import colors from 'windicss/colors' export const theme = { light: ['#ffdce5', '#fee2d5', '#ffeab6', '#d1f7c4', '#ede2fe', '#eee', '#cfdffe', '#d0f1fd', '#c2f5e8', '#ffdaf6'], dark: [ '#f82b6099', '#ff6f2c99', '#fcb40099', '#20c93399', '#8b46ff99', '#666', '#2d7ff999', '#18bfff99', '#20d9d299', '#ff08c299', ], } export const enumColor = { light: ['#cfdffe', '#d0f1fd', '#c2f5e8', '#ffdaf6', '#ffdce5', '#fee2d5', '#ffeab6', '#d1f7c4', '#ede2fe', '#eeeeee'], dark: [ '#2d7ff999', '#18bfff99', '#20d9d299', '#ff08c299', '#f82b6099', '#ff6f2c99', '#fcb40099', '#20c93399', '#8b46ff99', '#666', ], } export const themeColors = { 'background': '#FFFFFF', 'surface': '#FFFFFF', 'primary': '#4351e8', 'primary-selected': '#EBF0FF', 'primary-selected-sidebar': '#EBF0FF', 'hover': '#E1E3E6', 'scrollbar': '#d7d7d7', 'scrollbar-hover': '#cbcbcb', 'border': '#F3F4F6', 'secondary': '#F2F4F7', 'secondary-darken-1': '#018786', 'error': '#B00020', 'info': '#2196F3', 'success': '#4CAF50', 'warning': '#FB8C00', } export const themeV2Colors = { /** Primary shades */ 'royal-blue': { 'DEFAULT': '#4351E8', '50': '#E7E8FC', '100': '#D4D8FA', '200': '#B0B6F5', '300': '#8C94F1', '400': '#6773EC', '500': '#4351E8', '600': '#1A2BD8', '700': '#1421A6', '800': '#0E1774', '900': '#080D42', }, /** Accent shades */ 'pink':, } const isValidHex = (hex: string) => /^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3,4}){1,2}$/.test(hex) const getChunksFromString = (st: string, chunkSize: number) => st.match(new RegExp(`.{${chunkSize}}`, 'g')) const convertHexUnitTo256 = (hexStr: string) => parseInt(hexStr.repeat(2 / hexStr.length), 16) export const hexToRGB = (hex: string) => { if (!isValidHex(hex)) { throw new Error('Invalid HEX') } const chunkSize = Math.floor((hex.length - 1) / 3) const hexArr = getChunksFromString(hex.slice(1), chunkSize)! const [r, g, b] = return `${r}, ${g}, ${b}` } export const baseThemeColors = [ themeV2Colors['royal-blue'].DEFAULT, '#2D7FF9', '#18BFFF', '#0C4E65', '#EC2CBD', '#F82B60', '#F57134', '#1BAF2C', '#8B46FF', '#1B51A2', '#146C8E', '#24716E', '#8A2170', '#941737', '#B94915', '#0E4C15', '#381475', '#333333', ] const designSystem = { light: [ // '#EBF0FF', // '#D6E0FF', // '#ADC2FF', // '#85A3FF', // '#5C85FF', '#3366FF', '#2952CC', '#1F3D99', '#142966', '#0A1433', // '#FCFCFC', // '#F9F9FA', // '#F4F4F5', // '#E7E7E9', // '#D5D5D9', // '#9AA2AF', // '#6A7184', '#4A5268', '#374151', '#1F293A', '#101015', // '#FFF2F1', // '#FFDBD9', // '#FFB7B2', // '#FF928C', // '#FF6E65', // '#FF4A3F', '#E8463C', '#CB3F36', '#B23830', '#7D2721', // '#FFEEFB', // '#FED8F4', // '#FEB0E8', // '#FD89DD', // '#FD61D1', '#FC3AC6', '#CA2E9E', '#972377', '#65174F', '#320C28', // '#FFF5EF', // '#FEE6D6', // '#FDCDAD', // '#FCB483', // '#FB9B5A', '#FA8231', '#E1752C', '#C86827', '#964E1D', '#4B270F', // '#F3ECFA', // '#E5D4F5', // '#CBA8EB', // '#B17DE1', // '#9751D7', '#7D26CD', '#641EA4', '#4B177B', '#320F52', '#190829', // '#EDF9FF', // '#D7F2FF', // '#AFE5FF', // '#86D9FF', // '#5ECCFF', '#36BFFF', '#2B99CC', '#207399', '#164C66', '#0B2633', // '#fffbf2', // '#fff0d1', // '#fee5b0', // '#fdd889', // '#fdcb61', // '#fcbe3a', '#ca982e', '#977223', '#654c17', '#32260c', ], dark: [], } // convert string into a unique color export const stringToColor = (input: string, colorArray = designSystem.light) => { // Calculate a numeric hash value from the input string let hash = 0 for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { hash = input.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash) } // Ensure the hash value is within the array length const index = Math.abs(hash) % colorArray.length // Return the selected color return colorArray[index] } // Function to convert hex color to RGB function hexToRGBObject(hexColor: string) { // Remove '#' if present in the hexColor hexColor = hexColor.replace(/^#/, '') // Split the hexColor into red, green, and blue components const r = parseInt(hexColor.substring(0, 2), 16) const g = parseInt(hexColor.substring(2, 4), 16) const b = parseInt(hexColor.substring(4, 6), 16) return { r, g, b } } export function isColorDark(hexColor: string) { const rgbColor = hexToRGBObject(hexColor) const luminance = 0.299 * rgbColor.r + 0.587 * rgbColor.g + 0.114 * rgbColor.b // Choose a luminance threshold (e.g., 0.5) to determine darkness/lightness return luminance < 128 } export function getEnumColorByIndex(i: number, mode: 'light' | 'dark' = 'light') { return enumColor[mode][i % enumColor[mode].length] }