import { expect, Page } from '@playwright/test'; import BasePage from '../Base'; export class LoginPage extends BasePage { constructor(rootPage: Page) { super(rootPage); } prefixEmail(email: string) { const parallelId = process.env.TEST_PARALLEL_INDEX ?? '0'; return `nc_test_${parallelId}_${email}`; } async goto() { return this.rootPage.goto('/#/signin'); } get() { return this.rootPage.locator('html'); } async fillEmail({ email, withoutPrefix }: { email: string; withoutPrefix?: boolean }) { if (!withoutPrefix) email = this.prefixEmail(email); await this.get().locator(`[data-testid="nc-form-signin__email"]`).waitFor(); await this.get().locator(`[data-testid="nc-form-signin__email"]`).fill(email); } async fillPassword(password: string) { await this.get().locator(`[data-testid="nc-form-signin__password"]`).fill(password); } async submit() { await this.get().locator(`[data-testid="nc-form-signin__submit"]`).click(); // todo: Login api can take some time to respond if server is under load await expect(this.rootPage).toHaveURL('http://localhost:3000/#/', { timeout: 15000, }); } async signIn({ email, password, withoutPrefix }: { email: string; password: string; withoutPrefix?: boolean }) { await this.goto(); // todo: Login page is sometimes not loaded. Probably because of lazy loading await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(1500); await this.fillEmail({ email, withoutPrefix }); await this.fillPassword(password); await this.submit(); } }