<script lang="ts" setup> import { onKeyDown } from '@vueuse/core' import { useAttachmentCell } from './utils' import { computed, isImage, onClickOutside, ref } from '#imports' const { selectedImage, visibleItems, downloadFile } = useAttachmentCell()! const carouselRef = ref() const imageItems = computed(() => visibleItems.value.filter((item) => isImage(item.title, item.mimetype))) /** navigate to previous image on button click */ onKeyDown( (e) => ['Left', 'ArrowLeft', 'A'].includes(e.key), () => { if (carouselRef.value) carouselRef.value.prev() }, ) /** navigate to next image on button click */ onKeyDown( (e) => ['Right', 'ArrowRight', 'D'].includes(e.key), () => { if (carouselRef.value) carouselRef.value.next() }, ) /** set our selected image when slide changes */ function onSlideChange(index: number) { selectedImage.value = imageItems.value[index] } /** set our carousel ref and move to initial slide */ const setCarouselRef = (el: Element) => { carouselRef.value = el carouselRef.value?.goTo( imageItems.value.findIndex((item) => item === selectedImage.value), true, ) } /** close overlay view when clicking outside of image */ onClickOutside(carouselRef, () => { selectedImage.value = false }) </script> <template> <general-overlay v-model="selectedImage"> <template v-if="selectedImage"> <div class="overflow-hidden p-12 text-center relative"> <div class="text-white group absolute top-5 right-5"> <MdiCloseCircle class="group-hover:text-red-500 cursor-pointer text-4xl" @click.stop="selectedImage = false" /> </div> <div class="select-none group hover:ring active:ring-accent cursor-pointer leading-8 inline-block px-3 py-1 bg-gray-300 text-white mb-4 text-center rounded shadow" @click.stop="downloadFile(selectedImage)" > <h3 class="group-hover:text-primary">{{ selectedImage && selectedImage.title }}</h3> </div> <a-carousel v-if="!!selectedImage" :ref="setCarouselRef" dots-class="slick-dots slick-thumb" :after-change="onSlideChange" arrows > <template #prevArrow> <div class="custom-slick-arrow left-2 z-1"> <MaterialSymbolsArrowCircleLeftRounded class="bg-white rounded-full" /> </div> </template> <template #nextArrow> <div class="custom-slick-arrow !right-2 z-1"> <MaterialSymbolsArrowCircleRightRounded class="bg-white rounded-full" /> </div> </template> <template #customPaging="props"> <a> <nuxt-img class="!block" :alt="imageItems[props.i].title || `#${props.i}`" :src="imageItems[props.i].url || imageItems[props.i].data" /> </a> </template> <div v-for="item of imageItems" :key="item.url"> <div :style="{ backgroundImage: `url('${item.url || item.data}')` }" class="min-w-70vw min-h-70vh w-full h-full bg-contain bg-center bg-no-repeat" /> </div> </a-carousel> </div> </template> </general-overlay> </template> <style scoped> .ant-carousel :deep(.slick-dots) { @apply relative mt-4; } .ant-carousel :deep(.slick-slide) { @apply w-full; } .ant-carousel :deep(.slick-slide img) { @apply border-1 m-auto; } .ant-carousel :deep(.slick-thumb) { @apply bottom-2; } .ant-carousel :deep(.slick-thumb li) { @apply w-[60px] h-[45px]; } .ant-carousel :deep(.slick-thumb li img) { @apply w-full h-full block; filter: grayscale(100%); } .ant-carousel :deep .slick-thumb li.slick-active img { filter: grayscale(0%); } .ant-carousel :deep(.slick-arrow.custom-slick-arrow) { @apply text-4xl text-white hover:text-primary active:text-accent opacity-100 cursor-pointer z-1; } .ant-carousel :deep(.custom-slick-arrow:before) { display: none; } .ant-carousel :deep(.custom-slick-arrow:hover) { opacity: 0.5; } </style>