import type { ColumnType, LinkToAnotherRecordType, TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk' import { UITypes, isLinksOrLTAR } from 'nocodb-sdk' import dagre from 'dagre' import type { Edge, EdgeMarker, Elements, Node } from '@vue-flow/core' import type { MaybeRef } from '@vueuse/core' import { MarkerType, Position, isEdge, isNode } from '@vue-flow/core' import { scaleLinear as d3ScaleLinear } from 'd3-scale' import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2' import { computed, ref, unref, useMetas, useTheme } from '#imports' export interface ERDConfig { showPkAndFk: boolean showViews: boolean showAllColumns: boolean singleTableMode: boolean showJunctionTableNames: boolean showMMTables: boolean isFullScreen: boolean } export interface NodeData { table: TableType pkAndFkColumns: ColumnType[] nonPkColumns: ColumnType[] showPkAndFk: boolean showAllColumns: boolean color: string columnLength: number } export interface EdgeData { isManyToMany: boolean isSelfRelation: boolean label?: string simpleLabel?: string color: string } interface Relation { source: string target: string childColId?: string parentColId?: string modelId?: string type: 'mm' | 'hm' } /** * This util is used to generate the ERD graph elements and layout them * * @param tables * @param props */ export function useErdElements(tables: MaybeRef<TableType[]>, props: MaybeRef<ERDConfig>) { const elements = ref<Elements<NodeData | EdgeData>>([]) const { theme } = useTheme() const colorScale = d3ScaleLinear<string>().domain([0, 2]).range([theme.value.primaryColor, theme.value.accentColor]) const dagreGraph = new dagre.graphlib.Graph() dagreGraph.setDefaultEdgeLabel(() => ({})) dagreGraph.setGraph({ rankdir: 'LR' }) const { metasWithIdAsKey } = useMetas() const erdTables = computed(() => unref(tables)) const config = computed(() => unref(props)) const nodeWidth = 300 const nodeHeight = computed(() => (config.value.showViews && config.value.showAllColumns ? 50 : 40)) const relations = computed(() => erdTables.value.reduce((acc, table) => { const meta = metasWithIdAsKey.value[!] const columns = meta.columns?.filter((column: ColumnType) => isLinksOrLTAR(column) && column.system !== 1) || [] for (const column of columns) { const colOptions = column.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType const source = column.fk_model_id const target = colOptions.fk_related_model_id const sourceExists = erdTables.value.find((t) => === source) const targetExists = erdTables.value.find((t) => === target) if (source && target && sourceExists && targetExists) { const relation: Relation = { source, target, childColId: colOptions.fk_child_column_id, parentColId: colOptions.fk_parent_column_id, modelId: colOptions.fk_mm_model_id, type: 'hm', } if (colOptions.type === 'hm') { relation.type = 'hm' acc.push(relation) continue } if (colOptions.type === 'mm') { // Avoid duplicate mm connections const correspondingColumn = acc.find( (relation) => relation.type === 'mm' && relation.parentColId === colOptions.fk_child_column_id && relation.childColId === colOptions.fk_parent_column_id, ) if (!correspondingColumn) { relation.type = 'mm' acc.push(relation) continue } } } } return acc }, [] as Relation[]), ) function edgeLabel({ type, source, target, modelId, childColId, parentColId }: Relation) { const typeLabel = type === 'mm' ? 'many to many' : 'has many' const parentCol = metasWithIdAsKey.value[source].columns?.find((col) => { const colOptions = col.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType if (!colOptions) return false return ( colOptions.fk_child_column_id === childColId && colOptions.fk_parent_column_id === parentColId && colOptions.fk_mm_model_id === modelId ) }) const childCol = metasWithIdAsKey.value[target].columns?.find((col) => { const colOptions = col.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType if (!colOptions) return false return colOptions.fk_parent_column_id === (type === 'mm' ? childColId : parentColId) }) if (!parentCol || !childCol) return '' if (type === 'mm') { if (config.value.showJunctionTableNames) { if (!modelId) return '' const mmModel = metasWithIdAsKey.value[modelId] if (!mmModel) return '' if (mmModel.title !== mmModel.table_name) { return [`${mmModel.title} (${mmModel.table_name})`] } return [mmModel.title] } } return [ // detailed edge label `[${metasWithIdAsKey.value[source].title}] ${parentCol.title} - ${typeLabel} - ${childCol.title} [${metasWithIdAsKey.value[target].title}]`, // simple edge label (for skeleton) `${metasWithIdAsKey.value[source].title} - ${typeLabel} - ${metasWithIdAsKey.value[target].title}`, ] } function createNodes() { return erdTables.value.reduce<Node<NodeData>[]>((acc, table) => { if (! return acc const columns = metasWithIdAsKey.value[].columns?.filter((col) => { if ([UITypes.CreatedBy, UITypes.LastModifiedBy].includes(col.uidt as UITypes) && col.system) return false return config.value.showAllColumns || (!config.value.showAllColumns && isLinksOrLTAR(col)) }) || [] const pkAndFkColumns = columns .filter(() => config.value.showPkAndFk) .filter((col) => || col.uidt === UITypes.ForeignKey) const nonPkColumns = columns.filter((col) => ! && col.uidt !== UITypes.ForeignKey) acc.push({ id:, data: { table: metasWithIdAsKey.value[], pkAndFkColumns, nonPkColumns, showPkAndFk: config.value.showPkAndFk, showAllColumns: config.value.showAllColumns, columnLength: columns.length, color: '', }, type: 'custom', position: { x: 0, y: 0 }, }) return acc }, []) } function createEdges() { return relations.value.reduce<Edge<EdgeData>[]>((acc, { source, target, childColId, parentColId, type, modelId }) => { let sourceColumnId, targetColumnId if (type === 'hm') { sourceColumnId = childColId targetColumnId = childColId } if (type === 'mm') { sourceColumnId = parentColId targetColumnId = childColId } const [label, simpleLabel] = edgeLabel({ source, target, type, childColId, parentColId, modelId, }) acc.push({ id: `e-${sourceColumnId}-${source}-${targetColumnId}-${target}-#${label}`, source: `${source}`, target: `${target}`, sourceHandle: `s-${sourceColumnId}-${source}`, targetHandle: `d-${targetColumnId}-${target}`, type: 'custom', markerEnd: { id: 'arrow-colored', type: MarkerType.ArrowClosed, }, data: { isManyToMany: type === 'mm', isSelfRelation: source === target && sourceColumnId === targetColumnId, label, simpleLabel, color: '', }, }) return acc }, []) } const boxShadow = (_skeleton: boolean, _color: string) => ({}) const layout = async (skeleton = false): Promise<void> => { return new Promise((resolve) => { elements.value = [...createNodes(), ...createEdges()] as Elements<NodeData | EdgeData> for (const el of elements.value) { if (isNode(el)) { const node = el as Node<NodeData> const colLength =!.columnLength const width = skeleton ? nodeWidth * 3 : nodeWidth const height = nodeHeight.value + (skeleton ? 250 : colLength > 0 ? nodeHeight.value * colLength : nodeHeight.value) dagreGraph.setNode(, { width, height, }) } else if (isEdge(el)) { dagreGraph.setEdge(el.source, } } dagre.layout(dagreGraph) for (const el of elements.value) { if (isNode(el)) { const color = colorScale(dagreGraph.predecessors(!.length) const nodeWithPosition = dagreGraph.node( el.targetPosition = Position.Left el.sourcePosition = Position.Right el.position = { x: nodeWithPosition.x, y: nodeWithPosition.y } el.class = ['rounded-lg border-1 border-gray-200 shadow-lg'].join(' ') = color = (n) => { if (n.selected) { return boxShadow(skeleton, color) } return boxShadow(skeleton, '#64748B') } } else if (isEdge(el)) { const node = elements.value.find((nodes) => === el.source) if (node) { const color =!.color = color ;(el.markerEnd as EdgeMarker).color = `#${tinycolor(color).toHex()}` } } } resolve() }) } return { elements, layout, } }