import { usePreferredDark, usePreferredLanguages, useStorage } from '@vueuse/core' import { useJwt } from '@vueuse/integrations/useJwt' import type { JwtPayload } from 'jwt-decode' import { computed, toRefs, useNuxtApp, useTimestamp, watch } from '#imports' import type { Actions, Getters, GlobalState, State, User } from '~/lib/types' const storageKey = 'nocodb-gui-v2' /** * Global state is injected by {@link import('~/plugins/state') state} plugin into our nuxt app (available as `$state`). * Manual initialization is unnecessary and should be avoided. * * The state is stored in {@link WindowLocalStorage localStorage}, so it will be available even if the user closes the browser tab. * * @example * ```js * import { useNuxtApp } from '#app' * * const { $state } = useNuxtApp() * * const token = $state.token.value * const user = $state.user.value * ``` */ export const useGlobalState = (): GlobalState => { /** get the preferred languages of a user, according to browser settings */ const preferredLanguages = $(usePreferredLanguages()) /** get the preferred dark mode setting, according to browser settings */ const darkMode = $(usePreferredDark()) /** reactive timestamp to check token expiry against */ const timestamp = $(useTimestamp({ immediate: true, interval: 100 })) const { $api } = useNuxtApp() /** * Split language string and only use the first part, e.g. 'en-GB' -> 'en' * todo: use the full language string, e.g. 'en-GB-x-whatever' -> 'en-GB' and confirm if language exists against our list of languages (hint: vite plugin i18n provides a list) */ const preferredLanguage = preferredLanguages[0]?.split('_')[0] || 'en' /** State */ const initialState: State = { token: null, user: null, lang: preferredLanguage, darkMode } /** saves a reactive state, any change to these values will write/delete to localStorage */ const storage = $(useStorage(storageKey, initialState)) /** current token ref, used by `useJwt` to reactively parse our token payload */ let token = $computed({ get: () => storage.token || '', set: (val) => (storage.token = val), }) /** reactive token payload */ const { payload } = $(useJwt($$(token!))) /** Getters */ /** Verify that a user is signed in by checking if token exists and is not expired */ const signedIn: Getters['signedIn'] = computed( () => !!(!!token && token !== '' && payload && payload.exp && payload.exp > timestamp / 1000), ) /** Actions */ /** Sign out by deleting the token from localStorage */ const signOut: Actions['signOut'] = () => { storage.token = null storage.user = null } /** Sign in by setting the token in localStorage */ const signIn: Actions['signIn'] = async (newToken) => { token = newToken if (payload) { storage.user = { id:, email:, firstname: payload.firstname, lastname: payload.lastname, roles: payload.roles, } } } /** manually try to refresh token */ const refreshToken = async () => { $api.instance .post('/auth/refresh-token', null, { withCredentials: true, }) .then((response) => { if ( { signIn( } }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err) signOut() }) } /** try to refresh token before expiry (5 min before expiry) */ watch( () => !!(payload && payload.exp && payload.exp - 5 * 60 < timestamp / 1000), async (expiring) => { if (payload && expiring) { await refreshToken() } }, { immediate: true }, ) return { ...toRefs(storage), signedIn, signOut, signIn } }