/* eslint-disable */ import Vue from 'vue' import treeViewDataSerializer from '~/helpers/treeViewDataSerializer' import deepFind from '~/helpers/deepFind' import deepSet from '~/helpers/deepSet' import { isMetaTable } from '@/helpers/xutils' // const {path, config, jsonfile} = require('electron').remote.require('./libs') const defaultProject = ''//jsonfile.readFileSync(config.electron.defaultProjectPath); // import setProp from "../helpers/setProp"; export const state = () => ({ list: [], /*** * Row of project in xc.sqlite + projectJson */ unserializedList: [], defaultProject, appInfo: null, activeEnv: null, authDbAlias: null, projectId: null, project: null, tables: [] }) export const mutations = { tables(state, tables) { state.tables = tables }, add(state, project) { state.list.push(project) }, MutProjectId(state, projectId) { state.projectId = projectId }, update(state, data) { }, remove(state, { project }) { state.list.splice(state.list.indexOf(project), 1) }, list(state, projects) { Vue.set(state, 'unserializedList', projects) // state.unserializedList = projects; // state.list = treeViewDataSerializer(projects); state.authDbAlias = projects[0] && projects[0].projectJson && projects[0].projectJson.auth && projects[0].projectJson.auth.jwt && projects[0].projectJson.auth.jwt.dbAlias Vue.set(state, 'list', treeViewDataSerializer(projects)) if (!(projects && projects[0] && projects[0].workingEnv)) { return } state.activeEnv = projects[0].workingEnv }, project(state, val) { const formattedProj = { ...val, projectJson: { ...val, envs: { _noco: { db: [{ ...val.bases[0], client: val.bases[0].type, connection: { database: val.bases[0].database }, meta: {} }] } } } } const projects = [formattedProj] Vue.set(state, 'unserializedList', projects) Vue.set(state, 'list', treeViewDataSerializer(projects)) state.project = val }, setProjectJson(state, projJson) { // setProp(state, ['unserializedList', 0, 'projectJson'], projJson) Vue.set(state.unserializedList, '0', { ...state.unserializedList[0], projectJson: projJson }) // state.unserializedList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state.unserializedList)) }, setDefaultProjectJson(state, projJson) { // setProp(state, ['unserializedList', 0, 'projectJson'], projJson) Vue.set(state, 'defaultProject', { ...projJson }) }, MutAppInfo(state, appInfo) { state.appInfo = appInfo }, MutProjectCost(state, cost) { state.project.cost = cost }, } function getSerializedEnvObj(data) { return data.reduce((obj, { key, value, enabled }) => { if (enabled) { obj[key] = value } return obj }, {}) } export const getters = { GtrEnv(state) { return state.appInfo && state.appInfo.env }, GtrFirstDbAlias(state, getters) { return (state.unserializedList && state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.envs && getters.GtrEnv && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.envs[getters.GtrEnv] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.envs[getters.GtrEnv].db && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.envs[getters.GtrEnv].db[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.envs[getters.GtrEnv].db[0].meta && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.envs[getters.GtrEnv].db[0].meta.dbAlias) || 'db' }, GtrDbAliasList(state, getters) { return (state.unserializedList && state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.envs && getters.GtrEnv && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.envs[getters.GtrEnv] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.envs[getters.GtrEnv].db) // && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.envs[gettersGtrEnv].db.map(db => db.meta.dbAlias)) || [] }, list(state) { return state.list }, currentProjectFolder(state) { // unserializedList.o.folder return state.unserializedList && state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].folder }, projectQueriesFolder(state) { // unserializedList.o.folder return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.queriesFolder }, projectApisFolder(state) { // unserializedList.o.folder return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.apisFolder }, projectApisFolderPath(state) { return '' // unserializedList.o.folder // console.log(state.unserializedList[0]); // return path.join(state.unserializedList && state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].folder, // 'server', 'tool', state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.apisFolder); }, GtrProjectJson(state) { // return state.unserializedList && state.unserializedList[0] ? state.unserializedList[0].projectJson : null; return state.project }, GtrProjectJsonUnserialized(state) { let data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state.unserializedList && state.unserializedList[0] ? state.unserializedList[0].projectJson : null)) if (!data) { return {} } for (let env of Object.values(data.envs)) { for (let db of env.db) { delete db.tables delete db.functions delete db.procedures delete db.sequences delete db.views } } return data }, GtrProjectName(state) { return state.project && state.project.title }, GtrProjectId(state) { return state.project && state.project.id }, GtrProjectPrefix(state) { return state.project && state.project.prefix }, GtrClientType(state) { return state.project && state.project.bases && state.project.bases[0]&& state.project.bases[0].type }, GtrApiEnvironment(state) { const projJson = state.unserializedList && state.unserializedList[0] ? state.unserializedList[0].projectJson : null if (!projJson || !projJson.apiClient) { return {} } const serializedGlobEnv = getSerializedEnvObj(projJson.apiClient.data) return Object.entries(projJson.envs || {}) .reduce((obj, [name, env]) => { const serializedEnvObj = getSerializedEnvObj(env.apiClient.data) obj[name] = { ...serializedGlobEnv, ...serializedEnvObj } return obj }, {}) }, GtrDefaultApiEnvironment(state) { if (!state.defaultProject || !state.defaultProject.apiClient) { return {} } const serializedGlobEnv = getSerializedEnvObj(state.defaultProject.apiClient.data) if (!state.defaultProject || !state.defaultProject.envs) { return {} } return Object.entries(state.defaultProject.envs) .reduce((obj, [name, env]) => { const serializedEnvObj = getSerializedEnvObj(env.apiClient.data) obj[name] = { ...serializedGlobEnv, ...serializedEnvObj } return obj }, {}) }, GtrApiClientEnvironment(state) { const projJson = state.unserializedList && state.unserializedList[0] ? state.unserializedList[0].projectJson : null return projJson && projJson.envs ? Object.entries(projJson.envs) .reduce((obj, [name, env]) => ({ [name]: { ...projJson.api, ...env.api }, ...obj }), {}) : {} }, GtrProjectIsGraphql(state) { return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.projectType === 'graphql' }, GtrProjectIsMvc(state) { return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.type === 'mvc' }, GtrProjectIsDocker(state) { return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.type === 'docker' }, GtrProjectIsPackage(state) { return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.type === 'package' }, GtrProjectIsTs(state) { return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.language === 'ts' }, GtrProjectIsRest(state) { return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.projectType === 'rest' }, GtrProjectIsGrpc(state) { return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.projectType === 'grpc' }, GtrProjectType(state) { return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.projectType }, GtrProjectIsNoApis(state) { return (state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.projectType === 'migrations') || (state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.projectType === 'dbConnection') }, GtrProjectIsMigration(state) { return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.projectType === 'migrations' }, GtrProjectIsDbConnection(state) { return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.projectType === 'dbConnection' }, GtrIsFirstLoad(state) { return !state.appInfo || !state.appInfo.projectHasDb || state.appInfo.firstUser }, GtrIsDocker(state) { return state.appInfo && state.appInfo.type === 'docker' }, GtrIsMvc(state) { return state.appInfo && state.appInfo.type === 'mvc' }, GtrEnvList(state) { return state.unserializedList[0] && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson && state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.envs ? Object.keys(state.unserializedList[0].projectJson.envs) : [] }, GtrProjectCost(state) { return state.project.cost || 0 }, } // let sqlMgr; export const actions = { async clearProjects({ commit, state, rootGetters, dispatch }) { await commit('list', []) }, async loadProjects({ commit, state, rootGetters, dispatch, ...rest }, id = null) { // dispatch("sqlMgr/instantiateSqlMgr", null, {root: true}); // sqlMgr = rootGetters["sqlMgr/sqlMgr"]; // const data = await sqlMgr.projectOpen({id}); // unsearialized data await new Promise(resolve => { const int = setInterval(() => { if (window.rehydrated) { clearTimeout(tm) resolve() } }, 100) const tm = setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(int) resolve() }, 5000) }) try { let data, projectId if (this.$router.currentRoute && this.$router.currentRoute.params && this.$router.currentRoute.params.project_id) { commit('MutProjectId', projectId = this.$router.currentRoute.params.project_id) await dispatch('users/ActGetProjectUserDetails', this.$router.currentRoute.params.project_id, { root: true }) // data = await this.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [null, 'PROJECT_READ_BY_WEB']); // unsearialized data } else if (this.$router.currentRoute && this.$router.currentRoute.params && this.$router.currentRoute.params.shared_base_id) { const baseData = (await this.$api.public.sharedBaseGet(this.$router.currentRoute.params.shared_base_id))// await this.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [null, 'sharedBaseGet', {shared_base_id: this.$router.currentRoute.params.shared_base_id}]); // unsearialized data commit('MutProjectId', projectId = baseData.project_id) // data = await this.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [{project_id: baseData.project_id}, 'PROJECT_READ_BY_WEB']); // unsearialized data await dispatch('users/ActGetBaseUserDetails', this.$router.currentRoute.params.shared_base_id, { root: true }) } else { commit('MutProjectId', null) return } data = (await this.$api.project.read(projectId)) commit('project', data) commit('meta/MutClear', null, { root: true }) commit('tabs/MutClearTabState', null, { root: true }) if (this.$ncApis) { this.$ncApis.clear() this.$ncApis.setProjectId(projectId) } this.$api.project.cost(projectId).then(res => { if (res.cost) commit('MutProjectCost', res.cost) }) } catch (e) { console.log(e) this.$toast.error(e).goAway(3000) this.$router.push('/projects') } }, async _loadTables({ commit, state, dispatch, rootState }, data) { const { key, dbKey } = data const db = deepFind(state.unserializedList, dbKey) if (db) { const tables = (await this.$api.dbTable.list( state.projectId, { includeM2M: rootState.settings.includeM2M || '' })).list commit('tables', tables) deepSet(state.unserializedList, tables, `${key}`) commit('list', state.unserializedList) } else { console.error('DB Not found for tables load fn') } }, async loadTables({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { // type should tableDir and key should be for that table and dbkey const dbKey = data._nodes.dbKey || null const { key } = data._nodes await dispatch('_loadTables', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async loadTablesFromParentTreeNode({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { let dbKey = data._nodes.dbKey || '' let { key, newTable } = data._nodes dbKey = (newTable ? key : data._nodes.tableDirKey).replace('.tables', '') key = (newTable ? key : data._nodes.tableDirKey) data._nodes.type = 'tableDir' await dispatch('_loadTables', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async loadTablesFromChildTreeNode({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { const dbKey = data._nodes.dbKey const key = data._nodes.key data._nodes.type = 'tableDir' await dispatch('_loadTables', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async _loadViews({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { const { key, dbKey } = data const db = deepFind(state.unserializedList, dbKey) if (db) { const result = await this.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [{ env: data._nodes.env, dbAlias: data._nodes.dbAlias }, 'viewList']) if (!result.data.list.length) { this.$toast.info('No views in this schema').goAway(2000) } deepSet(state.unserializedList, result.data.list, `${key}`) commit('list', state.unserializedList) } else { console.error('DB Not found for tables load fn') } }, async loadViews({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { const dbKey = data._nodes.dbKey || null const { key } = data._nodes await dispatch('_loadViews', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async loadViewsFromParentTreeNode({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { let dbKey = data._nodes.dbKey || '' let { key, newView } = data._nodes dbKey = (newView ? key : data._nodes.viewDirKey).replace('.views', '') key = (newView ? key : data._nodes.viewDirKey) data._nodes.type = 'viewDir' await dispatch('_loadViews', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async loadViewsFromChildTreeNode({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { const dbKey = data._nodes.dbKey || null const { key } = data._nodes data._nodes.type = 'viewDir' await dispatch('_loadViews', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async _loadFunctions({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { const { key, dbKey } = data // console.log("project data from actions", state, data); const db = deepFind(state.unserializedList, dbKey) if (db) { const result = await this.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [{ env: data._nodes.env, dbAlias: data._nodes.dbAlias }, 'functionList']) if (!result.data.list.length) { this.$toast.info('No functions in this schema').goAway(2000) } deepSet(state.unserializedList, result.data.list, `${key}`) commit('list', state.unserializedList) } else { console.error('DB Not found for tables load fn') } }, async loadFunctions({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { const { key, dbKey } = data._nodes await dispatch('_loadFunctions', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async loadFunctionsFromParentTreeNode({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { let dbKey = data._nodes.dbKey || '' let { key, newFunction } = data._nodes dbKey = (newFunction ? key : data._nodes.functionDirKey).replace('.functions', '') key = (newFunction ? key : data._nodes.functionDirKey) data._nodes.type = 'functionDir' await dispatch('_loadFunctions', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async loadFunctionsFromChildTreeNode({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { const dbKey = data._nodes.dbKey || null const { key } = data._nodes data._nodes.type = 'functionDir' await dispatch('_loadFunctions', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async _loadProcedures({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { const { key, dbKey } = data // console.log("project data from actions", state, data); const db = deepFind(state.unserializedList, dbKey) if (db) { const result = await this.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [{ env: data._nodes.env, dbAlias: data._nodes.dbAlias }, 'procedureList']) if (!result.data.list.length) { this.$toast.info('No procedures in this schema').goAway(2000) } deepSet(state.unserializedList, result.data.list, `${key}`) commit('list', state.unserializedList) } else { console.error('DB Not found for tables load fn') } }, async loadProcedures({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { const { key, dbKey } = data._nodes await dispatch('_loadProcedures', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async _loadSequences({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { const { key, dbKey } = data const db = deepFind(state.unserializedList, dbKey) if (db) { let result = {} if (0) { result.data = {} result.data.list = [] } else { // result = await client.sequenceList(); const result = await this.sqlMgr.sqlOp({ env: data._nodes.env, dbAlias: data._nodes.dbAlias }, 'sequenceList') if (!result.data.list.length) { this.$toast.info('No sequences in this schema').goAway(2000) } } deepSet(state.unserializedList, result.data.list, `${key}`) commit('list', state.unserializedList) } else { console.error('DB Not found for tables load fn') } }, async loadSequences({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { const { key, dbKey } = data._nodes await dispatch('_loadSequences', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async loadProceduresFromParentTreeNode({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { let dbKey = data._nodes.dbKey || '' let { key, newProcedure } = data._nodes dbKey = (newProcedure ? key : data._nodes.procedureDirKey).replace('.procedures', '') key = newProcedure ? key : data._nodes.procedureDirKey data._nodes.type = 'procedureDir' await dispatch('_loadProcedures', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async loadSequencesFromParentTreeNode({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { let dbKey = data._nodes.dbKey || '' let { key, newSequence } = data._nodes dbKey = (newSequence ? key : data._nodes.sequenceDirKey).replace('.sequences', '') key = newSequence ? key : data._nodes.sequenceDirKey data._nodes.type = 'sequenceDir' await dispatch('_loadSequences', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async loadProceduresFromChildTreeNode({ commit, state, dispatch }, data) { const dbKey = data._nodes.dbKey || null const { key } = data._nodes data._nodes.type = 'procedureDir' await dispatch('_loadProcedures', { ...data, dbKey, key }) }, async ActLoadProjectInfo({ commit }) { const appInfo = (await this.$api.utils.appInfo()) commit('MutAppInfo', appInfo) } } /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd * * @author Naveen MR <oof1lab@gmail.com> * @author Pranav C Balan <pranavxc@gmail.com> * @author Wing-Kam Wong <wingkwong.code@gmail.com> * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */