import fs from 'fs'; import process from 'process'; import { knex } from 'knex'; import SqlMgrv2 from '../../src/db/sql-mgr/v2/SqlMgrv2'; import type { Knex } from 'knex'; import type { DbConfig } from '../../src/interface/config'; import NcConfigFactory from '../../src/utils/NcConfigFactory' export default class TestDbMngr { public static readonly dbName = 'test_meta'; public static readonly sakilaDbName = 'test_sakila'; public static metaKnex: Knex; public static sakilaKnex: Knex; public static defaultConnection = { user: 'root', password: 'password', host: 'localhost', port: 3306, client: 'mysql2', }; public static pgConnection = { user: 'postgres', password: 'password', host: 'localhost', port: 5432, client: 'pg', }; public static connection: { user: string; password: string; host: string; port: number; client: string; } = TestDbMngr.defaultConnection; public static dbConfig: DbConfig; static populateConnectionConfig() { const { user, password, host, port, client } = TestDbMngr.defaultConnection; TestDbMngr.connection = { user: process.env['DB_USER'] || user, password: process.env['DB_PASSWORD'] || password, host: process.env['DB_HOST'] || host, port: Number(process.env['DB_PORT']) || port, client: process.env['DB_CLIENT'] || client, }; console.log(TestDbMngr.connection); } static async testConnection(config: DbConfig) { try { console.log('Testing connection', TestDbMngr.connection); return await SqlMgrv2.testConnection(config); } catch (e) { console.log(e); return { code: -1, message: 'Connection invalid' }; } } static async init() { TestDbMngr.populateConnectionConfig(); // common for both pg and mysql if (await TestDbMngr.isDbConfigured()) { await TestDbMngr.connectDb(); } else { console.log('Mysql is not configured. Switching to sqlite'); await TestDbMngr.switchToSqlite(); } } private static async isDbConfigured() { const { user, password, host, port, client } = TestDbMngr.connection; const config = NcConfigFactory.urlToDbConfig( `${client}://${user}:${password}@${host}:${port}`, ); config.connection = { user, password, host, port, }; const result = await TestDbMngr.testConnection(config); return result.code !== -1; } static async connectDb() { const { user, password, host, port, client } = TestDbMngr.connection; if (!process.env[`DATABASE_URL`]) { process.env[ `DATABASE_URL` ] = `${client}://${user}:${password}@${host}:${port}/${TestDbMngr.dbName}`; } TestDbMngr.dbConfig = NcConfigFactory.urlToDbConfig( NcConfigFactory.extractXcUrlFromJdbc(process.env[`DATABASE_URL`]), ); this.dbConfig.meta = { tn: 'nc_evolutions', dbAlias: 'db', api: { type: 'rest', prefix: '', graphqlDepthLimit: 10, }, inflection: { tn: 'camelize', cn: 'camelize', }, }; await TestDbMngr.setupMeta(); await TestDbMngr.setupSakila(); } static async setupMeta() { if (TestDbMngr.metaKnex) { await TestDbMngr.metaKnex.destroy(); } if (TestDbMngr.isSqlite()) { await TestDbMngr.resetMetaSqlite(); TestDbMngr.metaKnex = knex(TestDbMngr.getMetaDbConfig()); return; } TestDbMngr.metaKnex = knex(TestDbMngr.getDbConfigWithNoDb()); await TestDbMngr.resetDatabase(TestDbMngr.metaKnex, TestDbMngr.dbName); await TestDbMngr.metaKnex.destroy(); TestDbMngr.metaKnex = knex(TestDbMngr.getMetaDbConfig()); await TestDbMngr.useDatabase(TestDbMngr.metaKnex, TestDbMngr.dbName); } static async setupSakila() { if (TestDbMngr.sakilaKnex) { await TestDbMngr.sakilaKnex.destroy(); } if (TestDbMngr.isSqlite()) { await TestDbMngr.seedSakila(); TestDbMngr.sakilaKnex = knex(TestDbMngr.getSakilaDbConfig()); return; } TestDbMngr.sakilaKnex = knex(TestDbMngr.getDbConfigWithNoDb()); await TestDbMngr.resetDatabase( TestDbMngr.sakilaKnex, TestDbMngr.sakilaDbName, ); await TestDbMngr.sakilaKnex.destroy(); TestDbMngr.sakilaKnex = knex(TestDbMngr.getSakilaDbConfig()); await TestDbMngr.useDatabase( TestDbMngr.sakilaKnex, TestDbMngr.sakilaDbName, ); } static async switchToSqlite() { // process.env[`DATABASE_URL`] = `sqlite3:///?database=${__dirname}/${TestDbMngr.dbName}.sqlite`; TestDbMngr.dbConfig = { client: 'sqlite3', connection: { filename: `${__dirname}/${TestDbMngr.dbName}.db`, database: TestDbMngr.dbName, }, useNullAsDefault: true, meta: { tn: 'nc_evolutions', dbAlias: 'db', api: { type: 'rest', prefix: '', graphqlDepthLimit: 10, }, inflection: { tn: 'camelize', cn: 'camelize', }, }, }; process.env[ `NC_DB` ] = `sqlite3:///?database=${__dirname}/${TestDbMngr.dbName}.db`; await TestDbMngr.setupMeta(); await TestDbMngr.setupSakila(); } private static async resetDatabase(knexClient, dbName) { if (TestDbMngr.isSqlite()) { // return knexClient.raw(`DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence`); } else { try { await knexClient.raw(`DROP DATABASE ${dbName}`); } catch (e) {} await knexClient.raw(`CREATE DATABASE ${dbName}`); console.log(`Database ${dbName} created`); if (!TestDbMngr.isPg()) { await knexClient.raw(`USE ${dbName}`); } } } static isSqlite() { return TestDbMngr.dbConfig.client === 'sqlite3'; } static isPg() { return TestDbMngr.dbConfig.client === 'pg'; } private static async useDatabase(knexClient, dbName) { if (!TestDbMngr.isSqlite() && !TestDbMngr.isPg()) { await knexClient.raw(`USE ${dbName}`); } } static getDbConfigWithNoDb() { const dbConfig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(TestDbMngr.dbConfig)); delete dbConfig.connection.database; return dbConfig; } static getMetaDbConfig() { return TestDbMngr.dbConfig; } private static resetMetaSqlite() { if (fs.existsSync(`${__dirname}/test_meta.db`)) { fs.unlinkSync(`${__dirname}/test_meta.db`); } } static getSakilaDbConfig() { const sakilaDbConfig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(TestDbMngr.dbConfig)); sakilaDbConfig.connection.database = TestDbMngr.sakilaDbName; sakilaDbConfig.connection.multipleStatements = true; if (TestDbMngr.isSqlite()) { sakilaDbConfig.connection.filename = `${__dirname}/test_sakila.db`; } return sakilaDbConfig; } static async seedSakila() { const testsDir = __dirname.replace('tests/unit', 'tests'); if (TestDbMngr.isSqlite()) { if (fs.existsSync(`${__dirname}/test_sakila.db`)) { fs.unlinkSync(`${__dirname}/test_sakila.db`); } fs.copyFileSync( `${testsDir}/sqlite-sakila-db/sakila.db`, `${__dirname}/test_sakila.db`, ); } else if (TestDbMngr.isPg()) { const schemaFile = fs .readFileSync(`${testsDir}/pg-sakila-db/01-postgres-sakila-schema.sql`) .toString(); const dataFile = fs .readFileSync( `${testsDir}/pg-sakila-db/02-postgres-sakila-insert-data.sql`, ) .toString(); await TestDbMngr.sakilaKnex.raw(schemaFile); await TestDbMngr.sakilaKnex.raw(dataFile); } else { const schemaFile = fs .readFileSync(`${testsDir}/mysql-sakila-db/03-test-sakila-schema.sql`) .toString(); const dataFile = fs .readFileSync(`${testsDir}/mysql-sakila-db/04-test-sakila-data.sql`) .toString(); await TestDbMngr.sakilaKnex.raw(schemaFile); await TestDbMngr.sakilaKnex.raw(dataFile); } } static async disableForeignKeyChecks(knexClient) { if (TestDbMngr.isSqlite()) { await knexClient.raw('PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF'); } else if (TestDbMngr.isPg()) { await knexClient.raw(`SET session_replication_role = 'replica'`); } else { await knexClient.raw(`SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0`); } } static async enableForeignKeyChecks(knexClient) { if (TestDbMngr.isSqlite()) { await knexClient.raw(`PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;`); } else if (TestDbMngr.isPg()) { await knexClient.raw(`SET session_replication_role = 'origin'`); } else { await knexClient.raw(`SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1`); } } static async showAllTables(knexClient) { if (TestDbMngr.isSqlite()) { const tables = await knexClient.raw( `SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'`, ); return tables .filter((t) => !== 'sqlite_sequence' && !== '_evolutions') .map((t) =>; } else if (TestDbMngr.isPg()) { const tables = await knexClient.raw( `SELECT tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND schemaname != 'information_schema';`, ); return => t.tablename); } else { const response = await knexClient.raw(`SHOW TABLES`); return response[0].map((table) => Object.values(table)[0]); } } }