import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk' import TemplateGenerator from './TemplateGenerator' import { getCheckboxValue, isCheckboxType } from './parserHelpers' const excelTypeToUidt: Record = { d: UITypes.DateTime, b: UITypes.Checkbox, n: UITypes.Number, s: UITypes.SingleLineText, } export default class ExcelTemplateAdapter extends TemplateGenerator { config: { maxRowsToParse: number } & Record name: string excelData: any project: { title: string tables: any[] } data: Record = {} wb: any xlsx: typeof import('xlsx') constructor(name = '', data = {}, parserConfig = {}) { super() this.config = { maxRowsToParse: 500, ...parserConfig, } = name this.excelData = data this.project = { title:, tables: [], } this.xlsx = {} as any } async init() { this.xlsx = await import('xlsx') const options = { cellText: true, cellDates: true, } if ( === 'csv') { this.wb = TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array(this.excelData)), { type: 'string', ...options, }) } else { this.wb = Uint8Array(this.excelData), { type: 'array', ...options, }) } } parse() { const tableNamePrefixRef: Record = {} // TODO: find the upper bound / make it configurable const maxSelectOptionsAllowed = 64 for (let i = 0; i < this.wb.SheetNames.length; i++) { const columnNamePrefixRef: Record = { id: 0 } const sheet: any = this.wb.SheetNames[i] let tn: string = (sheet || 'table').replace(/[` ~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/g, '_').trim() while (tn in tableNamePrefixRef) { tn = `${tn}${++tableNamePrefixRef[tn]}` } tableNamePrefixRef[tn] = 0 const table = { table_name: tn, ref_table_name: tn, columns: [] as any[] }[tn] = [] const ws: any = this.wb.Sheets[sheet] const range = this.xlsx.utils.decode_range(ws['!ref']) let rows: any = this.xlsx.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, { header: 1, blankrows: false, defval: null }) if ( !== 'csv') { // fix precision bug & timezone offset issues introduced by xlsx const basedate = new Date(1899, 11, 30, 0, 0, 0) // number of milliseconds since base date const dnthresh = basedate.getTime() + (new Date().getTimezoneOffset() - basedate.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60000 // number of milliseconds in a day const day_ms = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // handle date1904 property const fixImportedDate = (date: Date) => { const parsed = this.xlsx.SSF.parse_date_code((date.getTime() - dnthresh) / day_ms, { date1904: this.wb.Workbook.WBProps.date1904, }) return new Date(parsed.y, parsed.m, parsed.d, parsed.H, parsed.M, parsed.S) } // fix imported date rows = any) => any) => { return v instanceof Date ? fixImportedDate(v) : v }), ) } const columnNameRowExist = +rows[0].every((v: any) => v === null || typeof v === 'string') // const colLen = Math.max() for (let col = 0; col < rows[0].length; col++) { let cn: string = ((columnNameRowExist && rows[0] && rows[0][col] && rows[0][col].toString().trim()) || `field_${col + 1}`) .replace(/[` ~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/g, '_') .trim() while (cn in columnNamePrefixRef) { cn = `${cn}${++columnNamePrefixRef[cn]}` } columnNamePrefixRef[cn] = 0 const column: Record = { column_name: cn, ref_column_name: cn, } // const cellId = `${col.toString(26).split('').map(s => (parseInt(s, 26) + 10).toString(36).toUpperCase())}2`; const cellId = this.xlsx.utils.encode_cell({ c: range.s.c + col, r: columnNameRowExist, }) const cellProps = ws[cellId] || {} column.uidt = excelTypeToUidt[cellProps.t] || UITypes.SingleLineText // todo: optimize if (column.uidt === UITypes.SingleLineText) { // check for long text if (rows.some((r: any) => (r[col] || '').toString().match(/[\r\n]/) || (r[col] || '').toString().length > 255)) { column.uidt = UITypes.LongText } else { const vals = rows .slice(columnNameRowExist ? 1 : 0) .map((r: any) => r[col]) .filter((v: any) => v !== null && v !== undefined && v.toString().trim() !== '') const checkboxType = isCheckboxType(vals) if (checkboxType.length === 1) { column.uidt = UITypes.Checkbox } else { if (vals.some((v: any) => v && v.toString().includes(','))) { const flattenedVals = vals.flatMap((v: any) => v ? v .toString() .trim() .split(/\s*,\s*/) : [], ) // TODO: handle case sensitive case const uniqueVals = [ Set( any) => v.toString().trim().toLowerCase()))] if (uniqueVals.length > maxSelectOptionsAllowed) { // too many options are detected, convert the column to SingleLineText instead column.uidt = UITypes.SingleLineText // _disableSelect is used to disable the in TemplateEditor column._disableSelect = true } else { // assume the column type is multiple select if there are repeated values if (flattenedVals.length > uniqueVals.length && uniqueVals.length <= Math.ceil(flattenedVals.length / 2)) { column.uidt = UITypes.MultiSelect } // set dtxp here so that users can have the options even they switch the type from other types to MultiSelect // once it's set, dtxp needs to be reset if the final column type is not MultiSelect column.dtxp = `'${uniqueVals.join("','")}'` } } else { // TODO: handle case sensitive case const uniqueVals = [ Set( any) => v.toString().trim().toLowerCase()))] if (uniqueVals.length > maxSelectOptionsAllowed) { // too many options are detected, convert the column to SingleLineText instead column.uidt = UITypes.SingleLineText // _disableSelect is used to disable the in TemplateEditor column._disableSelect = true } else { // assume the column type is single select if there are repeated values // once it's set, dtxp needs to be reset if the final column type is not Single Select if (vals.length > uniqueVals.length && uniqueVals.length <= Math.ceil(vals.length / 2)) { column.uidt = UITypes.SingleSelect } // set dtxp here so that users can have the options even they switch the type from other types to SingleSelect // once it's set, dtxp needs to be reset if the final column type is not SingleSelect column.dtxp = `'${uniqueVals.join("','")}'` } } } } } else if (column.uidt === UITypes.Number) { if ( rows.slice(1, this.config.maxRowsToParse).some((v: any) => { return v && v[col] && parseInt(v[col]) !== +v[col] }) ) { column.uidt = UITypes.Decimal } if ( rows.slice(1, this.config.maxRowsToParse).every((v: any, i: any) => { const cellId = this.xlsx.utils.encode_cell({ c: range.s.c + col, r: i + columnNameRowExist, }) const cellObj = ws[cellId] return !cellObj || (cellObj.w && cellObj.w.startsWith('$')) }) ) { column.uidt = UITypes.Currency } } else if (column.uidt === UITypes.DateTime) { if ( rows.slice(1, this.config.maxRowsToParse).every((v: any, i: any) => { const cellId = this.xlsx.utils.encode_cell({ c: range.s.c + col, r: i + columnNameRowExist, }) const cellObj = ws[cellId] return !cellObj || (cellObj.w && cellObj.w.split(' ').length === 1) }) ) { column.uidt = UITypes.Date } } table.columns.push(column) } let rowIndex = 0 for (const row of rows.slice(1)) { const rowData: Record = {} for (let i = 0; i < table.columns.length; i++) { if (table.columns[i].uidt === UITypes.Checkbox) { rowData[table.columns[i].column_name] = getCheckboxValue(row[i]) } else if (table.columns[i].uidt === UITypes.Currency) { const cellId = this.xlsx.utils.encode_cell({ c: range.s.c + i, r: rowIndex + columnNameRowExist, }) const cellObj = ws[cellId] rowData[table.columns[i].column_name] = (cellObj && cellObj.w && cellObj.w.replace(/[^\d.]+/g, '')) || row[i] } else if (table.columns[i].uidt === UITypes.SingleSelect || table.columns[i].uidt === UITypes.MultiSelect) { rowData[table.columns[i].column_name] = (row[i] || '').toString().trim() || null } else { // toto: do parsing if necessary based on type rowData[table.columns[i].column_name] = row[i] } }[tn].push(rowData) rowIndex++ } this.project.tables.push(table) } } getTemplate() { return this.project } getData() { return } getColumns() { return Record) => t.columns) } }