE ' }, { label: 'SPECIFIC', insertText: 'SPECIFIC ' }, { label: 'SPECIFIC_NAME', insertText: 'SPECIFIC_NAME ' }, { label: 'SPECIFICTYPE', insertText: 'SPECIFICTYPE ' }, { label: 'SQL', insertText: 'SQL ' }, { label: 'SQLEXCEPTION', insertText: 'SQLEXCEPTION ' }, { label: 'SQLSTATE', insertText: 'SQLSTATE ' }, { label: 'SQLWARNING', insertText: 'SQLWARNING ' }, { label: 'START', insertText: 'START ' }, { label: 'START TRANSACTION', insertText: 'START TRANSACTION ' }, { label: 'STATE', insertText: 'STATE ' }, { label: 'STATEMENT', insertText: 'STATEMENT ' }, { label: 'STATIC', insertText: 'STATIC ' }, { label: 'STRUCTURE', insertText: 'STRUCTURE ' }, { label: 'STYLE', insertText: 'STYLE ' }, { label: 'SUBCLASS_ORIGIN', insertText: 'SUBCLASS_ORIGIN ' }, { label: 'SUBLIST', insertText: 'SUBLIST ' }, { label: 'SUBSTRING', insertText: 'SUBSTRING ' }, { label: 'SUM', insertText: 'SUM ' }, { label: 'SYMMETRIC', insertText: 'SYMMETRIC ' }, { label: 'SYSTEM', insertText: 'SYSTEM ' }, { label: 'SYSTEM_USER', insertText: 'SYSTEM_USER ' }, { label: 'TABLE', insertText: 'TABLE ' }, { label: 'TABLE_NAME', insertText: 'TABLE_NAME ' }, { label: 'TEMPORARY', insertText: 'TEMPORARY ' }, { label: 'TERMINATE', insertText: 'TERMINATE ' }, { label: 'THAN', insertText: 'THAN ' }, { label: 'THEN', insertText: 'THEN ' }, { label: 'TIME', insertText: 'TIME ' }, { label: 'TIMESTAMP', insertText: 'TIMESTAMP ' }, { label: 'TIMEZONE_HOUR', insertText: 'TIMEZONE_HOUR ' }, { label: 'TIMEZONE_MINUTE', insertText: 'TIMEZONE_MINUTE ' }, { label: 'TO', insertText: 'TO ' }, { label: 'TRAILING', insertText: 'TRAILING ' }, { label: 'TRANSACTION', insertText: 'TRANSACTION ' }, { label: 'TRANSACTION_ACTIVE', insertText: 'TRANSACTION_ACTIVE ' }, { label: 'TRANSACTIONS_COMMITTED', insertText: 'TRANSACTIONS_COMMITTED ' }, { label: 'TRANSACTIONS_ROLLED_BACK', insertText: 'TRANSACTIONS_ROLLED_BACK ' }, { label: 'TRANSFORM', insertText: 'TRANSFORM ' }, { label: 'TRANSFORMS', insertText: 'TRANSFORMS ' }, { label: 'TRANSLATE', insertText: 'TRANSLATE ' }, { label: 'TRANSLATION', insertText: 'TRANSLATION ' }, { label: 'TREAT', insertText: 'TREAT ' }, { label: 'TRIGGER', insertText: 'TRIGGER ' }, { label: 'TRIGGER_CATALOG', insertText: 'TRIGGER_CATALOG ' }, { label: 'TRIGGER_NAME', insertText: 'TRIGGER_NAME ' }, { label: 'TRIGGER_SCHEMA', insertText: 'TRIGGER_SCHEMA ' }, { label: 'TRIM', insertText: 'TRIM ' }, { label: 'TRUE', insertText: 'TRUE ' }, { label: 'TYPE', insertText: 'TYPE ' }, { label: 'UNCOMMITTED', insertText: 'UNCOMMITTED ' }, { label: 'UNDER', insertText: 'UNDER ' }, { label: 'UNION', insertText: 'UNION ' }, { label: 'UNION ALL', insertText: 'UNION ALL ' }, { label: 'UNION DISTINCT', insertText: 'UNION DISTINCT ' }, { label: 'UNION JOIN', insertText: 'UNION JOIN ' }, { label: 'UNIQUE', insertText: 'UNIQUE ' }, { label: 'UNKNOWN', insertText: 'UNKNOWN ' }, { label: 'UNNAMED', insertText: 'UNNAMED ' }, { label: 'UNNEST', insertText: 'UNNEST ' }, { label: 'UPDATE', insertText: 'UPDATE ' }, { label: 'UPPER', insertText: 'UPPER ' }, { label: 'USAGE', insertText: 'USAGE ' }, { label: 'USER', insertText: 'USER ' }, { label: 'USER_DEFINED_TYPE_CATALOG', insertText: 'USER_DEFINED_TYPE_CATALOG ' }, { label: 'USER_DEFINED_TYPE_NAME', insertText: 'USER_DEFINED_TYPE_NAME ' }, { label: 'USER_DEFINED_TYPE_SCHEMA', insertText: 'USER_DEFINED_TYPE_SCHEMA ' }, { label: 'USING', insertText: 'USING ' }, { label: 'VALUE', insertText: 'VALUE ' }, { label: 'VALUES', insertText: 'VALUES ' }, { label: 'VARCHAR', insertText: 'VARCHAR ' }, { label: 'VARIABLE', insertText: 'VARIABLE ' }, { label: 'VARYING', insertText: 'VARYING ' }, { label: 'VIEW', insertText: 'VIEW ' }, { label: 'WHEN', insertText: 'WHEN ' }, { label: 'WHENEVER', insertText: 'WHENEVER ' }, { label: 'WHERE', insertText: 'WHERE ' }, { label: 'WHERE EXISTS', insertText: 'WHERE EXISTS ' }, { label: 'WITH', insertText: 'WITH ' }, { label: 'WITHOUT', insertText: 'WITHOUT ' }, { label: 'WORK', insertText: 'WORK ' }, { label: 'WRITE', insertText: 'WRITE ' }, { label: 'YEAR', insertText: 'YEAR ' }, { label: 'ZONE', insertText: 'ZONE ' } ] } /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd * * @author Naveen MR * @author Pranav C Balan * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */