import { getActivePinia } from 'pinia' import type { Actions, AppInfo, State } from './types' import type { NcProjectType } from '#imports' import { message, navigateTo, useNuxtApp } from '#imports' export function useGlobalActions(state: State): Actions { const setIsMobileMode = (isMobileMode: boolean) => { state.isMobileMode.value = isMobileMode } /** Sign out by deleting the token from localStorage */ const signOut: Actions['signOut'] = async (_skipRedirect = false) => { try { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() await nuxtApp.$api.auth.signout() } catch { } finally { state.token.value = null state.user.value = null // clear all stores data on logout const pn = getActivePinia() if (pn) { pn._s.forEach((store) => { store.$dispose() delete pn.state.value[store.$id] }) } } } /** Sign in by setting the token in localStorage * keepProps - is for keeping any existing role info if user id is same as previous user * */ const signIn: Actions['signIn'] = async (newToken, keepProps = false) => { state.token.value = newToken if (state.jwtPayload.value) { state.user.value = { ...(keepProps && state.user.value?.id === ? state.user.value || {} : {}), id:, email:, firstname: state.jwtPayload.value.firstname, lastname: state.jwtPayload.value.lastname, roles: state.jwtPayload.value.roles, display_name: state.jwtPayload.value.display_name, } } } /** manually try to refresh token */ const refreshToken = async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const t = return new Promise((resolve) => { nuxtApp.$api.instance .post('/auth/token/refresh', null, { withCredentials: true, }) .then((response) => { if ( { signIn(, true) } }) .catch(async () => { if (state.token.value && state.user.value) { await signOut() message.error(t('msg.error.youHaveBeenSignedOut')) } }) .finally(() => resolve(true)) }) } const loadAppInfo = async () => { try { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() state.appInfo.value = (await nuxtApp.$api.utils.appInfo()) as AppInfo } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } const navigateToProject = ({ workspaceId: _workspaceId, type: _type, baseId, query, }: { workspaceId?: string baseId?: string type?: NcProjectType query?: any }) => { const workspaceId = _workspaceId || 'nc' let path: string const queryParams = query ? `?${new URLSearchParams(query).toString()}` : '' if (baseId) { path = `/${workspaceId}/${baseId}${queryParams}` } else { path = `/${workspaceId}${queryParams}` } navigateTo({ path, }) } const ncNavigateTo = ({ workspaceId: _workspaceId, type: _type, baseId, query, tableId, viewId, }: { workspaceId?: string baseId?: string type?: NcProjectType query?: any tableId?: string viewId?: string }) => { const tablePath = tableId ? `/${tableId}${viewId ? `/${viewId}` : ''}` : '' const workspaceId = _workspaceId || 'nc' let path: string const queryParams = query ? `?${new URLSearchParams(query).toString()}` : '' if (baseId) { path = `/${workspaceId}/${baseId}${tablePath}${queryParams}` } else { path = `/${workspaceId}${queryParams}` } navigateTo({ path, }) } const getBaseUrl = (workspaceId: string) => { if (state.appInfo.value.baseHostName && location.hostname !== `${workspaceId}.${state.appInfo.value.baseHostName}`) { return `https://${workspaceId}.${state.appInfo.value.baseHostName}` } return undefined } const getMainUrl = () => { return undefined } return { signIn, signOut, refreshToken, loadAppInfo, setIsMobileMode, navigateToProject, getBaseUrl, ncNavigateTo, getMainUrl } }