import { loginPage, projectsPage } from "../../support/page_objects/navigation"; import { mainPage, settingsPage } from "../../support/page_objects/mainPage"; import { isPostgres, isXcdb, roles, staticProjects, } from "../../support/page_objects/projectConstants"; import { isTestSuiteActive } from "../../support/page_objects/projectConstants"; import { _advSettings, _editSchema, _editData, _editComment, _viewMenu, _topRightMenu, disableTableAccess, _accessControl, } from "../spec/roleValidation.spec"; export const genTest = (apiType, dbType) => { if (!isTestSuiteActive(apiType, dbType)) return; describe("Static user creations (different roles)", () => { before(() => { cy.fileHook(); mainPage.tabReset(); settingsPage.openMenu(settingsPage.TEAM_N_AUTH) }); beforeEach(() => { cy.fileHook(); }); const addUser = (user) => { it(`RoleType: ${}`, () => { // for first project, users need to be added explicitly using "New User" button // for subsequent projects, they will be required to just add to this project // using ROW count to identify if its former or latter scenario // 5 users (owner, creator, editor, viewer, commenter) = 5 cy.get(`.nc-user-row`).then((obj) => { cy.log(obj.length); if (obj.length == 5) { mainPage.addExistingUserToProject( user.credentials.username, ); } else { mainPage.addNewUserToProject( user.credentials, ); } }); }); }; addUser(roles.creator); addUser(roles.editor); addUser(roles.commenter); addUser(roles.viewer); // Access contrl list- configuration // it(`Access control list- configuration`, () => { mainPage.closeMetaTab(); // open Project metadata tab // settingsPage.openMenu(settingsPage.PROJ_METADATA); settingsPage.openTab(settingsPage.UI_ACCESS_CONTROL); // validate if it has 19 entries representing tables & views if (isPostgres()) cy.get(".nc-acl-table-row").should("have.length", 24); else if (isXcdb()) cy.get(".nc-acl-table-row").should("have.length", 19); else cy.get(".nc-acl-table-row").should("have.length", 19); // disable table & view access // disableTableAccess("Language", "editor"); disableTableAccess("Language", "commenter"); disableTableAccess("Language", "viewer"); disableTableAccess("CustomerList", "editor"); disableTableAccess("CustomerList", "commenter"); disableTableAccess("CustomerList", "viewer"); cy.get("").click({ force: true }); cy.toastWait("Updated UI ACL for tables successfully"); mainPage.closeMetaTab(); }); }); const roleValidation = (roleType) => { describe(`User role validation`, () => { before(() => { cy.fileHook(); }) beforeEach(() => { cy.fileHook(); }); if (roleType != "owner") { it(`[${roles[roleType].name}] SignIn, Open project`, () => { cy.log(mainPage.roleURL[roleType]); cy.visit(mainPage.roleURL[roleType], { baseUrl: null, }); cy.wait(5000); // Redirected to new URL, feed details // cy.get('input[type="text"]') .should("exist") .type(roles[roleType].credentials.username); cy.get('input[type="password"]').type( roles[roleType].credentials.password ); cy.get('button:contains("SIGN")').click(); // cy.url({ timeout: 6000 }).should("contain", "#/project"); cy.get('nc-project-page-title').contains("My Projects").should("be.visible"); if (dbType === "xcdb") { if ("rest" == apiType) projectsPage.openProject( ); else projectsPage.openProject( ); } else if (dbType === "mysql") { if ("rest" == apiType) projectsPage.openProject( ); else projectsPage.openProject( ); } else if (dbType === "postgres") { if ("rest" == apiType) projectsPage.openProject( ); else projectsPage.openProject( ); } if (roleType != "creator") { cy.closeTableTab("Actor"); } }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test suite it(`[${roles[roleType].name}] Left navigation menu, New User add`, () => { // project configuration settings // _advSettings(roleType, "userRole"); }); it(`[${roles[roleType].name}] Access control`, () => { // Access control validation // _accessControl(roleType, "userRole"); }); it(`[${roles[roleType].name}] Schema: create table, add/modify/delete column`, () => { // Schema related validations // - Add/delete table // - Add/Update/delete column // _editSchema(roleType, "userRole"); }); it(`[${roles[roleType].name}] Data: add/modify/delete row, update cell contents`, () => { // Table data related validations // - Add/delete/modify row // _editData(roleType, "userRole"); }); it(`[${roles[roleType].name}] Comments: view/add`, () => { // read &/ update comment // Viewer: only allowed to read // Everyone else: read &/ update // _editComment(roleType, "userRole"); }); it(`[${roles[roleType].name}] Right navigation menu, share view`, () => { // right navigation menu bar // Editor/Viewer/Commenter : can only view 'existing' views // Rest: can create/edit _viewMenu(roleType, "userRole"); }); it(`[${roles[roleType].name}] Top Right Menu bar`, () => { // Share button is conditional // Rest are static/ mandatory // _topRightMenu(roleType, "userRole"); }); it(`[${roles[roleType].name}] Download files`, () => { // viewer & commenter doesn't contain hideField option in ncv2 // #ID, City, LastUpdate, City => Address, Country <= City, + mainPage.hideField("LastUpdate"); const verifyCsv = (retrievedRecords) => { // expected output, statically configured let storedRecords = [ `City,Address List,Country`, `A Corua (La Corua),939 Probolinggo Loop,Spain`, `Abha,733 Mandaluyong Place,Saudi Arabia`, `Abu Dhabi,535 Ahmadnagar Manor,United Arab Emirates`, `Acua,1789 Saint-Denis Parkway,Mexico`, ]; // skip if xcdb if (!isXcdb()) { for (let i = 0; i < storedRecords.length; i++) { // cy.log(retrievedRecords[i]) expect(retrievedRecords[i]) storedRecords[i] ); } } }; // download & verify mainPage.downloadAndVerifyCsv( `City_exported_1.csv`, verifyCsv ); mainPage.unhideField("LastUpdate"); }); }); }; // skip owner validation as rest of the cases pretty much cover the same // roleValidation('owner') roleValidation("creator"); roleValidation("editor"); roleValidation("commenter"); roleValidation("viewer"); }; /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd * * @author Pranav C Balan * @author Raju Udava * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */