import { isTestSuiteActive } from "../../support/page_objects/projectConstants"; import { mainPage } from "../../support/page_objects/mainPage"; import { loginPage } from "../../support/page_objects/navigation"; let storedURL = ""; // 0: all enabled // 1: field hide // 2: field sort // 3: field filter // 4: default (address table): for view operation validation // 5: default (country table): for update row/column validation let viewURL = {}; export const genTest = (apiType, dbType) => { if (!isTestSuiteActive(apiType, dbType)) return; function verifyLtarCell(columnName, index, cellValue, options) { if (cellValue !== "") cy.get(`:nth-child(${index}) > [data-title="${columnName}"]`) .find(".chip") .eq(0) .contains(cellValue) .should("exist"); mainPage .getCell(columnName, index) .click() .find("") .should(`${options.unlink ? "exist" : "not.exist"}`); mainPage .getCell(columnName, index) .click() .find("") .should(`${ ? "exist" : "not.exist"}`); mainPage .getCell(columnName, index) .click() .find("") .should(`${options.expand ? "exist" : "not.exist"}`); } function actionLtarCell(columnName, index, button) { mainPage .getCell(columnName, index) .click() .find(`.nc-icon${button}`) .click({ force: true }); } function verifyChildListCard(cardValue, options) { // reload button cy.getActiveModal(".nc-modal-child-list") .find(`[data-cy="nc-child-list-reload"]`) .should(`${options.reload ? "exist" : "not.exist"}`); // link-to button cy.getActiveModal(".nc-modal-child-list") .find(`[data-cy="nc-child-list-button-link-to"]`) .should(`${options.linkTo ? "exist" : "not.exist"}`); // child card // - contents : should exist // - link-to button : should not exist // - delete button : should not exist if (cardValue !== "") { cy.getActiveModal(".nc-modal-child-list") .find(".ant-card") .contains(cardValue) .should("exist"); cy.getActiveModal(".nc-modal-child-list") .find(".ant-card") .find(`[data-cy="nc-child-list-icon-unlink"]`) .should(`${options.unlink ? "exist" : "not.exist"}`); cy.getActiveModal(".nc-modal-child-list") .find(".ant-card") .find(`[data-cy="nc-child-list-icon-delete"]`) .should(`${options.delete ? "exist" : "not.exist"}`); } } const generateViewLink = (viewName) => { mainPage.shareView().click(); cy.wait(1000); // wait, as URL initially will be /undefined cy.getActiveModal(".nc-modal-share-view") .find(".share-link-box") .contains("/nc/view/", { timeout: 10000 }) .should("exist"); // copy link text, visit URL cy.getActiveModal(".nc-modal-share-view") .find(".share-link-box") .contains("/nc/view/", { timeout: 10000 }) .then(($obj) => { // cy.get("body").type("{esc}"); cy.closeActiveModal(".nc-modal-share-view"); viewURL[viewName] = $obj.text().trim(); }); }; let clear; describe(`${apiType.toUpperCase()} api - GRID view (Share)`, () => { // Run once before test- create project (rest/graphql) // before(() => { cy.restoreLocalStorage(); cy.openTableTab("Address", 25); clear = Cypress.LocalStorage.clear; Cypress.LocalStorage.clear = () => {}; }); beforeEach(() => { cy.restoreLocalStorage(); }); afterEach(() => { cy.saveLocalStorage(); }); after(() => { // close table // mainPage.deleteCreatedViews() cy.restoreLocalStorage(); cy.closeTableTab("Address"); cy.saveLocalStorage(); Cypress.LocalStorage.clear = clear; }); // Common routine to create/edit/delete GRID & GALLERY view // Input: viewType - 'grid'/'gallery' // const viewTest = (viewType) => { it(`Create ${viewType.toUpperCase()} view`, () => { // create a normal public view cy.get(`.nc-create-${viewType}-view`).click(); cy.getActiveModal(".nc-modal-view-create") .find("button:contains(Submit)") .click(); cy.toastWait("View created successfully"); // store base URL- to re-visit and delete form view later cy.url().then((url) => { storedURL = url; }); }); it(`Share ${viewType.toUpperCase()} hide, sort, filter & verify`, () => { cy.intercept("/api/v1/db/meta/audits/comments/**").as( "waitForPageLoad" ); cy.get(`${viewType}-view-item`) .contains("Grid-1") .click(); mainPage.hideField("Address2"); mainPage.sortField("Address", "Z → A"); mainPage.filterField("Address", "is like", "Ab"); generateViewLink("combined"); cy.log(viewURL["combined"]); cy.wait(["@waitForPageLoad"]); // kludge: additional wait to ensure page load is completed cy.wait(2000); }); it(`Share GRID view : ensure we have only one link even if shared multiple times`, () => { // generate view link multiple times generateViewLink("combined"); generateViewLink("combined"); // verify if only one link exists in table mainPage.shareViewList().click(); cy.get('th:contains("View Link")').should("exist"); cy.get('th:contains("View Link")') .parent() .parent() .next() .find("tr") .its("length") .should("eq", 1) .then(() => { cy.get("button.ant-modal-close:visible").click(); }); cy.signOut(); }); it(`Share ${viewType.toUpperCase()} view : Visit URL, Verify title`, () => { // visit public view cy.visit(viewURL["combined"], { baseUrl: null, }); cy.wait(5000); // wait for page rendering to complete cy.get(".nc-grid-row").should("have.length", 18); // verify title cy.get(".nc-shared-view-title").contains("Grid-1").should("exist"); }); it(`Share ${viewType.toUpperCase()} view : verify fields hidden/open`, () => { // verify column headers cy.get('[data-title="Address"]').should("exist"); cy.get('[data-title="Address2"]').should("not.exist"); cy.get('[data-title="District"]').should("exist"); }); it(`Share ${viewType.toUpperCase()} view : verify fields sort/ filter`, () => { // country column content verification before sort mainPage .getCell("Address", 1) .contains("669 Firozabad Loop") .should("exist"); mainPage .getCell("Address", 2) .contains("48 Maracabo Place") .should("exist"); mainPage .getCell("Address", 3) .contains("44 Najafabad Way") .should("exist"); }); it(`Share ${viewType.toUpperCase()} view : verify download CSV`, () => { mainPage.hideField("LastUpdate"); const verifyCsv = (retrievedRecords) => { // expected output, statically configured let storedRecords = [ `Address,District,PostalCode,Phone`, `669 Firozabad Loop,,92265,,[object Object],2,,Kanchrapara,`, `48 Maracabo Place,,1570,,[object Object],2,,Tafuna,`, `44 Najafabad Way,,61391,,[object Object],2,,Tambaram,`, `381 Kabul Way,,87272,,[object Object],1,,Pudukkottai,`, ]; for (let i = 0; i < storedRecords.length; i++) { let strCol = storedRecords[i].split(","); let retCol = retrievedRecords[i].split(","); expect(strCol[0])[0]); expect(strCol[2])[2]); // expect(retrievedRecords[i])[i]) } }; // download & verify mainPage.downloadAndVerifyCsvFromSharedView( `Address_exported_1.csv`, verifyCsv ); mainPage.unhideField("LastUpdate"); }); it(`Share ${viewType.toUpperCase()} view : Disable sort`, () => { // remove sort and validate mainPage.clearSort(); mainPage .getCell("Address", 1) .contains("669 Firozabad Loop") .should("exist"); }); it(`Share ${viewType.toUpperCase()} view : Enable sort`, () => { // Sort menu operations (Country Column, Z->A) mainPage.sortField("Address", "A → Z"); mainPage .getCell("Address", 1) .contains("1013 Tabuk Boulevard") .should("exist"); }); it(`Share ${viewType.toUpperCase()} view : Create Filter`, () => { // add filter & validate mainPage.filterField("Address", "is like", "drive"); // wait for page rendering to complete cy.get(".nc-grid-row").should("have.length", 3); mainPage .getCell("Address", 1) .contains("1294 Firozabad Drive") .should("exist"); }); it(`Share ${viewType.toUpperCase()} view : verify download CSV after local filter`, () => { mainPage.hideField("LastUpdate"); const verifyCsv = (retrievedRecords) => { // expected output, statically configured let storedRecords = [ `Address,District,PostalCode,Phone,Location,Customer List,Staff List,City,Staff List`, `1294 Firozabad Drive,,70618,,2,,Pingxiang,,`, `1661 Abha Drive,,14400,,1,,Pudukkottai,,`, ]; // for (let i = 0; i < storedRecords.length; i++) { // expect(retrievedRecords[i])[i]) // } for (let i = 0; i < storedRecords.length; i++) { let strCol = storedRecords[i].split(","); let retCol = retrievedRecords[i].split(","); expect(strCol[0])[0]); expect(strCol[2])[2]); } }; mainPage.downloadAndVerifyCsvFromSharedView( `Address_exported_1.csv`, verifyCsv ); mainPage.unhideField("LastUpdate"); }); it(`Share ${viewType.toUpperCase()} view : Delete Filter`, () => { // Remove sort and Validate mainPage.filterReset(); mainPage.clearSort(); mainPage .getCell("Address", 1) .contains("669 Firozabad Loop") .should("exist"); }); it(`Share GRID view : Virtual column validation > has many`, () => { // verify column headers cy.get('[data-title="Customer List"]').should("exist"); cy.get('[data-title="Staff List"]').should("exist"); cy.get('[data-title="City"]').should("exist"); cy.get('[data-title="Staff List1"]').should("exist"); // has many field validation verifyLtarCell("Customer List", 1, "1", { unlink: false, plus: false, expand: true, }); actionLtarCell("Customer List", 1, ".nc-arrow-expand"); verifyChildListCard("1", { reload: true, linkTo: false, unlink: false, delete: false, }); cy.closeActiveModal(".nc-modal-child-list"); }); it(`Share GRID view : Virtual column validation > belongs to`, () => { // belongs to field validation verifyLtarCell("City", 1, "al-Ayn", { unlink: false, plus: false, expand: false, }); }); it(`Share GRID view : Virtual column validation > many to many`, () => { // many to many field verification verifyLtarCell("Staff List1", 1, "", { unlink: false, plus: false, expand: true, }); actionLtarCell("Staff List1", 1, ".nc-arrow-expand"); verifyChildListCard("", { reload: true, linkTo: false, unlink: false, delete: false, }); }); it(`Delete ${viewType.toUpperCase()} view`, () => { // go back to base page loginPage.loginAndOpenProject(apiType, dbType); cy.openTableTab("Address", 25); // number of view entries should be 2 before we delete cy.get(".nc-view-item").its("length").should("eq", 2); cy.get(".nc-view-delete-icon").eq(0).click({ force: true }); cy.getActiveModal(".nc-modal-view-delete") .find(".ant-btn-dangerous") .click(); cy.toastWait("View deleted successfully"); // confirm if the number of veiw entries is reduced by 1 cy.get(".nc-view-item").its("length").should("eq", 1); }); }; // below scenario's will be invoked twice, once for rest & then for graphql viewTest("grid"); }); describe(`${apiType.toUpperCase()} api - Grid view/ row-column update verification`, () => { before(() => { cy.restoreLocalStorage(); // Address table has belongs to, has many & many-to-many cy.openTableTab("Country", 25); // store base URL- to re-visit and delete form view later cy.url().then((url) => { storedURL = url; generateViewLink("rowColUpdate"); }); }); beforeEach(() => { cy.restoreLocalStorage(); }); afterEach(() => { cy.saveLocalStorage(); }); after(() => { cy.restoreLocalStorage(); cy.closeTableTab("Country"); cy.saveLocalStorage(); }); it(`Generate default Shared GRID view URL`, () => { // add row mainPage.addNewRowExpand("Country"); cy.get(".nc-expand-col-Country") .find(".nc-cell > input") .should("exist") .first() .clear({ force: true }) .type("a"); cy.getActiveDrawer(".nc-drawer-expanded-form") .find("button") .contains("Save row") .should("exist") .click(); cy.toastWait("updated successfully"); cy.getActiveDrawer(".nc-drawer-expanded-form") .find("button") .contains("Cancel") .should("exist") .click(); // add column mainPage.addColumn("dummy", "Country"); cy.signOut(); // visit public view cy.log(viewURL["rowColUpdate"]); cy.visit(viewURL["rowColUpdate"], { baseUrl: null, }); cy.wait(5000); // wait for public view page to load! // wait for page rendering to complete cy.get(".nc-grid-row").should("have.length", 25); }); it(`Share GRID view : new row visible`, () => { // verify row // cy.get(`.v-pagination > li:contains('5') button`).click(); cy.get( `.nc-pagination > .ant-pagination-item.ant-pagination-item-5` ).click(); // wait for page rendering to complete cy.get(".nc-grid-row").should("have.length", 10); mainPage.getCell("Country", 10).contains("a").should("exist"); }); it(`Share GRID view : new column visible`, () => { // verify column headers cy.get('[data-title="dummy"]').should("exist"); }); it(`Clean up`, () => { loginPage.loginAndOpenProject(apiType, dbType); cy.openTableTab("Country", 25); // delete row mainPage.getPagination(5).click(); // kludge: flicker on load cy.wait(3000); // wait for page rendering to complete cy.get(".nc-grid-row").should("have.length", 10); mainPage.getCell("Country", 10).rightclick(); cy.getActiveMenu(".nc-dropdown-grid-context-menu") .find('.ant-dropdown-menu-item:contains("Delete Row")') .first() .click(); // delete column mainPage.deleteColumn("dummy"); mainPage.deleteCreatedViews(); }); }); }; /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd * * @author Pranav C Balan * @author Raju Udava * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */