version: "2.1" services: # db55: # image: mysql:5.5 # restart: always # environment: # MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password # ports: # - 3355:3306 # volumes: # - ./mysql-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # db56: # image: mysql:5.6 # restart: always # environment: # MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password # ports: # - 3356:3306 # volumes: # - ./mysql-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d db57: image: mysql:5.7 restart: always environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password ports: - 3357:3306 volumes: - ./tests/mysql-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d healthcheck: test: "/etc/init.d/mysql status" interval: 1s retries: 240 # db80: # image: mysql:8.0 # restart: always # environment: # MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password # ports: # - 3380:3306 # volumes: # - ./mysql-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # maria102: # image: mariadb:10.2 # restart: always # environment: # MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password # ports: # - 3412:3306 # volumes: # - ./mysql-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # maria103: # image: mariadb:10.3 # restart: always # environment: # MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password # ports: # - 3413:3306 # volumes: # - ./mysql-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # maria104: # image: mariadb:10.4 # restart: always # environment: # MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password # ports: # - 3414:3306 # volumes: # - ./mysql-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # healthcheck: # test: '/usr/bin/mysql --user=root --password=password --database=sakila --execute "SELECT count(*) FROM payment;"' # interval: 10s # timeout: 3s # retries: 10 # ERROR 1832 (HY000) at line 23: Cannot change column 'manager_staff_id': used in a foreign key constraint 'fk_store_staff' # pg9.4: # image: postgres:9.4 # restart: always # environment: # POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password # ports: # - 5494:5432 # volumes: # - ./pg-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # pg9.5: # image: postgres:9.5 # restart: always # environment: # POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password # ports: # - 5495:5432 # volumes: # - ./pg-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d pg96: image: postgres:9.6 restart: always environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password ports: - 5496:5432 volumes: - ./tests/pg-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d healthcheck: test: [ "CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U postgres" ] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 5 # pg10: # image: postgres:10 # restart: always # environment: # POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password # ports: # - 5410:5432 # volumes: # - ./pg-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # pg11: # image: postgres:11 # restart: always # environment: # POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password # ports: # - 5411:5432 # volumes: # - ./pg-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # INFO: not working sqlite # sqlite3: # image: nouchka/sqlite3:latest # restart: always # command: sqlite3 /root/db/01-sqlite-sakila-schema.sql # # environment: # # MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password # stdin_open: true # tty: true # # ports: # # - 3414:3306 # volumes: # - ./sqlite-sakila-db:/root/db/ # # - ./sqlite-sakila-db:/root/db/ mssql: image: # restart: always environment: ACCEPT_EULA: Y SA_PASSWORD: Password123. ports: - 1433:1433 volumes: - ./tests/sql-server-sakila-db:/scripts/ command: - /bin/bash - -c - | echo "Starting to import - - - - - - - -" # Launch MSSQL and send to background /opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr & # Wait 30 seconds for it to be available # (lame, I know, but there's no nc available to start prodding network ports) sleep 30 /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -U sa -P $$SA_PASSWORD -l 30 -i /scripts/01-sql-server-sakila-schema.sql /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -U sa -P $$SA_PASSWORD -l 30 -i /scripts/02-sql-server-sakila-insert-data.sql # So that the container doesn't shut down, sleep this thread echo "DONE inserting - - - - - - - -" python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 sleep infinity # healthcheck: # test: curl -sS http://localhost || exit 1 # interval: 15s # retries: 200 # oracle18: # image: quillbuilduser/oracle-18-xe # restart: always # environment: # - IMPORT_FROM_VOLUME=true # ports: # - 1521:1521 # - 8080:8080 # volumes: # - ./oracle-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # oracle12c: # image: andersjanmyr/oracle-12c-extended # restart: always # environment: # - IMPORT_FROM_VOLUME=true # ports: # - 1521:1521 # - 8080:8080 # volumes: # - ./oracle-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # oracle11g: # image: oracleinanutshell/oracle-xe-11g # restart: always # environment: # - ORACLE_DISABLE_ASYNCH_IO=true # - ORACLE_ALLOW_REMOTE=true # ports: # - 1521:1521 # volumes: # - ./oracle-sakila-db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d # knexPG: # image: node # depends_on: # - pg10 # volumes: # - ./:/home/app # environment: # DOCKER_DB_HOST: pg10 # DOCKER_DB_PORT: 5432 # DOCKERIZE_VERSION: v0.6.1 # command: # - /bin/bash # - -c # - | # echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" # chmod +x /home/app/ && /home/app/ && cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm test # knexOracle11g: # image: node # depends_on: # - oracle11g # volumes: # - ./:/home/app # - ./instantclient_18_5:/opt/oracle/instantclient_18_5 # environment: # DOCKER_DB_HOST: oracle11g # DOCKER_DB_PORT: 1521 # DOCKERIZE_VERSION: v0.6.1 # command: # - /bin/bash # - -c # - | # echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" # apt update -y # apt install libaio1 libaio-dev -y # echo /opt/oracle/instantclient_18_5 > /etc/ # ldconfig # mkdir -p /opt/oracle/instantclient_18_5/network/admin # chmod +x /home/app/ && /home/app/ && cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm test # knexOracle12c: # image: node # depends_on: # - oracle12c # volumes: # - ./:/home/app # - ./instantclient_18_5:/opt/oracle/instantclient_18_5 # environment: # DOCKER_DB_HOST: oracle12c # DOCKER_DB_PORT: 1521 # DOCKERIZE_VERSION: v0.6.1 # command: # - /bin/bash # - -c # - | # echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" # apt update -y # apt install libaio1 libaio-dev -y # echo /opt/oracle/instantclient_18_5 > /etc/ # ldconfig # mkdir -p /opt/oracle/instantclient_18_5/network/admin # chmod +x /home/app/ && /home/app/ && cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm test # knexOracle18: # image: node # depends_on: # - oracle18 # volumes: # - ./:/home/app # - ./instantclient_18_5:/opt/oracle/instantclient_18_5 # environment: # DOCKER_DB_HOST: oracle18 # DOCKER_DB_PORT: 1521 # DOCKERIZE_VERSION: v0.6.1 # command: # - /bin/bash # - -c # - | # echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" # apt update -y # apt install libaio1 libaio-dev -y # echo /opt/oracle/instantclient_18_5 > /etc/ # ldconfig # mkdir -p /opt/oracle/instantclient_18_5/network/admin # chmod +x /home/app/ && /home/app/ && cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm test # knexMSSQL: # image: node # depends_on: # - mssql # volumes: # - ./:/home/app # environment: # DOCKER_DB_HOST: mssql # DOCKER_DB_PORT: 1433 # DOCKERIZE_VERSION: v0.6.1 # command: # - /bin/bash # - -c # - | # echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" # chmod +x /home/app/ && /home/app/ && cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm test # knexMySQL: # image: node # depends_on: # - db57 # volumes: # - ./:/home/app # environment: # DOCKER_DB_HOST: db57 # DOCKER_DB_PORT: 3306 # DOCKERIZE_VERSION: v0.6.1 # command: # - /bin/bash # - -c # - | # echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" # chmod +x /home/app/ && /home/app/ && cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm test xc-test-mysql: image: node:12.22.1-slim depends_on: db57: condition: service_healthy volumes: - ./:/home/app environment: NODE_ENV: test DATABASE_URL: mysql://root:password@db57:3306/sakila command: - /bin/bash - -c - | echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm run test:rest xc-test-pg: image: node:12.22.1-slim depends_on: pg96: condition: service_healthy volumes: - ./:/home/app environment: NODE_ENV: test DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres:password@pg96:5432/postgres command: - /bin/bash - -c - | echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm run test:rest xc-test-mssql: image: node:12.22.1-slim depends_on: - mssql volumes: - ./:/home/app environment: NODE_ENV: test DATABASE_URL: mssql://sa:Password123.@mssql:1433/sakila DOCKER_DB_HOST: mssql DOCKERIZE_VERSION: v0.6.1 command: - /bin/bash - -c - | echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"# chmod +x /home/app/tests/ && /home/app/tests/ && cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm run test:rest xc-test-sqlite: image: node:12.22.1-slim volumes: - ./:/home/app environment: NODE_ENV: test DATABASE_URL: sqlite:////home/sakila.db command: - /bin/bash - -c - | cp /home/app/tests/sqlite-dump/sakila.db /home/sakila.db echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"# cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm run test:rest xc-test-gql-mysql: image: node:12.22.1-slim depends_on: db57: condition: service_healthy volumes: - ./:/home/app environment: NODE_ENV: test DATABASE_URL: mysql://root:password@db57:3306/sakila command: - /bin/bash - -c - | echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm run test:graphql xc-test-gql-pg: image: node:12.22.1-slim depends_on: pg96: condition: service_healthy volumes: - ./:/home/app environment: NODE_ENV: test DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres:password@pg96:5432/postgres command: - /bin/bash - -c - | echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm run test:graphql xc-test-gql-mssql: image: node:12.22.1-slim depends_on: - mssql volumes: - ./:/home/app environment: NODE_ENV: test DATABASE_URL: mssql://sa:Password123.@mssql:1433/sakila DOCKER_DB_HOST: mssql DOCKERIZE_VERSION: v0.6.1 command: - /bin/bash - -c - | echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"# chmod +x /home/app/tests/ && /home/app/tests/ && cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm run test:graphql xc-test-gql-sqlite: image: node:12.22.1-slim volumes: - ./:/home/app environment: NODE_ENV: test DATABASE_URL: sqlite:////home/sakila.db command: - /bin/bash - -c - | cp /home/app/tests/sqlite-dump/sakila.db /home/sakila.db echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"# cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm run test:graphql xc-cypress-test: image: node:12.22.1-slim ports: - 8080:8080 volumes: - ./:/home/app command: - /bin/bash - -c - | echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" cd /home/app/ && npm i && npm run run