title: 'REST APIs'
position: 1010
category: 'Developer Resources'
menuTitle: 'REST APIs'
## Features
* **Automatic REST APIs for any SQL database**
* Generates REST APIs for **ANY** MySql, Postgres, MSSQL, Sqlite database
* Serves APIs irrespective of naming conventions of primary keys, foreign keys, tables etc
* Support for composite primary keys
* CRUD, List, FindOne, Count, Exists, Distinct (Usual suspects)
* Pagination
* Sorting
* Column filtering - Fields
* Row filtering - Where
* Bulk insert, Bulk delete, Bulk read
* Relations - automatically detected
* Aggregate functions
* More
* Upload single file
* Upload multiple files
* Download file
* Authentication
* Access Control
## Data APIs
| **Method** | **Path** | **Query Params** | **Description** |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName](#list) | [where, limit, offset, sort, fields, mm, bt, hm](#query-params) | List rows of the table |
| **POST** | [/api/v1/tableName](#create) | | Insert row into table |
| **PUT** | [/api/v1/tableName/:id](#update) | | Update existing row in table |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/:id](#get-by-primary-key) | | Get row by primary key |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/:id/exists](#exists) | | Check row with provided primary key exists or not |
| **DELETE** | [/api/v1/tableName/:id](#delete) | | Delete existing row in table |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/findOne](#find-one) | [where, limit, offset, sort, fields](#query-params) | Find first row which matches the conditions in table |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/groupby/:columnName](#group-by) | | Group by columns |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/distribution/:columnName](#distribution) | | Distribute data based on column |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/distinct/:columnName](#distinct) | | Find distinct column values |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/aggregate/:columnName](#aggregate) | | Do aggregation on columns |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/count](#count) | [where](#query-params) | Get total rows count |
| **POST** | [/api/v1/tableName/bulk](#bulk-insert) | | Bulk row insert |
| **PUT** | [/api/v1/tableName/bulk](#bulk-update) | | Bulk row update |
| **DELETE** | [/api/v1/tableName/bulk](#bulk-delete) | | Bulk row delete |
* tableName - Alias of the corresponding table
* columnName - Alias of the column in table
### Query params
| **Name** | **Alias** | **Use case** | **Default value** |**Example value** |
| [where](#comparison-operators) | [w](#comparison-operators) | Complicated where conditions | | `(colName,eq,colValue)~or(colName2,gt,colValue2)`
[Usage: Comparison operators](#comparison-operators)
[Usage: Logical operators](#logical-operators) |
| limit | l | Number of rows to get(SQL limit value) | 10 | 20 |
| offset | o | Offset for pagination(SQL offset value) | 0 | 20 |
| sort | s | Sort by column name, Use `-` as prefix for descending sort | | column_name |
| fields | f | Required column names in result | * | column_name1,column_name2 |
| fields1 | f1 | Required column names in child result | * | column_name1,column_name2 |
| bt | | Comma-separated belongs to tables | `All belongs to tables` | [click here for example](#nested-parentbelongs-to) |
| bfields`
` | bf`
` | Required belongs to table column names in result. Where `
` refers to position of table name in `bt` parameter(starts from `1`) | primary key and primary value | [click here for example](#nested-parentbelongs-to) |
| hm | | Comma-separated has many tables | `All hasmany tables` | [click here for example](#nested-childrenhas-many) |
| hfields`
` | hf`
` | Required has many table column names in result. Where `
` refers to position of table name in `hm` parameter(starts from `1`) | primary key and primary value | [click here for example](#nested-childrenhas-many) |
| mm | | Comma-separated many to many tables | `All many to many tables` | [click here for example](#nested-childrenmany-to-many) |
| mfields`
` | mf`
` | Required many to many table column names in result. Where `
` refers to position of table name in `mm` parameter(starts from `1`) | primary key and primary value | [click here for example](#nested-childrenmany-to-many) |
## HasMany APIs
| **Method** | **Path** | **Query Params** | **Description** |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/has/childTableName](#with-children) | [where, limit, offset, sort, fields, fields1](#query-params) | List rows of the table with children |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/:parentId/childTableName](#children-of-parent) | [where, limit, offset, sort, fields, fields1](#query-params) | Get children under a certain parent |
| **POST** | [/api/v1/tableName/:parentId/childTableName](#insert-to-child-table) | | Insert children under a certain parent |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/:parentId/childTableName/findOne](#findone-under-parent) | where, limit, offset, sort, fields | Find children under a parent with conditions |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/:parentId/childTableName/count](#child-count) | | Find children count |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/tableName/:parentId/childTableName/:id](#get-child-by-primary-key) | | Find child by id |
| **PUT** | [/api/v1/tableName/:parentId/childTableName/:id](#update-child-by-primary-key) | | Update child by id |
* tableName - Name of the parent table
* parentId - Id in parent table
* childTableName - Name of the child table
* id - Id in child table
## BelongsTo APIs
| **Method** | **Path** | **Query Params** | **Description** |
| **GET** | [/api/v1/childTableName/belongs/parentTablename](#with-parent) | where, limit, offset, sort, fields | List rows of the table with parent |
* tableName - Name of the parent table
* childTableName - Name of the child table
#### Comparison operators
eq - '=' - (colName,eq,colValue)
not - '!=' - (colName,not,colValue)
gt - '>' - (colName,gt,colValue)
ge - '>=' - (colName,ge,colValue)
lt - '<' - (colName,lt,colValue)
le - '<=' - (colName,le,colValue)
is - 'is' - (colName,is,true/false/null)
isnot - 'is not' - (colName,isnot,true/false/null)
in - 'in' - (colName,in,val1,val2,val3,val4)
btw - 'between' - (colName,btw,val1,val2)
nbtw - 'not between'- (colName,nbtw,val1,val2)
like - 'like' - (colName,like,%name)
#### Example use of comparison operators - complex example
#### Logical operators
~or - 'or'
~and - 'and'
~not - 'not'
## Examples
### List
GET /api/v1/country
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### List + where
GET /api/v1/country?where=(country,like,United%)
"country_id": 101,
"country": "United Arab Emirates",
"last_update": "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
"country_id": 102,
"country": "United Kingdom",
"last_update": "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
"country_id": 103,
"country": "United States",
"last_update": "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
Usage : comparison operators
#### List + where + sort
GET /api/v1/country?where=(country,like,United%)&sort=-country
country_id: 103,
country: "United States",
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
country_id: 102,
country: "United Kingdom",
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
country_id: 101,
country: "United Arab Emirates",
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
### List + where + sort + offset
GET /api/v1/country?where=(country,like,United%)&sort=-country&offset=1
country_id: 102,
country: "United Kingdom",
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
country_id: 101,
country: "United Arab Emirates",
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"
### List + limit
GET /api/v1/country?limit=6
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"country_id": 2,
"country": "Algeria",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"country_id": 3,
"country": "American Samoa",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"country_id": 4,
"country": "Angola",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"country_id": 5,
"country": "Anguilla",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"country_id": 6,
"country": "Argentina",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### Get By Primary Key
GET /api/v1/country/1
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### Create
POST /api/v1/country
"country": "Afghanistan"
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### Update
PUT /api/v1/country/1
"country": "Afghanistan1"
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan1",
"last_update": "20020-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### Exists
DELETE /api/v1/country/1/exists
### Delete
DELETE /api/v1/country/1
### Find One
GET /api/v1/country/findOne?where=(country_id,eq,1)
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### Group By
GET /api/v1/country/groupby/last_update
"count": 109,
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"count": 1,
"last_update": "2020-01-06T15:18:13.000Z"
"count": 1,
"last_update": "2020-01-06T14:33:21.000Z"
### Distribution
GET /api/v1/payment/distribution/amount
"count": 8302,
"range": "0-4"
"count": 3100,
"range": "5-8"
"count": 371,
"range": "9-11.99"
### Distinct
GET /api/v1/country/distinct/last_update
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
"last_update": "2020-01-06T15:18:13.000Z"
"last_update": "2020-01-06T14:33:21.000Z"
"last_update": "2020-01-07T13:42:01.000Z"
### Aggregate
GET /api/v1/payment/aggregate/amount?func=min,max,avg,sum,count
"min": 0,
"max": 11.99,
"avg": 4.200743,
"sum": 67413.52,
"count": 16048
### Count
GET /api/v1/country/count
"count": 161
### Nested Parent(Belongs To)
GET /api/v1/City?bt=country&bfields1=Country,CountryId
"CityId": 1,
"City": "A Corua (La Corua)",
"CountryId": 87,
"LastUpdate": "2006-02-14T23:15:25.000Z",
"CountryRead": {
"CountryId": 87,
"Country": "Spain"
"CityId": 2,
"City": "Abha",
"CountryId": 82,
"LastUpdate": "2006-02-14T23:15:25.000Z",
"CountryRead": {
"CountryId": 82,
"Country": "Saudi Arabia"
"CityId": 3,
"City": "Abu Dhabi",
"CountryId": 101,
"LastUpdate": "2006-02-14T23:15:25.000Z",
"CountryRead": {
"CountryId": 101,
"Country": "United Arab Emirates"
### Nested Children(Has Many)
GET /api/v1/Country?hm=city&hfields1=City,CityId
"CountryId": 1,
"Country": "Afghanistan",
"LastUpdate": "2021-11-15T14:11:37.000Z",
"CityList": [
"CityId": 251,
"City": "Kabul",
"CountryId": 1
"CountryId": 2,
"Country": "Algeria",
"LastUpdate": "2021-11-15T14:11:42.000Z",
"CityList": [
"CityId": 59,
"City": "Batna",
"CountryId": 2
"CityId": 63,
"City": "Bchar",
"CountryId": 2
"CityId": 483,
"City": "Skikda",
"CountryId": 2
"CountryId": 3,
"Country": "American Samoa",
"LastUpdate": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z",
"CityList": [
"CityId": 516,
"City": "Tafuna",
"CountryId": 3
### Nested Children(Many To Many)
GET /api/v1/Actor?l=3&mm=film&mfields1=ReleaseYear
"ActorId": 1,
"FirstName": "PENELOPE",
"LastName": "GUINESS",
"LastUpdate": "2021-11-24T14:43:23.000Z",
"FilmMMList": [
"actor_actor_id": 1,
"FilmId": 1,
"Title": "Test Movie 1",
"ReleaseYear": 2001
"ActorId": 2,
"FirstName": "NICK",
"LastName": "WAHLBERG",
"LastUpdate": "2006-02-14T23:04:33.000Z",
"FilmMMList": [
"actor_actor_id": 2,
"FilmId": 1,
"Title": "Test Movie 2",
"ReleaseYear": 2002
"ActorId": 3,
"FirstName": "ED",
"LastName": "CHASE",
"LastUpdate": "2006-02-14T23:04:33.000Z",
"FilmMMList": [
"actor_actor_id": 3,
"FilmId": 1,
"Title": "Test Movie 3",
"ReleaseYear": 2000
### Bulk Insert
POST /api/v1/country/bulk
"country": "test 1"
"country": "test 2"
### Bulk Update
PUT /api/v1/country/bulk
"country_id" : 10261,
"country": "test 3"
"country_id" : 10262,
"country": "test 4"
### Bulk Delete
DELETE /api/v1/country/bulk
"country_id" : 10261
"country_id" : 10262
### With Children
GET /api/v1/country/has/city
"country_id": 1,
"country": "Afghanistan",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z",
"city": [
"city_id": 251,
"city": "Kabul",
"country_id": 1,
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:15:25.000Z"
### Children of parent
GET /api/v1/country/1/city
"city_id": 251,
"city": "Kabul",
"country_id": 1,
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:15:25.000Z"
### Insert to child table
POST /api/v1/country/1/city
"city": "test"
"city": "test",
"country_id": "1",
"city_id": 10000
### Findone under parent
GET /api/v1/country/1/city/findOne?where=(city,like,ka%)
"city": "test",
"country_id": "1",
"city_id": 10000
### Child count
GET /api/v1/country/1/city/count
"count": 37
### Get Child By Primary key
GET /api/v1/country/1/city/251
"city_id": 251,
"city": "Kabul",
"country_id": 1,
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:15:25.000Z"
### Update Child By Primary key
POST /api/v1/country/1/city/251
"city": "Kabul-1"
### Get parent and chlidren within
GET /api/v1/country/has/city
"city_id": 1,
"city": "sdsdsdsd",
"country_id": 87,
"last_update": "2020-01-02T14:50:49.000Z",
"country": {
"country_id": 87,
"country": "Spain",
"last_update": "2006-02-14T23:14:00.000Z"
### Get table and parent class within
GET /api/v1/city/belongs/country
city_id: 1,
city: "A Corua (La Corua)",
country_id: 87,
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:45:25.000Z",
country: {
country_id: 87,
country: "Spain",
last_update: "2006-02-15T04:44:00.000Z"