  "general": {
    "home": "首頁",
    "load": "載入",
    "open": "開啟",
    "close": "關閉",
    "yes": "是",
    "no": "否",
    "ok": "OK",
    "and": "和",
    "or": "或",
    "add": "新增",
    "edit": "編輯",
    "remove": "移除",
    "save": "儲存",
    "cancel": "取消",
    "submit": "提交",
    "create": "建立",
    "duplicate": "Duplicate",
    "insert": "插入",
    "delete": "刪除",
    "update": "更新",
    "rename": "重新命名",
    "reload": "重新載入",
    "reset": "重設",
    "install": "安裝",
    "show": "顯示",
    "hide": "隱藏",
    "showAll": "顯示所有",
    "hideAll": "全部隱藏",
    "showMore": "顯示更多",
    "showOptions": "顯示選項",
    "hideOptions": "隱藏選項",
    "showMenu": "顯示選單",
    "hideMenu": "隱藏選單",
    "addAll": "全部新增",
    "removeAll": "全部移除",
    "signUp": "註冊",
    "signIn": "登入",
    "signOut": "登出",
    "required": "必填",
    "preferred": "首選",
    "mandatory": "強制的",
    "loading": "載入中...",
    "title": "標題",
    "upload": "上傳",
    "download": "下載",
    "default": "預設",
    "more": "更多",
    "less": "較少",
    "event": "事件",
    "condition": "條件",
    "after": "後",
    "before": "前",
    "search": "搜尋",
    "notification": "通知",
    "reference": "參考",
    "function": "功能",
    "confirm": "Confirm",
    "generate": "Generate",
    "copy": "Copy",
    "misc": "Miscellaneous",
    "lock": "Lock",
    "unlock": "Unlock",
    "credentials": "Credentials",
    "help": "Help",
    "questions": "Questions",
    "reachOut": "Reach out here",
    "betaNote": "This feature is currently in beta.",
    "moreInfo": "More information can be found here",
    "logs": "Logs",
    "groupingField": "Grouping Field"
  "objects": {
    "project": "項目",
    "projects": "項目",
    "table": "表格",
    "tables": "表格",
    "field": "欄位",
    "fields": "欄位",
    "column": "列",
    "columns": "列",
    "page": "頁",
    "pages": "頁",
    "record": "記錄",
    "records": "記錄",
    "webhook": "Webhook",
    "webhooks": "Webhook",
    "view": "檢視表",
    "views": "檢視表",
    "viewType": {
      "grid": "網格",
      "gallery": "圖庫",
      "form": "表單",
      "kanban": "看板",
      "calendar": "日曆"
    "user": "使用者",
    "users": "使用者",
    "role": "角色",
    "roles": "角色",
    "roleType": {
      "owner": "所有者",
      "creator": "創造者",
      "editor": "編輯",
      "commenter": "評論者",
      "viewer": "檢視者"
    "sqlVIew": "SQL View"
  "datatype": {
    "ID": "ID",
    "ForeignKey": "外鑰匙",
    "SingleLineText": "單行文本",
    "LongText": "長篇文章",
    "Attachment": "附件",
    "Checkbox": "核取方塊",
    "MultiSelect": "多選",
    "SingleSelect": "單選",
    "Collaborator": "合作者",
    "Date": "日期",
    "Year": "年",
    "Time": "時間",
    "PhoneNumber": "電話號碼",
    "Email": "電子郵件",
    "URL": "網址",
    "Number": "數字",
    "Decimal": "十進制",
    "Currency": "貨幣",
    "Percent": "百分",
    "Duration": "期間",
    "Rating": "評分",
    "Formula": "公式",
    "Rollup": "捲起",
    "Count": "數數",
    "Lookup": "抬頭",
    "DateTime": "日期時間",
    "CreateTime": "創建時間",
    "LastModifiedTime": "最後修改時間",
    "AutoNumber": "自動編號",
    "Barcode": "條碼",
    "Button": "按鈕",
    "Password": "密碼",
    "relationProperties": {
      "noAction": "沒有任何行動",
      "cascade": "級聯",
      "restrict": "嚴格",
      "setNull": "設置 null",
      "setDefault": "默認設置"
  "filterOperation": {
    "isEqual": "完全一致",
    "isNotEqual": "完全不一致",
    "isLike": "部分一致",
    "isNot like": "部分不一致",
    "isEmpty": "是空的",
    "isNotEmpty": "不是空的",
    "isNull": "一片空白",
    "isNotNull": "不是空虛"
  "title": {
    "erdView": "ERD View",
    "newProj": "建立新專案",
    "myProject": "我的專案",
    "formTitle": "表格標題",
    "collabView": "合作視圖",
    "lockedView": "鎖定視圖",
    "personalView": "個人觀",
    "appStore": "應用程式商店",
    "teamAndAuth": "團隊和認證",
    "rolesUserMgmt": "角色和使用者管理",
    "userMgmt": "使用者管理",
    "apiTokenMgmt": "API 權杖管理",
    "rolesMgmt": "角色管理",
    "projMeta": "專案中繼資料",
    "metaMgmt": "中繼資料管理",
    "metadata": "中繼資料",
    "exportImportMeta": "匯出/匯入中繼資料",
    "uiACL": "UI 存取控制",
    "metaOperations": "中繼資料操作",
    "audit": "稽核",
    "auditLogs": "稽核記錄",
    "sqlMigrations": "SQL 遷移",
    "dbCredentials": "資料庫憑證",
    "advancedParameters": "SSL 及進階參數",
    "headCreateProject": "建立新專案|NocoDB",
    "headLogin": "登入|NocoDB",
    "resetPassword": "重設密碼",
    "teamAndSettings": "團隊 & 設定",
    "apiDocs": "API 說明文件",
    "importFromAirtable": "Import From Airtable",
    "generateToken": "Generate Token",
    "APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support",
    "helpCenter": "Help center",
    "swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation",
    "quickImportFrom": "Quick Import From",
    "quickImport": "Quick Import",
    "advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
    "codeSnippet": "Code Snippet"
  "labels": {
    "notifyVia": "透過...通知",
    "projName": "項目名",
    "tableName": "表名稱",
    "viewName": "查看名稱",
    "viewLink": "查看鏈接",
    "columnName": "列名稱",
    "columnType": "列類型",
    "roleName": "角色名稱",
    "roleDescription": "角色描述",
    "databaseType": "鍵入數據庫",
    "lengthValue": "長度/值",
    "dbType": "資料庫類型",
    "sqliteFile": "SQLite 檔案",
    "hostAddress": "主機位址",
    "port": "連線埠號碼",
    "username": "使用者名稱",
    "password": "密碼",
    "schemaName": "Schema name",
    "database": "數據庫",
    "action": "行動",
    "actions": "行動",
    "operation": "操作",
    "operationType": "操作類型",
    "operationSubType": "操作子類型",
    "description": "描述",
    "authentication": "驗證",
    "token": "權杖",
    "where": "在哪裡",
    "cache": "緩存",
    "chat": "聊天",
    "email": "電子郵件",
    "storage": "貯存",
    "uiAcl": "UI-ACL",
    "models": "楷模",
    "syncState": "同步狀態",
    "created": "已建立",
    "sqlOutput": "SQL 輸出",
    "addOption": "新增選項",
    "aggregateFunction": "匯總功能",
    "dbCreateIfNotExists": "資料庫:不存在則建立",
    "clientKey": "用戶端金鑰",
    "clientCert": "用戶端憑證",
    "serverCA": "伺服器 CA",
    "requriedCa": "必填 - CA",
    "requriedIdentity": "必填 - IDENTITY",
    "inflection": {
      "tableName": "屈折 - 表格名稱",
      "columnName": "屈折 - 欄位名稱"
    "community": {
      "starUs1": "在 Github 上",
      "starUs2": "幫我們按讚",
      "bookDemo": "預訂免費 Demo",
      "getAnswered": "解惑您的問題",
      "joinDiscord": "加入 Discord",
      "joinCommunity": "加入 NocoDB 社群",
      "joinReddit": "加入 /r/NocoDB",
      "followNocodb": "追蹤 NocoDB"
    "docReference": "文件參考文獻",
    "selectUserRole": "選擇使用者角色",
    "childTable": "子表格",
    "childColumn": "子欄",
    "onUpdate": "更新",
    "onDelete": "在刪除",
    "account": "Account",
    "language": "Language",
    "primaryColor": "Primary Color",
    "accentColor": "Accent Color",
    "customTheme": "Custom Theme",
    "requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?",
    "apiKey": "API Key",
    "sharedBase": "Shared Base",
    "importData": "Import Data",
    "importSecondaryViews": "Import Secondary Views",
    "importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns",
    "importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns",
    "importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns",
    "importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns",
    "noData": "No Data",
    "goToDashboard": "Go to Dashboard",
    "importing": "Importing",
    "flattenNested": "Flatten Nested",
    "downloadAllowed": "Download allowed",
    "weAreHiring": "We are Hiring!",
    "primaryKey": "Primary key",
    "hasMany": "has many",
    "belongsTo": "belongs to",
    "manyToMany": "have many to many relation",
    "extraConnectionParameters": "Extra connection parameters",
    "commentsOnly": "Comments only",
    "documentation": "Documentation",
    "subscribeNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter",
    "signUpWithGoogle": "Sign up with Google",
    "signInWithGoogle": "Sign in with Google",
    "agreeToTos": "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service",
    "welcomeToNc": "Welcome to NocoDB!"
  "activity": {
    "createProject": "建立專案",
    "importProject": "匯入專案",
    "searchProject": "搜尋專案",
    "editProject": "編輯專案",
    "stopProject": "停止專案",
    "startProject": "啟動專案",
    "restartProject": "重啟專案",
    "deleteProject": "刪除專案",
    "refreshProject": "重新整理專案",
    "saveProject": "儲存專案",
    "deleteKanbanStack": "Delete stack?",
    "createProjectExtended": {
      "extDB": "連線至外部資料庫來建立",
      "excel": "從 Excel 建立專案",
      "template": "從模板建立專案"
    "OkSaveProject": "確認並儲存專案",
    "upgrade": {
      "available": "升級可用",
      "releaseNote": "發行說明",
      "howTo": "如何升級?"
    "translate": "幫助翻譯",
    "account": {
      "authToken": "複製驗證權杖",
      "swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs",
      "projInfo": "複製專案資訊",
      "themes": "主題"
    "sort": "種類",
    "addSort": "添加排序選項",
    "filter": "篩選",
    "addFilter": "添加過濾器",
    "share": "分享",
    "shareBase": {
      "disable": "禁用共享基礎",
      "enable": "任何有連結的人",
      "link": "共享基本鏈接"
    "invite": "邀請",
    "inviteMore": "邀請更多",
    "inviteTeam": "邀請團隊",
    "inviteToken": "邀請權杖",
    "newUser": "新使用者",
    "editUser": "編輯使用者",
    "deleteUser": "從專案中刪除使用者",
    "resendInvite": "重新發送邀請電子郵件",
    "copyInviteURL": "複製邀請連結",
    "newRole": "新角色",
    "reloadRoles": "重新載入角色",
    "nextPage": "下一頁",
    "prevPage": "上一頁",
    "nextRecord": "下一步記錄",
    "previousRecord": "之前的紀錄",
    "copyApiURL": "複製 API 網址",
    "createTable": "表創造",
    "refreshTable": "表刷新",
    "renameTable": "表重命名",
    "deleteTable": "表刪除",
    "addField": "將新字段添加到此表",
    "setPrimary": "設置為主要值",
    "addRow": "新增行",
    "saveRow": "儲存行",
    "insertRow": "插入新行",
    "deleteRow": "刪除行",
    "deleteSelectedRow": "刪除所選行",
    "importExcel": "匯入 Excel",
    "importCSV": "匯入 CSV",
    "downloadCSV": "下載為 CSV",
    "downloadExcel": "下載為 XLSX",
    "uploadCSV": "上傳 CSV",
    "import": "匯入",
    "importMetadata": "匯入中繼資料",
    "exportMetadata": "匯出中繼資料",
    "clearMetadata": "清除中繼資料",
    "exportToFile": "匯出為檔案",
    "changePwd": "更改密碼",
    "createView": "建立檢視表",
    "shareView": "分享檢視表",
    "listSharedView": "共享視圖列表",
    "ListView": "檢視表清單",
    "copyView": "複製檢視表",
    "renameView": "重新命名檢視表",
    "deleteView": "刪除檢視表",
    "createGrid": "創建網格視圖",
    "createGallery": "創建畫廊視圖",
    "createCalendar": "創建日曆視圖",
    "createKanban": "創建尋呼視圖",
    "createForm": "創建表單視圖",
    "showSystemFields": "顯示系統字段",
    "copyUrl": "複製網址",
    "openTab": "開啟新分頁",
    "iFrame": "複製嵌入式 HTML 程式碼",
    "addWebhook": "新增 webhook",
    "newToken": "新增權杖",
    "exportZip": "匯出 ZIP",
    "importZip": "匯入 ZIP",
    "metaSync": "立即同步",
    "settings": "設定",
    "previewAs": "預覽方式",
    "resetReview": "重設預覽",
    "testDbConn": "測試資料庫連線",
    "removeDbFromEnv": "從環境移除資料庫",
    "editConnJson": "編輯連線 JSON",
    "sponsorUs": "贊助我們",
    "sendEmail": "傳送電子郵件",
    "addUserToProject": "Add user to project",
    "getApiSnippet": "Get API Snippet",
    "clearCell": "Clear cell",
    "addFilterGroup": "Add Filter Group",
    "linkRecord": "Link record",
    "addNewRecord": "Add new record",
    "useConnectionUrl": "Use Connection URL",
    "toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle comments draw",
    "expandRecord": "Expand Record",
    "deleteRecord": "Delete Record",
    "erd": {
      "showColumns": "Show Columns",
      "showPkAndFk": "Show Primary and Foreign Keys",
      "showSqlViews": "Show SQL Views",
      "showMMTables": "Show Many to Many tables",
      "showJunctionTableNames": "Show Junction Table Names"
    "kanban": {
      "collapseStack": "Collapse Stack",
      "deleteStack": "Delete Stack",
      "stackedBy": "Stacked By",
      "chooseGroupingField": "Choose a Grouping Field",
      "addOrEditStack": "Add / Edit Stack"
  "tooltip": {
    "saveChanges": "儲存更動",
    "xcDB": "建立新專案",
    "extDB": "支援 MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQL Server 和 SQLite",
    "apiRest": "可透過 REST API 存取",
    "apiGQL": "可透過 GraphQL API 存取",
    "theme": {
      "dark": "它確實有黑色(^⇧b)",
      "light": "它是黑色嗎?(^⇧b)"
    "addTable": "添加新表",
    "inviteMore": "邀請更多用戶",
    "toggleNavDraw": "切換導航抽屜",
    "reloadApiToken": "重新載入 API 權杖",
    "generateNewApiToken": "產生新 API 權杖",
    "addRole": "添加新角色",
    "reloadList": "重新加載列表",
    "metaSync": "同步中繼資料",
    "sqlMigration": "重新加載遷移",
    "updateRestart": "更新並重新啟動",
    "cancelReturn": "取消並返回",
    "exportMetadata": "將所有中繼資料從中繼資料表匯出至中繼目錄。",
    "importMetadata": "將所有中繼資料從中繼目錄匯入至中繼資料表。",
    "clearMetadata": "清除中繼資料表中的所有中繼資料。",
    "clientKey": "選擇 .key 檔案",
    "clientCert": "選擇 .cert 檔案",
    "clientCA": "選擇 CA 檔案"
  "placeholder": {
    "projName": "輸入專案名稱",
    "password": {
      "enter": "輸入密碼",
      "current": "當前密碼",
      "new": "新密碼",
      "save": "儲存密碼",
      "confirm": "確認新密碼"
    "searchProjectTree": "搜索表",
    "searchFields": "搜索字段",
    "searchColumn": "搜索{search}列",
    "searchApps": "搜索應用程序",
    "searchModels": "搜索模型",
    "noItemsFound": "未找到任何項目",
    "defaultValue": "預設值",
    "filterByEmail": "通過電子郵件過濾",
    "filterQuery": "Filter query",
    "selectField": "Select field"
  "msg": {
    "info": {
      "footerInfo": "每頁行駛",
      "upload": "選擇檔案以上傳",
      "upload_sub": "或拖放檔案",
      "excelSupport": "支持:.xls,.xlsx,.xlsm,.ods,.ots",
      "excelURL": "輸入 Excel 檔案 URL",
      "csvURL": "輸入 CSV 檔案 URL",
      "footMsg": "要解析為推斷數據類型的行數",
      "excelImport": "板材可用於進口",
      "exportMetadata": "您想從中繼表格中匯出中繼資料嗎?",
      "importMetadata": "您想從中繼表格中匯入中繼資料嗎?",
      "clearMetadata": "你想清除中繼表格中的中繼資料嗎?",
      "projectEmptyMessage": "從建立新專案開始",
      "stopProject": "你想停止這個專案嗎?",
      "startProject": "你想啟動這個專案嗎?",
      "restartProject": "你想重新啟動專案嗎?",
      "deleteProject": "你想刪除這個專案嗎?",
      "shareBasePrivate": "產生公開可享的 Readonly Base",
      "shareBasePublic": "網路上的任何人都可以查看",
      "userInviteNoSMTP": "看起來你還沒有配置郵件!請複制上面的邀請鏈接並將其發送給",
      "dragDropHide": "在此處拖放字段以隱藏",
      "formInput": "輸入表單輸入標籤",
      "formHelpText": "添加一些幫助文本",
      "onlyCreator": "僅建立者可見",
      "formDesc": "添加表單描述",
      "beforeEnablePwd": "使用密碼限制存取權限",
      "afterEnablePwd": "存取受密碼限制",
      "privateLink": "此檢視表通過私人連結共享",
      "privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "具有私有連結的人只能看到此檢視表中可見的儲存格",
      "afterFormSubmitted": "表格提交後",
      "apiOptions": "存取專案方式",
      "submitAnotherForm": "顯示“提交另一個表格”按鈕",
      "showBlankForm": "5 秒後顯示空白表格",
      "emailForm": "發電子郵件給我",
      "showSysFields": "顯示系統字段",
      "filterAutoApply": "自動申請",
      "showMessage": "顯示此消息",
      "viewNotShared": "當前視圖不共享!",
      "showAllViews": "顯示此表的所有共享視圖",
      "collabView": "具有編輯權限或更高的合作者可以更改視圖配置。",
      "lockedView": "沒有人可以編輯視圖配置,直到它被解鎖。",
      "personalView": "只有您可以編輯視圖配置。默認情況下,其他合作者的個人視圖隱藏。",
      "ownerDesc": "可以添加/刪除創建者。和完整編輯數據庫結構和字段。",
      "creatorDesc": "可以完全編輯數據庫結構和值。",
      "editorDesc": "可以編輯記錄但無法更改數據庫/字段的結構。",
      "commenterDesc": "可以查看和評論記錄,但無法編輯任何內容",
      "viewerDesc": "可以查看記錄但無法編輯任何內容",
      "addUser": "新增使用者",
      "staticRoleInfo": "無法編輯系統定義的角色",
      "exportZip": "將專案中繼資料匯出為 ZIP 檔案並下載。",
      "importZip": "匯入專案中繼資料 ZIP 檔案並重新啟動。",
      "importText": "透過上傳中繼資料 ZIP 檔案來匯入 NocoDB 專案",
      "metaNoChange": "沒有確定更改",
      "sqlMigration": "將自動創建架構遷移。創建一個表並刷新此頁面。",
      "dbConnectionStatus": "環境驗證",
      "dbConnected": "連線成功",
      "notifications": {
        "no_new": "沒有新通知",
        "clear": "清除"
      "sponsor": {
        "header": "你可以幫助我們!",
        "message": "我們是一支小型團隊,全職工作,使Nocodb開放來源。我們相信一個像Nocodb這樣的工具應該在互聯網上的每個問題求解器上自由提供。"
      "loginMsg": "登入 NocoDB",
      "passwordRecovery": {
        "message_1": "請填入您註冊時使用的電子信箱地址。",
        "message_2": "我們將傳給您一封電子郵件,其中包含重設密碼的連結。",
        "success": "請確認您的電子郵件以重設密碼"
      "signUp": {
        "superAdmin": "您將是「超級管理員」",
        "alreadyHaveAccount": "已經有帳號了?",
        "workEmail": "輸入您的工作電子信箱地址",
        "enterPassword": "輸入您的密碼",
        "forgotPassword": "忘記密碼?",
        "dontHaveAccount": "沒有帳號?"
      "addView": {
        "grid": "加入網格檢視表",
        "gallery": "加入圖庫檢視表",
        "form": "加入表單檢視表",
        "kanban": "加入看板檢視表",
        "calendar": "加入日曆檢視表"
      "tablesMetadataInSync": "表元數據同步",
      "addMultipleUsers": "您可以添加多個逗號(,)分隔的電子郵件",
      "enterTableName": "輸入表名",
      "addDefaultColumns": "添加默認列",
      "tableNameInDb": "數據庫中保存的表名",
      "airtable": {
        "credentials": "Where to find this?"
      "import": {
        "clickOrDrag": "Click or drag file to this area to upload"
      "metaDataRecreated": "Table metadata recreated successfully",
      "invalidCredentials": "Invalid credentials",
      "downloadingMoreFiles": "Downloading more files",
      "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
      "requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Required field can't be moved",
      "updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary key",
      "autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Auto increment field is not editable",
      "editingPKnotSupported": "Editing primary key not supported",
      "deletedCache": "Deleted cache successfully",
      "cacheEmpty": "Cache is empty",
      "exportedCache": "Exported Cache Successfully",
      "valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list",
      "noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update",
      "tableDeleted": "Deleted table successfully",
      "generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base",
      "deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
      "deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table",
      "showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables",
      "deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack."
    "error": {
      "searchProject": "您的搜尋 {search} 找不到結果",
      "invalidChar": "資料夾路徑有無效字元。",
      "invalidDbCredentials": "資料庫憑證無效。",
      "unableToConnectToDb": "無法連線至資料庫。請檢查您的資料庫是否已經上線。",
      "userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "使用者不存在,或者是無權建立結構。",
      "dbConnectionStatus": "資料庫參數無效",
      "dbConnectionFailed": "連線失敗:",
      "signUpRules": {
        "emailReqd": "電子信箱地址為必填",
        "emailInvalid": "電子信箱地址格式錯誤",
        "passwdRequired": "密碼為必填",
        "passwdLength": "您的密碼應至少有 8 個字元",
        "passwdMismatch": "密碼不匹配",
        "completeRuleSet": "At least 8 characters with one Uppercase, one number and one special character",
        "atLeast8Char": "At least 8 characters",
        "atLeastOneUppercase": "One Uppercase letter",
        "atLeastOneNumber": "One Number",
        "atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character",
        "allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list"
      "invalidURL": "Invalid URL",
      "internalError": "Some internal error occurred",
      "templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!",
      "fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file",
      "primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Failed to update primary column",
      "formDescriptionTooLong": "Data too long for Form Description",
      "columnsRequired": "Following columns are required",
      "selectAtleastOneColumn": "At least one column has to be selected",
      "columnDescriptionNotFound": "Cannot find the destination column for",
      "duplicateMappingFound": "Duplicate mapping found, please remove one of the mapping",
      "nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null value violates not-null constraint",
      "sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "Source data contains some invalid numbers",
      "sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "Source data contains some invalid boolean values",
      "invalidForm": "Invalid Form",
      "formValidationFailed": "Form validation failed",
      "youHaveBeenSignedOut": "You have been signed out",
      "failedToLoadList": "Failed to load list",
      "failedToLoadChildrenList": "Failed to load children list",
      "deleteFailed": "Delete failed",
      "unlinkFailed": "Unlink failed",
      "rowUpdateFailed": "Row update failed",
      "deleteRowFailed": "Failed to delete row",
      "setFormDataFailed": "Failed to set form data",
      "formViewUpdateFailed": "Failed to update form view",
      "tableNameRequired": "Table name is required",
      "nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _",
      "followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed",
      "columnNameRequired": "Column name is required",
      "projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Project name exceeds 50 characters",
      "projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Project name cannot start with space",
      "requiredField": "Required field",
      "ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed",
      "targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type",
      "theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "The accepted file type is .csv",
      "theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots",
      "parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty",
      "duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed",
      "fieldRequired": "{value} cannot be empty."
    "toast": {
      "exportMetadata": "專案中繼資料已成功匯出",
      "importMetadata": "專案中繼資料已成功匯入",
      "clearMetadata": "專案中繼資料已成功清除",
      "stopProject": "專案成功停止",
      "startProject": "專案成功啟動",
      "restartProject": "專案成功重新啟動",
      "deleteProject": "專案已成功刪除",
      "authToken": "驗證權杖已複製到剪貼簿",
      "projInfo": "已將專案資訊複製到剪貼簿",
      "inviteUrlCopy": "已將邀請連結複製到剪貼簿",
      "createView": "成功建立檢視表",
      "formEmailSMTP": "請啟用 App Store 中的 SMTP 外掛程式以啟用電子郵件通知",
      "collabView": "成功轉換為協作視圖",
      "lockedView": "成功轉換為鎖定視圖",
      "futureRelease": "即將推出!"
    "success": {
      "updatedUIACL": "Updated UI ACL for tables successfully",
      "pluginUninstalled": "Plugin uninstalled successfully",
      "pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin settings saved successfully",
      "pluginTested": "Successfully tested plugin settings",
      "tableRenamed": "Table renamed successfully",
      "viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully",
      "primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column",
      "tableDataExported": "Successfully exported all table data",
      "updated": "Successfully updated",
      "sharedViewDeleted": "Deleted shared view successfully",
      "viewRenamed": "View renamed successfully",
      "tokenGenerated": "Token generated successfully",
      "tokenDeleted": "Token deleted successfully",
      "userAddedToProject": "Successfully added user to project",
      "userDeletedFromProject": "Successfully deleted user from project",
      "inviteEmailSent": "Invite Email sent successfully",
      "inviteURLCopied": "Invite URL copied to clipboard",
      "shareableURLCopied": "Copied shareable base URL to clipboard!",
      "embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Copied embeddable HTML code!",
      "userDetailsUpdated": "Successfully updated the user details",
      "tableDataImported": "Successfully imported table data",
      "webhookUpdated": "Webhook details updated successfully",
      "webhookDeleted": "Hook deleted successfully",
      "webhookTested": "Webhook tested successfully",
      "columnUpdated": "Column updated",
      "columnCreated": "Column created",
      "passwordChanged": "Password changed successfully. Please login again."