import type { ComputedRef, Ref } from 'vue' import type { MapType, TableType, ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk' import { ref, useInjectionState } from '#imports' import type { Row } from '~/lib' const [useProvideMapViewStore, useMapViewStore] = useInjectionState( ( meta: Ref, viewMeta: Ref | ComputedRef<(ViewType & { id: string }) | undefined>, ) => { const formattedData = ref() // const { api } = useApi() // const { project } = useProject() // const { $e, $api } = useNuxtApp() const { $api } = useNuxtApp() const mapMetaData = ref({}) // const geoDataField = ref('') // const geoDataFieldColumn = ref() async function loadMapMeta() { if (!viewMeta?.value?.id || !meta?.value?.columns) return mapMetaData.value = await $api.dbView.mapRead( } async function loadMapData() { // if (!viewMeta?.value?.id || !meta?.value?.columns) return // formattedData.value = [] // const res = await api.dbViewRow.list('noco',!, meta.value!.id!, viewMeta.value!.id!) // // geoDataFieldColumn.value = // // (meta.value.columns as ColumnType[]).filter((f) => === mapMetaData.value.fk_geo_data_col_id)[0] || {} // geoDataField.value = geoDataFieldColumn!.value!.title! // // const { fk_geo_data_col_id, meta: geo_meta } = mapMetaData.value // // const geoMetaObj: any.value = geo_meta ? JSON.parse(geo_meta as string) : {} // // console.log('column geodata', stackMetaObj.value[fk_geo_data_col_id]) // // if ((!project?.value?.id || !meta.value?.id || !viewMeta?.value?.id) && !isPublic.value) return // // reset formattedData & countByStack to avoid storing previous data after changing grouping field // // alert('in loadMapData') // // debugger // console.log('res in mapviewdatastore', res) // // for (const data of res.list) { // // formattedData.value = data.value // // } // formattedData.value = res.list } return { formattedData, loadMapData, loadMapMeta, mapMetaData, } }, ) export { useProvideMapViewStore } export function useMapViewStoreOrThrow() { const mapViewStore = useMapViewStore() if (mapViewStore == null) throw new Error('Please call `useProvideMapViewStore` on the appropriate parent component') return mapViewStore } // async function loadMapData() { // if ((!project?.value?.id || !meta.value?.id || !viewMeta?.value?.id) && !isPublic.value) return // // reset formattedData & countByStack to avoid storing previous data after changing grouping field // formattedData.value = new Map() // countByStack.value = new Map() // let res // if (isPublic.value) { // res = await fetchSharedViewGroupedData(groupingFieldColumn!.value!.id!) // } else { // res = await api.dbViewRow.groupedDataList( // 'noco', //!, // meta.value!.id!, // viewMeta.value!.id!, // groupingFieldColumn!.value!.id!, // {}, // {}, // ) // } // for (const data of res) { // const key = data.key // formattedData.value.set(key, formatData(data.value.list)) // countByStack.value.set(key, data.value.pageInfo.totalRows || 0) // } // }