import type { WritableComputedRef } from '@vue/reactivity' import { computed, navigateTo, ref, useInjectionState, useProject, useRoute, useRouter, watch } from '#imports' import type { TabItem } from '~/lib' import { TabType } from '~/lib' function getPredicate(key: Partial<TabItem>) { return (tab: TabItem) => (!('id' in key) || === && (!('title' in key) || tab.title === key.title) && (!('type' in key) || tab.type === key.type) } const [setup, use] = useInjectionState(() => { const tabs = ref<TabItem[]>([]) const route = useRoute() const router = useRouter() const { bases, tables } = useProject() const projectType = $computed(() => route.params.projectType as string) const previousActiveTabIndex = ref(-1) const activeTabIndex: WritableComputedRef<number> = computed({ get() { const routeName = as string if (routeName.startsWith('projectType-projectId-index-index-type-title-viewTitle') && tables.value.length) { const tab: TabItem = { type: route.params.type as TabType, title: route.params.title as string } const currentTable = tables.value.find((t) => === tab.title || t.title === tab.title) if (!currentTable) return -1 const currentBase = bases.value.find((b) => === currentTable.base_id) = let index = tabs.value.findIndex((t) => === tab.title = currentTable.title tab.meta = currentTable.meta // append base alias to tab title if duplicate titles exist on other bases if (tables.value.find((t) => t.title === currentTable?.title && t.base_id !== currentTable?.base_id)) tab.title = `${tab.title}${currentBase?.alias ? ` (${currentBase.alias})` : ``}` if (index === -1) { tab.sortsState = tab.sortsState || new Map() tab.filterState = tab.filterState || new Map() tabs.value.push(tab) index = tabs.value.length - 1 } return index } else if (routeName.startsWith('nc-projectId-index-index-auth')) { return tabs.value.findIndex((t) => t.type === 'auth') } // by default, it's showing Team & Auth return 0 }, set(index: number) { if (index === -1) { navigateTo(`/${projectType}/${route.params.projectId}`) } else { const tab = tabs.value[index] if (!tab) return navigateToTab(tab) } }, }) watch(activeTabIndex, (_, old) => { previousActiveTabIndex.value = old }) const activeTab = computed(() => tabs.value?.[activeTabIndex.value]) const addTab = (tabMeta: TabItem) => { tabMeta.sortsState = tabMeta.sortsState || new Map() tabMeta.filterState = tabMeta.filterState || new Map() const tabIndex = tabs.value.findIndex((tab) => === // if tab already found make it active if (tabIndex > -1) { activeTabIndex.value = tabIndex } // if tab not found add it else { const currentTable = tables.value.find((t) => === || t.title === const currentBase = bases.value.find((b) => === currentTable?.base_id) tabMeta.meta = currentTable?.meta // append base alias to tab title if duplicate titles exist on other bases if (tables.value.find((t) => t.title === currentTable?.title && t.base_id !== currentTable?.base_id)) tabMeta.title = `${tabMeta.title}${currentBase?.alias ? ` (${currentBase.alias})` : ``}` tabs.value = [...(tabs.value || []), tabMeta] activeTabIndex.value = tabs.value.length - 1 } } const clearTabs = () => { tabs.value = [] } const closeTab = async (key: number | Partial<TabItem>) => { const index = typeof key === 'number' ? key : tabs.value.findIndex(getPredicate(key)) if (activeTabIndex.value === index) { let newTabIndex = index - 1 if (newTabIndex < 0 && tabs.value?.length > 1) newTabIndex = index + 1 if (newTabIndex === -1) { await navigateTo(`/${projectType}/${route.params.projectId}`) } else { await navigateToTab(tabs.value?.[newTabIndex]) } } tabs.value.splice(index, 1) } function navigateToTab(tab: TabItem) { switch (tab.type) { case TabType.TABLE: return navigateTo(`/${projectType}/${route.params.projectId}/table/${tab?.id}${tab.viewTitle ? `/${tab.viewTitle}` : ''}`) case TabType.VIEW: return navigateTo(`/${projectType}/${route.params.projectId}/view/${tab?.id}${tab.viewTitle ? `/${tab.viewTitle}` : ''}`) case TabType.AUTH: return navigateTo(`/${projectType}/${route.params.projectId}/auth`) } } const updateTab = (key: number | Partial<TabItem>, newTabItemProps: Partial<TabItem>) => { const tab = typeof key === 'number' ? tabs.value[key] : tabs.value.find(getPredicate(key)) if (tab) { const isActive = tabs.value.indexOf(tab) === previousActiveTabIndex.value Object.assign(tab, newTabItemProps) if (isActive && router.replace({ params: { title:, }, }) } } return { tabs, addTab, activeTabIndex, activeTab, clearTabs, closeTab, updateTab } }) export function useTabs() { const state = use() if (!state) { return setup() } return state }