import { test } from "@playwright/test"; import { DashboardPage } from "../pages/Dashboard"; import setup from "../setup"; test.describe("Relational Columns", () => { let dashboard: DashboardPage; let context: any; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { context = await setup({ page }); dashboard = new DashboardPage(page, context.project); }); test("Relational columns: HM, BT, MM", async () => { // close 'Team & Auth' tab await dashboard.closeTab({ title: "Team & Auth" }); ///////////// Has many // const cityList = [["Kabul"], ["Batna", "Bchar", "Skikda"]]; await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: "Country" }); for (let i = 0; i < cityList.length; i++) { await dashboard.grid.cell.verifyVirtualCell({ index: i, columnHeader: "City List", count: cityList[i].length, value: cityList[i], }); } // click on expand icon, open child list await dashboard.grid.cell.inCellExpand({ index: 0, columnHeader: "City List", }); await dashboard.childList.verify({ cardTitle: ["Kabul"], linkField: "City", }); // open link record modal // await dashboard.childList .get() .locator(`button:has-text("Link to 'City'")`) .click(); await dashboard.linkRecord.verify([ "A Corua (La Corua)", "Abha", "Abu Dhabi", "Acua", "Adana", "Addis Abeba", "Aden", "Adoni", "Ahmadnagar", "Akishima", ]); await dashboard.linkRecord.close(); await dashboard.closeTab({ title: "Country" }); ///////////// Belongs to // await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: "City" }); const countryList = [["Spain"], ["Saudi Arabia"]]; for (let i = 0; i < countryList.length; i++) { await dashboard.grid.cell.verifyVirtualCell({ index: i, columnHeader: "Country", count: countryList[i].length, value: countryList[i], }); } await dashboard.closeTab({ title: "City" }); ///////////// Many to many // await dashboard.treeView.openTable({ title: "Actor" }); const filmList = [ [ "ACADEMY DINOSAUR", "ANACONDA CONFESSIONS", "ANGELS LIFE", "BULWORTH COMMANDMENTS", "CHEAPER CLYDE", "COLOR PHILADELPHIA", "ELEPHANT TROJAN", "GLEAMING JAWBREAKER", "HUMAN GRAFFITI", "KING EVOLUTION", ], ]; for (let i = 0; i < filmList.length; i++) { await dashboard.grid.cell.verifyVirtualCell({ index: i, columnHeader: "Film List", // Count hardwired to avoid verifying all 19 entries count: 19, value: filmList[i], }); } // click on expand icon, open child list await dashboard.grid.cell.inCellExpand({ index: 0, columnHeader: "Film List", }); await dashboard.childList.verify({ cardTitle: filmList[0], linkField: "Film", }); // open link record modal // await dashboard.childList .get() .locator(`button:has-text("Link to 'Film'")`) .click(); await dashboard.linkRecord.verify([ "ACE GOLDFINGER", "ADAPTATION HOLES", "AFFAIR PREJUDICE", "AFRICAN EGG", "AGENT TRUMAN", "AIRPLANE SIERRA", "AIRPORT POLLOCK", "ALABAMA DEVIL", "ALADDIN CALENDAR", "ALAMO VIDEOTAPE", ]); await dashboard.linkRecord.close(); await dashboard.closeTab({ title: "Actor" }); }); });